Author Topic: Europe Speaking Tour  (Read 55871 times)

Offline vikinglady

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2005, 10:13:56 am »
I will be posting photos from the tour on our website.

(Thanks, Barnaby, for contributing with the photos from UK!)

We had a very successful lecture here yesterday, the hall was packed with people. Things are going great so far...:)


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2005, 08:15:57 am »
I just spoke last night to the great people at 4th World, a really good activist group over here. One of them, Anna Klint, interviewed me a few days ago and it will be in their next issue. I'll be posting their web address in our NAFPS REcommends thread. They are doing a lot of good work with repatriation issues with Swedish museums. Anyone with any interest please contact them.

Day before that I spoke at the Nahuatl Club, a group of Native culture enthusiasts in the small town of Dalarna who had hosted Rainbow Eagle/Roland Williston four years in a row, paying for seminars in how to build their own "peace shields". It was like Glastonbury again. They listened and agreed with me the most of any audience so far in Sweden, thanking me after and telling me they didn't realize but now that they do, they're glad to know the truth.

Also had some wonderful talks with local Sammi people, whose history is a lot like Natives, facing an assimilation program, language and land loss, and a sterilization program. A Sammi elder, Magda, told a wonderful funny story about a young Sammi woman who went to a sweatlodge run by Harley Reagan's people. Fearing the worst, Magda prayed as hard as she ever had...and the power went out and the people at the sweat were freezing cold and shivering!

We're also looking into having the Swedish authorities investigate if the Deer Tribe are using paid prostitutes like they do in the US. If so, they have very hard laws here against the sellers/pimps, meaning the Deer Tribe leaders.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2005, 05:59:39 pm »
Just finished speaking at the "Sioux Indian Club" one of the worser Nuage groups in Sweden. Their "chief" was taught by Williston, Talbot, and Sun Bear. It was one of the funniest sights to waqtch him get steamed ocver what I was saying. And the crowd was laughing in agreement when I poked fun at "Rainbow Eagle". They were great, so many thanking me for finally giving them some truth and how they suspicious themselves that some things were wrong with Williston. Things almost could not have gone better. I suspect Williston will not be coming back here, too many people have wised up.

Offline 180IQ

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2005, 11:44:37 pm »
That's wonderful news indeed! :) I'm very glad you're going to Germany too. South Africa would be a great place to open some eyes, and I can think of a few other choice locations that are hotbeds of shame-on activity.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2005, 09:29:11 am »
Great news, Al. Met any (Harley) Reaganites yet?

Offline vikinglady

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2005, 06:07:07 pm »
Just had to jump in here and add to what Al said - the tour is a great success and Al is doing a fantastic job! It couldn´t be presented in a better way and most people do stop and listen.

Yes, Barnaby, We´ve encountered some Reaganists. ? I have noticed, unfortunately, that they are starting up courses now both in Stockholm and in my hometown Gothenburg..:((

I´ll try to post some more photos during the weekend when we´re back home again.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by vikinglady »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2005, 05:41:50 am »
Each town seems to be getting a better and better response. The people here were so great, even gave me gifts of books and Swedish crafts. And I think our fund raising for the Albuquerque Indian Center is going incredibly well.

S Africa might be a bit harder, no membehere to help us out on any tour. And I dont know nearly enough about African traditions to judge anything. Outside of Steevensz and Credo Mutwa, I don't know of any frauds there. Hopefully they're the only ones. Might be interesting to see how stereotyped images of Indians compares to that of Africans. Do the Africans become Noble Savages to white S African Nuagers in order to make them feel less guilty?

I did meet someone in Glastonbury whose friend had been taken in by Mutwa and they were glad to find out about his connection to Steevensz and try to warn their friend.

If anyone knows of any ways to try and figure out ways to travel and speak in other places, let us know. We're already thinking about a second Europe tour since so many have given us university contacts here.

Offline vikinglady

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2005, 08:58:34 pm »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2005, 10:31:46 pm »
OMG. The tourist attraction. Al's face!

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2005, 12:10:38 am »
Keeper of the Sacred Stew? I want a T shirt like that!!! LOL!

Offline vikinglady

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #25 on: June 21, 2005, 03:02:39 pm »
It is raining like crazy today so I finally got time to post all the photos I had in the camera.

Page 2 and 3 are updated.

We are doing great and there is just one more lecture to go here in Sweden. On Monday we have a meeting with a filmproducer who is interested in helping us turn the book into a documentary film. He has made lots of documentaries for the Swedish TV and thinks a film like this could be disitributed all over the world. It is - as always - a matter of finding sponsors, but if someone can do it, he can! So keep your fingers crossed, pleaseee.


Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2005, 04:24:22 pm »
Ah, you have the rain that caused flash floods in N. England yesterday.

It's great to see everything's going so well. Looking forward to more news.

Offline plz

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2005, 01:02:57 pm »
Sorry for going OT but have had the urge to comment for a long time now...

Al, I so admire your stamina!  and dedication!  and commitment!

I think what you are doing is amazing, not to mention so important...

Your schedule is suitable for a small army, yet you find time to post here.  I think of your physical, mental and emotional investment and it exausts me!

And have been wondering how you spell: "T-I-R-E-D" ???  :o)

With much added thanks to all who have worked so hard on the planning and day to day efforts making your speaking tour the success that it is,


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2005, 07:15:35 am »
Spoke to the Wild Oak last night, a Big Mountain support group in Sweden. Had some interesting discussions, some Scottish and Irish traditionalists who see some parallels between what happened to Gaelic and indigenous cultures. Plus met a young lady who did a great paper on Big Mountain and is already, at the age of 18, thinking about working on Native issues like repatriation, maybe becoming an anthropologist. A lot of really good people.

PS. Thanks Patty. The people here have been incredibly nice nd the country´s beautiful but I started missing home a couple days after I left. I´ll be back in both Sweden and Britain plus any other countries we can arrange next year, I´ve gotten so many offers to speak at universities and elsewhere.

Thanks to everyone in Sweden, I will see many of you next year hopefully (including you Mr. Andersson, see next post). On to Netherlands next.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Europe Speaking Tour
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2005, 07:26:25 am »
An exchange of emails between me, Annika, and Nils Andersson, a leader of the Sioux Indian Club, almost the only one at the lecture not happy with my speech. The "chief" I referred in my original post was not him, but another named Svensson who got very red faced and angry.

Mr. Andersson,
Annika fowarded your email to me. I will address your concerns one by one.

1) I repeatedly said in my lecture and afterwards that no one can be blamed for falling for con men such as Williston or cult leaders such as Sun Bear. After all, it´s not easy to find good sources living in
Europe, and most of the Natives (or imposters posing as Nativees such as Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story) are people who make their living
deceiving or even abusing people.

I will take you at your word you intend no harm. However, intending no harm and doing no harm are two different things.

Now that you realize you have unintentionally harmed people by hosting frauds such as Williston, the right thing to do is admit your mistakes and refuse to make the same mistakes again, not wallow in self pity, get defensive, or resort to attacking my credibility behind my back.

It shows both cowardice and a lack of character to take your complaints to Annika instead of directly to me. You could have said these things on the forum, had her forward your email to me, or better yet said them to me face to face at the lecture.

From now on if you have something to say about me, have the courage to say it directly to me.

2) As far as your claim that you put a lot of money into my lecture, my understanding is that most of the money for speakers for your group comes from state education, what we in the US would call adult education courses. That is a matter of grave concern to me, since state funds are being used to subsidize lies and disrespect about Native people from characters like Williston. I will be writing to the agency responsible for these matters, urging them to develop guidelines to insure this never happens again.

As far as any time or money you or others devoted to my lecture being well attended, I sincerely appreciate it. And judging by the response, almost all the members of Sioux Indian Club appreciated it enormously.

Every person I spoke with of your club thanked me for "finally telling us the truth". Most said they had long had deep concerns about whether what they were doing was right, accurate, or respectful, but they just didnt know where to turn with their questions. Some said they were joining other organizations, others that they would work to turn the club into a far better place and end the disrespect and ceremony selling.

If you truly wish to show you are the good person you say you are, you should join them in your efforts and cease defending an exploiter like

3) I did not see even one negative comment on the forum and I challenge you to show me one. All were very happy and enthusiastic about the

I did not see one single lie either and I challenge you to show me one. The only one being negative so far is you.

4) As far as my post on the forum, I stand by every word.

It must be very painful for you to see Williston laughed at, with your own club members now finding his New Age name of Rainbow Eagle amusing for being such a stereotype. It probably is also painful for you to have to deal with many of your club members agree they were wrong to take
part in ceremonies and now pledging to change.

Again I challenge you to point to even one lie, or be shown to be a liar yourself.