Author Topic: James/Jim Medicine Tree aka Jim Tree aka James/Jim Tree-Gilmore  (Read 17292 times)

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James/Jim Medicine Tree aka Jim Tree aka James/Jim Tree-Gilmore
« on: October 16, 2009, 10:24:27 pm »

According to this blog, 'Jim Tree' was over for Bowen's radio show as an expert for her report on two persons dying in a sweatlodge in Sedona:

In a departure from her usual topic, join Shawna Bowen for a first-hand account of what happened at the recent Sedona retreat with James Arthur Ray. Shawna was on site at the time of the crisis to support the participants and will be sharing her insights into authority- its importance and its pitfalls. Also joining the show is Jim Tree, who has been responsible for the “United Nations Turtle Pipe”, the Ceremonial Pipe presented to the U.N. in 1978. Jim holds this Pipe for ceremonies worldwide

Tree wrote a book which he advertizes on this site:

What people are saying about "The Way of the Sacred Pipe"

"Jim Tree has taken a subject many feel is taboo, and approached it with knowledge, dignity and great sensitivity. A must read for First Nation Peoples who have been raised away from their roots."
Will O., (Cherokee), Cibolo, Texas

"The book "The Way of the Sacred Pipe," written by Jim Tree, is a must read for those interested in our Tribal ways, especially concerning the use of stone pipes."
Bud Johnston, (Anishanabe) President, Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers 

"This book taught me not only about the responsibilities of the Pipe holder and the correct care of a Pipe, but also gave me an understanding of why so many of us white people are being drawn to the Pipe. For those who truly wish to honor the Pipe and its traditions, this book is a wonderful resource full of practical and historical information."
Kathy "Keek" Mensing, author, "The Way I hear them"

"In this instructive volume, Jim Tree takes us on a voyage through part of Native America and it's traditions that outsiders know little or nothing about. A good read."
Slim Randles, author, "Sun Dog Days," "Raven's Prey," "Ol' Max Evans."

"The Way of the Sacred Pipe" could not have possibly come at a better time. With so many of the Indigenous ways and traditions vanishing like the morning dew, Jim Tree shares meaninful- and personal- insights into walking with the Sacred Pipe of our ancestors, not just for Indigenous Peoples, but for anyone anywhere who feels called to walk this path. With a focus on the living relationship with the Pipe instead of dogma, Jim hits the nail on the head and brings an oft-misunderstood topic into clear focus."
Tim "Changing Man" Ott (Cherokee), Vienna, Austria

"Jim Tree's book is simple and easy to read and touches on the spiritual and practical facets of the care of the Sacred Pipe with responsibility, compassion, and wisdom for all of creation. I have shared this book with many of my friends and they are all very touched by its sincerity."
Michelle N., Crestview , FL   

"What a breath of fresh air among all the plastic and Hollywood Stereotypes to see the real thing: honest and authentic teachings put forth in a respectable format. Thanks to Jim Tree for this gift to the seven generations."
Elisabeth Dietz (Eagle Woman), Anishinaabe, author, " Now is The Hour" and "Native Prophecies for the coming Earth Changes"

Some of the above persons only show up on sites maintained by Tree or sites repeating his story.

Kathy „Keek“ Mensing:

According to this site and more google results, Mensing does animal communication and is an „animal psychic“. Quite the person who should be an authority on the pipe, but then again she may be thinking about extending her business.

Elisabeth Dietz: according to my research, she co-authored the book „Now is the Hour: Native American Prophecies and Guidance for Earth Changes“

This is Tree's biography as found on the wayofthepipe-site:

About the Author

Jim Tree is a spiritual advisor for the “Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers" a Federaly recognized Native American church based in Pipestone, MN. He is the Native American Issues Advisor for Montana Youth Homes. He is also on the board of advisors for the E.T.Seton Institute and provides council about the Sacred Pipe to inmates of the Montana State Prison Systems.  Jim has conducted ceremonies for the Northern Arizona Regional Behavioral Health Authority’s symposium for Tribal Educators two years in a row. He has also lectured on “reinstating rights of passage ceremonies to combat youth suicide on reservations” during the symposium in 2007.

Jim is a well respected stone sculptor and Pipe carver. His Elders of influence are Adam Fortunate Eagle, spiritual leader of the “Keepers”, the late Lilly Windrider Nevarez, member of the Cherokee Medicine Society, M. Running Deer, an Apache spiritual leader, and the late Larry War Eagle, Cherokee spiritual leader.

 Since the spring of 1999, Jim has been responsible for the “United Nations Turtle Pipe”, the Ceremonial Pipe presented to the U.N. in 1978 by Adam and holds this Pipe for ceremonies worldwide representing NALA. (Native American Leadership Alliance) Click here to read press on the Middle East ceremonies. Click here to view the video clip about ceremonies in Australia. Click here to read press on the Australian ceremonies. Click here for the press release about Jim's currant presentation tour.

Jim is also the Project coordinator for Montana Integrative Therapies, a project that merges alternative therapies with allopathic clinics treating cancer in Missoula. Jim is a CranioSacral Therapist trained by the Upledger Institute and Dr. T. Feeney, DO, an internationally known instructor of Cranial Osteopathy. Jim is a member of the International Association of Health Practitioners and has offices in Missoula, Hamilton and Darby, Montana.

Jim is available for presentations providing that all travel expenses are covered by a sponsor. To schedule an event, contact Jim via the e-mail address on this site.

This site gives some info on Tree's visit to Australia:

James Medicine Tree

Cherokee elder, caretaker of the United Nations Turtle Pipe and Black Thunderbird Pipe
Jim Tree is both a spiritual advisor for, and a council member of, the 'Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers.' He is an advisor for the E.T. Seton Institute, as well as a respected stone sculptor and Pipe carver. His Elders of influence are Adam Fortunate Eagle, spiritual leader of the "Keepers", the late Lilly Windrider Nevarez, member of the Cherokee Medicine Society, M. Running Deer, an Apache spiritual leader, and the late Larry War Eagle, Cherokee spiritual leader.

Since the spring of 1999, Jim has been responsible for the 'United Nations Turtle Pipe', the Ceremonial Pipe presented to the U.N. in 1978 by Adam Fortunate Eagle, and holds this Pipe for ceremonies worldwide representing the NALA (Native American Leadership Alliance).

Jim’s book, The Way of the Sacred Pipe is a well respected text on the prophecy, interconnecting influence, spirit, mystery and knowledge of the Ceremonial Pipe and he continues to distribute this ancient wisdom with his visits around the world.

Jim preformed the Pipe Ceremonies in parts of Australia in early 2007, helping to heal drought-stricken areas by bringing balance to shifting weather patterns. He intends to return to Australia in May 2007 to perform a much larger, Australia-wide Ceremony.

We've got something on Native American Leadership Alliance NALA here:
which links them to the Moonies.

Checking the NALA site, I couldn't see any mention of Jim Medicine Tree, Jim Tree, or Jim Tree-Gilmore.

Then he is to be found in Heyoka Magazine where Mr Lackey interviews him, plus a short bio:

Bio continued: Since the spring of 1999, Jim has been responsible for the care of the “United Nations Turtle Pipe”, a Ceremonial Pipe presented to the U.N. in 1978 by Adam and he holds this Pipe for ceremonies worldwide representing the Native American Leadership Alliance

Jim Tree-Gilmore has been an artist for most of his life. As a member of the "Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers," he discovered the finest expression of his artistic talent through rock sculpture. Through his association with the Keepers, he met his mentor, world renowned pipe carver Adam Fortunate Eagle. Following Adam's example, Jim first carved ceremonial pipes to be used by Native American spiritual leaders around the country, but soon branched off into creating custom effigies (totems) for people of all nationalities as well as larger stone sculpture.

Recognizing the quality of Tree's work, Chief Robert Strong Bear, (Cherokee) asked Jim to represent the tribe by giving carving demonstrations at the Winter Olympics Native American Village in 2002.
Jim carves primarily out of the red pipestone from Minnesota (Catlinite) and black pipestone from Canada (Steatite) but also carves stone of various colors from around the world. His creations take the form of stone sculpture, effigies, pipes for display and ceremonial pipes.

Due to their sacred nature, the ceremonial pipes are not for sale. The pipes for display are for sale and are carved from stone that is flawed, making them unusable in ceremony.

The effigies Jim creates are done according to the individual "vision" of the one commissioning the work. Usually it is of a personal totem or protector such as an animal or bird. Each carving is a unique, one-of-a-kind work of sacred art.

Jim is the author of a book, The Way of the Sacred Pipe, as well as several internationally-published articles on native themes.

Jim moved to Montana from central Colorado in September of 2001 and lives outside of Hamilton, where he continues to carve sculpture and effigies by commission.

Looking for Jim Gilmore, or Jim Tree-Gilmore as a sculptor only brought up sites mentioning a sculptor by the name of Jim Gilmore who lives in Colorado, and comparing the photos, this Gilmore is not identical with 'Tree'. But the cranio-sacral therapy stuff I found on  'Tree's' above mentioned site brought a few google results:

This is 'Medicine Tree's' homepage in his incarnation as James Tree-Gilmore:

Please note there is his link to his 'other websites' [sic] at the bottom of the page; the link given goes to He is also advertising his book at this page.

Although there is his photo at the site and a google search for „Jim Tree-Gilmore“ lists this site among the results, there is no further mention of Tree-Gilmore in the staff sections.

There is also this site which he apparently uses to advertize and sell his pipes:

The price tages certainly are impressive.

Mr Gilmore, or Tree-Gilmore, or whatever his legal name may be, does not seem to let pass a possibility to make money, and he also appears to be a dyed-in-the-wool esoteric (cf his work as a craniosacral therapist, offering cancer therapies), and a dyed-in-the-wool nuager cooperating with a number of frauds and flakes, and a cult like the Moonies via NALA – or perhaps not, since the NALA website doesn't mention him. Although he's not selling ceremony, he's selling pipes at hefty prices.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: James/Jim Medicine Tree aka Jim Tree aka James/Jim Tree-Gilmore
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 10:56:47 pm »
Jim Tree has come up here before.  For more information on him see starting Reply #7 in the link below...

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Re: James/Jim Medicine Tree aka Jim Tree aka James/Jim Tree-Gilmore
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2009, 11:19:59 pm »
He also briefly joined up here, and on the YahooGroup. Here's his intro post:
I have been around for awhile so i guess I ought to introduce myself. My name is Jim Tree and I am Cherokee on both sides of my well as some irish but I can't prove it.
 I live in NW Montana and am active with the local folks here. {Blackfoot, etc.} I have some limited knowledge of traditional ways but seem to have a largly disproportionate exposer to frauds...I must attracted them like beas to honey...or flys to ...well, you know. I do what I can to open folks eyes to what they are not and because of this, I am grateful for this site and those who work hard on it.
 Blue sky, Tree

So, he's saying he's Cherokee (not saying he is, but that's what he claimed here)... that doesn't give him any right to lead pipe ceremony.

There are NDN ceremonial people who have confronted him, told him what he's doing is wrong, and asked him to stop. Obviously, he didn't listen.

He is an advisor for the E.T. Seton Institute

Well. E.T. Seton. White author of Two Little Savages. The guy who gave us all that cultural misappropriation via the Boy Scouts, by creating a group for bored white kids in Connecticut he oh-so-sensitively named, "The Woodcraft Indians" [sic].
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:58:33 am by Kathryn »