Author Topic: Bobby Runningfox  (Read 18455 times)


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Bobby Runningfox
« on: February 27, 2007, 05:41:43 am »
I seen this and couldn't help but laugh!

The gullibility of people these days, but dang , do they have to wear all them head dresses?

The Rainbow Warrior Sweat Lodges
Sweat Lodges are designed to help you release fear and anger.

It connects you to Mother Earth, helps heal negative emotions and balances the whole being.

Sweat Lodges are held within two hours driving distance of the Gold Coast. The minimum number of people is fifteen. The Sweat Lodge is FREE... the accompanying Teaching Fee is $50 per person.

well have fun looking over the site. ;)

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Anyone seem this site ?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2007, 05:19:45 pm »
OMG!!!! Thatn is the ugliest "totem pole" I have ever seen!  And some of the "products", yikes!!

"Bobby Runningfox is a full-blooded Native American of Cherokee, and he comes from a long line of healers of Inca and Mayan descent."  HUH???? If he is fullblooded Cherokee how does he come from a long line of healers of Incan and Mayan descent?? ::)

And then there is this:

"Sweat Lodges are designed to help you release fear and anger. "  Huh??

And just why IS a Cherokee wearing a plains style headdress??


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Re: Anyone seem this site ?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 05:46:45 pm »
When ever I see something with Rainbow in it, you just know what it is going to be. 300 dollars per person(adult) for 2-3 hours. Not a bad haul. frederica

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Anyone seem this site ?
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 03:27:58 pm »
Does Roland Williston know his twinkie name is being ripped off?

All of this would be comical if it weren't disturbing.

"the husband and wife team of Bobby Runningfox and Beverley Prince.
They came together from a dream that Beverley in Australia had to go to America to find her life partner (Bobby). They travelled the USA together, helping and healing many willing people.
Together, they wrote a book entitled "How to Find Your Perfect Mate."
With countless healings and workshops under their belts, they were ready to release their knowledge to the Australian people.
They were well-received and within a short time they had a wonderful reputation for healing and integrity in all that they did.
Children are the main focus of everything which is performed in the Centre."

"We concentrate on these aspects:
CHILDREN Behavioural problems...
Learning Difficulties.
We know each child is unique. We will find the problem and work with the parents towards a solution...
SUICIDE PREVENTION...We have effective solutions to help each individual from ages 5 to 80."

I wouldn't trust them to take care of a goldfish, but parents are taking their suicidal kids to them?

"Bobby was known as a healer by the age of seven, working mostly with sick and injured animals. As a young adult, he studied Psychic Surgery with Fernando of the Philippines and was trained in etheric surgery by Sister Sorita, of San Diego."

These are two pretty notorious frauds that have been exposed repeatedly. Psychic surgery, where they supposedly remove items from the body without cutting, is your basic magicians sleight of hand where they palm bits of blood and cow organs.
"After study of the literature and other available information, the American Cancer Society has found no evidence that "psychic surgery" results in objective benefit in the treatment of any medical condition. Lacking such evidence, the American Cancer Society strongly urges individuals who are ill not to seek treatment by psychic surgeon." (CA)

"The National Council Against Health Fraud warns consumers that psychic surgery (1) wastes money - often in substantial amounts; (2) causes psychological harm; (3) may cause needless death by keeping people from timely, effective health care; and (4) may result in needless, avoidable suffering or discomfort by denying patients good quality medical management of terminal diseases." (CA)

Description / Source / Components
"Psychic surgery is a modern expression of traditional Filipino shamanism. Practiced also in North America by visiting Filipino shamans, psychic surgery involves the extraction of "tumors" from the body through a bloody but painless and invisible 'incision' in the patient's abdomen. Chicken blood and parts have been found hidden on the shamans who perform these procedures."  (Cassileth)

"The 'psychic surgeons' of the Philippines and Brazil are marketed as traditional healers who possess special, mystical powers." (Hafner)

"Psychic surgery is a procedure in which sleight-of-hand is used to create an illusion that patients can be cured with surgery that leaves no skin wound." (Hafner)

It is estimated that there are more than 400 psychic surgeons in the Philippines. There is one in every big hotel in Manila. Reverend Tony Agpaoa was the most famous. Now deceased, "he put faith healing on a multi-national footing with his own travel agency, Diplomat Tours, which organizes groups from Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand." He was unable to organize tours from the U.S. where he was indicted for fraud in connection with psychic surgery in 1967. He forfeited a $25,000 bond when he jumped bail and returned to the Philippines.  (Marchant [1])

....The legitimacy of psychic surgery operations is irrelevant to the surgeons. They say the dramatic operations give patients more confidence and faith in the healing, and is no different, or more morally wrong than a western doctor prescribing a placebo. Agpaoa says his patients heal themselves. "I merely plant the seed with my surgery. The patient's mind does the rest."  (Marchant [1])

...Professional Evaluation / Critique
None of the psychic surgeons in the Philippines "had any formal medical training and most have not been educated beyond primary school." (Azuma)

"When healers operate on Filipinos, they often remove objects such as pieces of tinfoil, coins, a chicken's foot or other foreign objects. This fits in with the Filipino belief in evil spirits, who are held to put these objects into people to make them sick. When dealing with Westerners, though, the healers imitate more orthodox, medical type operation to be convincing." (Marchant [1])

"Tissue allegedly removed from patients during the surgery is usually disposed of quickly by healers and their assistant. Analysis of tissue samples has yielded specimens from chickens, pigs, dogs, and other animals." (CA)

The strongest opponents of faith healing is the Philippine Medical Association (PMA). The PMA claims that "they (the surgeons) take advantage of the gullibility of people. We know that they are fooling the people, but it is hard to do anything about it. Patients won't complain. Either they are ashamed that they have been made fools of, or they have died - so we usually have no proof against faith healers." (Marchant [1])

"The Canadian Embassy in Manila had signed three death certificates for people who would never return alive from their miracle tours (although not from Agpaoa's tours). Of more than 20 known cancer cases who went to Baguio from Vancouver three and fours years ago, not one is still alive according to the BC Cancer Agency."

Sister Sarita is one of the Castaneda imitators.

And it's one silly Nuage therapy after another:

"The OxyGenerator"

For those of you having trouble generating oxygen.

"Sizzling Minerals"

Can't have our minerals raw, or even rare.

"Bobby has discovered a source of 75 plant derived minerals to fertilise our bodies in an easy-to-consume wafer."

Fertilize? In other words, he's filling you with shit?

"Colloidal Silver Generator
Colloidal Gold Generator
Replacement Rods"

Of course, I'm running short of rods myself.

"Crystal Frequency Generator This device helps to raise those frequencies to normal levels as well as balancing all chakras in your body."

Doesn't inspire confidence, since it just looks like an old coffeemaker.

"The Crystal Frequency Generator uses gentle energy to excite and actually raise the frequencies of the cells in the body. The key to the system is an electronic circuit which generates a smooth low-level signal, which, if we played it through a loudspeaker, would sound a little like the tone we hear when our ears ring.
This signal is then fed into a coil which surrounds a Vogel Crystal (known as the 'Healing Crystal'). The shape of the pulsating field bathes the crystal in this gentle energy, making it vibrate in harmony.
The vibrations from the crystal are then passed into the body via direct contact from its tip"

In other words, you're buying a big vibrator, whose tip will make you feel good.

"Medicine Man Tea Continue taking the tea for 4 weeks or until you begin to "smell" like the tea"

And people actually think that's a good thing?

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Re: Anyone seem this site ?
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2007, 05:29:16 pm »
LMAO has anyone seen this 360 Blog???'s about him.


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Re: Anyone seem this site ?
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2007, 05:49:16 pm »
"Bobby has discovered a source of 75 plant derived minerals to fertilise our bodies in an easy-to-consume wafer."

Fertilize? In other words, he's filling you with shit?

Its not what goes into a person that defiles them but what comes out of a persons mouth.   :)

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Re: Anyone seem this site ?
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2007, 06:22:27 pm »
Um...........That pretty much sums it up to me!!!! LMAO ;)

Offline Cat

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Bobby Runningfox
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2010, 05:28:18 pm »
All I can say is I am speechless...

Upcoming Events
How to Talk to Animals
Medical Intuitive Workshop
Shape Shifter Workshop
Sacred Native American Directions “The Inner Journey” A Series of Four Workshops
Ageing Gracefully - A Workshop on Feeling Young
Ultimate Power for Men Workshop
Rainbow Warrior Workshop


The list is longer but here are a few examples...

Spiritual Personal Training Program:  The first step is accessing what your body is doing and what it needs, to become emotionally and physically fit. Then we use an exercise program dealing with healing your demons or negative emotions; put you on a diet to fit your body’s needs. Everything is geared to harmonising you with the power of Mother Earth. “Click Here” to read more details.
To start your journey I will make you an introductory  offer:  Body reading and assessment and beginning lesson all for first timers whether you have seen me before or not, for only $70, call 07 5596 6594 to book your time.


Hot Rock Therapy: This ancient treatment has been around for thousands of years, Cherokee people use this similar to the ancient Chinese acupuncture. Where you place the hot rocks help to stimulate different organs to balance. After the rocks you receive a relaxing body massage including the feet. And receive a powerful drum healing.
1-  ½ hours       $150

Sweat Lodge Healing: one to four people. The rocks are hot. Sit in the powerful sweat lodge to process anger, pain, sadness, and then you get to drum in this sacred centre. Then jump into a cool pool to refresh. Bring a towel, bathers and water
1- 2 hours          $200

Full Moon Sweat Lodge- When available, hours of rituals and teachings and a sweat. Keep track of web page to find dates and times. Sweat lodge can hold 20-25 people
3- 4 hours          $80

Offline Cat

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Re: Bobby Runningfox
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2010, 05:29:21 pm »
I see that it is already on NAFPS about him... feel free to delete this.

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Bobby Runningfox
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2010, 05:47:26 pm »
running out of Australia
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Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Bobby Runningfox
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2010, 04:25:36 am »