Author Topic: Chief White Feather Allegedly Channeled by Rob Goodwin  (Read 31780 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chief White Feather
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2010, 09:15:47 pm »
So Rob, does this mean you believe that a thousand years ago Native Americans spoke English, and called themselves by English names?

Rob, how about you channel White Feather and type what he says in his own language. Don't worry if you have to do it phonetically;  people here who still speak the language will understand just fine.  :)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:28:01 pm by Kathryn »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Chief White Feather
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2010, 09:16:13 pm »
As a Lakota who lives among her people and understand spirits even Spirit will tell you which family they come from,
So what nation is this spirit from?? What clan or band? As native people we identify ourself as to who we are.
What language does he speak because we can only talk to the spirit in our own langauge,
If you can do this then tell me if this white feath can talk to my great great grandfather and tell me where
he is buried? I know but this this spirit know.
In Spirit

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chief White Feather
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2010, 09:31:28 pm »
Rob, I'm looking at your page here: 

Who is the Native man in the headdress? Is that supposed to be White Feather? If you have photographs, I would assume you have biographical data.

Oh, right, no photography "over one thousand years ago". So, is the photo of one of White Feather's relatives? Do you have that man and his family's permission to use this his photo on your website?

If White Feather got lost and wound up in England, maybe you were sent here to help him find his relatives.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Chief White Feather
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2010, 10:20:05 pm »
He says he was a member of the blackfeet tribe in montana and if he was a thousand years old who was he then?
Natives can tell you when and how each nation was created. Were not the blackfeet in Canada then ???
In Spirit

Re: Chief White Feather
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2010, 10:32:49 pm »
Makes no sense to me. Truth, is often subjective, and this spirit, shouldn't have any problems or issues
relaying info regarding his life here. He should know what life he lived.. and even know who his relatives
are now.. and it makes no sense that a spirit, kindred to native americans, would not have a happiness to
make known to his family and community. Since, as I am learning here, family and community are the
utmost in the Native culture. This spirit would know, and not see it as being asked to provide "proof"..

Rob, all you are saying about not providing "proof" is, from what I can discern, is a "white man's" idea..
from the "white culture".. I don't believe in a native community it would be seen in that way, nor meant,
nor taken to mean it in that kind of white man way..

The answer you provided about "proof" pretty much negates that this spirit is a Native American.

edit:  What I mean, in case you don't understand, Rob, is that what I've learned of NA's and their culture
is that they are proud of who they are, and of their lineage (family, ancestors) so it would not be a
degrading matter of giving "proof" the way white people ask of it.. when white people ask for proof, it is
meant in a derogatory manner.. but for NA, they are proud of who they are.. so this spirit, you call White
Feather, it would be an honor to state who he comes from (family, tribe, band) and who are his relatives today.. 
unless I'm wrong on what I think I'm learning from the ndn's on this site.. and I'm sure they'll be first to correct me if I am..  :)
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 10:46:01 pm by critter »
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Offline RobGoodwin

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Re: Chief White Feather
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2010, 08:31:09 am »
I thank you all for your comments, but I can see from what you have written that we are engaged in a pointless debate here. You all seem to have one view, whilst I hold another.

All that I would ask is that you understand that we are all 'one' - connected to the source. The teachings and wisdom that have been imparted through me and that I have been fortunate enough to witness, speak for themselves and anyone with an open mind will see that they are timeless and beyond all culture, creed, religion and belief systems.

Quite clearly, my understanding of this and of the operation of mediumship seems to differ from yours. That does not make me greater or lesser than any of you. Ultimately, to use a phrase from White Feather 'man takes what meanings please him'.

I will therefore leave you to your thoughts and I will pursue mine. What really matters in all of this is that we all learn to go beyond our petty differences and the divisions of creed and culture and realise that we are all parts of the same whole. Please don't waste you lives shooting the messenger every time. I have no wish to exploit, deceive, cheat or con anyone. The implication here is that I am either guilty of that or else self deluded. I am most certainly not to former. If I am guilty of the latter, then I will have to pay the price for it because the laws of the spirit work to perfection and no one can escape their perfect justice.

I wish each and every one of you well in your search for meaning and in your life. The same spiritual force that animates me, works also through you. We are parts of each other and ever shall be.

Much love to you all.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Chief White Feather
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2010, 08:41:15 am »
So Rob

Basically your response to many genuine and important questions inviting you to provide the proof you are so keen to claim that you have.......

is to claim that you are not a con man but to invite us to consider that you may be deluded.

Priceless  ;D

Offline nemesis

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Re: Chief White Feather
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2010, 10:26:54 am »
I thank you all for your comments, but I can see from what you have written that we are engaged in a pointless debate here. You all seem to have one view, whilst I hold another.


You come here claiming to have irrefutable proof that you are channelling a native chief called White Feather.

When requested to provide that proof you provide only ridiculous excuses.  

All that I would ask is that you understand that we are all 'one' - connected to the source. The teachings and wisdom that have been imparted through me and that I have been fortunate enough to witness, speak for themselves and anyone with an open mind will see that they are timeless and beyond all culture, creed, religion and belief systems.

The "teachings" you purport come from White Feather sound like a load of newage guff to me. There is absolutely nothing in them that gives credence to your claims, on the contrary the "teachings" are clearly nothing to do with native people.

Quite clearly, my understanding of this and of the operation of mediumship seems to differ from yours. That does not make me greater or lesser than any of you. Ultimately, to use a phrase from White Feather 'man takes what meanings please him'.


Your understanding of mediumship seems to accommodate the idea that you can channel the spirit of a 1000 year old NDN chief who does not speak his mother tongue, who is uninterested in communicating to his own people, unable to give details about his tribal ancestry and progeny and who for some bizarre reason sees it at his mission in the afterlife to deliver a load of newage messages for white people.

You are on a message board where many people have belief systems that accommodate the concept of communicating with spirits.  Some people here have much experience in this respect.  This is one of the few places where you could speak and be taken seriously if you speak truthfully.  

Promoting your story of White Feather here will earn you nothing but ridicule unless you are able to answer the most basic and reasonable of questions.

I will therefore leave you to your thoughts and I will pursue mine. What really matters in all of this is that we all learn to go beyond our petty differences and the divisions of creed and culture and realise that we are all parts of the same whole.

You, a white man, have the arrogance to ask native people to put away "petty differences"?  

You think that actual and cultural genocide are "petty" issues?

This invitation to ignore so many serious issues could only come from a white person whose arrogance is so great that he takes his privileges completely for granted and lacks the sensitivity to put himself in the shoes of others.

The Chief White Feather you say communicates only through you, is a racist stereotype, a white person's fantasy of an "Indian guide" that was as prevalent as ectoplasm in the early 20th century but that has no place at all in the 21st Century.

You do not care about this fact, nor to you care that NDN people find the aspects of racism and cultural appropriation in your business to be deeply offensive.

That makes you a racist.

Do you see how that works?

Please don't waste you lives shooting the messenger every time. I have no wish to exploit, deceive, cheat or con anyone. The implication here is that I am either guilty of that or else self deluded. I am most certainly not to former. If I am guilty of the latter, then I will have to pay the price for it because the laws of the spirit work to perfection and no one can escape their perfect justice.

You talk of the laws of the spirit world when you clearly know absolutely nothing about such things.  

Don't you have a day job that you can turn to so you can spare the world from having to listen to this drivel?

I wish each and every one of you well in your search for meaning and in your life. The same spiritual force that animates me, works also through you. We are parts of each other and ever shall be.

Much love to you all.

So you plan to carry on with your offensive and hurtful business while at the same time claiming to love the very people you are hurting.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 10:30:01 am by nemesis »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chief White Feather Allegedly Channeled by Rob Goodwin
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2010, 06:13:22 pm »
The most ridiculous part of Mr. Goodwin's claims, or that of anyone else claiming to channel "red Indians," is their failure to be able to speak fluently in the language of the person they claim to channel, as fluently as someone raised in the language.

There are subtleties that are in any language that are difficult if not impossible to pass on in another language, esp one as different as English is from Blackfoot. We're not talking about related languages like English and German, these are entirely different families.

And of course there's the fact that none of what Goodwin claims has any relation to Blackfoot beliefs at all. It's vague Nuage gibberish ideas. Obviously the implication is that Blackfoot traditions have been entirely abandoned by an alleged Blackfoot spirit. But then why even make the claim he's Blackfoot in the first place.

If I were a spirit returning, I'd tell a medium how to cure cancer or end world hunger. I wouldn't waste their time spouting vague platitudes.

It's also a shame I didn't get the chance to ask Goodwin how much money he makes off "White Feather" and if he donates it all to a good cause. That would be the clincher in deciding if he's a con man, or simply self deluded.

Re: Chief White Feather Allegedly Channeled by Rob Goodwin
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2010, 07:30:28 pm »
Or, he is channeling/communicating with some spirit but has no clue who it is, just believes what he is told. Which
is a dangerous thing.. the spirit fooling him and fooling around with him.. not good.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline nemesis

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Re: Chief White Feather Allegedly Channeled by Rob Goodwin
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2010, 11:13:29 pm »
Videos of White Feather "being channelled" by Robert

White Feather speaks about Spirit Guides

White Feather speaks about Ego and Karma

Offline nemesis

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Re: Chief White Feather Allegedly Channeled by Rob Goodwin
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2011, 10:23:58 am »
Goowin is promoting the following event

The Inaugural White feather Annual Gathering
Saturday 9th July 2007
Farncoombe Estate, Broadway, Costwolds


Robert and Amanda Goodwin and "White Feather"
Spirit Surgery with Ed Pearson and his spirit surgeon "Matthew"
Psychic Art with Raye Edwina Brown
Reiki with Jill
The voice of Matt Terrado

tickets £65 including 3 course lunch

link (scroll down)

Offline matt e

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Re: Chief White Feather Allegedly Channeled by Rob Goodwin
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2011, 09:52:12 pm »
I have to comment here.

  Spirit is not bound by form. A spirit can appear any way it chooses to appear. you have no way of knowing if this spirit is telling you the truth about who he is.

  If a native spirit decided to use a non native to try to teach other non natives, knowing that his/her own people would cry fraud, would first go to the elders of his/her people (why are 99% of native spirit guides always men?) and tell them that he/she was doing this and to give their support. and not just one elder either. to claim that they are ascended above such concerns is pure B.S. and shows that this channeler really does not understand spirit at all.

  Why does this supposedly native spirit say the same thing that other (non native) channeled spirits say. that being a bunch of spiritual and enlightened sounding words that mean absolutely nothing?

  Mr. Goodwin, politely saying that we are all closed minded and that we (many of whom know of what we speak when speaking of spirit, and strangely enough, we are not all americans, or even have the same religion) are wrong and you are right does not make it so.

feel free to share any post I make as long as you give me credit. I want everyone to know who to send the hate mail to.