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Computer Issues / Re: testing
« Last post by Smart Mule on February 07, 2025, 10:40:31 pm »
I'm not sure what's going on. Let me poke around.
Research Needed / Re: Heather Sprague, Republican Candidate Maine
« Last post by Mirror on February 07, 2025, 10:26:20 pm »
Comedy Channel / Re: Merciless Indian Savages
« Last post by Mirror on February 07, 2025, 10:10:29 pm »
People are still talking about him, love the g forum search feature
“It's like there is this predator energy on this planet, and this predator energy feeds on the essence of the spirit.” John Trudell.
Computer Issues / Re: testing
« Last post by Mirror on February 07, 2025, 08:28:22 pm »
Lately there’s a lot of AI interference going on, maybe it’s that?
Computer Issues / Re: testing
« Last post by Diana on February 07, 2025, 08:16:00 pm »
I can't send messages again. This is very frustrating 😤.  Admins..??
Welcome & News / Re: Mormons Protest Intrusion on Ceremony by Outsiders
« Last post by Mirror on February 07, 2025, 06:44:58 pm »
there is new show on netflix showing some of the great basin problems momons had with natives and even us army

its called american primeval

Like the trailer, fun opinion; it seems the Book of blank is syncretic to the max, incorporating some native beliefs inside.
I definitely could and will wax poetic about it in the future.
Welcome & News / Re: Mayans Say World WONT End in 2012
« Last post by Mirror on February 07, 2025, 06:27:50 pm »
I enjoyed seeing all the websites go empty, silent or dead concerning this 2012 trip. I haven’t rewatched this set of videos, having seen them because my sister had sent them to me.
My memory serves me that Ahkima stated that the timing was a personal thing, of which I agree.
I’ll probably watch them again now that it’s resurfaced in my frontal lobes, ;)
I blame this site! lol
It’s what I was searching for when I found the video I posted immediately before this.

I haven’t found the embed code or button for this site yet, and I really think this video deserves it.
He kinda rambles on a bit, about unrelated topics, I can’t remember which of the set he nails my quote. But I do remember his fireworks in his words, I’ll enjoy reporting back after I’ve seen it again.
I may even make my own piki and really frost some mountain tops.
Now that I’m in this area of my brain, I’m finding all kinds of firewood to stack.
My next post might get a little edgy ;)
i dont think any real mayan descended people were even pushing that envelope to the masses

but as always the case....non-ndnz would rather learn ndn stuff from other non-ndnz than actual ndnz themselves

It’s like a prize in a pie, except the prize is left out. Every piece of culture everywhere has to be evaluated thusly. The colonists assumed we’re just so dumb we’d tell them all we could for a slice.
For instance, I could translate every “petroglyph” in that southwestern states, but would never, not even once. I’ll just say, the anthropology departments got it so wrong it’s laughable. IDAF who anyone is or what their qualifications are. They did it using their own experience. And the learned folks, won’t even acknowledge a mistake of the past. The highest and most famous scientists will be flogged for getting it, and just make a causal observation that goes against the narrative.

It’s the fundamental flaw in western science, the leaders of each department have their profit niche and they don’t share or deviate.

Case in point, they found this over a hundred years ago, when it started to come to light it took major institutions decades to even consider it. And when they do, all hell is breaking loose.
Every narrative of their own cultures is ripped seams, it’s so ghastly listening to them wringing their hands about it.
It doesn’t stop here.
Welcome & News / Re: Mayans Say World WONT End in 2012
« Last post by milehighsalute on February 07, 2025, 05:10:57 pm »
I enjoyed seeing all the websites go empty, silent or dead concerning this 2012 trip. I haven’t rewatched this set of videos, having seen them because my sister had sent them to me.
My memory serves me that Ahkima stated that the timing was a personal thing, of which I agree.
I’ll probably watch them again now that it’s resurfaced in my frontal lobes, ;)
I blame this site! lol
It’s what I was searching for when I found the video I posted immediately before this.

I haven’t found the embed code or button for this site yet, and I really think this video deserves it.
He kinda rambles on a bit, about unrelated topics, I can’t remember which of the set he nails my quote. But I do remember his fireworks in his words, I’ll enjoy reporting back after I’ve seen it again.
I may even make my own piki and really frost some mountain tops.
Now that I’m in this area of my brain, I’m finding all kinds of firewood to stack.
My next post might get a little edgy ;)
i dont think any real mayan descended people were even pushing that envelope to the masses

but as always the case....non-ndnz would rather learn ndn stuff from other non-ndnz than actual ndnz themselves
Welcome & News / Re: Keystone XL pipeline action alert
« Last post by milehighsalute on February 07, 2025, 05:08:26 pm »
He'll try, just like he did last time. Expect him also to dump waste, including nuclear, on rezzes. To try to strip mine any rez he can. To try to strip away the monuments and parks Biden protected like Bear Ears. To try and take or threaten other places with indigenous like Greenland, including Pacific islands. and cheer anti indigenous racists worldwide. There's no limit to what he'll try. Don't be surprised if he calls for reparations...for whites.

he already started

crazy....i didnt know until i was searching last week......but did you know that the NRA had a protest too over the gun ban at bears ears? that was a multi-tribe agreement that was placed what the hell did the NRA have to do with anything?

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