Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 663575 times)

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #330 on: September 15, 2014, 12:00:34 pm »
Two data bits for the day:

First the US Library of Congress "see also" subjects one encounters after looking up the subject "Occultism"--


-- See Also New Age movement.
Here are entered works on a group of post-1970 cults and organizations influenced by Eastern and Native American religions, occult beliefs and practices, mysticism, etc. and employing techniques, such as meditation, to enhance consciousness and develop human potential.

-- See Also Parapsychology.
--subdivision Psychic aspects under individual animals and groups of animals and individual plants and groups of plants, e.g. Cattle--Psychic aspects; Fishes--Psychic aspects; Corn--Psychic aspects.

-- See Also the narrower term Spiritualism.
--subdivision Spiritualistic interpretations under names of individual persons, e.g. Jesus Christ--Spiritualistic interpretations; Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616--Spiritualistic interpretations.

-- See Also the narrower term Witchcraft.

Second, here is the SALPOV "card for the day" from a few days ago.

DEMON SAVING is the card for today. Since the year 2000 demons have been able to be saved, redeemed and returned to the light where before they just preyed on humanity. Yet, it was always their secret hope that they could be redeemed. When you have notice of any such activity in your life then call in spiritual help of the highest sort and have them returned to the light. It could be that easy…In the last years I have seen more evidence of humans holding onto demons then the other way around.This, of course, holds everyone back and motivation is needed to let go of perceived gains. Have a good day and let the light free you. You could have no fear if you remembered WHO walked with you…Have a miraculous day!!

Posted 2 days ago by Chuck Spezzano

It just keeps getting weirder.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #331 on: September 15, 2014, 07:24:39 pm »
I initially assumed that when Chuck wrote of "demons", he was using that word as a metaphor. But this "Demon Saving" card o' the day  doesn't sound metaphorical at all. Sounds like his followers do practices they believe help return demons to the light. So, aren't these then religious practices? If so, why do followers have to pay $ to learn them, and then continue up the ladder of expensive seminars?

A follower's love poem to the Spezzanos includes:

I look in your eyes and feel God’s beauty
Way beyond and transcending any role, rule or duty
Feeding us to fullness on every level
Helping us to eradicate every demon and devil

I am curious about what the actual practice is. We've not so far found any video of an actual seminar. I wonder if this demon redemption is done through chanting, prayers, what are people being taught to do in exchange for their $?


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #332 on: September 15, 2014, 10:31:23 pm »
In regard to the big, bad demons, according to Chuckie:

Yet, it was always their secret hope that they could be redeemed.

Exactly how does he know that?  ??? ???  So, he is in cahoots with the demons now and can speak for them?


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #333 on: September 15, 2014, 11:00:49 pm »
In regard to the big, bad demons, according to Chuckie:

Yet, it was always their secret hope that they could be redeemed.

Exactly how does he know that?  ??? ???  So, he is in cahoots with the demons now and can speak for them?

Excellent point! :)

What a way to make a living.

As far as I can tell, the way Chuck talks about demons is similar to the "Spirit Release method" Since Chuck and Lency draw upon so many influences, beliefs, cultures, sci fi/fantasy, and religions - all with their own Nuage spin - I like to try to find out their possible sources. Since they usually don't give credit to their sources. And because they claim that they are original genius experts on all things spiritual.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #334 on: September 18, 2014, 03:53:01 am »
Found this online article by Lenora Kay Spezzano in Edges Magazine, Issue 44 (May 2006). This is a fascinating document.

Please note she is described as a "psychologist," which she and Charles are most definitely not. I am sure Lenora will tell us this attribution is someone else's fault. It always is.

I am interested in what the "Vari Modeling Moral Life for Children by Lency Spezzano" is all about.

Rather than insert my usual comments, I will simply emphasize the passages I find amusing/ironic/tragic in bold type. 

Children absorb their Moral Learning from Parents

Lency Spezzano -- is an author and psychologist


I am not a moralist, and I am not generally interested in the morality of others (except in how my judgements on others are projections of my judgements on myself). Yet, I am a parent, and parents are concerned about the moral development and behaviour of their children. What parent's heart doesn't break for the parents of the child on the news who has taken a life, or broken other laws? Even if we have become jaded about the world, we still do not want our own children to lie to us, or steal from us.

Children absorb most of their moral learning from their parents' actions. The way they are treated by their parents and the way they see their parents treat others, will be the natural basis for how they operate in the world. For example, we all want to raise children that we can trust to speak truthfully to us, even when they are teenagers. The only way that we have the right to expect honesty from our kids is to speak the truth to them and to those around us at all times. It is possible to live our lives without lying. We don't need to tell a lie to get off the phone quickly, or to excuse an absence, or explain why we are late. The simple truth, and possibly an apology, serves the best.

I was 25 years old before I realized that honesty truly is the best policy. I remember jogging around the park off Diamond Head that beautiful afternoon here in paradise. But, rather than drinking in the beauty of the land and sky and sea, or relating with the rainbow of Hawaii's people that I encountered, my mind was fraught with stress. I spent the whole time thinking of my conflicts, and recalling the Vari Modeling Moral Life for Children by Lency Spezzano; deceptions and half truths I had put out to the people in my world to gain some kind of advantage. As I ran I began to recognize how much time and energy I put into maintaining those deceptions, just to keep track of what I had said to whom. I also recognized that I carried a lot of fear around with me. Would things I had said about certain people to others get back to them? Would people compare statements I had made to them? I realized that the fear and stress from my lies and gossip were overwhelming, even though I was basically a nice and well-intentioned person. I also realized that none of the deceptions or secret attacks was necessary. They didn't really help me; they hurt me a lot. They were the source of much of my suffering.

For the first time, I recognized that all of the things I was doing to protect myself and elevate myself actually made me vulnerable. The best thing I could do for myself would be to give up the deceptions and secrets. I could instead always speak the truth, and not say anything about anyone that I would not be willing to say to his or her face (and in fact, that would be far better than saying it to someone else). That way I would never have to remember what I said to anyone, and I could relax.

That decision started a new chapter in my life, one of greater ease and safety. I believe that our children have benefited from that lesson through natural absorption. When things are uncomfortable for them, their minds do not automatically seek a way to cheat their way out of it. If they have been sneaky or deceptive, it weighs heavily on their mind until they confess without prompting. Usually these confessions are pretty cute, and become part of the family lore. Like the time they stole a carton of ice cream out of our freezer and ate the whole thing outside behind the trees, the times they flushed their dinner down the toilet when I wasn't looking, etc. They recognize that they are much more comfortable inside themselves when they are honest, and they love feeling that they have a clean slate. All of this honesty occurs naturally, without lecturing about honesty, or discussing morality at all. It happens because it is the only way of being they know. On those occasions when I have discovered one of our kids in a lie, I felt the important thing was not to go into reaction. I remained connected with them, and asked them what was going on with them that they felt they needed to lie. Punishment would not have taught them to be honest; it would have taught them to try harder not to get caught the next time. Causing our kids to feel guilty about being deceptive would only have cemented in the deceptive behaviour. Real communication and joining was what they were calling for. Then if it seemed that it would be beneficial for them to have a natural consequence for their behaviour that could occur without that consequence being seen as a punishment dealt out to them on a whim. They even helped us determine what that natural consequence should logically be.

When we did occasionally use the natural consequences formula it was when they were younger. I can't remember the last time either of our kids needed us to assign any kind of consequence for their behaviour it's been years. Life deals those out fairly automatically the older we get. We have never punished them, just as it would not be true for us to punish others we love when they make mistakes.

I did ground Chris once, but I realized a couple of days into it that he hadn't disobeyed me; we had had a genuine misunderstanding that came from miscommunication. Once I was able to recognize that, we had a natural meeting of the minds and the intimate understanding that springs from it. I dropped the grounding consequence, and never regretted it My usual method for dealing with suspected deceptions when the kids were younger and testing limits was very simple. I would say, ‘Look me in the eye and tell me that again with a straight face.’ Then I would give them my most discerning look, while smiling. If they were fibbing or exaggerating, their attempt to stare me down would end in a fit of giggles. We would all have a laugh instead of a conflict, and they learned that it was useless to try to fool me. Their own subconscious mind revealed the truth. It got so that all I had to do was give them the look if they said something suspicious, and they would crack up, laughing at themselves.

Our kids don't generally do or say anything to anyone else with the intention of causing pain. When they are attacked, they refrain from attacking back. They do not seek revenge. They speak kindly to us without sarcasm or rancour. Children can be very cruel, but there is no reason they have to be. Cruelty is a learned behaviour, and our children learn primarily from us. They treat others the way we have treated them. High personal morals are their own reward. I believe it is more fun to have the good feeling of knowing that you have not cheated on your income taxes, than it would be to have the extra money from the cheating. It is more fun to have the intimate thrill of being completely known by your partner than it is to have secrets. A clear conscience is a wonderful thing. The feeling of integrity allows you to rest inside yourself, and your kids will see the benefits of that inner freedom. One of the earliest guidelines from the Psychology of Vision, which I learned from Chuck when I first met him, explains that nothing can be done to us that we are not already in some way doing. Our children's behaviour toward us will reflect our behaviour toward them, and our behaviour toward ourselves.

Our children are the greatest reflection we have of our minds. Their issues are our issues and their behaviours are our behaviours even if we are doing our best to hide them from the world. The ways in which we are out of integrity will show up in some form in our children. For example, if Chuck or I had secret sexual liaisons, it would not be surprising for our kids to get into trouble about deceptive sexual behaviour. If we were dishonest in our financial dealings, our children might develop a shoplifting problem. Addictions in us might well be reflected in addictions in them, etc. No amount of punishment will teach our kids not to reflect our minds. When our kids get in trouble, it shows where we are in trouble. The good news is that since that is the case, when we can identify that issue inside of ourselves and heal it, our children no longer need to reflect the issue to us. We are all healed together. This can be the very greatest motivation for all of us parents; we can clean up our acts before our children begin to act out the deeper layers of our minds. Our children don't have to follow our footsteps through the mistakes we have made.

Psychology of Vision Online

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #335 on: September 20, 2014, 11:31:50 pm »
Hey Canada! Charles Lee Spezzano is coming back on another tour to sell his latest book and recruit more members for the Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) cult. Better start saving lots of the coins of the realm so you can take advantage of this opportunity to attend a seminar by a huckster from the States who has a Ph.D. not accredited by the APA and claims he knows what is going in the minds of God and demons! And he can perform past life regressions! His wife is an empath who can directly channel Heaven's grace!

Plus he attended Oneness University and praised Amma and Bhagavan as part of his "greatest inspirations," hence the blather about "Oneness."

The man who loves to tell aggressive dirty jokes in his presentations, and according to my sources had a reputation for throwing tantrums, is going to talk about "emotional maturity."

Charles did indeed start his road show in 1980, in Vancouver in fact, but as a psychic, not as a healer.

Anyway, catch his cult-recruiting effort here. I put the parts the Spezzanos care the most about in bold font--

"Language of the Heart - The Path of Emotional Maturity” with Chuck Spezanno 3 Day in Vancouver

NOVEMBER, 8, 9 10, 2014

“The path of emotional maturity is actually a path to Oneness. Emotional maturity will give us our heart back and with our heart we will know our purpose, lead a balanced life in which we can enjoy our successes, and really know what LOVE means. Our happiness is in our hands and we can stop being afraid of our greatness. Chuck Spezzano – The Language of the Heart

In this workshop, “Language of the Heart -  The Path of Emotional Maturity”, we will experience the principles of emotional maturity, a crucial factor in achieving happiness and success in our lives. This is the next step in our personal evolution and will lead us to truly know and LOVE ourselves and others. This workshop will be a continuation of the June “Restoration of Love” Apprenticeship that brought a deeper understanding of the importance and value of emotional maturity as a link to our higher mind and a more loving connection in all our relationships.         

Chuck provides easy and innovative techniques that can be used after the workshop. His compassion, humor, and incredible intuitive abilities create a supportive environment that can empower you to make the choice for emotional maturity.

Chuck Spezzano. PhD is a world-renowned seminar leader,author, lecturer and highly intuitive visionary leader. He holds a Doctorate in Psychology and has been an international workshop facilitator since 1980. Chuck and his wife Lency developed the visionary healing model - The Psychology of Vision. It is a marriage of psychology and spirituality that draws inspiration from “A Course in Miracles”. This model is being taught worldwide and has assisted thousands of people to lead happier, more empowered and fulfilled lives.

REGISTER BY OCTOBER 10TH  - $420 + tax ($200 deposit required)


ALSO RECEIVE a copy of Chuck’s new book “The Language Of the Heart – The Path of Emotional Maturity” (a $20 value). This will be distributed at the workshop.

After October 10 - $460 (+ tax)

At the Door - $495 (tax extra)

Call for couple, student (full-time), senior (65 and over) and group rate (6 or more).

First Nations - $360 (+ tax) by October 10 * After October 10 - $380 (+ tax)

Workshop Hours – 10 am – 7 pm * Workshop ending times are approximate.

 Location:  Executive Hotel, 4201 Lougheed Hwy. Burnaby, BC


Or for more information and phone in registration Contact Susan How Email  or * Myrna Taylor Email Call 604-669-7400

For Hotel information contact Jenny Spencer 604-307-7162

4201 Lougheed Hwy
Burnaby, BC
Map and Directions

Hey, I thought First Nations was supposed to be an altruistic deal. The nearly 400 clams for this nonsense is hardly free.

Maybe they started out with noble intentions, but if so, then Charles Lee Spezzano and Lenora Kay Spezzano have become Boomer sellouts. In The Big Chill, these two would've been cast as comical, superficial hustlers, and rightfully so. If you are drawn to this event my advice is to save your money and seek out help from true licensed professionals who will still be responsible enough to provide follow-up. Paying such high fees for this SALPOV seminar is simply flushing your hard-earned cash down the toilet, as well as placing yourself in danger of being sucked into a very costly personality cult. Do yourself a favor and avoid this toxic SALPOV crap.

Before considering signing up for any SALPOV event involving so many Canadian dollars, please watch these presentations ahead of time. There's a little bit of SALPOV in each one of these--

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #336 on: September 21, 2014, 02:19:47 pm »

Sandy S mentioned PoV courses on „The Restoration of Love“ in his above post.

On Sep 3, 2014, a regional newspaper covered the case of the managing director of a company running several kindergardens who had embezzled some € 43,000 in about 67 individual cases occuring between Jan 2007 and the end of 2008. The director spent the money e.g. on Nuage courses, among them a two-years' course at € 13,000, with seminars titled „Restoration of Love“ and „Healing the Inner Child“ taking place in Malaga/Spain and Honolulu/Hawaii. The director defended herself claiming the seminars served personal development and of having taken decisions for the good of the children.

PoV did in fact sell courses on „The Restoration of Love“ taking place in Malaga in 2007:

The Restoration of Love
Come to Spain for a profound experience that will change your life. Join participants from all over the World at this 10 Day Apprenticeship Training with Chuck and Lency Spezzano, co-creators of the Psychology of Vision model which has helped thousands of participants worldwide to unlock their personal potential and experience greater success.
Fuengirola (Malaga)
Start Date: 14/09/2007
Finish Date: 23/09/2007
Qualifying Days: 10
Price Information:
To which of course travel expense and costs for accomodation will have to be added.

The PoV practice of compulsory seminars in Hawaii at least once a year has already been mentioned in this thread. Quite incidentially, the Spezzanos' estate happens to be situated in a town in Honolulu county.
However, a course to „ unlock .. personal potential and experience greater success“ was booked „for the good of the children“? This is hard to believe.

And PoV is not the only pseudo-scientific method the director has been trained in. On the kindergarden company's website, she mentions to have done „PoV trainings“, to have done an „NLP Master Programme“ and a „training as an MET therapist“.
MET is a tapping massage or tapping acupuncture applied to the so-called meridians of the human body. This meridian system is said to belong to traditional Chinese medicine but when transfered to the West, it came without the meridian map which was reconstructed from memory. The persons offering the 'training' to become an MET therapist also happen to be stout anti-vaxxers – just what parents would love to see in the way of attitudes at a kindergarden they chose for their children [sarcasm off]. Several employees of her company have also been trained as „MET therapists“.

On the company's website, the director also claims to be a kindergarden teacher, a psychotherapist, a family and partnership therapist, a yoga teacher, a learning therapist, and further asserts having done academic studies in sociology, law, political history, economics, and psychology. No final degree mentioned, however.

Some of the 67 incidents were dropped as the director claimed that some were mistakes commited by her accountant. The director commentend: „The one reproach I have to accept is that I did not check the book keeping“. Apparently, amounts spent on expensive lingerie and traveling were paid from kindergarten accounts.

The director was sentenced to eleven months suspended and a fine of € 20,000, after she denied a deal with the Attorney who suggested twelve months suspended plus said fine. The director contended that she wouldn't be able to remain in her job if sentenced to twelve months, and she further „emphasises her work is qualified and of high value“.

What becomes apparent is that a) PoV followers are quite prepared to lay the blame for their wrongdoings on anybody else but themselves, and b) the court did not quite share her point of view that PoV courses were an important and invaluable asset only done for the best of the children.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #337 on: September 24, 2014, 12:20:41 pm »
Hey, can't afford all those incredibly expensive seminars, annual license fees, card sets, books, or other SALPOV spiritual merchandise? Find yourself considering embezzling funds from your workplace or writing bogus grants justifying cult activity in order to afford the trip to Hawaii or local resorts for those intensive brainwashing sessions? Tired of those nagging doubts that maybe the whole SALPOV corporation is merely an American capitalistic enterprise designed to enrich a very few-- but you are too addicted to turn away? Has the "security" of SALPOV made you a slave to fear and drained your savings account?

Well have I found a deal for you! This online wonder is called The New Age Bullshit Generator. Simply hit the "Reionize Electrons" button at the top of the page and you'll get the same sort of wisdom, probably generated in very much the same way, that SALPOV cranks out. Except the NABG is totally free! Your savings account doesn't have to evaporate just to keep up with the demands of the SALPOV cult.

Let's give it a sample whirl, shall we?

Aspiration is the knowledge of learning, and of us.

We live, we reflect, we are reborn. Stardust is the driver of health.

How should you navigate this quantum quantum matrix?

You may be ruled by stagnation without realizing it. Do not let it disrupt the knowledge of your journey. You must take a stand against suffering. Dogma is born in the gap where transcendence has been excluded.

We can no longer afford to live with pain. Only a lifeform of the universe may ignite this unifying of aspiration. Without faith, one cannot vibrate.

Imagine an unveiling of what could be. This mission never ends. It is a sign of things to come.

    Although you may not realize it, you are ever-present.

We are at a crossroads of grace and pain. We are in the midst of an ancient unfolding of truth that will align us with the world itself. Reality has always been overflowing with beings whose hearts are enveloped in healing.

Our conversations with other entities have led to a redefining of supra-primordial consciousness. Humankind has nothing to lose. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the infinite via pulses.

And it is delivered complete with a serene photo of a mountainside! Much better than the oh-so-predictable and frequently recycled Spezzano "Card of the Day." Brilliant. I love it.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #338 on: September 24, 2014, 02:37:16 pm »
OMG, Sandy S, that is so funny.

I keep trying to make sense of it the way I do when I read something new-age-y and then blame myself when I can't make sense of it!  Maybe I need to pay someone to help me make sense of it.  Yikes!!   :o :o

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #339 on: September 25, 2014, 04:26:06 am »
The New Age Bullshit Generator vs. the Spezzano Bullshit Generator: Can You Tell the Difference?

Thank you for your comment, Autumn! I agree, they use language to dazzle the vulnerable and feed off of their insecurities.

Here's a fun quiz for all of you to test your Spezzano research skills. Compare the New Age Bullshit Generator--

with the Spezzano Bullshit Generator, aka, The Card For Today--

Step right up and see if you can spot the parody over the real fraud! Hint, the Spezzano Bullshit Generator includes more typos and more deep-seated Medieval Catholic fear and guilt references.

So which one in each set is from the Spezzano Bullshit Generator? Answers will follow--

Fear at unconscious levels is an attraction to something. It is a fear that we will lose control so it prevents relationships where subconsciously we are afraid of how we used to be of wanting to possess people. As we progress in interdependence we get frightened of being possessed by devils (The ancient ego) and finally we are afraid of losing our ego and being possessed by the Love of God. We die to self and are reborn in Self.

You must take a stand against yearning. You may be ruled by illusion without realizing it. Do not let it eliminate the healing of your path. Without choice, one cannot live. We exist, we dream, we are reborn. Nothing is impossible. This life is nothing short of an unfolding harmonizing of dynamic interconnectedness.
Without potentiality, one cannot exist. You must take a stand against ego. You may be ruled by yearning without realizing it. Do not let it confront the growth of your journey.

Hope again emerges and we feel faith to continue on in our journey. Heaven's lesson in regard to our situation begins to unfold and the dark ego lesson starts to fall away. This is an important time as we realize that we had been depressed and hand't quite realized it until we now come out the other side.
We must unify ourselves and synergize others. We are being called to explore the quantum matrix itself as an interface between transformation and non-locality. We must learn how to lead sensual lives in the face of yearning. Being, look within and fulfill yourself. Although you may not realize it, you are interstellar. How should you navigate this sacred infinite? The future will be a dynamic evolving of faith. It is time to take empathy to the next level. It is in redefining that we are recreated.

Our Sweet burning desire is DE--SIRE --of the Father. Our YEARNING for people,places or things will either be satisfied or not but the call of Love to love is inexorable. Our YEARNING is the tractor-beam pull of ONENESS. We seek completion  through all the other things we seem to want in the world. Those will never be enough for us so we will continue on until we realize the ecstasy of Love.
The world is the illusion as purported by mystics and many of the cutting edge quantum physicists and we make it what it is.true MEANING comes from Heaven and leads us out of Plato's cave to the real world and the light.

Consciousness consists of meridians of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an awakening of the intergalatic. Growth is the nature of divinity, and of us. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is rejuvenation.

Humankind has nothing to lose. Our conversations with other warriors have led to a deepening of ultra-sensual consciousness. We are at a crossroads of spacetime and illusion.

This archetype helps us know that we can deal with big issues easily as the WARRIOR is within us waiting to be called when necessary to not let yourselves be abused.

Answers: A,D,F,G,J

So what amazes me about the Spezzano Bullshit Generator is that it is obviously created on a daily basis by some random method, yet on Spezzano's Facebook page where the blather is duplicated the comments by fawning cult followers is almost always the same. "Thank you Chuck!" "The timing is simply amazing!" etc., etc., with a liberal use of smiley faces, heart emoticons and exclamation symbols.

Clearly not a lot of critical thinking taking place here.

I hold these truths to be self-evident: That the American for-profit corporation Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) is a personality cult that has left a wake of victims and needs to be seriously investigated by media and government authorities in many parts of the world, particularly in British Columbia. That the President and Vice-President of this corporate entity have enormously enriched themselves at the cost of sincere and deluded "seekers." That SALPOV's targeting of FN in Canada is far from altruistic and I encourage the RCMP to follow the money and consider the possibility that we might have a case of affinity fraud. That SALPOV, in an attempt to rewrite their own history, has deliberately censored and deleted parts of their past and presented a false face to the public. That SALPOV requires their cult followers to debase themselves and submit to humiliating activities (such as Lenora Kay Spezzano's "downloading/joining" Youtubes) in order to attain favor and gain rank in a steep hierarchy. These videos also strongly suggest the use of hypnosis as a method of control and manipulation.

It's all about the money.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #340 on: September 26, 2014, 01:05:37 pm »
Almost as if on cue, The Spezzano Bullshit Generator produced this gem yesterday, confirming my point--

THE COSMIC is the card for today. THE COSMIC refers to the spiritual level of consciousness that has not yet reached Oneness but is close to that point. It brings great, unmitigated joy and is full of love, miracles and truth. Today is a day to drop all judgment and enjoy the higher planes. Have an amazing day!!

Posted Yesterday by Chuck Spezzano

Thank you Chuck! The timing is simply amazing!  :D

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #341 on: October 02, 2014, 03:11:43 am »
Hmm. At the same time I made critical remarks about the Spezzano Bullshit Generator spewing harmful nonsense into the world, the Generator suddenly stopped excreting Spezzano Bullshit-- for an unprecedented entire week!

Apparently they ran into some kind of technical difficulty, impacting their Card of the Day, Facebook, and Twitter, giving the world a brief respite from SALPOV toxic banalities. See attached items (must be signed in to view).

The SALPOV CEOs are not about the power of love. Rather, they are about the love of power, as revealed in their own personality cult-driven Trainer's Manual (also attached). The fact we have been spared from their noxious drivel for a whole 7 days is a dream come true.

Using SALPOV logic, there are no coincidences. This technical malfunction was the result of us troublemakers "manifesting" a better world, a world without the intrapsychic pollution of astral attacking Spezzanospeak posing as New Age healers when in fact they are simply a couple of small-time medicine show fakey performers taking advantage of vulnerable and wounded seekers. Obviously the Spezzano Bullshit Generator went awry because they must be guilty of something, if you apply the past statements of Charles Lee Spezzano to this case. Maybe the Heavenly powers did not have a sense of humour when it came to the irony of Charles Lee Spezzano promoting his book about "Emotional Maturity" or his upcoming faux-Tarot card set about idols.

I thought the Spezzano capitalist corporation was supposed to have flunkies and a webmaster taking care of these problems. When Lenora Kay Spezzano justified the obscene costs of SALPOV for "seminars," hypnotic "downloading/joining" sessions, trainer license fees, and Charles Lee Spezzano's over $1000 an hour personal consulting charge, she included the fact they employ an office staff as part of their costly overhead. Why didn't any these employees jump on this malfunction? Are they incompetent, or do they not even exist?

Here's the main point. Spezzano's bullshit is diversified. And a significant portion of his scam is posing as an expert on for-profit business psychology and organisation, especially in Europe. But is it normal when a for-profit business allows their own online connection to potential customers to be screwed up for a whole week? The USA private sector always touts its own efficiency. So, uhhh, what is the deal with Spezzano's failure here to deliver the goods?

Like so many other things in SALPOV, when it comes to business consulting, Charles Lee Spezzano is a "do as I say, not as I do" sort of character. From all indicators I can see, SALPOV is going down the toilet. The corporation appears to have really taken a severe nosedive in the last few years. It is acquiring the stench of death. 

The fact that several people instantly "liked" the spammy malfunction statement on Spezzano's Facebook and retweeted it on Twitter reveals something of a mindless obedience among the cult followers who remain in this pathetic and anemic esoteric group.

When it comes down to it, the philosophical foundation of SALPOV is all about the money-- for a very, very few:



Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #342 on: October 06, 2014, 12:14:41 pm »
Here is a fun parlour game mixing the SALPOV "3 card reading" fortune-telling diversion with a trio of bullshit generators. All three are created by simply stringing together tired random phrases and buzzwords that sound good to New Age clients, but which one is created by a machine and which two are created by a bunko artist?

These three are abridged from the New Age Bullshit Generator, and from Charles Lee Spezzano's daily and monthly bullshit generators (Card of the Day, and, Nightlight Newsletter).

It is what leadership is all about--to EMPOWER others so that the gifts of all are shared and new gifts are developed. EMPOWERMENT makes people more whole and more confident. It enhances the giver as well as the given. Today the Tao is bringing the energy to strengthen us all as that is the truth of our existence and the illusion of weakness is of the ego. Let yourself be Empowered today it comes from the Love that gives you your true authority.

Intuition is a constant. We exist, we reflect, we are reborn.
Yes, it is possible to destroy the things that can confront us, but not without healing on our side.

Without chi, one cannot heal. We can no longer afford to live with turbulence. The complexity of the present time seems to demand a summoning of our brains if we are going to survive.

We are at a crossroads of divinity and selfishness.

You will soon be recreated by a power deep within yourself — a power that is ethereal, dynamic. Prayer may be the solution to what’s holding you back from an untold current of guidance. As you exist, you will enter into infinite peace that transcends understanding.

In the Golden Life you become a bridge between Heaven and earth and this month is meant to open the best that earth has to offer. Yet there is still a cloud cover between you and Heaven that will call for your strong intention to get through. This is not because Heaven is difficult to reach. It is within you. It is because there are so many distractions all around you this month. These distractions may occur even to the point where it is hard to reach goals and keep timetables on important projects. Of course, Heaven is the ultimate goal – to awaken and reach Oneness is what everyone in the final essay came for. So take time to penetrate the cloud and experience the joy. Don’t get too busy or caught up. You could really have it all this month.

Dregs and patterns of the collective unconscious continue to surface and these issues will sometimes infringe on you personally so that a personal problem has collective roots. Keep forgiving and doing other forms of healing until it clears.

Remember folks, the New Age Bullshit Generator is completely free while Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision will cost you thousands of dollars and hours if you get caught up in their cult. You deserve to have your own life, don't hand it over to this group.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #343 on: October 08, 2014, 08:58:13 pm »
Looks like SALPOV Canada is apparently now minus their two youngest trainers, Douglas Anderson and Melissa Meyer. This leaves them with only a half dozen of the threadbare and worn out old guard. Quite a comedown from even five years ago when SALPOV Canada had a small army of minions feed the Spezzano bank account.

Anderson appears to be spearheading his own operation.

Getting out from paying those obscene trainer "license fees" of thousands of dollars annually to SALPOV is a good move. Stepping away from SALPOV, even if it is only a small step, is a positive thing. Good for them. I will watch their careers with interest.


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #344 on: October 08, 2014, 10:19:59 pm »
If Melissa Meyer has left POV, she needs to change her LinkedIn listing pronto:

Meyer's Consulting

September 2004 – Present (10 years 2 months)

I am a Coach/Facilitator specializing in customized leadership trainings, business coaching and workshops. I facilitate Success from the Inside Out trainings, Psychology of Vision workshops, Youth trainings and a Parenting Program. I often co-facilitate with my husband and other Trainers as required.
Psychology of Vision

January 2002 – Present (12 years 10 months) British Columbia, Canada

I coach & facilitate workshops, seminars and trainings based on the Psychology of Vision principles throughout BC both in business and community. I also mentor and train others to become Trainers and Facilitators based on the principles of Psychology of Vision.