Odds and Ends => Comedy Channel => Topic started by: educatedindian on August 08, 2008, 08:23:32 pm

Title: McCain is the Antichrist
Post by: educatedindian on August 08, 2008, 08:23:32 pm
Ok, this article wasn't intended to be funny, but it sure made me laugh. The comments are often funny too.

I esp laughed recalling my students who were members of John Hagee's church (yes, that guy) telling me about Hagee's preaching how Obama is supposed to be the Antichrist and will die, come back to life, and his head will split open and he'll be revealed to be a humanoid lizard. Apparently Hagee has been reading David Ickes, who in turn watched a lot of the old sci fi TV show "V".
Title: Re: McCain is the Antichrist
Post by: frederica on August 08, 2008, 08:37:37 pm
Wonder sometimes where they come up with this stuff. McCain is over 70, walks like he has arthritis, and they probably have to wake hime up from a nap to marshal any forces.
Title: Re: McCain is the Antichrist
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on August 10, 2008, 10:04:49 pm
In the UK we hear a lot about Rev. Wright shooting his mouth off, but nothing about Hagee.
Title: Re: McCain is the Antichrist
Post by: Juliet on January 28, 2009, 11:06:43 pm
African-American pastors aren't as scary as white pastors.  When Rev. Wright speaks, he's trying to get people active in positive social ways.  A white pastor yelling, 'God damn America!' probably has a copy of The Turner Diaries on his shelves and a set of white sheets hanging in his closet, and wants people to go out and blow things up and overthrow the government in the name of a fantasy.

African-American pastors' main concern is speaking truth to power, and to dragging America (kicking and screaming) to its potential.  They poke the status quo with sticks, while white guys like Hagee (and Robertson) want to become the arbiters of the status quo.