Author Topic: Bernadette Ginnane AKA Bernie Ginnane (Australia)  (Read 6744 times)

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1455
Bernadette Ginnane AKA Bernie Ginnane (Australia)
« on: December 09, 2018, 03:23:27 am »
Another one who believes in the utter delusion of there being one single "Native American Indian (First Nations) Shamanism"? Trained by frauds, some of them have threads in the forum already. (My bolding in the quote below, which is an excerpt from her bio):

I am a Sound Energy Healer, Yoga Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner,  Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator, Art Therapist Life Coach, and an empowering workshop facilitator.
I have always carried the fire of shamanism within me, even though I had not labelled it as such, either to myself or publicly, until later in my life. Sometimes it was a small flickering flame but now it burns brightly with courage, grace, compassion and much gratitude.

Shamanism honours that all matter is composed of energy, and this energy connects us all; all people, Mother Earth including the Animal, Plant and Stone Kingdoms and the spirit world beyond.

Shamanism honours the deep connection to Mother Earth.

Everything is energy, and all is connected.

Some say a shamanic healing path can only be handed down through a bloodline. I disagree. Though I was not born in this lifetime an Australian Aborigine, nor a Native American Indian, nor born in the land of the Celts, Vikings, Siberians, South American or African peoples, I am connected to all, as we are all energy.

And so, I wholeheartedly not only embrace my shamanic way of living, but my work as a Shamanic Practitioner, following primarily Native American Indian (First Nations) Shamanism, as per my Practitioner study.

I live and work shamanically, seeking peace and harmony along the way.     
Though there are many streams of Shamanism originating in different continents, the core foundations and practices are fundamentally very similar.

I have studied shamanism in Sydney, Australia; the UK and Arizona, USA under Heatherash Amara, who studied with don Miguel Riuz, the author of The Four Agreements. I have studied extensively in Ireland, particularly at Dancing Moons Shamanic Centre under Colm Kiely who studied under many teachers, including Emaho Montoya, of the Lakota Sioux nation, and Sandra Ingerman.

I have immersed myself in numerous Shamanic workshops and sound and energy healing training in Ireland and the UK.

I have been blessed to ‘Fire Dance’ in Cork, Ireland and Amsterdam with Emaho Montoya, of the Lakota Sioux nation.

I have ‘Walked Upon Fire’ in Sedona, Arizona with Heatherash Amara.

And I have been blessed to have participated in a sacred and powerful Pipe Ceremony; a pipe from an Oglala medicine man, with ancient lineage to White Buffalo Calf Woman.


Bernie's Qualifications:

- Shamanic Practitioner - Dancing Moons Shamanic Centre, Inch, Gorey Co Wexford, Ireland
- Shamanic Sound Energy Healer – Diploma Nadabrahma Health Academy, Hill of Tara, Ireland
- Workshop Facilitator – Heatherash Amara

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Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1455
Re: Bernadette Ginnane AKA Bernie Ginnane (Australia)
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2018, 03:32:28 am »
I have studied extensively in Ireland, particularly at Dancing Moons Shamanic Centre under Colm Kiely who studied under many teachers, including Emaho Montoya, of the Lakota Sioux nation, and Sandra Ingerman.
I have been blessed to ‘Fire Dance’ in Cork, Ireland and Amsterdam with Emaho Montoya, of the Lakota Sioux nation.

This is where I spotted her: [Donald Montoya aka Emaho]