Author Topic: Kymberlee Ruff  (Read 69482 times)

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Kymberlee Ruff
« on: January 31, 2012, 04:16:22 am »
We know she's a fraud, but Coast to Coast has posting an update about her on their facebook.

Offline Pono Aloha

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2012, 07:16:24 am »
Coast to Coast has the occasional good guest, but is mostly home of the frauds IMHO.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2012, 07:47:17 pm »
Here's what we have on her before.

She also claims...

She's also interfered in Hopi internal affairs, asking the feds to stop or overturn a tribal election.

And uses her claims to sell her services as a psychotherapist.
Note she claims to have studied under "many" elders as well as an aborginal shaman. Conveniently, none named.

For someone claiming to have a serious message, she chooses the least serious and credible sites to go on. Not just Coast to Voast but also UFO  and paranormal sites.

Appearing alongside numerous frauds and dubious people exploiting the 2012 nonsense.

Also working with a number of frauds, Maria Naylin and Woody Vaspra, and an alleged psychic Michael Temura.
this past February: I was asked to meet with several key people at the Third Mesa in Hotevilla, Arizona who were to bring forth to the world some of the ancient prophecies, wisdom and the ways of healing and living that is needed for humanity and the earth at this time.  Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma, the Keeper of the Sacred Tablets of the Fire Clan and Hopi Prophecy Holder, had been a life-long mentor in spirit (and now in the body) to our friend Kymberlee Ruff (who is part Cherokee by ancestry, grew up in Hawaii and was recently made an honorary Hopi Elder by Grandfather) and announced to her that the time has come to share some of the real prophecies with the world.  The weekend had been destined for Kymberlee, her two sons, Joe and Jesse (wise souls reincarnated still in young bodies), 13th Generation Apache Quero Diiyin, Maria Yraceburu (who led a pilgrimage of 24 people to this gathering) and Elizabeth Ann Hinn, founder of the White Rose Foundation (and a carrier of one of the mantles of the Hopi Grandfathers) to come together as the "Three Sisters" who would carry the sacred work and wisdom to the world.  Although, Elizabeth was called away on urgent family matters and could not be there in the physical, her presence was deeply felt. Another friend of ours, filmmaker Kent Romney, was also invited for the purpose of filming the gathering and revelations of the  Second Prophecy Rock.  Where the well-known First Hopi Prophecy Rock showed the choice of paths that humanity could take that leads either to nuclear devastation or to peace, the Second Prophecy Rock offers the way should we choose the path to peace. It tells of Shambala and the way we may learn to reach that space.  And as Providence would have it, a good friend of Grandfather Martin, Woody Vaspra, Hawaiian Elder and President of the World Council of Indigenous Elders was there to meet with us as well.


Ruff is also a ceremony seller in workshops with Naylin, and claimed to be a shaman and carrier.
Celebrating Turtle Island Womyn & Girls Healing Retreat
22 - 26 October 2008
Oakland, CA
This five-day workshop will provide the participants with the practical knowledge, tools and rites of passage for claiming power to heal themselves and others. Students will learn how to: Access, accummulate and direct power, Work with Spirit Guides that co-create our lives, Find and work with the aspects of self that mold reality, Use the secret of time for healing, Be initiated into the ancient sisterhood of earth, and Use daily practices that intensify spiritual growth. This retreat will be led by Quero Apache guardian Maria Yraceburu, Gypsy shaman Lynda Yraceburu, Hawaiian Huna priestess Leilani Birely, author shamans and wise women Mellissa Seaman and Cynthia Sue Larson, and Cherokee shaman and psychotherapist Kymberlee Ruff MFT, who is Carrier of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy.


That, plus using her false claims to get work as a therapist, is enough to move her to Frauds.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 10:10:23 am »


Ruff is also a ceremony seller in workshops with Naylin, and claimed to be a shaman and carrier.
Celebrating Turtle Island Womyn & Girls Healing Retreat

22 - 26 October 2008
Oakland, CA
This five-day workshop will provide the participants with the practical knowledge, tools and rites of passage for claiming power to heal themselves and others. Students will learn how to: Access, accummulate and direct power, Work with Spirit Guides that co-create our lives, Find and work with the aspects of self that mold reality, Use the secret of time for healing, Be initiated into the ancient sisterhood of earth, and Use daily practices that intensify spiritual growth. This retreat will be led by Quero Apache guardian Maria Yraceburu, Gypsy shaman Lynda Yraceburu, Hawaiian Huna priestess Leilani Birely, author shamans and wise women Mellissa Seaman and Cynthia Sue Larson, and Cherokee shaman and psychotherapist Kymberlee Ruff MFT, who is Carrier of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy.


That, plus using her false claims to get work as a therapist, is enough to move her to Frauds.


Psychotherapists (real of fake / qualified / unqualified) who run "Womyn & Girls Healing Retreats" are of interest to me for obvious reasons

the source link did not work for me on a proxy server, however I found one that did here

on which appears the following text:
Celebrating Turtle Island Womyn & Girls Healing Retreat

Introduction to Celebrating Turtle Island Womyn & Girls Healing Retreat Shares the Ancient Secrets of Life, Time, the Self and Power of Being Womyn - October 22-26, 2008



Leilani Birely, Kahuna Initiation
PRLog (Press Release) - Aug 06, 2008 -
The knowledge and power of ancient earth transforms participants October 22-26, 2008 during the workshop Celebrating Turtle Island Womyn & Girls Healing Retreat in Oakland, sponsored by the Sisters of Honua (SoH), EarthWisdom, Daughters of the Goddess and San Jose Circle Moon Lodge.

The five-day workshop will provide the participants with the practical knowledge, tools and rites of passage for claiming power to heal themselves and others. Students will learn how to:

   * Access, accumulate and direct power
   * Work with Spirit Guides that co-create our lives
   * Find and work with the aspects of self that mold reality
   * Use the secret of time for healing
   * Be initiated into the ancient sisterhood of earth
   * Use a daily practices that intensifies spiritual growth

“This multi-cultural and intergenerational Rite of Passage helps us master the elements of power, cleanse dysfunction and master the Self,” said Maria Yraceburu, Quero Apache ceremonialist and author. “The Indigenous believed this moment in time is pivotal on womyn taking their place as Dreamers of the World. They handed down the secrets of these changing times through their lineages, their chants, wisdom, and through initiations.”

$575 includes tuition, materials and Daughters of the Goddess Spiral Dance Admission
Detailed information on travel and what to bring to the seminar will be provided upon receipt of the registration. Deposit is not refundable.  Remainder of the fee is refundable if cancellation is received in writing at least two weeks prior to the start of the seminar.  Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.
Event Coordinator & Contact: Joe Montoya,


– Maria Yraceburu studied Quero Apache traditions with her grandfather, and became an akicita(guardian) of Earth. She facilitated the Earth Renewal Festivals by merging Tlish Diyan ritual with cross-cultural facilitators since 1972. She is author of Wisdom of the Rainbow Serpent: 2nd Penseh (FAEW 2008), Wisdom of the Rainbow Serpent: 1st Penseh (FAEW 2005), Prayers & Meditations of the Quero Apache (Bear & Co. 2004), and Legends & Prophecies of the Quero Apache (Bear & Co., 2002). To learn more visit

– Lynda Yraceburu is a living practitioner of her Gypsy shamanic tradition... Vas Pesh, the inheritor of a deeply enriching and healing craft which combines power, passion, light-heartedness and strong elements of magic and insight.  She practices and teaches this craft in accordance with the ancient natural laws of the Rom and earth's cyclic energies.  She is also a Traditional Healer in the Quero Apache Tlish Diyan tradition, and an Earth Spirit Photographer with her first book Where Spirit Lives soon to be released!  To learn more visit

– Leilani Birely, Hawaiian Priestess and ceremonialist brings ancient Hawaiian healing and Goddess wisdom to the community.  She is the active mother of two girls.  Graduated from George Mason University in Fairfax VA with a degree in Business, and a graduate of the Masters in Womyn’s Spirituality from New College in San Francisco.  On Summer solstice of 1996 she founded Daughters of the Goddess Womyn’s Temple.  In August of 1998, she was Ordained as a Dianic High Priestess by Z Budapest at the Goddess 2000 womyn's Festival in La Honda, CA.  In March 2008, Maria & Lynda Yraceburu, and Patrice Erickson acted as Guardians and take Leilani home to Hawaii to begin intiations as Kahuna with the Kumu of her lineage.  To learn more go to

– Mellissa Seaman delights in facilitating events for women in their awakening, embodiment, and empowerment.  In the year 2000, Mellissa experienced an awakening that took her from being a Stanford-educated Catholic Lawyer to being a channel and shamanic healer.   Since then, she has led workshops in Shamanic Practice, the Arts of the Temple Priestess, Temple Dance, Shamanic Tantra and Ecstatic Breathwork in circles and retreat centers around California.  Read articles she has written at to learn more.

– Spiritual life coach Cynthia Sue Larson is author of several books, including Aura Advantage, and Reality Shifts. Cynthia holds an M.B.A. from San Francisco State University, and a A.B. degree in Physics from U.C. Berkeley. She lives in Berkeley, California, where she publishes the free monthly ezine, RealityShifters News through her reality shifting web site

– Kymberlee Ruff,MFT was born in the Cherokee Nation of two part Cherokee parents. Kymberlee has worked in psych for thirty years, licensed as a psychotherapist since 1986 and apprenticed as a shaman for over ten years.For the past nine years,  Kymberlee has been working with a paradigm that  she created combining shamanism and traditional psychotherapy.  In 2001 Kymberlee learned that she is a Prophecy Carrier of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy. In 2006 Kymberlee  was made an Honorary Hopi Elder by Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma, the Keeper of the Sacred Tablets of the Fire Clan.  Specifically, Kymberlee is a Carrier of the message  of the "Second Hopi Prophecy Rock". The Message of Hope that follows after the First Hopi Prophecy Rock.

# # #

A non-profit organization for the reunification of Earth and Humans through programs that offer healing, spiritual awareness, personal development and community. We celebrate the Changing Mother earth and work through responsible co-creation.

--- end ---  

No time to check out all of the "shamans" listed as leading the retreats, however one of them is already on my radar  Mellissa Seaman
FB page here

Lots of dodgy "tantric" friends including plenty of deer tribe members.  

This woman is running an event called "Yoni Speak"

Her websites are here

She and her partner Richard Bock teach "Divine Ravishment" workshops and offer "Tantric Inquiry" counseling sessions.
The divine ravishment website advertises a mix and blend of long distance healing, aquatic "bodywork" and "quantum light breath"

I am already familiar with some other people running "quantum light breath" events.  Guess who?

Ms Seaman uses her vagina as a "power tool", because the coyote told her too.  Or something.
Every shaman has a “power tool” – the main tool that she uses in her practice.  My power tool, as revealed to me by my guides, is my Yoni, a.k.a. my vagina.  When I first heard this news from my Guides, I thought perhaps Coyote was just giving me a hard time, as he is known to do.  So I asked again.  Again they told me my power tool was my Yoni – my “lower mouth,” they said.   I remember how odd and scary that sounded to me that day.   But now, after working with and through my Yoni with many clients, I realize the perfect sense of it all.  Yoni is the primary channel of a woman.  She is the perfect instrument for channeling healing energy, whether it is my Yoni channeling into another, or my client using her own Yoni to release trauma.   And so I am honored and dedicated to continuing my work as Yoni Shaman.  My full Spirit name is Mellissa Andromeda Yoni Ashwan, and I will continue to serve as I am Called.


Just had a quick look at one of the other "shamans" Leilani Birely, could not find her on FB but the group she is involved with seems to be a mix of different traditions and newage stuff for a hefty price.  Could someone else take a look?   

It links to this group .  I seriously doubt whether the group is knowingly involved in THB and the women involved are old skool feminists involved in archery.  

I feel concerned about a "womyns" event in which feminists are mixing with pseudo-tantrics as the "tantric" poison is spread by social contagion and some feminists seem especially vulnerable to recruitment.  

Just sharing some thoughts
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 11:04:38 am by nemesis »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2012, 03:00:39 pm »
Ruff contacted me, claiming it's all a misunderstanding and she supports what we do. First is her email followed by my response.

Has anyone ever heard of this "Cherokee Dream Walker lineage" she talks about?


 My name is Kymberlee Ruff, MFT. A friend sent me a link to the page someone wrote about me.
I wanted you to know that I deeply support your work to try and keep the Native traditions safe from white people that would exploit the Natives. I am Cherokee. In fact I just recently found out that I actually have an ancestors on the Dawes rolls.
I have also spent much time devoted to trying to protect the sacredness of the Native traditions. It also bothers me greatly when I see a white person calling themselves a "Hopi Prophecy Carrier".
My friend suggested that I write to you to clear up the misinformation that was written about me in order to preserve the integrity of your site.
 I would like to clarify that I have NEVER ever made any money from anything I have done with the Hopi or the Tibetans. The site says that I participated in a workshop with Maria Yraceburu. That workshop never happened. I do not know it was not taken down off the internet.
 I am not a "ceremony seller". I have never participated in leading any such ceremonies for money ever.
I have never charged for tours or made a penny off the writings for the internet.
 The site says that I am using the Prophecies to get psychotherapy patients. I am not allowed to have any kind of "dual-relationsip" with patients or I could lose my license. I am a Marriage, Family Therapist and am only allowed to practice within the boundaries of family therapy.
I  keep my psychotherapy practice completely separate from the other parts of my life.
Also I have indeed studied with many wise Elders of the years.
My main teacher is Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma. He adopted me into his Hopi family in 2006.
I have studied with many Tibetans over the years but my main teachers are the Venerable Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche and Tulku Orgyen Phuntsok. I have taken refuge in the three jewels and taken Boddhisattva and Upasaka Vows with His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
The aborigine shaman that I studied with was Major "Muggi" Sumner whom I met at a Lakota Sundance in 2007. He taught me about the Dreaming. I inherited the lineage of the "Cherokee Dream Walker" and have had dreams every single day of my life.
Also regarding the Hopi election. I strongly suggest that you look further into what happened. The Hopi Tribal Council was trying to dissolve their Traditional Way of Life. It was a miracle that in the end the Hopi voted to keep to the instructions of Maussau the Creator.
Regarding the radios shows: Grandfather Martin asked me as a personal favor on 08/08/08 to go out into the world and share his message. He was losing his hearing and since gone completely deaf.

I did not want to go public for reasons exactly like was written on this Fraud web site. I do not have thick enough skin to weather misinformation and accusations about me. I went public anyway as a favor to Grandfather Martin because he is so dear to me and I feel like the world owes him a huge debt.
So in closing I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your efforts to keep the Native teachings pure.
I share your passion for protecting the truth.
 I am hoping that whoever wrote that site will take the time to read and consider what I have written.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my life.
I strongly support what you are doing.
 may all beings benefit,
 Kymberlee Ruff,MFT

Hello Ms. Ruff,

Thank you for contacting us. We always welcome all further information that can help clear up these matters.

Perhaps you can answer then:

What was your association with Naylin? How did your name get online in several places as selling ceremony with her?

I know that if a similar falsehood was put out about me, I'd be contacting the site owners demanding it be taken down and threatening a lawsuit if they didn't. Yet these sites have been up for four years now.

Why do so many sites have you listed as a Hopi elder? Have you ever tried to contact those site owners?

Why do you put your claims of being a carrier for Hopi prophecy on your professional websites? How is that not profiting, using those claims to get clients?

I'm not certain what a "Cherokee Dream Walker" is but I will ask our Cherokee members. It is rather striking that the only evidence of any claim to your alleged Cherokee heritage is a claim you studied it with an aboriginal from Australia.

I know all too well there are often conflicts between elected tribal councils and the older councils of elders, but I would never dare interfere in internal tribal matters as you seem to be doing. Not just in that election but in openly defying the wishes of the council earlier, when they denied you and Miriam Delicado permission but you went ahead and did it anyway.

Could you tell us about your association with fraud Woody Vaspra, the imposter claiming to be a Hawaiian elder? How did you become involved in his council of "elders"?

I couldn't find who most of the alleged elders were in that council. Those who were...included the fraud Maria Naylin, another obvious fraud named Benny Lebeau, a woman from Peru named Talia, and of course the Hopi man you know, Martin. But by your account, Martin has been quite ailing and hasn't left the rez for many years. Did you represent him at that conference?

For someone claiming to support what we do, it sure doesn't seem so by who you associate with and your own actions.

Al Carroll, moderator

PS. I'll post our exchanges at the site. This information is important for all to see. If you wish you can join and respond directly to questions.

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2012, 05:20:13 pm »
My name is Kymberlee Ruff, MFT.
... ... ...
The aborigine shaman that I studied with was Major "Muggi" Sumner whom I met at a Lakota Sundance in 2007.

Hello Kymberlee,

Is this the event you are referring to?
Hello, my name is Kymberlee Ruff, MFT and I have just returned from the World Council’s First International Sundance.
... ... ...
There was Woody Vaspra in his lava-lava and kukui bead, Michael Tamura in his Sam-urai skirt and fans, Maria Yraceburu in her traditional Apache dress, there was even an Aborigine they call "Major" with a bone through his nose.
The 4th International Sundance will take place from Tree Day, Wednesday, November 10 through four days of dancing, Thursday, November 11 – Sunday, November 14, 2010.  The Sundance grounds are located on Ngarrindjeri Elder, Major Sumner’s (“Moogy”) sacred land on the Coorong (“long water”) in South Australia
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 06:03:24 pm by Defend the Sacred »

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2012, 09:23:33 pm »
The radio program for those who missed it:

She mentions a few names of people I don't know much on them.


A few things she says that I'm questioning.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 09:31:03 pm by tecpaocelotl »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2012, 07:33:14 pm »
What i want to know is what is a cherokee :-\-----doing a a sundance For???
Why would they even be a  part of the Hopi people.

Among Native people ONE PERSON can not give you the rights to a nation
If someone says a person made they (Keeper-shaman-or whatever they claim)
they must provide the witnesses names and dates this happen to anyone that
ask you of the events and where it took place and how many people approved it
before Native people will lsiten to you.

My main teacher is Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma. He adopted me into his Hopi family in 2006.
This means she has no right to the culture, langauge, spirituality all she has rights is to care for this man

In Spirit

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2012, 10:03:38 pm »
The email from her get stranger...She's now claiming to be clueless about how the net works as her main excuse. But no one could be that dumb or scatterbrained and also be a licensed counselor.

And all this silly flattery in her responses. First her emai.l then my response.


Dear Al,
 I am SO glad that you wrote back. I had a dream this morning that I was supposed to write and tell you:
"The Ancestors support your work to protect the Sacred Ceremonies. They will not even attend a ceremony where there is money involved. Therefor it is just theater."
I wasn't sure if I had the right email so I very happy that you wrote.
Regarding Maria Yraceburu. She is a friend of mine. I have taken vows not to gossip with His Holiness the Dalai Lama so I will try and explain carefully. I do love her even if I don't completely agree with what she is doing. PLEASE promise that you will not repeat this. I do not ever want to hurt her.
 I think the best thing is to continue trying to talk to her about selling ceremony.
I met Maria years ago. She is part Cherokee like me. She asked me to attend this "retreat" that the "Sisters of Honua" were doing. I thought it sounded fun.
 Then I found out that it was actually a workshop or something and my name was being used to sell tickets.
I respectfully bowed out. I heard that the whole thing got canceled. I am assuming that Great Spirit felt it was not in integrity.
 I have NO idea how the Internet works but the ad had already gone up and was never removed. I heard that the conference never happened but I can promise you I did not go.
 Also I was unaware that any site post me as a Hopi Elder. I am pretty freaked out by all of this.
Grandfather Martin asked me to go public on 08/08/08 because he was going deaf and wanted the message of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy out by December 22, 2012.
It has been extremely challenging for me to do. I am a single mom living in Santa Barbara and support myself completely on my psychotherapy practice. I work SEVEN days a week to pay the bills.
I do not understand ANYTHING about how the Internet works and I don't have the time to look into it.
I know that since I did that radio show on "Coast to Coast" two weeks ago it has been crazy!!
I don't actually listen to the radio (except for the hip-hop station that my son sets the dial on.)
I had no idea that C2C has MILLIONS of listeners!!
 I have been bombarded with letters and phone calls since then.
Apparently people have put my radio show to youtube and then other people put the youtube up on their web pages. I do not understand copyright laws or any of that.
I have spoken to The Elders about this and they say:
"It is your job to get the Message of Compassion out there. Whatever laws they are violating is their Karma."
As far as being listed as a Hopi Elder. I do not know who would say that about me.
The thing is: it is true. Grandfather Martin DID make me a Hopi Elder on July 14, 2006 but very very few people know that. I do not EVER tell anyone that because my friends that are born Hopi (not just adopted like me) would be offended!!
Also I NEVER ever call myself a Hopi Prophecy Carrier. I try as much as I can to clarify that I am a "Messenger" of the Message. It is different.
As far as profiting from all of this: I WOULD LOSE MY LICENSE IF I DID THAT!!
I am only allowed to practice psychotherapy within the "scope of marriage and family therapy".
I am not allowed to even MENTION my personal life in therapy. It is about the patients and their marriage and family issues. The most I do is that I have Kachinas all over my office that the Hopi have made for me and Tibetan artifacts that the Buddhists have given me.
Also I am not sure about the Cherokee question and the Aborigine?? I only know one Aborigine.
Both of my parents are(were my dad passed) Cherokee. I was born in Arkansas. My great great grandfather John Byron was on the Dawes rolls and I am in the process of getting a card so my older son can afford to go to college.
 I should have done it sooner but I never expected the economy to be like this when I had kids!!
I am trying to address all of your questions because I really really do support what you are doing.
I am friends with Woody Vaspra who I believe lives in Boulder with his wife.
Here is the thing: as a Practicing Buddhist I have taken vows to only say kind things about people.
I do not work with any of the people that you mentioned.
 All I do is pass along what the Hopi and the Tibetans ask me to. I am in contact with Grandfather Martin. He is deaf now but he can read. I visit him often and we write. He also taught me how to communicate with him in the dream time.
And as far as the Tibetan end of things: They have TONS of initiations and empowerments and transmissions that you have to take before you can speak about ANYTHING!!
I don't know if you have heard of the "Dharma Protectors"??
They protect the Dharma. I would NEVER want to mess with them.
I take EVERYTHING that I write to the Tibetans to edit before I put anything on the web.
There is a sangha here in Santa Barbara where I study closely with Ven. Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche and his nephew Tulku Orgyen Phuntsok.
Well I have to go to work now but I am really glad you wrote. Please contact me if you have any questions or I left anything out.
I think it is wonderful what you are doing to protect our Heritage.
may all beings benefit,

Hello again,
It's hard to know where to begin...
Most of what I asked was not answered, and then not answered yet again in your two follow up emails. Some of the answers raise more questions.
To start with, why would you be a friend to Maria Naylin when she is so clearly a fraud and an exploiter who demands payment for ceremony?
She is also not what she claims:
1.Her name is not Yraceburu, which is a Yaqui name, not an Apache like she claims. Her name is Naylin.
2. She claims to be a "Qero Apache" a people that do not exist.
3. She speaks gibberish in her "ceremonies" in mangled Navajo, invents things she claims are Apache traditions.
And now you tell me she is actually Cherokee, not Apache at all.
You ask me to keep this secret. I cannot and should not. I often keep secret information that could be used to harm someone. but it is not right to keep information secret that someone is using to harm others, as Naylin has done.
4. She's been asked by the San Carlos Apache to quit using their official symbols without permission, but has refused.
5. She also has her partner selling what they falsely claim is Apache ceremony.
You claim to not understand the internet but it's a very simple matter to email someone to ask them to quit lying about you or misrepresenting the traditions you say you care so much about.
You claim to be an elder. No, you are not.
You claim to be a messenger. No, you clearly are not that either.
One man cannot make you an elder. The Hopi have long estalblished protocol of who is and isn't an elder. If  the whole community does not recognize you as an elder, then you are not one. Period.
One Hopi man cannot make you their messenger. It has always been councils of Hopi elders that chose messengers and they were always other Hopi. To imagine they would choose a non-Hopi is ludicrous. They've always chosen the most traditional Hopi they could find.
Clearly you don't understand much of Hopi or Indian ways and you are spreading one falsehood after another. You are doing a great deal of harm.
As far as profiting off of these claims, clearly you are.
You have these claims on your professional websites, ones that you wrote.
You worry about losing your license. I think you should remove these claims from your websites.
If not, don't be surprised if people report your lack of ethics and try to get your license pulled.
I strongly urge you to cease associating with obvious frauds like Naylin and Vaspra, and contact every website that has spread falsehoods, You have done a lot of damage and if you truly care as much as you claim to, you will undo the harm you've done.

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2012, 10:08:04 pm »
Two more emails from her that didn't answer much. The first one included a photo she sent of her with Martin. He looks like a very kindly elderly man, very confused and unsure of what's going on around him. Keep in mind Ruff claims to speak with him (though he's been deaf for years) and to speak with him in her dreams.

To which I'm tempted to say, "Yeah yeah, in your dreams..." ::)

Dear Al,
 I had a dream that I should also explain why I got involved with the Hopi election.
I have Hopi friends on the first,second and third Mesas. I have some Hopi friends who are Traditional and they ASKED me to help in whatever way I could.
I am extremely busy being a self employed single mom. I offered to help them with my time because I do not have money to contribute.
 I also want to make it really clear that I do not have any kind of "donate" on my web site.
I have absolutely NOTHING to do with any money coming in or going out of Hopi.
I do mail packages of parrot feathers and other gifts. A dear friend of mine is taking a big package of chocolates and Kona coffee to Grandfather Martin tomorrow for Valentine's Day.
 Here is a photo of him and me that my son took  a couple of months ago.
FYI: People ask how I can be blond and be Cherokee. The answer is that I dye my hair. It has NEVER actually been blond. I was born with jet black hair and I little "widow's peak" that my mom said is "Cherokee". I don't know that means but I always thought it was a really nice thing to say.

Dear Al,
 I just re-read your letter to see if there was anything I missed. I have made vows with the Tibetans to live in absolute integrity.
 I noticed that you mentioned some conference and asked if I went representing Grandfather Martin.
I did not and would never do that. All I do is write what he asks me to write and do radio shows because it will reach a lot of people.
 I personally agree with what you are doing. I did not agree with what John Kimmey was doing when he was alive and I would never ever want to end up like him.
I am not trying to badmouth him but he was a white man and he called himself a "Hopi Prophecy Carrier".
I have tried to make it as clear as I can that I am NOT a Hopi Prophecy Carrier. I begin every single radio show with this.
 I am also not a Tibetan Prophecy Carrier.
I am a "Messenger" of the separate "Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy". It is a specific Prophecy that was activated in 1974 when His Holiness the 16th Karmapa went to Hopi for the first time.
I have included this youtube that someone put up to the radio show I did if you would like to listen to it.
I take my responsibility as a messenger very very seriously. I have always tried and do the right thing.

Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2012, 02:25:44 am »

Grandfather Martin asked me to go public on 08/08/08 because he was going deaf and wanted the message of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy out by December 22, 2012.

Um. The Dalai Lama is alive and well, and quite able to give Tibetan Prophecy if there is one and if he so wanted.

Why she writes "Hopi/Tibetan"  as though they are the one/the same and can be interchanged? I don't know, but leaves no real credibility with me (not that the other stuff lent credibility, just pointing this out).

She writes it as though Martin knew Tibetan? Why would a Hopi be so deeply involved in Tibetan beliefs as to
know their prophecy? Seems this Martin isn't who he says either.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 02:27:31 am by critter - a white non-ndn person »
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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2012, 05:55:28 am »
Um. The Dalai Lama is alive and well, and quite able to give Tibetan Prophecy if there is one and if he so wanted.

Why she writes "Hopi/Tibetan"  as though they are the one/the same and can be interchanged? I don't know, but leaves no real credibility with me (not that the other stuff lent credibility, just pointing this out).

She writes it as though Martin knew Tibetan? Why would a Hopi be so deeply involved in Tibetan beliefs as to
know their prophecy? Seems this Martin isn't who he says either.

I recommend you to listen to the coast to coast interview where she mentioned how she sees it. A lot of false statements.


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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2012, 07:53:04 pm »
IMHO, she is a seriously deluded person.

These are her own words:

"As far as profiting from all of this: I WOULD LOSE MY LICENSE IF I DID THAT!!
I am only allowed to practice psychotherapy within the "scope of marriage and family therapy".
I am not allowed to even MENTION my personal life in therapy. It is about the patients and their marriage and family issues. The most I do is that I have Kachinas all over my office that the Hopi have made for me and Tibetan artifacts that the Buddhists have given me."

And this is from her website:

"It has been an extremely rewarding experience to be able to integrate the Old Ways of the First People into her psychotherapy practice.  With the world in such a critical time, it has never seemed more important to honor the ancient traditions of integrity and respect."

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2012, 10:06:56 pm »
Direct link to post about Ruff on Coast to Coast's Facebook page:
"New guest for the second half of tonight's show! Psychotherapist Kymberlee Ruff shares Hopi/Tibetan prophecies.""
"Kymberlee Ruff
Messenger of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecies

"Kymberlee Ruff, MFT, is Cherokee by ethnicity. She was adopted into the Hopi Tribe by Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma and asked to share the "Hopi / Tibetan Prophecies" with the world."

These are her own words:

"As far as profiting from all of this: I WOULD LOSE MY LICENSE IF I DID THAT!!"

And this is from her website:

"It has been an extremely rewarding experience to be able to integrate the Old Ways of the First People into her psychotherapy practice."

Screen shot of her claims on her website:
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 06:04:25 pm by Defend the Sacred »

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2012, 10:31:30 pm »
Both of my parents are(were my dad passed) Cherokee. I was born in Arkansas. My great great grandfather John Byron was on the Dawes rolls and I am in the process of getting a card so my older son can afford to go to college.
 I should have done it sooner but I never expected the economy to be like this when I had kids!!

John Byron was NOT cherokee.  He was the PARENT of Cora Byron (who was born in 1896) and the husband of Rosa Bryon Dallas

I have a picture of the actual Dawes card, I will try and figure out a way to post it.  On it it clearly states JOHN BYRON (deceased) was a non-citizen and that Cora was 1/2.  Cora was enrolled on September 1. 1901.  She was born in Indiana.  She shows up on the 1900 census, living with her Mother, Uncles and Grandpa Thomas Byron(and some other people) in Cherokee Territory.  Uncles and Grandpa Thomas Byron are listed as WHITE.  Grandpa Thomas Byron was born in Pennsylvania as were Uncles James and Sylvester.  Grandpa Thomas Byron's parents were both born in Ireland. Cora's full name was Cora Myrtle Byron.  She in turn married a man with the first name John and they lived in Kansas.  Cora and John's children are still living (in Kansas and Oklahoma) and are in no way related to Kymberlee Ruff.  

The attached scan is low-resolution to fit on the board, but should be readable.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 11:17:24 pm by sky »