Author Topic: Discovery Channel program  (Read 6458 times)

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Discovery Channel program
« on: November 22, 2008, 06:55:15 pm »
From another list i am on:

Sent: 11/21/2008 3:11:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Discovery Channel First Nations Affront to Haudenosaunee

The date in the following letter is incorrect. America's First Nations is
supposed to premiere on December 6th at 10 pm and the 7th at 2pm
(_ ( results.html?
query=America% 27s+First+ Nations).

Here is a letter by the program's original writer, Doug George-Kanentiio
(writer, lecturer and chairman of Round Dance Productions, a non-profit cultural
foundation on OneidaTerritory) .


I am sending this notice to inform the Haudenosaunee that the Discovery
Channel is set to broadcast a program entitled “First Nations??? which is supposed
to tell the story of the founding of the Confederacy. This is being done
over my vigorous protest as the film is inaccurate, violent and badly edited. It
is an insult to our history and to all who see it. The credits may list my
name as well as other Haudenosaunee but I have asked repeatedly to be removed
from the credits as I have had no part in the final edit of this project.

In May of last year I was contacted by the film’s original producers
Jonathan Zurer and Joe Becker to become involved in a unique series of stories
entitled “First Nations???. This was supposed to be ten stories about Native
history told “in our own words??? beginning with the Confederacy and moving on to
other Nations. In July of last year I was given the working script and made
great changes to reflect our story as we know

Filming with a mostly Haudenosaunee cast began in late August. I had
informed the Mohawk Nation Council of this project but the leaders were doubtful
this could be done correctly but I was confident the director and producer would
follow my advice.

The film was to have four elements:

The conditions among the Iroquois prior to the arrival of the Peacemaker
which would show conflict and war

The four individuals who would play a key role in the formation of the
Confederacy: Atotaho, Jikonsaseh, Aiionwatha and the Peacemaker.

The meeting of the Peacemaker with each one of the other three and how he
convinced them to abandon war and violence

The creation of the Confederacy, the Great Law and how it has effected all
human beings

We spent six weeks filming the above with over 55 hours of raw footage. Then
the project was shelved for many months as the Discovery Channel board fired
the Chief Executive Officer who had approved the film and hired a new one
named David Zaslav. We had no contact with this person or the new editing team
from a company called Half Yard until June of this year. Again, I expressed
my clear intent as to what the film must include.

A non-Native scriptwriter was hired unknown to myself and without any
contact with any Haudenosaunee person. This person destroyed the story and in its
place created a film which is full of distortions, lies and violence. None of
what Half Yard wrote is true to my agreement with Zurer and Becker, both of
whom resigned in protest from the film.

I have been show two rough edits of “First Nations??? and was infuriated at
what they had done to our history. I arranged to have the film shown, in early
August, to Oren Lyons and a group of filmmakers and media professionals at
Syracuse University without preconditions. They agreed this was a bad film.
Dr. Robert Venables also reviewed the film and told the producers he could not
recommend that the episode be shown to anyone at anytime since it was a
disaster in every way. They have ignored his counsel.

I have written letters outlining my concerns but to no avail. The current
producers have refused my request that they meet with the Haudenosauneeto
discuss this. They will not make any changes and are determined to broadcast this
mess across the nation this coming week on Saturday, November 22, 2008 at
9:00 pm est.

I am including the telephone numbers of the Discovery Channel persons
involved in this project,. I have insisted that my name, as well as that of my wife
Joanne Shenandoah, be removed from the credits just as has Mr. Becker and
Mr. Zurer. I have extensive records showing my concerns about the film which I
will send along to all councils if requested.

I extend my apologies to the Haudenosaunee and anyone who might see this


Doug George-Kanentiio

Contact information:
First Nations producer for The Discovery Channel: John Ford (202) 662-
Abby Greensfelder, President, Half Yard Productions (240) 223-2300

Please forward this to anyone you know who is as concerned as we are
about the accurate and respectful representation of Native American
culture in the media and popular culture in general.


Offline tachia

  • Posts: 141
Re: Discovery Channel program
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2008, 08:29:34 am »
more information on this ..

first a heads up that the phone numbers listed are incorrect .. the correct numbers are:
John Ford
(240) 662-2128
Abby Greensfelder
(240) 223-3380

now the info from the above source ..

date: November 21, 2008

Dear Friend of Ndakinna,

Last night Joseph Bruchac shared with the Ndakinna Board of Directors a communication he received written by Doug George-Kanentiio, husband of Joanne Shenandoah, respected Mohawk historian and featured speaker at the Saratoga Native American Festival. The letter was directed to the Haudenosaunee Nation Councils.

The letter outlined Mr. George-Kanentiio's connection with the creation of a program "entitled First Nations which supposed to tell the story of the founding of the Confederacy." After much of the project was completed, the CEO who had approved the film was fired and a replacement brought in who hired a new editing team from Half Yard Productions and a non-Native script writer whose changes fundamentally altered the project's original vision. Indeed, Mr. George-Kanentiio's states that "this person destroyed the story and in its place created a film which is full of distortions, lies and violence." The original producers of the show resigned in protest.

Mr. George-Kanentiio showed the film "to Oren Lyons and a group of filmmakers and media professionals at Syracuse University... They agreed this was a bad film. Dr. Robert Venables also reviewed the film and told the producers he could not recommend that the episode be shown to anyone at anytime since it was a disaster in every way. They have ignored his counsel."

Mr. George-Kanentiio's letters to the current producers were ignored as was his request that they meet with the Haudenosaunee to discuss the episode. He has requested that his and Joanne Shenandoah's names be removed from the credits.

This travesty will air on the Discovery Channel Saturday, Dec 6, at 10:00 pm.

Contact information:
First Nations producer for The Discovery Channel: John Ford (202) 662-2862
Abby Greensfelder, President, Half Yard Productions (240) 223-2300

Please forward this to anyone you know who is as concerned as we are about the accurate and respectful representation of Native American culture in the media and popular culture in general.

Michael Lambert
For the Board of Directors
The Ndakinna Education Center
23 Middle Grove Road
Greenfield Center, New York 12833
(518) 583-9958

the phone numbers correction:

I wrote the original email listed above and am pleased beyond words to have found it here. By this morning, I learned the message had gone viral and has bounced across the planet. It is currently posted to the World Archaeological Congress,and to several international human rights organizations.

However, the phone numbers in the original message are incorrect (my bad!).

The correct numbers are:

John Ford
(240) 662-2128
Abby Greensfelder
(240) 223-3380

I received an email from Doug George-Kanentiio who indicated "things are changing." I'll let you folks know more as it comes to me.

Thanks for keeping this active and participating in correcting this assault on native culture.

Michael Lambert
The Ndakinna Education Center
23 Middle Grove Road
Greenfield Center, New York 12833
(518) 583-9958