Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828749 times)

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #315 on: December 18, 2010, 01:09:59 am »
not anything spectacular really.
I can't afford to pay for other info which is marked as "Report includes when available:", which means it probably isn't anyway.

from here:

Kiesha Rae Crowther


Previous Cities
Sanford, CO
South Fork, CO

Wayne N Crowther
Wayne Nelson Crowther
Tammy Sue Crowther
Mandy S Cook
DISCLAIMER - this is personal information  included on the above website.  NAFPS in no way condones the posting of or misuse of personal information such as this.  We are merely diseminating previously publically posted information.

Important, please read:

Official Statement from Salish Elders Regarding Kiesha Crowther
(click on link above this quote box to read in full) 

I'm sorry Kiesha. I grew up on the Flathead reserve. All of my family are scattered every where there. I have them from Arlee all the way to Polson, going east to west, and no one knows of you. I have spoken with tribal elders who have no idea who you are. At pow wow, I asked around to see if you were made a shaman over our reserve and our people. I had people laugh in my face...............(click link above this quote box read in full)

« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 09:48:36 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #316 on: December 18, 2010, 01:29:10 am »
I'm on the phone with a member of the CSKT Culture and Elders Committee.  The Culture and Elders Committee protect the intangible cultural resources of the tribes including language, songs, stories etc.  The tribal Elder I am speaking with states she nor any other Elder or elder have met with nor do they condone the claims and actions made by Kiesha Crowther.  She is not their 'shaman', she has no right to claim this title and the Elders and elders of CSKT of the Flathead Reservation would like her to cease and desist immediately from making such false claims that erode the traditions that members of the CSKT Culture and Elders Committee are trying to preserve.  

ETA - permission to disseminate the following -

The Culture and Elders Committee of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation protect the intangible cultural resources of the tribes including language, songs, stories etc.  No tribal Elders or elders have met with nor do they condone the claims and actions made by Kiesha Crowther.  She is not their 'shaman', she has no right to claim this title and the Elders and elders of CSKT of the Flathead Reservation would like her to cease and desist immediately from making such false claims that erode the traditions that members of the CSKT Culture and Elders Committee are trying to preserve.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 01:39:48 am by sky »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #317 on: December 18, 2010, 01:38:48 am »
This may or may not be relevant:
An associate/relative?

DISCLAIMER - this is personal information  included on the above website.  NAFPS in no way condones the posting of or misuse of personal information such as this.  We are merely diseminating previously publically posted information.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #318 on: December 18, 2010, 02:00:23 am »

If you want to see a prime example of peoples ability to cling like limpets to their ignorance read the posts before and the replies to this post:

I am an enrolled member of the Lower Brule Lakota Tribe, South Dakota.
A lot of people do not understand why what Kiesha Crowther is doing, should bother the oyate. As a first nations woman let me try to explain. First off, I have no problems with new age beliefs. I can honor and respect that belief system, but it has no place being mixed in and taught with my red road traditional teachings handed down by my ancestors. We do not subscribe to these teachings of the I AM presence, channeling aliens, digging up and burying crystals, communicating with angels, etc. We also do not sell our ceremonies, or charge for them. It's sacrilege. It's wrong to lay claim to an entire nation, take parts of the ceremony for yourself, combine them into your new age ceremony then sell it to people. It's also wrong to lie about being related to an elder or being made a shaman over an entire nation of people. That is what Kiesha Crowther has done. She has definitely made youtube videos explaining that she was given a phone call from elders who then beckoned her to a secret ceremony where they made her (in her words) a "shaman" over the people.

First off, this never happened. My good friend who grew up on Flathead reserve in Montana, who is Salish, has talked about this with me and told me that no one knows of her up there and that the tribal council is investigating her for fraud. Why are they investigating her? You cannot steal from a nation, steal the ceremony, claim you are a shaman over them, then sell parts of the ceremony.

Kiesha's appropriation of the oyate's traditions needs to stop. Kiesha can go on performing all the new age ceremonies that she pleases. She can continue to talk about all of the new age aspects of what she believes and charge all she pleases for them, that's fine. She is also illegally carrying feathers. She gets away with all of this in other countries, but in this country you must be ndn to carry.

I'm sorry if some here disagree and feel that she can do as she pleases, but that's fine. We'll agree to disagree. She is performing the worst cultural appropriation that I think I have ever seen. I hope that Kiesha will look into her heart and realize that what she is doing is offensive and spiritually wrong.

If you call the tribal office in the Flathead reservation of Montana, you can speak with someone who will tell you that Kiesha is unknown. They would know of her, if she was made "shaman" over the people. Believe me.

Also, we don't call ourselves "shaman". We don't refer to that word or use it.
Our ceremonies and our ways are not for sale. They never have been and they never will be. Thank you

A reply:

Interesting post (the one above this one), but in the videos I have watched she has not claimed to be any of those things.

Most of what I have listened to has to do with earth changes, both what is happening now and what is coming.

GoM Disaster = it is happening now.

Pole shift = many, many have spoke of this, and signs indicate that it is beginning now.

I take all these things with a grain of salt and an open mind ... but she makes some predictions/prophecies that are highly likely -- not only "likely", but we may very well be experiencing the "birth pangs" right now.

No matter what one's religious (or non-religious) persuasion, for anyone who is wondering "What in the world is going on?", these tapes are highly thought-provoking.


This is the sort of brain-dead mentality Kiesha is making alot of mony from, while hurting Indiginous people. It's sick.

It's as if they read, but don't understand a word, or have the memory of a goldfish unless it's something that they find affects them personally.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 02:04:21 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #319 on: December 18, 2010, 02:13:39 am »

If you post at GLP can you provide links to the sheeple that show where she makes her claims?  Not that it would likely help, they'll just come up with another excuse but it's worth a try.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #320 on: December 18, 2010, 02:28:01 am »
I will see if I have an old account there, but when faced with this sort of attitude, it is probably futile. They will just say stuff like below, or "I Love you". Sort of a 'love grenade'.

This post from the same site, as she posted about this thread:

Janie Jones
User ID: 1102723
11/20/2010 1:06 AM

Re: 2012 INFO: Kiesha Crowther "Little Grandmother" speaks on 20†0 11 2012 ** DO NOT Watch ** Quote

I have taken a good look at that website and there is not one shred of evidence or documentation that Keisha is a fraud. It is simply a gossipy discussion board. They simply dismiss her because she looks too white for them and in doing so actually betray their lack of knowledge of modern Salish people.

There are many, many light skinned and fair headed Salish Indians. I grew up with a family of pale redheaded Salish Indians north of Vancouver BC and once when I was further up the coast met an native with long red hair, I asked him if he was white and he said, no that though it was rare, there had always been red-headed and even the occasional blonde born among them and he was happy about it because it was considered to be very high status. I also knew a blonde Haida girl in Toronto. Very tall, gorgeous.

There is also considerable evidence that a tall, fair haired paleocaucasian race inhabited North America before the ancestors of modern North American Indians arrived at the time of the last big shake up.

Europeans arrived on the west coast 300 years and there has also been considerable interbreeding between the races ever since.

It only takes two generations of one white parent for a full blooded Cree to have a blonde grandson. I also know two Salish children who are blonde and green eyed but they are still full status Indians and sadly, like Keisha are growing up with a very chaotic home life.

The idea that Keisha could not be an Indian because she is too white completely violates my personal experience of living with the descendants of indigenous people my whole life.

Modern first nations people also travel for many reasons and often marry out of tribe. Keisha has never hid the fact that her father is white and it is entirely possible that her mother has one Salish and one Sioux/Lakota parent.

The dismissal of Keisha seems entirely based on her physical appearance leading to their conclusion that, "Her claims are simply false." That is fine, they can think what they want but then then embark on an actual program to destroy her. Look at this posting by the administrator of the forum:



Posts: 2864

Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2010, 04:39:03 pm »
Crowther wouldn't have a leg to stand on. I think we should use the same tactics that were done against the fraud Suraj Holzwarth.
[link to]

That includes facebook pages devoted todebunking her and organizing against her that dogged her every step.
[link to]

And youtube videos spreading the word about her.
[link to]

All the same can and should be done vs Crowther, IMO.

Really, what is it to them?

Another line of attack they are using "because she seems so sincere" is that she is delusional, mentally ill and needs some kind of treatment.

A good tip off that you're seeing the real thing is the PTB try to destroy and discredit them. Look at what was done to Chinese Chi Gong Master Li Hongzhi the developer of the high level meditation system Falun Gong.

The PTB smeared him as a cult leader rather than a scammer as they are doing to Keisha because he taught Falun Gong with the stipulation that no one can ever charge money for teaching it and the does away with all need for membership. He made his living as a grain clerk and then when his books started to sell better, he was able to leave his day job and travel around China giving lectures and answering questions.

I had the honour of seeing at the Kennedy Centre in Washington DC in the late summer of 2001.


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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #321 on: December 18, 2010, 02:50:12 am »
ETA - permission to disseminate the following -

Here it is.  Looking for feedback on content before making it 'public'


Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #322 on: December 18, 2010, 07:55:04 am »
Great work ! I think it is having an effect as I just tried to post on one of her you tube videos and I am blocked.eddievibes420's Channel blocked me. Somebody must be getting nervous. :D :D :D :D ;D

Offline nemesis

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #323 on: December 18, 2010, 08:21:43 am »
ETA - permission to disseminate the following -

Here it is.  Looking for feedback on content before making it 'public'


I think it is the best video so far

short, to the point, extremely clear

It gets my seal of approval, for what it's worth

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #324 on: December 18, 2010, 09:08:07 am »
Great work ! I think it is having an effect as I just tried to post on one of her you tube videos and I am blocked.eddievibes420's Channel blocked me. Somebody must be getting nervous. :D :D :D :D ;D

Me too, Eddievibes bans everyone who has different viewpoints. I made a comment saying that John Kimmey, who is speaking in Kiesha Crowther's 'Return of the Ancestors" video, was formally asked by the Hopi nation to quit posing as a keeper of Hopi prophecies and making money off of it, and at first he agreed to do so, then reneged on his promise.

That's why i got banned. I just don't understand how this eddievibes person can be so out of touch with reality. The criticism is real and the videos he's put online are lies, but apparently to him it's the other way around, somehow.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #325 on: December 18, 2010, 02:18:26 pm »
same here with eddievibes. banned from posting

I suppose that Kiesha's message that we are all equal really should be translated as @we are all equal, but some are more equal than others'.

So we have a cult-like group that tells it's followers to 'switch the channel' from any negativity, and the followers who are actively silencing criticism.
That sounds more like a tyrrany than anything else to me.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #326 on: December 18, 2010, 02:34:26 pm »
Spandex where's that count down banner?

Offline Twinkie_Slayer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #327 on: December 18, 2010, 02:56:46 pm »

Well, she brought along a dear heyoka friend of hers and he had some medicine too.  The video is their mostly work.  We listened to them and put it together.  We did add that part in the middle from one little grandmother to another. (Let's us know if you think that bit is too much.... I can't really say the heyoka made us do it.  ;-)  The video is fast paced like most media is.  We figure we've got a few minutes for the remedy to work.

Enjoy - All good medicine to you and all the *people*,


 Holy Mackerel this thread has sure taken off. I've been preoccupied with the difficulties of earning a living and haven't looked in here in a couple of months. Keep it up folks, that woman ain't gonna have any place left to hide soon thanks to all of you getting information out.

 SAMy, that video is hysterical. I have to make a note not to be drinking my morning coffee when I watch your videos, LMAO  :D


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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #328 on: December 18, 2010, 03:06:33 pm »
SAMy posted the video last night and send youtube emails to most of the hosters of LG videos.  The response from two thus far this morning was nearly cookie cutter.  It goes like this. 

As they are able to tune into the higher light and vibrations of Kieshas messages anything related to the physical does not matter.  Not her story, not whether what she said about her past is 'true', just her message and how it makes them feel in their hearts.

Gotta say, SAMy has been around cults before and it's sounds just like that.  It's don't matter if the house is built on a stack of lies.  But each time that house crumbles.  And all this ain't just about Kiesha.  Like Kiesha said, being a temporary intentional prophet (or a lucky guess), alot of lies and truths are coming out this year.  Pakistan is just involved in unmasking some high-level CIA agent there.  All the masks are coming off.  And Kiesha, the ancestors and the Elders are tugging at yours now.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #329 on: December 18, 2010, 03:20:54 pm »
Ok, just made a response to the erroneous postings on the godlikeproductions site. Here is the response:
User ID: 1199188
 United Kingdom
12/18/2010 10:07 AM

[quote:Janie Jones 1102723]
I have taken a good look at that website and there is not one shred of evidence or documentation that Keisha is a fraud. It is simply a gossipy discussion board. They simply dismiss her because she looks too white for them and in doing so actually betray their lack of knowledge of modern Salish people..........

This is patent nonsense.
Anyone wishing to find the proof only has to read the thread to see how ridiculous the above statement is, so I won't repeat the many lacks of her proof, and proof against her authenticity here. I will just ask that people watch this very short video statement by genuine Native Americans in response to her claims. Claims that she HAS made despite the belief by another poster that she has made none.

Tribal Statement on Keisha Crowther aka 'Little Grandmother'

[quote:Janie Jones 1102723]
Yes they grudgingly admit that Keisha's message is very positive.

Are you blind? It's a serious question. This isn't what is being said and is a wildly filtered version of what is being said, which is quite interesting in itself. A habit of Kiesha's followers is to censor all opposition.
What she actually does, as well as 'being very positive' about certain aspects of her message, is to spread fear about the future. It's the old stick and carrot method.
Again, read the thread.

Other than all that she is what we have been warned to avoid, being a false prophet. Her prophecies about 2010 have NOT come true. Well, we have several days left, but it's a stretch:

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 5/10
 "...There are many more things that are going to happen in year 2010...

...All of the secrets will be exposed...

...Government cover-ups will be exposed...

...Knowledge of ufo's and higher intelligence, will be exposed...

...Healing possibilities are gonna skyrocket!...

...Psychic phenomena will be proven as a fact and accepted by science worldwide...

...Filthy waters will be cleaned...

...Child labor willl be completely exposed, and destroyed..."

Those are the facts. Haven't people ever heard of wolves in sheeps clothing?
Her claims of authorisation from the Native American Elders are FAKE. This makes her role no more than an act. There are some very good actors out there. It's time to 'get it'. And if this isn't seen as 'loving' or negativity, than I will ask, would it be loving to tell a child to just be positive and loving when you see them being tricked by some stranger that you know isn't as 'nice' as they appear to be, who is offering them candy? Kiesha offers candy in her own way, which is the 'I AM' teachings, the call to 'ascension' and life in a better world like Heaven on Earth...etc (wether they are true or not is not really the debate).

Please wake up!
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 04:51:27 pm by Spandex~Atom »