Author Topic: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit  (Read 22022 times)

Offline jamesl

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Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« on: February 28, 2012, 06:26:57 am »
Does anyone know of her?

I received this book "Enlightenment Journal channelled by noraWalksInSpirit"

A Google search yielded this Facebook page:
and this web site, where an online course and the book sell for $20 each, plus S&H:
It sells on Amazon for $11.95.

More information:
The bio enclosed in the package says:
"Nora Anderson, or noraWalksInSpirit, was born of Algonquin Indian heritage and began studying Shaman practices at an early age as part of family tradition… Once her abilities were strengthened, she began to channel and interpret inspiring messages of love, peace and oneness from another world."

From the About section of the book:
"While traveling to Sacred Portals such as Machu Piccu, Avebury, Stonehenge, France, Venezuela, Central America; where the Energies abound of heightened levels, noraWALKSINSPIRIT sat in STILLNESS to the messages she received from the Master Beings of Illumined Ones, UnKnown, UnSeen and Dimensional Ones Beyond, calling themselves "Infinite Masters of LIGHT""

Offline jamesl

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More on Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2012, 06:35:17 am »
This is from biography on the flyer for the $1400 Sacred Sites Tour of Sedona:
"noraWalksInSpirit has been Teaching and Healing for over 15 years to all who come to sit in Her Presence of Illumined Energies from Divine Beings of Wisdom and Enlightenment through the WORD SPOKEN. Born of Algonquin Ancestry, she has received Algonquin Shaman Medicine Teachings of Eighth Fire Rites. She also acquired Karpyte Medicine Rites from Sacred Peruvian Q’uero Elders of the Cusco Region of Peru and has completed Munay-Ki Rites – 9th Fire Medicine. noraWalksInSpirit awakens a Path of Infinite ONENESS Consciousness Teachings of Intelligence that shall prepare you for your own Evolution of Becoming an INFINITE MASTER BEING of Love Light and Peace"

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Nora Anderson AKA noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2012, 02:24:10 pm »
The most striking thing about Anderson is that she never mentions which Alqonuin band she is supposedly part of. There are almost a dozen recognized ones and ten unrecognized, so it'd be pretty hard to check her claim.

There's not the slightest sign she knows a thing about any NDN tradition. All of it seems really bizarre and vague Nuage gibberish. Eg see her view of what sovereignty is.

And she goes on for ten more freakin pages of this...

Honour Sovereignly Who You Are
Channelled through noraWALKSINSPIRIT
Blessings, Blessings, Blessings. Honouring, Integrating, Becoming ME.
Entering in this Gateway here, I AM arriving on all Consciousness of Living Energies of ONENESS of MY Absolute Perfection in You.
It has been unravelling, unravelling, unravelling, as the Spirals of Newness of ONENESS of your abilities are coming into ME to synchronize into You, to bring forward All Beings from All time lines and All Dimensions into All Energies of Consciousness.
I have been waiting on your Integrating of MY Energy Fields, of MY Intelligent Consciousness Fields, whilst You have been Releasing, Transmuting of all of old paradigms and old energies no longer needed in your physical, mental bodies.
It is that you have now elevated into a New ONENESS of letting go of your emotional body....
Gaia is assembling thousands of Infinite Beings, in Her Auditoriums, for You now.
They are All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Communicating with ME through this ONE.
Your Lamps are Lit; the Oils of MY Energies are Integrating You.
Tears of joy enter. Elations of Oscillations of Gaia’s Heart Become You.
I have Ignited varying Energy Fields of molecular infusions into the heartbeat of this Child so that her altering Frequencies of ME will Become Infinite Fields to surround you.
I have been waiting for this Enlightenment of Energies to place into the core of Gaia, for Her Shimmering Crystals of Amethyst, Emerald and Sapphires have been dormant.
Until the crossing over of the Crystalline Eagle Energies into the Crystal Condor Frequencies, creating all Chakras of all Dimensions, Solar, Galactic, Universal Chakras, creating the Rainbow Frequencies wrapping around this New World.
Its Portals of South and North Poles, its Equators, its Sacred Portals of Sacred Hidden Energy Fields, have all been activated in these past 14 days, Aligning and Preparing for the
New Moon.
Its Lunar Frequencies will Heighten your Infinite Inner Mind’s Eye of Enlightening Rainbow Energies of Intelligence.
“What is this Gathering today?” this Child asked in the dark wee hours of a slowing heartbeat and a Heightening rate of infused Crystalline blood cells.
“Honour, Honour Sovereignly Who You Are,” was MY answer to Her to deliver to You. The Gathering on this day is to prepare your Consciousness, to prepare your ONENESS
of All-Knowing, All-Trusting, All-Seeing with your Infinite Mind’s Eye, your Infinite Mastery on this first New Moon arriving.
New Energies of Compassion of Knowing who you are will be ignited. A releasement of old memories will be Heightened.
New Beginnings are always New Moons; changes and becoming focused of the Inner Intelligence arrives on the New Moon.
A New Shift of Planetary Frequencies Unarian Arius Energies to an Aries Frequencies, compound Vortexes in All Dimensional Systems to the Trinities of Gods and Suns Beyond times arriving on the 11th day of this month, to ensue until 2018 of a New Energy Field ignited by the Rainbow Frequencies on February 20th and 21.
Solstice Equinox arrives on the 20th to begin Enlightenment Spring Equinox....
You have been called and You came without hesitation to continue the Enlightenment Journey, to continue with the God Consciousness of Golden Christed Wisdom Consciousness, to shift into Rainbow Frequencies of Chakra Systems, to assist in Aligning you to Becoming an Infinite Master of MY All-Knowing.
This 3rd month carries Energies of New Moon, Full Moon, Equinox and Aries Frequencies.
You will lose your appetite, you will lose your sleep states; for, you will be Fueled on Full Moon and Equinox of MY Infinite Consciousness Energies.
Enlightenment to Who You Are will begin to appear before your own eyes. Hearts and minds will be speaking to you.
Infinite Masters will begin speaking WORDS of Informations of Creations and Symbols in Heightened Levels of Golden Godliness within this New Moon, Full Moon, Equinox, Aries Month.
You will not be depleted, You will not be alone, You will not be in resistance, You will not be tired and yes, You will be operative of ME and your own bodies....
The Emerald Energies are placed upon the heartbeats at this time. Yes, the Amethyst Crystals are Igniting once more in Palm Chakras. It was delivered into the Palm Chakras many, many Lunar Moons ago. Those Lunar Systems, at that time, placed simply Amethyst Crystals in all Palm Chakras of all Kingdoms on this Planet. Igniting now.
There are more than 12 Dimensions that you have traversed through Children.
You may continue to Spiral or You may continue to sit on a Platform of a Corridor of Science of the Minds, Creation of all Abilities, of all Gifts.
Telepathic Corridors, I AM seeing 7 people on....
The EBB and FLOW Frequencies within this Spiral, within this hour, within this 3rd month are Oscillating ONENESS to Perfection, ONENESS to Absolute Freedom and will continue this Ebb and Flow Energies of Intelligence Rainbow Frequencies throughout this month.
For the Lunar Frequencies, the Equinox, the Aries will all be completed within your mindedness, elevating your physical Chakra System and Solar and Beyond Chakra Systems to
the 27th day of this month, where all will be coming Alignment Frequencies preparing you 7 days later for the next evolutionary Gateway - 4th day, 4th month.
Adonai, Adonai, Adonai.


She uses every Nuage buzzword in the book, seemingly thrown together randomly, repeated again and again.
Again, nothing remotely Native in what she does or claims. What I see is a blond white woman who claims to be Algonquin dressed in her attempt at regalia mouthing Nuage buzzwords. It's kind of amusing to see her "regalia." I didn't know leotards were Algonquin ::) and I've never seen them worn with mocassins before...
And she herself sometimes admits nothing she learned was Native-derived.

Nora Anderson began visiting sacred landmarks like Stonehenge and Machu Picchu as a young adult. It’s not out of the ordinary for a young person to be fascinated with historic sites such as these, but the impression the trips left on Nora was anything but ordinary.
As Nora explains, these trips Awakened her to the spiritual gift she possesses, which includes channeling and interpreting messages from beyond this world. Her spiritual Enlightenment gradually grew stronger with each sacred site she visited, which now totals 10.


She claims 15 years, but it seems she hasn't been soliciting clients that long. Her facebook page only shows 6 people interested.
Still she'd like to be a spirchul tourism operator.

MAY 17th – MAY 23rd, 2012

INFINITE AMOUNT – £1200 which includes:
Pick up and return to London Heathrow Airport All Accommodation in Crop Circle Country All breakfasts and 2 Dinners All land transportation and Entry Fees Crop Circle Evening Events and Talks as they are scheduled Crop Circles Field visits as they appear Meetings with top Researchers Entry fees for Avebury Stone Circle, Silbury Hill, Glastonbury Abbey Ruins, Tor, St. Michael’s Tower, Chalice Well and the Gracious walks of King Arthur and Lady Guinevere. Optional Flight to observe new Crop Circles from above Optional sky/crop watches at night
Deposit for Security:
£200 by January 12th, 2012.
£500 by February 15th, 2012
£500 British Pounds by April 15th, 2012

June 25th - July 1st, 2012
$1,300.00 CDN

Moved to Frauds.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2014, 01:18:22 am »
Hi Cate,

Why do they participate in all sorts of woowoo stuff instead of sticking to traditional teachings?


Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2014, 05:37:03 am »
And who is P. Bernard.... ? If you look at his home page:!about/aboutPage!shop--cart/c1quk

Is this legal?


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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2014, 01:24:26 pm »
Pete has his own thread on this forum:

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2014, 01:41:26 pm »
Cate - You are the one who brought Pete up.  He may be from a respected family but that does not mean what he is doing is right.  If she wants to be or is called to participate in christian teachings, I don't know that combining the two is appropriate. 

If she is traveling the globe working with spirits who come to her I don't think that is a very safe nor a very respectful thing to do.  I don't imagine she knows accurate teachings of all of the ancestors of the lands she travels to. 


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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2014, 02:00:30 pm »
Cate - One doesn't have to be white to be considered problematic by the community.  I think William must be very displeased to see how his name is being bandied about now that he has crossed.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2014, 02:05:48 pm »
I had to go look at the site all i could do is shake my head and wonder why they would do these things.
I am so upset with this
In Spirit

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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2014, 02:23:18 pm »
earthw7 this is very upsetting to myself as well.  I have very dear friends who are/were Algonquin.  I don't think Pete, Nora or Cate fully understand the damage they are doing.  When you take from another culture, when you sell ceremony and 'initiation' to members of the dominant culture, white people see it as permission to appropriate.


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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2014, 01:59:42 am »
Universal Shaman Nora WalksInSpirit

April 25, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Nora Anderson is of Algonquin native ancestry born in Canada and has been studying/practicing her Algonquin 8th Fire Rites for many years.

She has also been taught and trained of the Peruvian Karpyte Rites and Despachu Ceremonies. In 1987, Nora began to have prophetic visions and received very profound messages that would arise 4 to 5 months after both hearing and seeing them.

In 1992, Nora was about to have surgery for a tumour that was discovered in her abdomen. She was very scared the night before surgery thinking of her child and the possibility of terminal cancer. Suddenly, she heard a bang and after that a white light pierced the dark hallway and filled the bedroom. She opened her mouth to speak but out of her mouth came this strange language she had never spoken before.

Sometime after recovering from surgery, Nora went to a Catholic Church near Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto to speak to someone about what had happened to her. When she walked into the church, a woman in a long white robe, with long white hair and wearing a large gold cross was standing by the altar. She came down the aisle when Nora arrived and asked if she could help her. Nora told her the story of what happened to her the night before surgery and asked this woman if she could tell her what it meant. She comforted Nora, “It is alright, you are very Blessed and Gifted with the speaking of the Fire of Tongues”.

Nora told her she didn’t understand a word of what she was saying. The woman then told Nora to open her mouth. She placed a finger on Nora’s tongue and said, “you are being gifted the Gift of Interpretation. Now speak”. When Nora spoke, out came the strange language again, the Fire of Tongues, but this time she knew exactly what she was saying.

The next day, Nora went back to the same church to look for the woman in white and ask her more questions. To her surprise, no one had ever seen a woman matching that description in the church before. On another day in the early 90’s she asked, “Who is it that is speaking through me?” The answer that came loud and clear was, “IT IS Jesus”.

“Eagle Feather” another Spirit Guide also came to sit with her. Nora began to channel Jesus, Eagle Feather and other Ascended Masters.

In 2002, Nora received energy in her hands and began to heal others. She was without knowing at that time; developing the 7 Gifts Of the Holy Spirit: The gift of Prophecy, The gift of the Fire of Tongues, The gift of Interpretation, The gift of Discernment of Spirits, The gift of Healing Hands, The gift of Discerning others, The gift of Faith and Trust.

In 2008, Nora began her first excursion of Sacred Journeys travelling to Sacred Sites around the world. She has been to Machu Picchu, Sedona, Hawaii, Easter Island, Egypt, Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Avebury, France, Mt. Shasta, Little Rock Arkansas Crystal Mountains, Ireland, Panama Rain Forests, Dreamer’s Rock among other sites. Today, Nora teaches and heals at Cherry Valley Spiritual Healing Retreat in the Innisfil area. This property has several healing Portals, including the largest portal in Canada and a crystal Medicine Wheel in the ground. Nora walks this Medicine Wheel and Portals with teachings at this site.

This was once Ojibwa territory and is considered sacred land. Nora prophesized that one day thousands of people would come to Cherry Valley from all over the world due to the healing energy there.

Nora will be at Cherry Valley on Sunday May 11 from 2 to 4 p.m. Nora explains that the earth has shifted and has moved from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension. She is here to assist in the Ascension as mankind crosses over to Reality Consciousness. It is her Divine Soul’s Purpose to Balance and Heal the Energetic Consciousness Fields on this new earth called Gaia and to provide Guidance through her Teachings. She has channeled a book by Jesus to help with this. He appeared to her one day and said, “Come here My Child and LISTEN” She sat with Him as He opened a large brown Book which he began to read from and she has now published the “Enlightenment Journal” from these Teachings.

Nora Walks In Spirit of the Universe of unlimited Consciousness to bring us the answers we need at this important time of transition and change. She is truly a remarkable down to earth soul and messenger and we are blessed to have her Wisdom Teachings and Healing Gifts in the community at this time. To learn more about Nora, visit her online

By Cate Crow

Offline earthw7

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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2014, 02:06:51 pm »
why would people mix all kind of belief into one? Oh right they dont know what they are doin >:(g
In Spirit

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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2014, 06:25:25 pm »
Slán a Chait, as I was saying in the Pete Bernard thread, some of the Earth-honouring Irish and Scottish ways have survived, and those that were almost forgotten have been revived.  They do not include "druid labyrinths." I feel it is the duty of those of us who feel a spiritual calling to help preserve the ways of our ancestors, not help destroy them by substituting nuage or misappropriated things from other cultures.

One of my concerns about Nora is her involvement in spiritual tourism: that she's taking this eclectic combo of "channeled" and mix-and-match ways to sacred sites she, from what I can see, knows little about. Does she speak Sengoídelc? No Gaeilge no Gàidhlig? Does she speak the Native languages of the many other sites she visits? Is she asking permission of the local Elders to do ceremony there? Does she know the history of these sites, the spirits associated with them, the likes and dislikes of these spirits? From what I can see, she's just winging it. If she were not leading others into these situations, I would say it's her business. But leading expeditions to do potentially offensive and dangerous things at some of our most sacred sites is not a good thing. Some of the people who've done that have died, gone crazy, or both. Actually, the lore is very clear that insanity is a common result of doing the wrong thing and angering the spirits at these sites.

It's because work with the spirits can be dangerous that we have tradition, that we have elders who pass down their hard-won wisdom from the ancestors and from learning from a lifetime of experience (including mistakes). For someone to ignore tradition and just make new things up doesn't make them a credible spiritual leader. Whenever new insights come, they have to be tested against what Elders are hearing from the spirits, and the lore. If what someone is hearing makes no sense in terms of the known lore and what the Elders are perceiving... what they are hearing is not the spirits. Or, it's not spirits you want to be taking advice from. Angering the ancestors and land spirits, and bigger, older spirits than that, rarely works out well. Usually everyone who participates in that sort of thing is at risk, but the person who leads others into it usually bears the biggest burden, and takes the hardest hit from it.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2019, 02:24:24 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »

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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2014, 07:08:17 pm »
In Nora's bio -

She taught me how to connect with and work with my higher self a medicine woman Nahani who is the one who has been doing the accurate predictions and amazing healings through me.

I don't know who wrote Nora's bio.  I don't know of a single FN culture that believes in the 'higher self' bologna.  If the person who wrote the bio is not culturally connected what a fabulous ticket to colonize an indigenous identity.

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Re: Nora Anderson - noraWalksInSpirit
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2014, 07:48:18 pm »
The contact name at the bottom of the page is  Nancy Fletcher–Huber. I think it's a fair assumption that she wrote Nora's bio on that page. Ms. Fletcher-Huber has her own bio, right above Nora's:

"Nancy Nancy Fletcher-Huber, A.C., C.G.A. "Reiki Master, Past Life Regressionist. Munay Ki Rite gifter.

"Nancy is a Remote Viewer and Absent Healer. She has been guided to restore the family farm and share this sanctuary of peace. A safe haven from the busyness of our chaotic lives, whichprovides a unique venue to help others achieve Spiritual and Soul Growth by providing Workshops there for other seekers.

"The synchronicities which have occurred after her making this decision have been awesome!

No indication she's claiming to be Native. Yet.

Since nuage thought sees "The Higher Self" as part of the person, this means she is claiming that Nora told her that part of her is a Native Medicine Woman. Nuagers who talk about "The Higher Self" also talk about integrating that "self" until that is their whole identity. By that theory, Nora has basically given her permission to eventually define herself as a Native Medicine Woman.