Author Topic: Mary Novak  (Read 38156 times)

Offline bearwarrior

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Mary Novak
« on: September 15, 2011, 10:18:50 pm »
Does anyone have any information on a Mary Novak? From what I have gathered she is a White person who claims to be a healer. Someone told me that she is a Black Shaman and that she went to some land where they were doing ceremony.  She had to leave because of things she saw and heard there. Apparently Mary Novak was the one doing the ceremony. Any information would be really helpful. Thanks.

Offline bearwarrior

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 11:06:21 pm »
OK I was just given these two sites about Mary Novak.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 05:02:52 pm »
Most of what she claims is pretty strange. Haven't seen this much of a planet sized ego in awhile.
The good news is she doesn't seem to have much of a following. She must have half a dozen blogs and mostly winds up talking to herself.

....Mary Novak is a collective death shaman who initiates 'real' shamans around the earth on the dimensional dream planes. She is a master dreamer and shaman healer, and supports those who walk the most difficult path on earth of the Dark or Lunar teachings called "truth" along with path of the Light, once called the teachings of the Sun and now referred to as God called "love".

She is also an astral traveler, remote viewer, astrological consultant, dream teacher, energy master, artist, poet and dream keeper for those who have lost or forgotten how to dream with the feminine teachings of mother earth again after a 2500 year absence.

Mary Novak is a Spirit Chosen and Spirit Initiated (28 Years) "Dreamkeeper Shaman" under the Serpent, Jaguar & Condor Nations in the traditions of Primordial (pre-history) Grandmother Death Shamans

Students, Healing and Consultations:

Esoteric, Lunar Intentions, Master Energy healing, Astrology and Seer reading

---------- Mary is a collective and spirit initiated Shaman of the Black Jaguar Star Nations and she dreams with the wisest of elders on Earth who understand to prepare our children for paradise's return to the great Mother, Mother Earth and the Grandmother's Spiritual Leadership returned. These are the negotiators through vision between the worlds, independent of belief systems based in fear moving from a logical, time orientated, rational reality into the non-rational, creative, emotional and non-time reality. Apprentices are hard at work on their "interior" spiritual and healing journey to be initiated as Ancestral; Visionary; Warrior; Oracle; Astral-Celestia and Animal Spirit "DreamKeepers" for the future earth. For more information go to

Shamanic Journeys Weekend Intensive;
Sacred Rattles with Mary Novak Dreamkeper

A Co-Creative Event: Prepare to bring personal items for your needs to camp, a tent, also bring any special items filling your Rattle that are Sacred to you....
Discover the Art of Rattles and Spirit Rattles. The basic use for Rattles are to dispel dis-ease in any form or elemental, energetic or physical dis-ease. Rattles are also used in ritual and celebration....
In this workshop, we will discover the significance of Rattles, as well as respect for Rattle and its uses. You will then create and birth your own Sacred Rattle charged with your energy. Your personal prayers and intent will give it life. You will select the elemental of your Rattle honoring all or one of the Spirit directions.....

SPIRIT RATTLE: A primal, earth connected Shamanic Rattle for those who undertake ceremonies and rituals with Nature, those who work with beyond the Veil will seek a Spirit Rattle which carries power.

DREAM SERPENT RATTLE: Serpents are linked with Feminine Wisdom, Healing and Power and are the oldest Rattles connected with the Neolithic Grandmothers or Great Goddess Medicines of Primal Cave Dreamers.

MEDICINE RATTLE: For those who are working on a healing journey, with their own clients or self, and atonement or work with the world Indigenous or Native American Medicine Wheel, creating a Rattle to mirror your own personal journey of healing is the foundation of a Medicine Rattle.

Instructor Bio:

Mary Novak is a full time Shaman of the Dreamtime, spirit chosen and spirit initiated under the Ancestors of the Serpent, Jaguar and Condor Medicines. Mary has been leading middle and underworld journeys for individuals and groups and apprentices. She is a working shaman with animal spirits, mother earth and elemental spirits for the past 13 years and has been traveling to North, Central and South America over the past 13 years working on specific Sacred Temples for the 2012 shift which are now completed.

This year she is invited to do workshops in San Diego, North Carolina, Houston and in St Louis, MO. As a full time healer and master energy healer of chakras both white astral and black astral bodies, she is dedicated to transformational work on the mind, body and emotional body helping others overcome challenges, changes and transitions in their life and past life karma whose life is dedicated to her path of service.

Esoteric work includes past membership of the Astrological Association of St. Louis, offering clients wisdom of one's chart in Evolutionary and Karmic Astrology. I-Ching, Archetypes, Mythology, Dream Symbolism, Intuitive Practices, Readings of the Seer Oracle Traditions and Clairvoyance. She teaches a monthly Dream Workstudy and a month Dream Medicine circle. New Moon Circle to self empower women over the past 12 years combining Dreaming, Intention, Lunation Cycles for self-awareness and self empowerment through grounded practices.

Mary is available for private healing, counseling, reading, knowledge and spirit path coaching from wisdom, esoteric traditions, with her intent for others to master the self and wake up from the illusions of the self and others with grounded spiritualism.

Cost of event: $250 per person, includes food

Spaces are limited.  Contact: to reserve your spot

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2011, 05:45:32 pm »
Her page seriously misrepresents every culture she references. She has stolen someone's pow wow pictures and has marked these unnamed women as "Womans N. American Dreaming Bird Cults"  :o  I'd really like to know who the women in the photo are. It looks to me like she is misappropriating these women's images and using them to sell her shameonick schtick.  >:(

The ignorance continues on every image she's posted: The Hindu Goddess Sarasvati is mislabled "Womans India Dreaming Bird Cultures", an old drawing of Valkyries is mislabeled "Womans Nordic Dreaming Bird Cultures", and well known statures of ancient Middle Eastern Goddesses are mislabled "Womans Middle East Dream Bird Cultures". Uh, sure. Perhaps oddest of all (if less offensive) is the statue of Winged Victory/Nike who she claims is "Womans European Dreaming Bird Cultures". ... I don't know what she's like in person, but I think someone would have to be pretty unhinged and/or indiscriminate to fall for what she's putting out online.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2012, 06:08:12 pm »
If you go to Mary's site and scroll down the menu on the left side of the page, she is linked to "My Friend: VisionKeeper, Author, Nobel Prize: Mary Elizabeth Thunder".  Mary, this is posted ON YOUR PAGE.  

There are also a number of pictures at the above link of traditional regalia that she is calling Shaman's dresses  ???

eta - added more info
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 06:29:39 pm by sky »

Offline Mary Novak

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« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2012, 08:17:24 pm »
This is Mary Novak... 8:25 PM (17 hours ago)
I've asked Dr. Carroll to contact you.


in the meanwhile i will add this, after emailing Sky all day yesterday, I had a visitor last night in my room in the dark about 3 am, a man, in his spirit shadow form, he breathes heavy, be has red daemon eyes... its one of you. 

Remember i am a black shaman, what i wear when being attacked by red, white, black, yellow or brown people in their daemon shadow form, makes no difference to me.

Let me go through each one of your accusations personally since none of you have the strength, courage or respect to call me and talk to me personally. Seems you put even DEAD people on your site who cannot defend themselves, how dis-respectful is that to the dead? Very.

After the first round of 5 hours of emails with Sky, i recieved no call today. 3 things can happen:

1. You can all be my friend, and i can serve you in some way; or

2. You can be my enemy if you chose

3. Or you can remove this post and we will all go about our day

Last night after my email conversation with sky, i had a visitor. A man in the middle of the night came into my room, he wasn't dead, he was alive, in spirit, a shadow body - as i am a shadow walker as a black shaman.

Being hunted, all these years by daemons, humans are pretty easy, and one of YOU or your organizers breathes heavy and can only manifest shape shifting into a mouse. As i share below, i was manifesting into a 1000 pound black jaguar at four years old (this lifetime) and i have grown up in to my maturity that is why i do not work with the general public.

*** SO.... Lets start with my personal bio, I am entering my 55th year as a female black shaman, I am a mother, i have two children, one who is in prison for a year, for a crime he committed 2000 years ago and i supported him to go to prison and pay his karma and get it done with. What mother does that? The right thing? None, they let their karmic children grow up to be daemon shadow walkers... not me! My other adult child is doing great, has a beautiful partner and very creative, an artist. None of us drink, never do drugs, don't smoke pot, nor on adult medication of any kind. We are straight up and healthy and very scorpionic in our archetyple as a family.

I began to shapeshift into a 1000 pound black jaguar by the time i was five years old and my parents and grandparents supported my fate. Imagine what 50 years of black initiations does to a slavic woman, a real walking Shela Nagig, an Ereshkigal, a Black Madonna, a Wadjet, an Alkonost, it makes her very primordial, and one that people do not understand, much less want to be around unless they are dying or being attacked by daemons, then i am their best friend.

Your work is very similar to mine, except i had to suffer and die 8 times, be homeless, starve, heal my own brain cancer as my own mother died from it, but to be a healer you have to heal yourself, then the realms opened up, mother earths belly and  28 years later I am talking to you. No followers, no work, nothing, 3 apprentices and 1 student, thats it, thats my life... ALL THIS for 4 people...


#1. Beltana - Celtic Pagan Woman and Singer Musician in the Ozarks. Beltana had cancer, really bad, i saw her poster in town seeking people to help her fundraiser to pay her bills from her cancer, and so she wouldn't loose her farm where all her Celtic people meet.... I called her offered her a journey, told her to set the price, as the money was for her fundraiser. She did, and after a month or so I asked her if these people drink or smoke pot at this fundraiser, she said some of them party others are causual and have a beer once in awhile. I told her I COULD NOT DO IT  because i am very responsible with my work, shamans can do many things, black shaman open up peoples darkness ...

so the EVENT NEVER HAPPENED... but she never removed it and you have her email, I told her you would call her to validate what i write. She is waiting for you to write her.


Blessings, Mary Novak

Offline Smart Mule

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« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2012, 08:41:47 pm »
This is Mary Novak... 8:25 PM (17 hours ago)
I've asked Dr. Carroll to contact you.


in the meanwhile i will add this, after emailing Sky all day yesterday, I had a visitor last night in my room in the dark about 3 am, a man, in his spirit shadow form, he breathes heavy, be has red daemon eyes... its one of you. 

I'm sorry but none of us tend to travel about in spirit form.  I don't think any of us have red eyes either but I can't be certain  ::)

Remember i am a black shaman, what i wear when being attacked by red, white, black, yellow or brown people in their daemon shadow form, makes no difference to me.

As I told you yesterday, I could not find where anyone was attacking you and that if you would please point it out I would correct the situation.

Let me go through each one of your accusations personally since none of you have the strength, courage or respect to call me and talk to me personally. Seems you put even DEAD people on your site who cannot defend themselves, how dis-respectful is that to the dead? Very.

Which dead person are you talking about?  Some of the people who are mentioned here that have crossed have been used (before and after they crossed) by unethical individuals. Some of the people who are listed here that have crossed were unethical themselves and their unethical behavior promotes dishonesty in others.

After the first round of 5 hours of emails with Sky, i recieved no call today. 3 things can happen:

It was a bit more than five rounds.  You are forgetting the Harry Potter video spam you sent me.

1. You can all be my friend, and i can serve you in some way; or

You are misusing indigenous culture.  You are serving as a teaching tool. Thank you.

2. You can be my enemy if you chose

That's YOUR choice.  You didn't ask a single question that I asked you politely, you simply made demands and told me about how you stalked a young indigenous woman who posted here at one time.

3. Or you can remove this post and we will all go about our day

I personally do not feel comfortable removing the thread.  Because the more research I do the more I am concerned.

Last night after my email conversation with sky, i had a visitor. A man in the middle of the night came into my room, he wasn't dead, he was alive, in spirit, a shadow body - as i am a shadow walker as a black shaman.

Okay...Well, it certainly wasn't me, I'm a girl ndn and not prone to wandering about as a man in spirit form.

Being hunted, all these years by daemons, humans are pretty easy, and one of YOU or your organizers breathes heavy and can only manifest shape shifting into a mouse. As i share below, i was manifesting into a 1000 pound black jaguar at four years old (this lifetime) and i have grown up in to my maturity that is why i do not work with the general public.

Again, it wasn't me, shape-shifting is not my thing.

*** SO.... Lets start with my personal bio, I am entering my 55th year as a female black shaman, I am a mother, i have two children, one who is in prison for a year, for a crime he committed 2000 years ago and i supported him to go to prison and pay his karma and get it done with. What mother does that? The right thing? None, they let their karmic children grow up to be daemon shadow walkers... not me! My other adult child is doing great, has a beautiful partner and very creative, an artist. None of us drink, never do drugs, don't smoke pot, nor on adult medication of any kind. We are straight up and healthy and very scorpionic in our archetyple as a family.

Wow, statute of limitations laws need serious reform where you live  :o

I began to shapeshift into a 1000 pound black jaguar by the time i was five years old and my parents and grandparents supported my fate. Imagine what 50 years of black initiations does to a slavic woman, a real walking Shela Nagig, an Ereshkigal, a Black Madonna, a Wadjet, an Alkonost, it makes her very primordial, and one that people do not understand, much less want to be around unless they are dying or being attacked by daemons, then i am their best friend.

If it were me, I would be concerned about fleas.

Your work is very similar to mine, except i had to suffer and die 8 times, be homeless, starve, heal my own brain cancer as my own mother died from it, but to be a healer you have to heal yourself, then the realms opened up, mother earths belly and  28 years later I am talking to you. No followers, no work, nothing, 3 apprentices and 1 student, thats it, thats my life... ALL THIS for 4 people...

I don't think our work is similar.


#1. Beltana - Celtic Pagan Woman and Singer Musician in the Ozarks. Beltana had cancer, really bad, i saw her poster in town seeking people to help her fundraiser to pay her bills from her cancer, and so she wouldn't loose her farm where all her Celtic people meet.... I called her offered her a journey, told her to set the price, as the money was for her fundraiser. She did, and after a month or so I asked her if these people drink or smoke pot at this fundraiser, she said some of them party others are causual and have a beer once in awhile. I told her I COULD NOT DO IT  because i am very responsible with my work, shamans can do many things, black shaman open up peoples darkness ...

so the EVENT NEVER HAPPENED... but she never removed it and you have her email, I told her you would call her to validate what i write. She is waiting for you to write her.

I can only speak for myself but no such person contacted me.  I couldn't find any posts in regard to this either.  If you could please point it out I will look into it.


Blessings, Mary Novak

I asked Dr Carroll to contact you.  I did not demand that he call you.  You are acting rather pompous, expecting people to jump at your whim when I am finding more and more instances of you disrespecting indigenous culture.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2012, 08:44:37 pm »
"I am a Spirit Chosen and Spirit Initiated Shaman completed in my 28 year initiations of self mastery, Upper, Lower and Middle Worlds with female apprentices and my Shamanic Healing Practice and Dream Medicines, under the Bear Medicine Umbrella: The Global Serpent, Jaguar and Condor Nations of the Slavic (Polish) Elk Clans. I am also a Shaman Initiator and a collective Star Nation Shaman and just completed my temple work in North, Center and South America for 2012 over the past 13 years. My first initiations began in 1987."
"4. 17.09
In a ceremony that Ravenwolf and I did on Cahokia Mounds in this waking world, for two hours I called to Spirit in the sweet sounds of wolves, ravens, song birds, serpents, and various vibrational sounds just to sing and pray to mother earth and send our prayers. After about an hour, a Magical Elk from the other worlds came into this 3rd dimension ordinary world and ran back and forth gliding across the field like air for the last hour. I have finally made it as a Shaman of Bohemian, Slav and Siberian tradition." ( [This really makes me angry.  What on earth gives her the idea that it's perfectly fine to offend ancestors by doing woowoo where there was a community and burials?]

Waking Dream: I drove down half way to Memphis to meet with Jen my apprentice who has completed her journey with me and we were going to meet for lunch as friends and teachers of each other now. We went to meet for lunch but something happened and she didn't show up. So I ate lunch and started to drive back home. On the way home I kept thinking well, maybe I will receive a hawk from spirit today on this drive that I have done many times and gifted by beautiful things in many ways.

It wasn't more than an hour after I was driving that I see a dead hawk. I pull over and stop, get out and hawk had just been hit maybe ten minutes earlier. I have received many hawks from spirit in many ways during my training, study and then spirit and mother earth who initiated me, but eight months ago I received my graduation degree at least in hawk medicine, when three white hawks with blue eyes in one day were gifted to me from the spirit of the hawk. I was very touched in a profound way for my journey with hawk has been almost twenty years now.

When I got out of the car I felt very very sad, because I could still feel hawks warmth in her body. I picked her up and put my nose into the fur and asked great spirit to forgive me and then I asked hawk to forgive me for asking for a gift without being conscious of my finished initiations now, when I did not need one. Today I finally got it. I went home and did ceremony withhawk and thanked it for its sacrifice, as I have made many sacrifices to spirit in my initiations with them. I have learned my teaching today. The teacher gets ten more lessons each day than the student." 
Evidently Mary does not need to be in compliance with Fish and Wildlife.

"July 21:
I am awake I went to Cahokia Mounds at midnight with my son, to help him transition from the break up with his girlfriend. I saw white, clear and soft flashes of light on top the mounds, when I called our lineage ancestors from Poland to assist my son. It was now about 1:30 am and a police officer was way down by my parked car shining the light on top the mound. We began to leave and the officer just left, he saw us coming down the steps but didn't bother us."  Again, offending indigenous ancestors.

There's quite a bit more at the above link but I just can't stomach reading any more.

I am also waiting for my Polish contact to respond to Ms Novak's claims about Black Shaman culture in pre and post Christian Poland.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2012, 10:03:32 pm »

... because I could still feel hawks warmth in her body. I picked her up and put my nose into the fur
Emphasis mine

A hawk with fur?! WTF...!

Quote from: sky
I am also waiting for my Polish contact to respond to Ms Novak's claims about Black Shaman culture in pre and post Christian Poland.

None such shaman culture existed.
True, I cannot vouch for times back when all of us speakers of Indo-European languages were still sitting around just one campfire, as this was tens of thousands of years ago - but then again neither can Mrs Novak.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 10:10:53 pm by Ingeborg »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2012, 10:05:08 pm »

... because I could still feel hawks warmth in her body. I picked her up and put my nose into the fur

A hawk with fur?! WTF...!

Maybe it was a special kind that only she can see.  Either way I'm still contacting fish and wildlife :)

Offline educatedindian

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« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2012, 03:05:54 pm »
This is Mary Novak...

sky 8:25 PM (17 hours ago)
I've asked Dr. Carroll to contact you.


in the meanwhile i will add this, after emailing Sky all day yesterday, I had a visitor last night in my room in the dark about 3 am, a man, in his spirit shadow form, he breathes heavy, be has red daemon eyes... its one of you.  

Remember i am a black shaman, what i wear when being attacked by red, white, black, yellow or brown people in their daemon shadow form, makes no difference to me.

Let me go through each one of your accusations personally since none of you have the strength, courage or respect to call me and talk to me personally. Seems you put even DEAD people on your site who cannot defend themselves, how dis-respectful is that to the dead? Very.

After the first round of 5 hours of emails with Sky, i recieved no call today. 3 things can happen:

1. You can all be my friend, and i can serve you in some way; or

2. You can be my enemy if you chose

3. Or you can remove this post and we will all go about our day

Last night after my email conversation with sky, i had a visitor. A man in the middle of the night came into my room, he wasn't dead, he was alive, in spirit, a shadow body - as i am a shadow walker as a black shaman.

Being hunted, all these years by daemons, humans are pretty easy, and one of YOU or your organizers breathes heavy and can only manifest shape shifting into a mouse. As i share below, i was manifesting into a 1000 pound black jaguar at four years old (this lifetime) and i have grown up in to my maturity that is why i do not work with the general public.

*** SO.... Lets start with my personal bio, I am entering my 55th year as a female black shaman, I am a mother, i have two children, one who is in prison for a year, for a crime he committed 2000 years ago and i supported him to go to prison and pay his karma and get it done with. What mother does that? The right thing? None, they let their karmic children grow up to be daemon shadow walkers... not me! My other adult child is doing great, has a beautiful partner and very creative, an artist. None of us drink, never do drugs, don't smoke pot, nor on adult medication of any kind. We are straight up and healthy and very scorpionic in our archetyple as a family.

I began to shapeshift into a 1000 pound black jaguar by the time i was five years old and my parents and grandparents supported my fate. Imagine what 50 years of black initiations does to a slavic woman, a real walking Shela Nagig, an Ereshkigal, a Black Madonna, a Wadjet, an Alkonost, it makes her very primordial, and one that people do not understand, much less want to be around unless they are dying or being attacked by daemons, then i am their best friend.

Your work is very similar to mine, except i had to suffer and die 8 times, be homeless, starve, heal my own brain cancer as my own mother died from it, but to be a healer you have to heal yourself, then the realms opened up, mother earths belly and  28 years later I am talking to you. No followers, no work, nothing, 3 apprentices and 1 student, thats it, thats my life... ALL THIS for 4 people...


#1. Beltana - Celtic Pagan Woman and Singer Musician in the Ozarks. Beltana had cancer, really bad, i saw her poster in town seeking people to help her fundraiser to pay her bills from her cancer, and so she wouldn't loose her farm where all her Celtic people meet.... I called her offered her a journey, told her to set the price, as the money was for her fundraiser. She did, and after a month or so I asked her if these people drink or smoke pot at this fundraiser, she said some of them party others are causual and have a beer once in awhile. I told her I COULD NOT DO IT  because i am very responsible with my work, shamans can do many things, black shaman open up peoples darkness ...

so the EVENT NEVER HAPPENED... but she never removed it and you have her email, I told her you would call her to validate what i write. She is waiting for you to write her.


Blessings, Mary Novak

It's hard to know where to begin with this...

To start with, imagine the ego of someone who choose the name LIFE.

No, I won't call you. No way would I want someone in such obvious need of professional mental health help to have my number. You can email me at the nafps email or IM thru the site.

If I could become a demon, why would I waste time with something so silly as bothering someone while they sleep?

There's an obvious fourth option: We keep our posts on you around as a warning to all about your crazed behavior.

You claim "i was manifesting into a 1000 pound black jaguar"

Really? Your manifesting needs to go on a diet. It's so morbidly obese it can't even move.

"The jaguar is a compact and well-muscled animal...weights are normally in the range of 56–96 kilograms (124–211 lb). Larger males have been recorded at as much as 160 kg (350 lb)"

I have no idea what you are talking about with that supposed Celtic woman. It came from out of nowhere, seemingly your own vivid imagination.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2012, 07:05:55 pm »
I would like to caution people about Ms Novak.  She herself has admitted to stalking and harassing members of this forum and creating sock puppets.  She has sent veiled threats against the admins of this site.  She takes issue with standing up against the mocking of genocide to indigenous peoples.  She takes issue with Protection of Ceremony and calls us racists for wanting to protect these things.  I asked her to stop emailing me personally yesterday afternoon and have received thirteen emails from her since then, one of which demanded my phone number, address and a personal meeting.  I have brought all of the emails (mine and hers) to my police department along with screen caps of the entire threads she has posted in here.  Please note that she considers at least one admin here to be a demon and has since changed her email address to reflect killing demons.  If she contacts you or has contacted you in the past please let the mods here know.  Also, because of her admitted stalking and her demands for personal residential information and insistence of meeting in person, you may want to consider speaking with your local police department.

*edited to increase number of emails sent by Ms Novak after I asked her to stop contacting me.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 11:35:16 pm by sky »

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2012, 09:27:12 pm »
yup that is a fraud only people who have no much to hide respend in this fashion,
In Spirit

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2012, 10:28:09 pm »
Hi Al! 

An fyi Re: Novak, see:

Received today.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Mary Novak
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2012, 06:42:15 pm »
Just wanted everyone to be aware of the fact that Mary has been banned for spamming.  We've let her know that if she apologizes, agrees to play nice (that doesn't mean she has to agree with us, it means she needs to post sanely, not spam the boards or it's members and remove her sock puppets) that the ban will be removed.