Author Topic: 'Nahualqo'  (Read 40822 times)

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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« on: March 24, 2007, 03:13:39 pm »
He has for several years sought to portray himself as a member of the 'Toltec tradition' invented by Carlos Castaneda. He claims he is a 'nagual' or leader of a group of seers.  Even the hippies on the Sustained Reaction message board laughed at him; he was banned for allegedly threatening someone, though I think a moderator just misunderstood his pomposity. ::)

Here's a collection of his writings copied from the S. R. board.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2007, 03:17:13 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2007, 03:10:59 am »
This is just a few selected quotes from one of the websites Barnaby posted a link to . It sounds like the
main issue that got Nahualqo / Nagualqo  banned was people felt he was "recruiting" for his "cult".

There was some strong objections to Nahualqo claiming to be a traditional teacher when he wasn't backing this up with any verifiable references to real elders . The subject of cultural appropriation came up in this forum , and there was concerns Nahualqo was a fraud . From what I read it looks like Nahualqo repeatedly avoiding giving any answers and there was some of the same rudeness we saw here . Eventually , after being banned for a while , Nahualqo got asked to come to NAFPS for a "credibility check" . I guess that is how he came to be here . ( with an attitude )
Nahualgo (11/8/03 10:22 pm)
" A Letter of Introduction of the Jaguar Tradition I am Nahual of a Jaguar tradtion that has very ancient roots. Our tradition came to America, to Louisiana to be exact around the 17th Century. ( con .. )

'We settled near Lake Charles and became confederated with a tribe in the backwoods, we ceased to adhere to any obvious cultural or physical attribute that would identify us. ( con... )"

"I began teaching a few individuals almost 20 years ago and now we have a small cadre of individuals with a relatively large body of knowledge if you go by the standard of Carlos Castaneda as being a body of work that contains the knowlege. I am in the last stages of teaching some of the finer points to a group in California, Arizona and Texas. We should be ready in the not too distant future to begin teaching our tradition en masse. ( con... )"

Quetzal Ocelotl
Apparently nahualqo also goes by the name Quetzal Ocelot
(11/9/03 11:34 am)
"Do you think a Nauhual would invest his time, energy, hard won knowledge and a lifetime of work in
indulging you? Knowledge is not your mothers milk, your feelings of entitlement are absurd, your patience is non-existent. As far as I can see you are not one of the individuals that I am looking for in order to invest my knowledge and ability. You are folly, not even controlled folly. However there are people who do frequent this board that are deserving of a relationship in knowledge. I ask you politely to step aside so that those that have worth can begin to share something of value."

(9/6/06 12:09 am)
"So now my question about your claimed Indian Tribal membership still remains. Because you avoid stating which tribe you belong to and say things like "if you want a pedigree get a dog" it is quite clear that you have no respect for the wishes of Native Americans that say anyone who claims Tribal Status while pushing Shamanic ideas should authenticate their Indian-ness and state the elders that have taught them their Knowlege.

To not do this is considered by Native Americans to be a sure sign of fraud." ( con ..)

"As you can see, Quetzal Ocelotl, I am using this name so that when people web search for Quetzal Ocelotl they will come to here and be able to see your avoidance and disrespect for Indian concerns.

As you are should you be known.

Please tell us..
what is your Tribe? and who are your elders?"

(9/6/06 10:19 am)
"I don't particularly care to know you. None of my participants will read this. I desire to remain anonymous except to those  I participate with. I have not accepted any students from this board and my personal information should be resepected as such, personal information.

Why do you continue to make a fool out of yourself and make false accusations? Do you think that making a fool out of yourself will get me to reveal myself to you? My family and I am well known among my tribe, we still have original allotment land. I am a good member in standing of the tribe. If you think it is so easy to be a member of a tribe, try it for yourself.

You are proving to be the absolutist. I accomodated most of your requests and your answers and I gave you reasons why I don't feel required to remove my anonymity on this board that is full of louts and bullies that takes great pleasure in dissing Nahualism. (con ...)"

"First of all, you are not representative of any Native American body politic. All your complaints attempt to hide your disrespect as some sort of protection of Native American rights. As if you know better than I our sufferings and troubles a person that has lived our troubles from birth. You don't think you are seen already as a dishonest broker. I will be seen as the traditionalist, you will be seen as you are, a non-Indian attempting to diss a Native American belief system and hide  behind an audacious false pretense of protecting Native American rights. " ( con...)


Posts: 1127
(9/6/06 12:04 pm)

"You say you are teaching a Native American belief system ..and that is why I must ask you again
what is your Tribe and who are your elders? If you have not run into this before then it is overdue don't you think? I see that you do seem to try to sell your "teachings" so maybe your student body is anemic and that is why you have come here. I guess that makes some sense. Maybe your problem is advertising. It is obvious you are in trouble on that count. I think that could be fixed if you would consent to a makeover of your personal style. You know ...acting like a racist indian does not make you seem like a real indian..

If you learned more about opening your heart to people that are NOT potential marks for your Nagual scam.. you would certainly do better than you seem to be doing so far."

( I didn't really  see anything suggesting Nahualqo was selling anything )

(9/6/06 12:37 pm)
"When you prove to me a Native American Indian group is interested in me. I will disclose my particulars to them, not to you and it will be under the condition of privacy no public disclosure of my identity. They will share with you only that I am a full tribal member and they will not tell you which tribe, oh yes and they can tell that my father is well known among all Native Americans. I will also disclose to them my contributions to the Native American community. So if you can interest a Native American group to take the time to wallow in your protestations I can take the time for them. But not for you and not for Sustained Reaction."

( In yet he has been posting voluminous amounts of so called "traditional" knowledge on this forum )
wei wu wei
Posts: 884
(9/6/06 1:10 pm)

"I suggest that you do that yourself Nagualgo if you are in such good standing with a Tribe and truly have respect for them.. and they for you. Like I said you could be an apple or worse. a rotten apple.

Proving a degree of Indian Blood would settle the authentification issue ..which needs to be settled first off.. . due  to your claim.. I think step two..If you prove you are not a fake Indian proving you are not a flake Indian ...of the new age variety.

I look forward to you setting the record straight as promptly as possible.

(9/6/06 1:39 pm)
"Since when do I need your affirmation? I should disprove your negative because you couldn't
take the time to start a respectful discourse with me so that I would be obliged to share that information with you in private? No, I prefer you to be the disrespectful gnome on a toadstool than to incurr any civility from you for the price of your disrespect. The price of your honor is to be paid by you, not by me. I have already paid the price of my honor among my people. You don't amount to all that much now do you. "

 wei wu wei

(9/6/06 1:52 pm)

"That is an avoidance Nagualgo.and the usual haughty BS. You need to authenticate or accept being considered a fraud."


(9/6/06 3:13 pm)
"I provide an unpaid service of benificence to Eluisis. I also served as spiritual counselar to a Native American alcohol and rehabilitation lodge. ( con ... )."

"Nagualqo got a lifetime ban?(or am I readin you wrong?)    wow thats serious."

Ghost Dog
(10/21/06 7:07 pm)

"Naw, Nag hasn't been banned for life... as a matter of fact, he has received the lightest sentence yet for a death threat, a mere month.More in his way, is the conditions he has to meet before he can return. He has to acknowledge that he's not allowed to recruit from here and make a statement that he will not accept members for  his cult from SR. He has to accept normal posting restrictions, share his post allottment with his entire cult, no more threats... and two months of probation.

So we might not see him again, but we could if he agrees to all that."

(10/23/06 7:14 pm)
Re: statement about nagualgo.

Quote:for his whole posting routine has been a recruitment from the beginning.

I don't get it. Was under the impression that Nags tradition is private and one would have to apprentice for years to even be considered.What sense would it make trying to recurit people into something of this nature at a debunking of Toltecs site? I think his interest was more to do with creating a legal body of sorts for education of Native Americans.
Ghost Dog
(10/23/06 7:40 pm)
Re: statement about nagualgo. I don't get it either, but in Nag's first post here he states he's seeking those worthy to receive his knowledge.

Saying it's private and exclusive is just a way of making it sound important.

wei wu wei
(1/1/07 2:05 pm)
Reply    A vs V Native American Elders and activists are clearly against any new age commercialization or syncretism of their spiritual culture by Natives, mixed bloods or by non Natives.

"Do you think the statement that one belongs to a 1000 year old secret society of Toltec Nonoalcos is suspicious? Especially considering the commercilization of Toltecism in the last 10 years...

If Nagualgo's stated aim is to create a Government subsidised School that is funded by Grants.
Do you think a secret Toltec society that will not authenticate itself as being truly Toltec will ever be getting aid from the Government. And by 2012?

Do you think he will go along with your request at Abe's for NAFPS scrutiny?"
( my bold )
(1/1/07 2:46 pm)

  Quote:Do you think he will go along with your request at Abe's for NAFPS scrutiny?

I'd be surprised if he did ~ NAFPS seems like too "open" an organization for his liking

I'm slightly curious to see what he *does* do
The link below  goes to a alternative community project where Nahualgo /Quetzal Ocelotl sits on the advisory board .

Vision statement
"We are a community dedicated to thriving in life through the integration of traditional wisdom and innovative practices. Our values are centered around outreach, education, and the growth of body, mind and spirit. We nurture the mysteries of life through creativity rooted in the context of ecological, social and spiritual evolution.( con ...)"

To provide a space for spiritual retreat, vision quests, a healing center, and wilderness sanctuary.

To foster interdisciplinary research and development in such fields as human potential, consciousness, clean energy technologies, and sustainable futures.

To disseminate this research to the public through the Internet, film and new media projects, festivals, fairs and performances

Quetzal Ocelotl

The toltec nagual Quetzal Ocelotl is heir to the jaguar lineage of spiritual warriors and leaders that has kept much of the original knowledge intact. Quetzal Ocelotl is a well-respected teacher and practitioner of this toltec wisdom tradition that has its origins in ancient Meso-america. He was born in the U.S. and is a member of a North American indian tribe.
Interesting Nahualqo  never once mentioned he was a Toltec Nagual in his public posts here .

I guess this is why he was so concerned about what NAFPS does  . This forum must look like a mean and nasty place with too many bright lights and inquiring minds,  for someone claiming to be a Blackfoot Toltec Nagual , that is contradicting it's claims of being too secret to verify itself , by sharing extensive "information" / ?"teachings" over the internet and and trying to find new recruits on line .

Having seen this guys inability to listen , and and his habitual rudeness , I am a bit concerned that he claims to be a Spiritual leader , a Spiritual counciller in drug and alchohol programs , and in the thread   " Using posts for my class "  he mentioned sometimes teaching about "Native Americans", in school .

Offline nahualqo

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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2007, 03:28:51 am »
I participate in Nahualism which is not part of my tribe tribal tradition. Our tradition has nothing in common with Carlos Castenada, not his methods, not his fraudulent behaviors. I have never been connected with Carlos Castenada. Your inference to that effect is specious. Just like Carlos Castenada they have no true knowledge of Nahualism on Sustained Reaction. We don't recruit. I have never communicated with anyone from SR or any of the other boards. None have yet proved to have the integrity and basis of knowledge with which to share. I have no hippie friends no hippie has ever graced us with their presence in our tradition. Our members are Native American and Mexican Indian descent. Your ignorance of Nahualism leads your postings. I don't mix my tribal tradition with Nahualism. If anyone did have any knowledge of Nahualism then we could have shared something of the knowledge. Nahualism for us is a way of learning. The particulars of that knowledge hasn't changed much over the last thousand years. It is as integral today as it was a thousand years ago. Carlos did not describe its tenets any better than any of you. But you are quick to define something about which you know nothing.

Thank you. I use my Nahualist title in the very handle by which I have posted. How much more open can one be?

I have never been to Eluesis. I have had no dealings with Eluesis. They did offer a facility for our use by Native Americans. I have not taken them up on the offer.

the only disagreement I had with you is to include the elders of tribal people

[Edited out more childishness and rudeness.]
« Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 02:14:28 pm by educatedindian »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2007, 11:01:39 am »
Our tradition has nothing in common with Carlos Castenada, not his methods, not his fraudulent behaviors. I have never been connected with Carlos Castenada.

Anyone visiting the links I posted above will draw the appropriate conclusion about those statements. You even say you met him.

I have never been to Eluesis. I have had no dealings with Eluesis.

They think you're on their advisory board! How did that happen?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 01:04:09 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2007, 02:05:34 pm »
Nahualgo contacted me a short time before he came to NAFPS. He gave me his actual name and described what he claims is the spiritual tradition he's part of.

He swore me to secrecy about his actual name and the details of his claimed tradition, asking me to vow to keep secret even the fact that it exists. I'll still keep his name secret if he wishes, but urge him to say who he is. It would make checking out his story that much easier.

To say that I feel lied to and had my confidence badly abused is a big understatement. He told me I needed to keep these matters a secret for reasons of his safety and his very life would be in danger, and other lives as well.

I offered to meet with him. He said he'd be glad to, but never did go any further. He also wanted me to be an advisor for his group, which I turned down.

Now I find that these supposed secrets have been online in some cases for four years or more, being broadcast and disseminated on many sites.

At the time he told me his story, I was not certain if he was being truthful or not, and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. What he described to me I thought was possibly a pan Indian tradition.

He claimed to me they have no desire to recruit anyone who is not NDN or mestizo. He also claimed to not be a believer in Castaneda, only that there was a tradition whose terms Castaneda had stolen and lied about.

Now I feel fairly certain he is not a truthful person and regret having given him the benefit of the doubt. I myself will not be speaking to him anymore since I don't believe he can be trusted.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2007, 03:28:13 pm »
I found the following entry on the SR board in which a member quotes the posting in which Nahualqo threatened another member at SR for alleged treason. This seems to be what was seen as a death threat for which he got banned there:

The entry dates December 13, 2006:
One of the posters on this board failed in her obligations and so rants in vituperative dialogues in order to dispel her failings in completing her obligations. If you accept knowledge on well defined rules and regulations, don't whine when you are kept to those obligations under pain of death. It is too late to have received that knowledge even if your knowledge is incomplete, you agreed to live or die under the terms. Not only did you place your life in danger but you put my life in the same danger carelessly, needlessly and selfishly for sharing our knowledge with you.
 I am not the one that hunted you and sought to kill you for your knowing and willful transgressions. It was those that I promised that I would protect this tradition and keep intact the old ways until we can establish a legal body of protection. It was I that caused a wait and see attitude towards you that saved you, it was I that counseled you on how to limit your behavior and play it safe. If you ignore those conditions you do so willingly.
 There was no dissembling, lying or manipulation, we were honest and concise about what we expected from you and we believed your promise that you understood that you do not own this knowledge and must not divulge this knowledge in any way. You have neither the earned authority nor do you have our respect nor even a fraction of the full knowledge of our tradition.
 You had great potential but instead you chose to misuse your knowledge and now you are burned out from it. I gave you plenty of room to respect yourself and your obligations on this board but you failed in a modicum of self respect.
 You have come on this board and dissembled, you display yourself under false pretenses whereas I have been honest about myself and my name.

I suppose these words give an impression why Nahualqo's project has been called a cult by other SR posters: harassing persons viewed as apostates is one characteristic, and it seems to be met in this case. Judging from the reactions to his being banned from that board, part of the membership apparently did not see the above as a death threat because they took him for a nutcase in the first place. This aspect notwithstanding, it is quite apparent that threats are being made by Nahualqo.

The URLs mentioned and the above quote, I trust, also shed some light as to why Nahualqo keeps criticizing us for exposing frauds, and why he insists on refering us to elders.


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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2007, 05:16:56 pm »
Interesting, It's all about control, not much philosophical there. If you check Introductions: OlderthanDirt he replied saying he was Siksika from around the Browning Reservation. I don't think that is close to Lake Charles Louisiana and the Toltec Jaguar Tradition.  Wonder which it is? frederica

Offline nahualqo

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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2007, 06:06:21 pm »
Discussing Nahualist ideology and cosmology is not disclosing our traditionsl secrets. Our cerimonies and practices are secret. I was open and up front about our tradition when I contacted Al Carrol, that was before I ever posted on this board. This board is not a referendum on traditional Nahualism. Unless you are catagorically stating that traditional Nahualism is a new age fraud. Traditional Nahualism can't be learned from Carlos Castenada even though he ripped of some actual Mesoamerian cosmological concepts, to infer that Nahualism was invented by Carlos Castenada is not knowing the Mesoamerican cultures. My communications on this board has been from my tribal connection. Nahualism is not tribal it was a retrenchment into a portable belief system, the result of Mesoamericans losing their state  sponsored theocracies under the extreme distress of Spanish colonialism. I won't discuss Nahualism further Unless you are going to intelligently discuss Nahualism. I didn't bring it up. Barnaby did in ignorance of Nahualism. He is from England and unless he can discuss the methodology of Mexica domination of the snake traditions in Mesoamerica, I will consider his comments an unknowledgeable attempt at defamation of character. I never participated in threatening anyone. I mediated a dispute between a previous participant and the elders to which I am responsible. People in our tradition are free to do whatever they wish, except disclose secrets. The only control extended to us is self control, if that fails you will get a wake up call. These terms are discussed ad nausem before one makes a committment.

Nahualgo contacted me a short time before he came to NAFPS. He gave me his actual name and described what he claims is the spiritual tradition he's part of.

He swore me to secrecy about his actual name and the details of his claimed tradition, asking me to vow to keep secret even the fact that it exists. I'll still keep his name secret if he wishes, but urge him to say who he is. It would make checking out his story that much easier.

To say that I feel lied to and had my confidence badly abused is a big understatement. He told me I needed to keep these matters a secret for reasons of his safety and his very life would be in danger, and other lives as well.

I offered to meet with him. He said he'd be glad to, but never did go any further. He also wanted me to be an advisor for his group, which I turned down.

Now I find that these supposed secrets have been online in some cases for four years or more, being broadcast and disseminated on many sites.

At the time he told me his story, I was not certain if he was being truthful or not, and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. What he described to me I thought was possibly a pan Indian tradition.

He claimed to me they have no desire to recruit anyone who is not NDN or mestizo. He also claimed to not be a believer in Castaneda, only that there was a tradition whose terms Castaneda had stolen and lied about.

Now I feel fairly certain he is not a truthful person and regret having given him the benefit of the doubt. I myself will not be speaking to him anymore since I don't believe he can be trusted.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2007, 11:24:20 pm »
Nahualqo is also active in a forum called 'The twilight zone' - A Forum to discuss topics related to the work of Carlos Castaneda.
From his profile there, he joined Sept 06, 2006; his first post dates: Mo Dec 11, 2006 0:50, the last one as of yet dates Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:34.

There is a so-called 'shout- box' at the end of the forum's index site, with an entry by Nahualqo of today in which he explains why he unfortunately won't be able to do a translation:
25 03 2007 05:56:37
My partner arrived in town and my computer time has been severely limited! I saw the size of the post to be translated, and knew I wouldn't be able to find the time. If it was shorter I would have given it the old college try but it was just to much ahead of business.
And then there is an exchange about the Dutch site publishing Nahualqo's texts (cf the URL mentioned by Barnaby above):


23 03 2007 06:40:31
And I also sent a request to the host of his site.
23 03 2007 06:15:57
OK, I asked him to remove those posts, and also said it was ok with me to post a link to my site instead.
23 03 2007 06:07:12
I know about this (Dutch) site for a couple of weeks already. But...I haven't protected anything written here by copyright. And another thing: Nagualqo, do you want me to ask the site owner to remove those posts?

23 03 2007 03:47:45
Abe you have my permission to ask them to remove that posting.

22 03 2007 11:17:52
Hey Abe! Did you know about this? - Link  Not even a courtesy link! It was copied from here, had to be. Did Nal know?[/url]

(Too late, we've seen it...)

Nahualqo's total number of posts in the Twilight Zone is 342 as of yet, some 23 pages brought up by the forum's search function. There are a few gems among them, like e.g. the one below (in excerpts) which show that Nahualqo is not above posting racist BS and re-writing history, if there's a need to prove and underline a claim of prophetic qualities:

Unless you have lived extensively amongst the Muslims in the Middle East, then you are unprepared to understand what is happening with radical Islam and the West. In the 70's I lived in the Middle East a completely newbie to the area. As crazy as you think George W. Bush is, he is half crazy enough to deal with radical Islam. I knew in the 1970's that we would be at war with Islam at some point in the future. I know that you wish to blame everything on George Bush, it is the political expediency at the moment, but this war has been going on for thousand + years.
Radical Islam takes three major forms. Shia, Sunni and secular Baathist ideology that is based upon Nazism. The Mufti of Jerusalem joined Adolph Hitler pre-WW2. He sent thousands of Muslims to fight as Hitlers personal SS troops. He had plans with Hitler to wipe out resistent christians and Jews in Yugoslavia. The Mufti of Jerusalem had plans to radicalize all of Islam for Adolph Hitler and put all Jews in the Middle East into concentration camps for slaughter. Most Pan Arab movements today owe their allegiance and their
ideology to this same man. This man was Arafat's uncle and Arafat learned his hatred of Jews from him.
It has been the radical Islamic plan to conquer Europe from the inside by immigration. They are well on their way due to their intense reproduction rate outstrips all Western reproduction rates, in 20 or 30 years under current Islamic plans and projections Europe will become full Islamic states.

Last edited by nahualqo on Wed Mar 07, 2007 19:32; edited 1 time in total

Warning: do not take any of the above for a fact. For starters, Hitler's first name is spelled 'Adolf'. From all the BS in the article, let's just put right that the Baathist movement never was part of 'radical Islam' or even Islam, since it is secular (Nahualqo should look up the 5 Dollar words in a dictionary - well, perhaps also the 3 Dollar words). In fact, it is/was a political party in Syria and Iraq. One indicator of how much 'radical Islamic' the Baath Party was may be the fact that it was co-founded by Michel Aflaq who was a Christian, or the fact that the Assads, heads of Syrian Baath Party, are neither Sunni nor Shia Muslims . As an aside, Baath originally was influenced by Communist ideology which is far from supporting any religion.

Let me also mention that Pan Arabism had its hey-day in the sixties with several futile attempts of uniting various Arab countries, and as these attempts never kicked off, this movement died. There is certainly no 'Pan Arab movements today', as Nahualqo contends.
As the Twilight is a British forum, I suppose Nahualqo feels it appropriate to rewrite history just ever so slightly to claim that the non-existant Pan Arab movement(s) of today take their ideology from the Mufti of Jerusalem way back in the 1930ies instead of realizing that his support for the German Nazis was a question of 'the enemy of my enemy (i.e. the colonizer) is my friend'. And although the German Nazis recruited Muslim Bosnians to fight *in* Yugoslavia in WWII, they weren't Hitler's personal troops. While the Mufti was in fact Arafat's uncle, another relative got known as a prominent moderate political figure in Palestine, but mentioning this would have destroyed the image Nahualqo intends to create.

And that last bit about Muslim immigrants reproducing like the proverbial rabbits to outnumber us and turn Europe Muslim is a gem that will gain Nahualqo laurels with Europe's finest fascist parties and movements.


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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2007, 11:57:53 pm »
Had to go look this up, always thought the Toltecs were a Aztec myth.    I guess they have mixed it up with Nahualist. From all I have seen I turn my back on this mess. frederica

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2007, 12:15:57 am »
Nahualqo is also active in a forum called 'The twilight zone' - A Forum to discuss topics related to the work of Carlos Castaneda.

Radical Islam takes three major forms. Shia, Sunni and secular Baathist ideology that is based upon Nazism.

In 'nahualgo's' Fox News fantasy world all Muslims are radicals, even the secular non-Muslims! Right, we just need a real name and location for this bonehead to make it easier for people to avoid him.

[later edit]I realise this is complicated since Al promised to keep his identity secret.

I'd bet a large sum of money that he starts complaining about how we're persecuting him, even though he sought us out.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 10:46:55 am by Barnaby_McEwan »


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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2007, 02:49:50 am »
Great stuff Ingeborg and Barnaby McEwan !

Now where is it, that y-o-u come from ?
Germany and UK ?

Maybe what is needed here now is some true Swedes to come in and tell exactly what a Native American person should think and how they should express themselves in the world !

I'm sure you would all find a common consensus as to how to "police" indigenous folk due to having had so much practice of it in the past.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 03:20:37 am by A.R. »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2007, 08:23:55 am »
 :-\ You, like him, forget that Indians have been critical of him too. Since we're playing the race card, and your IP address is in Australia, are you Indian? If not, then by your own logic you have nothing to say on this subject.


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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2007, 06:07:52 pm »
:-\ You, like him, forget that Indians have been critical of him too. Since we're playing the race card, and your IP address is in Australia, are you Indian? If not, then by your own logic you have nothing to say on this subject.

I think by Nahualqo's own comments he makes everyone question his motives.  It would have been wiser to take the silent road and let everyone just "think" they know everything about the topic.

The above comment is disturbing.  How could anyone even pretend to know if someone else knows about a specific subject or not?  In any event, I would hope that before anything is posted, that one would have atleast researched beforehand.  But at the same time, stop taking cheap shots at someone who might know more that what we think.  His/her opinion just might be as valuable as yours.

Blue Wolf

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Re: 'Nahualqo'
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2007, 06:05:58 pm »
Re: Respect is earned mutually, listening to the concerns of others is wisdom
reply #16
I made repeated journeys with my grandmother to our relations back home attempting to serve our traditional teachings of our tribe. There were so few knowledgeable people that could or would teach our tribal knowledge that my search was fruitless.

If you actually had a Blackfoot Grandma as you claim , you would think you would have learned something from HER , like basic respect . To me , you don't sound like someone who had any kind of traditional influence in their upbringing at all . And I also notice when you posted your introduction in the sustained reaction forum you repeatedly refered to the displaced Toltec people as your people . Not the Siksika .

Hello, I am a member of Siksika (Blackfeet, Browning, Montana)
« on: January 18, 2007, 08:37:04 PM »
I have been reading this board and I see a lot of condemnation without any substantive support of real Native American belief systems. ( Blah blah blah blah blah con... )
The Piegan Blackfeet (Pikuni in Blackfoot) are a tribe of Native Americans based in Montana. Many members of the tribe currently live as part of the Blackfeet Nation in northwestern Montana, with population centered in Browning.

The Blackfeet are closely related to three First Nations in the Canadian province of Alberta. These First Nations are the Kainai Nation (formerly the Blood), the Northern Peigan and the Siksika
The Siksika Nation is a First Nation in southern Alberta, Canada.

(edited to add more detailed information )
When the Canadian government/British Crown sought to enter into a treaty with the Niitsitapi (the Real People), they made initial contact with the Siksika who lived on the north and northeastern frontiers of Niitsitapiskaku. They made the wrong assumption that all Niitsitapi were Blackfoot. The Niitsitapi are Ahpikuni (Peigan), Southern Ahpikuni (Montana Blackfeet), Ahkainah (Bloods) and Siksika (Blackfoot).

"The mission of  THE PIEGAN INSTITUTE  is to serve as a vehicle to research, promote and preserve Native languages. Founded in 1987, the Institute has its national headquarters and community-based programs on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in northwest Montana."

Respect is earned mutually, listening to the concerns of others is wisdom
« Reply #16
Our tribe was split into two. Blackfeet proper went to the Browning, Montana Reservation. That is where our family land is located. We have three tribes that are Blackfeet and societies within each tribe, the Blackfeet proper, the Piegan and the Bloods. The Blackfeet proper live in Montana while the Piegan and the Bloods live in Canada.

I guess it is possible a member of the Peigan Blackfeet would not know the name " Blackfeet" was mistakenly applied to their tribe by the English , but I am having a hard time believing anyone with any iinterest in their Peigan Blackfeet heritage , would think all the Peigan Blackfoot had gone to Canada , and that they would not realize the tribe they were a member of , is the Piegan .
OK so much for the Blackfoot story .

Reply #7 Nahualqo   
Discussing Nahualist ideology and cosmology is not disclosing our traditionsl secrets. Our cerimonies and practices are secret.

Reply #7 Nahualqo   
This board is not a referendum on traditional Nahualism. Unless you are catagorically stating that traditional Nahualism is a new age fraud.
No one here has said they think it is impossible some Toltec tradition survived in secret , and your critizing us for being reasonably skeptical about this , is just one more straw man agruement .

Personally ,I am skeptical about a surviving secret Toltec tradition as the only people I have ever heard of who alude to this "secret Toltec tradition" are New Agers , not Native Elders .  The rationlization that the reason no respected traditional Native people know about this, is because it is so secret, is completelty discredited by the fact you have been very publicly blabbing about it on the internet for years , and all the other followers / leaders of these so called "secret" Toltec traditions , have been advertising , selling workshops and books on these "secret" teachings for years .

If what you have been publishing about on line for years ISN"T secret , then you would think it would be common knowledge to Native Elders . It doesn't appear anyone outside of the New Age cyberspace community has ever heard of this -except to have heard this is another New Age fraud .

In my opinion , if there was a secretly surviving Toltec tradition,  the Native community would probably have more knowledge about this , than a bunch of tribally unafilliated newagers with money in their wallets .     

I am begining to feel grossed out by your continuing self serving efforts to convince people you are a " man of knowledge" .
edited to add additional information
Here is another thread in another forum showing verbally abusive behavior
- A forum to discuss topics related to the work of Carlos Castaneda -

Your on line behavior shows you to be self absorbed , compulsively dominating and uninterested in anything but YOU and promoting your own agenda .  You repeatedly contradict your self and you have been repeatedly disrespectful and verbally abusive . Quite simply , a person displaying your characteristics , who also happened to have extra ordinary powers or knowledge would be DANGEROUS.

You can post reams of information about Toltecs and Siksika but everything you have posted could easily have been learned from books , on line, and by attending a couple powwows . And you haven't even got the basic information straight . With no way of verifying any of this , and everything that we can verify being contradictory ,  it would be foolish to trust anything you have to say . Even if i could
verify EVERYTHING you say , your personal behavior would cause me to consider you dangerous to my mental health and I would choose to avoid you .

Enough already .

( edited April 5 to add additional information - nothing has been removed from the original post )i
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 04:34:29 pm by Moma_porcupine »