General => Research Needed => Topic started by: educatedindian on November 29, 2009, 03:48:23 pm

Title: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: educatedindian on November 29, 2009, 03:48:23 pm
Received this account and request for help.


In October, while attending a Waccamaw Tribe event, I was told by a tribal member they needed help. The former tribal chief, Harold Hatcher has done a snow job on alot of people in our community (he even fooled me). Convincing people that he is still the tribal leader and taking alot of $$$.

When he was asked to leave the tribe after he tried to sell them out to a 'casino developer", he invented his own splinter group. Recently the splinter group took the Waccamaw Tribe to court, where a county judge decided that Harold Hatcher's splinter group was operating illegally and the county sent him a letter to "stop using the tribes non-profit status."

Well, he has not stopped and he still uses it. Until the tribe goes to a final State hearing of determintaion, Harold Hatcher is continuing to operate as usually (this man has several Winnebegos Trailers and Harleys while his people are starving). The state of South Carolina does not know what to do "in regards to Indian issues" and is at a loss as to how to handle this. At this point even after the October hearing, where it was determined that he is not to operate as the Tribal Leader nor is his tribe legal (by the way neither he nor his attorney attended this county hearing) he has taken his ride to destruction one step furthur.

He has a "firekeeper" who is not even Native American. I know he is not because my mother has a thirty year friendship with the "fake firekeepers" aunt and the "fake firekeepers" aunt is my oldest daughter's godmother and they are not Indian.  The "fake firekeeper" and the "twinkie tribal leader" (they are now giving out "honorary membership" to their twinkie Waccamaw Tribe) have convinced (still) a lot of people in South Carolina that they are the South Carolina State Recognized Waccamaw Indian Tribe.

Harold Hatcher invited Dennis Banks to Conway SC (about 15 mins from Myrtle Beach) in February of this year. I imagine Harold Hatcher convinced Dennis Banks he was the tribal leader of the SC State Recognized Waccamaw Indian Tribe (I hope Dennis did not believe him).

Anyway I think this is a serious situation and the Waccamaw People (and other tribes) are suffering because of Harold Hatcher (he boasts to state government leaders that Dannis Banks wants him to lead a Southeastern AIM Chapter). I wanted recently to apply for a grant to document the elders stories in North and South Carolina and I was told by an elder in North Carolina that the last Waccamaw elder to speak the Siouan dialect (I think this was Dakotah, because when we moved here my father told me our Dakotah ancestors migrated from the Carolinas) died after Harold Hatcher secured a grant to document her speaking, the grant money was spent on himself and his live in girlfriend at the time on personal things (this is just one of MANY incidents like this and is another reason why he was asked to step down as the leader fo the Waccamaw People). The elder who told me this was crying, because even though it happened awhile ago.

Harold Hatcher has been operating in this manner for years and no one can stop him. He has made his white wife a 2nd tribal chief in the "twinkie tribe" and I call it that because he has "courted" our growing "new age Indian wannabe community" which in my estimate numbers several thousands. If the next hearing is positive (some Indians here feel that Harold Hatcher has al ot of politicians and government people in his back pocket) and the judge rules in the favor of the State Recognized Waccamaw Indian People, they are afraid they will be thought negatively by the rest of Indian Country. I find it hard to believe that Dennis Banks was fooled by this man and if he was someone needs to let Dennis know.


Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: NanticokePiney on November 30, 2009, 04:12:35 am
 Splinter groups happen a lot in the East. The Pee Dee, Piscataway, Sandhill and the Nanticoke-Lenape all had this problem.
 My uncle, Mark Gould has a close rapport with this tribe. I'll call him tommorrow and see what he knows.
Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: educatedindian on December 02, 2009, 03:20:01 pm
Received more information about the people surrounding Hatcher. Two people involved are "Rev Dr" Craig Talbot AKA One Who Talks to Doves and "Chief Steve Silverheels," who claims to be the son of the famous actor.

Talbot, a blond white man explaining how he builds his lodge.

Here Talbot blesses a colonel.

On the first video he says he is Waccama.w One account I received says the following:

"Again this man is not Native American...I know this because his aunt is my oldest daughter's godmother and my mother has a 30 year friendship with his aunt."

Silverheels has quite a few youtube videos.

On his homepage he claims:
"Chief Silverheels is a Seneca, Mohawk, Iroquois Native American.
He comes from a long line of famous Native Americans.
His Heritage Includes:
Son of Actor Jay Silverheels, who starred as Tonto on the T.V. series The Lone Ranger.
Chief Trainer Halftown, who starred on the Pony Express series.
Chief Corn Planter, a Seneca War Chief
The Seneca Prophet, Handsome Lake, who turned his tribe and nation to Christianity."

Right. Only Handsome Lake wasn't Christian.

On his photos page, what's striking is that the only photos of his alleged father are publicity shots from TV. Looking for bios on Jay Silverheels, found the following.
"Original name, Harold J. Smith; born c. 1918 (some sources say 1919), at SixNations Indian Reservation, Ontario, Canada; died of complications from pneumonia, March 5, 1980, in Woodland Hills, CA; son of A. G. E. Smith (a Canadianmilitary officer); married, wife's name, Mary; children: Marilyn, Pamela, Karen, Jay Anthony. Ethnicity: Mohawk."

No kids named Steve, and no mention of Seneca ancestry like "Steve Silverheels" claims.
A fan club site also discusses the women in Jay Silverheel's life and mentions that at least one of his kids carried his original last name of Smith, not the late changed name of Silverheels.

Steve's own account.

I also wonder why Steve likes to wear plains warbonnets if he's supposedly Mohawk and Seneca.
Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: Don Naconna on December 02, 2009, 07:07:34 pm
Someone should tell Chief Steve that the Seneca don't wear Plains Indian war bonnets. He is a fraud clearly, and probably has a bunch of religious nutcase followers. I really wonder of all these religious frauds like Jerry "Eaglefeather" Monroe and Tecumseh Brown Eagle get together and plan their strategies. I wonder what his doctorate is in and where he got (bought) it.
Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: NanticokePiney on December 13, 2009, 10:22:32 pm
 Welll....nobody from the Waccamaw has answered me.  :-\
Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: educatedindian on December 23, 2009, 10:09:39 pm
Hatcher wrote to us. Here's his account, unedited.


Hi folks:

This is Chief (Buster) Hatcher.

of the Waccamaw Indian Poeple.

I will answer your questions, if any you have about the charges made against me on your site. It seems to me that proof of said claims should be easy to provide and if I am in violation of any laws, I should be in jail.

Truth is that I have have been elected six times by my people to lead the Waccamaw. The last of which was in October 2008 in one of the largest voter turnouts in Tribal history. I am the rightful leader of the Waccamaw and the elections results are (I think) open to the public.

When this term is over, I will have served my people for 20 years.

Neither I nor the Waccamaw have ever received any grant for language. The story about the elder crying is total fabrication (or hallucination). To my knowledge the only funding agency providing such grants is the Administration for Native Americans. This is easy to confirm, ( I believe) by calling them. Their site provides contact information, and their site is here >>>  them at . Ask for a copy of any such grants provided to me as an individual or the Waccamaw Indian People. I have never had a grant as an individual but I want to cover all the bases, to expose the lies being reported. I believe all of this is public information, if any grant ever existed. If it is not public information, please use this e-mail as my authorization to get any information necessary concerning me or the Tribe and if that is not enough, I will sign any legal document needed to facilitate such release of information. Contact me at

We did, however get a grant to pass down the art of fire keeping  to the future generations. This grant is/was provided by the South Carolina Arts Commission and orients on folk arts.  These records are also (as far as I know) public (if only through the freedom of information act). My offer above applies here as well.  Anyone is invited and encouraged to  get copies of any record, grant, or other document whatsoever from any granting agency including the Arts Commission, and research to your hearts consent. If any theft or misuse is found, you may use this note to offset my rights against self incrimination or search and seizure, and you are free to take the document  to authorities and have me arrested.

In the apprenticeship grant, our previous fire keeper was training his son in the art of fire keeping. If memory serves, the total moneys allotted was $3,000.00. Again, I am speaking from memory but the Arts Commission will have the records, my memory is that the Keeper and his son received $1,250.00 each. The Mom of the apprentice wanted the $500 administration/reporting portion of the grant but I would not allow it. I thought it prudent and wise not to allow the entire grant to be managed by Mom, Dad and Son. Therefore, I hired non-family supervision to manage the grant. It was not me. I did not seek nor accept a single dime from the grant. It is my belief that the mom mentioned above, is the root of this distortion.

There has been no court hearing that found that I am wrongfully representing the Waccamaw. There has been no letter from any judge asking me to stop representing the Tribe. I have no politicians or Judges in my pocket. I believe the court system and law enforcement officers are honest and above the board in their dealings in the vast majority of cases. If the disrupters are losing in their cases, it is because they are wrong.

There was, however  a case that was dismissed wherein four people were charged with criminal trespass. This case was dismissed because no one from the Tribe was present at the hearing and therefore no proof of the trespass was presented. We were never informed of the hearing and it was not the Tribe's fault that we were not informed. The reasons we were not informed has yet to be determined but it has been appealed. We did not know that the hearing was being conducted. The court notified the police officer who pressed the charges, and not the Tribe. The dismissal has been appealed and the case should be heard. Some of the offenders may see jail time soon enough. Check Horry County records and see for yourself >>> Search for Waccamaw or maybe even case number J-612102.

Our Firekeeper is of Native Blood, to the best of my knowledge. I have never asked for proof but I don't do that with anyone claiming Native Blood and I bet no one else does either. Our Firekeeper is Robert Benton, and he was slected as an a trainee by the Reverend Earl Manyskins Carter of the Lumbee Nation.  Manyskins is one of two sanctioned and traditional fire keepers in existence today, that I know of. I am not a spiritual leader and have never claimed to be. I am a politician, albeit on a small scale. I do know and have worked with many local federal and state politicians and have enjoyed a great deal of success in getting things done in this state. I make no apologies for it and I have never been paid to be the Chief, and I have always paid my own expenses.

I know Reverend Talbot and as far as I know he is a decent man. He is a bit kookie at times, but he is a dedicated and hard working man who cares about his people and heritage.  He, as far as I know is of Santee decent, but he works with us often and was nominated and awarded an honorary membership. This type membership bears no privilege, no voting or other rights, but is awarded to show appreciation. He has no authority to speak on behalf of the Waccamaw, but he can say he has a membership if asked. Every person in this country has the right to practice the religion of their choice, Rev Talbot is no different. I refuse to try to abridge anyone's right to worship, freedom of speech or any other inalienable right.  served 20 years in the Army defending their rights and I refuse to abridge them now because some kook is not happy about them. My advise to them is to get over it. The constitution does not only protect you and your friends. It protects those that disagree with you as well.

I have met but do not Know Mr. Silverheels. I liked him when I met him, I remember him, but I doubt he will remember me. He looks like Tonto to me and I didn't ask for proof. He has made no claims of any spiritual nature to (or around) me. I accept him for what he says he was and I believe he is a Native person who does us justice in public. I am not asking you for proof of Native heritage either. Are you who you say you are?

My people are nor starving. We have many job opportunities offered to us and we pass them to our members. We also help our members with food and so forth whenever possible. We are one of the only tribes in the state who can afford to do so. We do not apologize.

Walk easy

H (Buster) Hatcher
Chief of the Waccamaw
Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: educatedindian on December 27, 2009, 10:45:24 pm
I know even less what to make of this latest message, from someone claiming to be...see for yourself.


i'm clay talbot ....craig's twin brother born in m.b.s.c. and i don't have any aunts still alive and the ones i had are prevy 2 my having always been brown haired  and brown eyed and born out of an affair my father had with a with a native american woman who cleaned motel rooms 4 him in 1959 be blessed also careful who uuuuuuu rail my friend.......reverend clay douglas talbot  is my name ........GOD  WATCHES OVER ME and MY WIFE LIU ZHUANG  and our AUTISTIC SON ROCKY ..........c.t.
Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: critter - a white non-ndn person on December 27, 2009, 11:32:10 pm
Well, the youtube videos of Talbot are 'removed by owner'.  Just thought I would mention it.  :)
Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: educatedindian on December 29, 2009, 02:33:08 pm
Received one more message from the Waccamaw leadership.

I would like to respond to the post moderated by educatedindian, attacking Chief Harold Hatcher and the Waccamaw Indian People.  The post is so full of lies I wonder if the author is familiar with South Carolina’s laws governing slander.

Craig Talbot is not our Firekeeper.  Robert Benton is our Apprentice Firekeeper,  training under Earl Manyskins who is one of the two recognized Firekeepers in our area.  Craig Talbot holds an honorary card based upon his contribution to our Tribe.  He has no rights nor can  he vote in Tribal elections.  I do not know Mr. Silverheels.  I’ve never met him, nor is he involved in our Tribe.

We’ve had one trespass case dismissed because we were not aware the case was being heard, and we were not in  attendance.  This dismissal is under appeal.  The trespass case was implemented only after the real splinter group, after being removed from  office by our Tribal Judge, broke into the  Tribal office and removed all of our financial and business records.

We have never been told or received a letter from any judge declaring us a  splinter group.  In fact, we have a Cease and Desist case pending in the State Courts against the real splinter group.  Our attorney  tells us we will probably go to court in the Spring.  I encourage the author of the post to attend the  hearing, and learn the truth.

As Tribal Bookkeeper, I can say in truth that our Tribe can account for all monies received by us since the real splinter group closed out our previous  bank  account, leaving the Tribe penniless.  This was done without the serving Council’s knowledge or approval.  Our Tribal members, with the full knowledge that Chief Harold Hatcher is our leader, have made monthly donations to keep us afloat until we could  recover  from  the financial disaster created by the real splinter group.

According to the post, the  splinter group has spent our money, and now needs  more.  I submit for your consideration, if they are the real Waccamaw, why are they now penniless instead of us?  Why are their members not supporting them financially as our members support us?  Why do they not have volunteers and/or support (internally and externally) for activities to bring in money as we do? 

Our records are open to any Tribal member who wishes  to see them.  We would welcome an inspection from any member who wants to know the truth.  We have nothing to hide.  Everyone must bear in mind, however, that our records include only old records and those records we’ve accumulated since the splinter group took our administrative files, which includes all financial records, from our Tribal office. 

They removed the files after we, as members, had concerns about our money and requested access to the financial records after the 2007 pauwau.  They refused to allow us to see the records, and even refused to let me, the bookkeeper approved by  the Tribal Council, have access.  In an effort to gain access I submitted three requests under the Freedom of Information Act, but the requests were denied.

If memory serves, the original post is listed under Further Research Needed.  That’s  an appropriate listing.  I encourage everyone to do just that.  I stand proud to be a Waccamaw following Chief Harold Hatcher.

Iris H.  Ewing
2nd Chief Internal
Tribal Bookkeeper
Waccamaw Indian People
Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: educatedindian on February 17, 2010, 07:40:24 pm
The Waccamaw site has an account of the split quite different from Hatcher's.
(Click ticker tape to read this. I'm posting the most relevant parts. Bolding is mine.)


Please Note:   This synopsis is an attempt for the tribal government of the Waccamaw Indian People to bring you the truth about the turmoil that still plagues our tribe.  We are well aware that individuals in the tribe and far beyond have been victimized by repeated assaults on the truth, misleading tribal members and other interested individuals.  So that you may see proof of what you will read, the statements herein are backed up by documents for clarification and verification whenever possible.  Legal matters will also be updated.   However, this effort is a work in progress.  Many additional documents will be added as they become available (*note asterisks).  Please check back from time to time to read these updates....

   In 2006 Harold “Buster” Hatcher stated in a Waccamaw Indian People tribal newsletter that he no longer wished to be chief and he would not be running in the October 2006 election.  Per the Waccamaw Indian People Constitution and By-Laws [then click on Executive Branch], elections for chief are held every four years in October.
   Hartland “Tubby” West won the tribal election in 2006, and the seat will not be open for election until October 2010.  Chief West was sworn in at the annual Pow Wow the first weekend in November, 2006.  In April of 2007 Chief West resigned his position and from the tribe.  The Waccamaw Indian People Constitution and By-Laws states that, in the event a chief leaves office prior to the end of his/her term, the first appointed Second Chief [then click on Filling a Vacancy}will assume the office and serve the remainder of the term.  The first appointed Second Chief to Chief West was James Webb.  He was sworn into office as the Tribal Chief in April of 2007.  
The Turmoil Begins
   Sandy Cox was chosen as Pow Wow Director for the November 2007 Pow Wow.  She asked for input from the committee when scheduling meetings.  She carried the budget request to the Tribal Council.  The Pow Wow budget was set at a little over $18,000.00, and unless the budget went over, no other vote was required from Council*.  Expenditures were discussed in committee and the Director had discretionary spending powers.  Ms Cox took three major expenditures to Tribal Council, however.  She asked that Council approve the purchase of several tents that could be used year round, not just for the Pow Wow, a large towable pig cooker that could also be used year round to raise funds or for gatherings, and for a fish fryer, which also could be used for fund raising and gatherings.  Council approved the expenditures unanimously as Tribal expenditures, removing them from the Pow Wow budget.  The 2007 Pow Wow was the largest ever held by the Waccamaw Indian People*.  
The Turmoil Escalates
   Due to grant funds not being received until the end of January and to the fact that bills for lodging, advertising, etc,  generally come in over the next two months after the Pow Wow, the Pow Wow report had not been being given until the February open meeting*.  Mr. Hatcher was “demanding” . the report at the open meeting the first Friday in December.  Cox refused to give him any information, not because she did not want anyone to have the information; but because of the demand rather than a request and because all information was not available.
   Mr. Hatcher then accused Ms Cox of hiding expenses, misappropriating funds, making arbitrary decisions as to meetings, not holding committee meetings, and various other acts.  At least two persons contacted Mr. Hatcher with information that meetings had been scheduled by agreement, votes had been taken, minutes had been kept and all expenditures were noted.  Mr. Hatcher did not accept either statement and in January “demanded” an investigation into the Pow Wow.  Per the Waccamaw Indian People Constitution and By-Laws, investigations [then click on Legislative Branch] are conducted by Tribal Council.  Mr. Hatcher included the Chief of Council in his call for an investigation and also included Chief James Webb.  Chief Webb, Chief of Council Joe Dozier, and Council Member/Pow Wow Director Sandy Cox, all immediately reclused themselves from the investigation*.  
The Investigations Begin
   Tribal Council investigations [then click on Legislative Branch] are lead by the Chief of Council.   Since the Chief of Council had reclused herself, the assistant Chief of Council stepped in to the lead on the investigation.  Mr. Hatcher objected to this and “demanded” that the tribal constable, Ronnie Floyd, run the investigation.  The three accused and some others objected to Mr. Floyd, because The Constitution defines who conducts investigations.  He was not even legitimately the tribal constable.  His appointment had been made by Mr. Hatcher and he was sworn in as constable by Mr. Hatcher.  Afterward Mr. Hatcher ceased to be Chief*.  Even if he had been constable, appointments are vacated with the office, so when Mr. Hatcher ceased to be Chief, anyone he appointed, other than Elders or Judges, were no longer in office.   Mr. Floyd was also on record as saying that “right or wrong,” he would support Buster Hatcher.
   Since two members of Council had reclused themselves from the investigation, the Council was in effect not fully seated.  Assistant Chief of Council, Kui Clearwater, asked that Ronnie Floyd, Second Chief Phil White, Elder Jerry Vann and Chief of Elders Pete Bryant join the investigation.  Ronnie Floyd and Phil White refused *.  Ms Clearwater then requested that past Council Member, Charlie Dew, take part.  The three persons who had reclused themselves did not take part in the investigation unless asked to identify an item that was unclear.  They did not attend the investigation meetings, nor did they prepare any reports.  When Mr. Hatcher could not name the people he wanted to do the investigation, he included Ms Clearwater in his accusations.
   At the end of the January 2008 meeting, Mr. Hatcher handed Ms Cox and Chief Webb documents calling them to appear before the Tribal Judge on a Sam’s Club issue.  This issue had been investigated by the Tribal Council in October of 2007*. There had been a unanimous vote that there had been no wrong doing on anyone’s part and it was a non-issue.  Each member of Tribal government and each Tribal member takes an oath that they will abide by a majority decision of Tribal Council.  Immediately after the Sam’s Club investigation and vote, Mr. Hatcher’s sister, Iris Ewing, who was also a Second Chief, stated she would not let it go and did not accept the decision.  This was a violation of her Oath of Office and her Tribal oath.  
Procedure for Filing Charges Given
   Judge Bernard Hamilton had issued a directive on the proper, and only, procedure for filing a case in Tribal Court.  Once a document had been drawn up making charges, it is to be given to the Second Chief Judicial.  That was Phil White.  He in turn is to give it to the Chief of Elders.  That is Pete Bryant.  Chief of Elders Bryant is to read it and determine if it is complete and ready to be filed.  It is to be accompanied by a filing fee of $50 and cannot go further until the fee is received.  Once the fee is paid, the Chief of Elders forwards the charges to the Tribal Judge.  The Judge then has the papers served on the defendants.  Mr. Hatcher bypassed Second Chief White, Chief of Elders Bryant, and the paying of the fees.  He served the papers directly on Ms Cox and Chief Webb prior to paying the fees and without proper procedure.  The Judge should have thrown it all out at that time; but he did not.*  
   After the fees were paid, Chief Webb filed through proper channels for a Summary Judgment.  Since the entire Tribal Council had already investigated and voted, the filing of the charges was improper by Tribal rule.  He also filed for a speedy trial.  Both were ignored and no response given* for months.  
Harassments and Disrespect
   Disturbances during Tribal Council meetings became severe.  A hearing was requested before the Elders.  It was scheduled for May 31, 2008.  Charges were filed by members against Judge Bernie Hamilton for failure to hold court (no other cases were pending), yet he found time to go to a Pow Wow and interact for long periods of time with Mr. Hatcher and Susan Hayes.   This showed blatant partiality.  He had also failed to respond to two filed requests, one for a Summary Judgment and one for a speedy trial.  Other charges against other persons were also filed by both Mr. Hatcher and his supporters and against them*.  
Elders Hold Hearings to Maintain Order and Tribal Integrity   
   The First Hearing
   Pending the hearing and its outcome, the Elders issued an order that no one with charges against them could act in his/her official capacity.  They also directed that a gag order was in place and no meetings were to be held until they rendered a decision.  Hamilton himself acknowledged the orders.  
   On the day of hearing, two persons with charges against them failed to appear.  This showed a marked disregard for the Elders and the Constitution of our Tribe.  Everyone had been served via certified letter, return receipt requested*.  
   During the first part of the hearing, Ronnie Floyd stated that he needed to testify first because he had to go to work.  He is a game warden.  He did not go to work.  He went to the Horry County Museum to represent Mr. Hatcher in doing a presentation*.  
   Susan Hayes was next because she stated she had made arrangements to go out of town, and she was leaving whether they talked to her or not.  Through a closed door, she could be heard yelling at the Elders.  This was gross disrespect.  Susan Hayes walked out and Buster Hatcher took her place to testify for her.  This is a breach of conduct.  No court in the land allows a person to testify in another person’s place.  Again, Mr. Hatcher’s raised voice could be heard through the closed door.  
Hatcher Presents Petition
Mr. Hatcher presented a sealed envelope to the Chief of Elders making him promise not to open it for fear of “retaliation” by Chief Webb.  He said it contained a petition with enough signatures calling for the removal of Chief Webb, Sandy Cox, Joe Dozier and Kui Clearwater.  He said it was a “done deal” and those named above were out*.  
   The Constitution and By-Laws of the Waccamaw Indian People does provide for petition.  If a petition is signed by at least 30% of the voting members of the Tribe, it is to be turned over to the Chief for verification.  Once verified, it is turned over to the Elders.  The Elders then call a referendum [then click on Referendum].  The only thing on the referendum is one question: “Do you accept the petition or deny it?”  Once the referendum is held, at least 40% of the eligible voting members MUST vote in order for the referendum to carry.  If 40% or more vote, the majority decides the referendum.  
Elders Attempts to Verify Hatcher’s Petition   
   The Elders attempted to verify the petition.  One woman mailed a copy of the petition to the Chief of Council.  The petition stated that “Fact”…”Fact”…”Fact”…and related a long line of offences alleged by Chief Hatcher as though the instances were proven and undisputed.  A member stated that the petition had been mailed to her minor son.  She was furious.  Another woman emailed the Chief of Council stating that someone had called to verify her signature.  She had not signed it and stated that she intended to pursue legal recourse.  There were letters mailed to every name on the petition.  Eight were returned * “addressee unknown.”   Telephone calls to several reached “disconnected” or “not in service” numbers.  Not one signature was notarized, nor was ID given*.  The Elders concluded that since none of the “facts” were proven to be facts and had been proven to be untrue, since the signatures could not adequately be verified, and since questions had arisen as to the authenticity of the petition, the petition was null and void [Scroll down to page 2].
Back to the Meeting
   While waiting outside of the meeting room, John Windburn made several threatening remarks against the Elders.  With a clenched fist he stated, “Let me in there and I’ll bust their heads!”  This was a threat against five of the oldest and wisest members of our Tribe.  It flew in the face of Tradition*.  
   Joe Dozier, Kui Clearwater, and James Webb were called into the room to give statements.  Mr. Hatcher shouted over everyone and would not allow anyone else to talk.  He kept waving a small, folded booklet.  He referred to it saying it was a “done deal.”  He then attempted to quote from it, but he was told to identity it.  It was The Rules and Regulations of the South Carolina General Assembly.  He was using it in place of the Waccamaw Indian People Constitution and By-Laws.  
   One of the Elders had to leave and had to be driven by another.  They left proxies with Elder Willie Ree Rogers and Elder Pete Bryant.  When they (the two who had to leave) rose to leave, Mr. Hatcher said, “Let’s just adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned!”  He then smacked the table with both hands, clapped his hands together and walked out.  He and his followers then left the building.  The meeting could not be adjourned by Mr. Hatcher.  It was an Elder’s meeting and only the Elders could close it.  It continued without him.  
   The meeting room had to be vacated before the Elders completed their hearing, and so they adjourned the meeting with an understanding that they would conclude their hearings at a date to be determined.  
The Elders Second Meeting
   The Elders met at Lake Waccamaw on July 9, 2008, and continued to look over documents and emails concerning all the accusations.  They met until the facility closed*.  They did not want to leave the issue unsettled any longer, and so they asked if another facility might be open nearby.  It was after 5 pm.  The closest location was Chief Webb’s home.  The Elders asked if the meeting could be moved there but advised Chief Webb he could not be part of the meeting.
   The Elders continued their meeting at Chief Webb’s home with Chief Webb outside.  The Elders met until 3 am the morning of July 10th.  Tribal Judge Winnie Lloyd acted as facilitator at all of the hearings and agreed to type up their findings.  Findings were then mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested*.  Chief of Council Dozier was asked to prepare a letter for all Tribal members letting them know the outcome*.  
   The Elders heard numerous charges against numerous members and decided whether those persons did or did not commit the offenses.  NO ONE was punished in any way for any offense.  No action was taken on any charges filed on any person for any reason*.  
   The Elders discussed several things not charged by any member.  Although a gag order had been issued, numerous persons had violated the order.  Mr. Hatcher, Ms Hayes, Ms Ewing, and others were noted with violating the Elders’ order*.  The Elders had also ordered that no one with charges could act in his/her official capacity (see page 2) until after the Elders had held their hearing and issued their findings.  

Hamilton Illegally Holds Court
   Bernard Hamilton had held Tribal court on the case filed by Mr. Hatcher without properly notifying the defendants.  There were two defendants (Chief Webb and Ms Cox) and only one charge.  Three persons were found guilty: Ms Cox, Chief Webb, and Chief of Council Dozier, who had no charges filed against her in tribal court.  Judge Hamilton then ordered their resignations, although he lacked the authority*.  The Constitution and By –Laws plainly states that only the Elders can hear issues of Tribal Government.  The Tribal Judge hears one person against another person only [then click on Judicial Branch, page 6, item 5].  The Elders had also called a stay on all meetings.  Mr. Hatcher had appointed his own Council, named his girlfriend/wife, Ms Susan Hayes as “acting chief” and had been holding meetings at his home.  He had asked Chief of Elders Bryant to attend his “council meetings.”  Elder Bryant declined.  
Removal of Persons from the Waccamaw Indian People
   The Elders determined that Mr. Hatcher had established a government, was holding meetings, was using a document other than the official Waccamaw Indian People Constitution and planning elections.  In the Elders’ opinion this constituted forming a new tribe.  Per the Constitution and By-Laws, persons found to be members of two tribes [then click on Members, page 2, item 6] loose their membership in the Waccamaw Indian People.  Therefore, fourteen people were removed* from the tribe due to being in two tribes at the same time and were so notified*.  
Forcible Take-Over Attempts
   Mr. Hatcher then began a forcible takeover by having the locks changed on the Tribal Office.  When the locks were replaced, he again had them changed.  They were again replaced by Chief Webb.  Then Susan Hayes placed a notice on the tribal office door stating that Chief James Webb, Sandy Cox, Joe Dozier and Kui Clearwater were barred from the grounds.  When Chief Webb and Kui Clearwater saw the locks had yet again been changed and saw the notice, they called the police*....  

Outcome of the Trespassing Charges   
   The criminal trespass case has been before a judge.  All four that were charged, James Webb, Joe Dozier, Sandy Cox, and Kui Clearwater were there.  No one from Mr. Hatcher’s group was there.  The bailiff went through the building calling for Iris Ewing.   The judge could have postponed or rescheduled the trial but decided not to do so.  He saw documents proving who the rightful leaders were. The charges were dismissed and the arrest was ordered to be expunged.  The judge refused to prosecute stating the charges were “… the vindictive act of someone who did not want to give up power…”  Statements have been made by Mr. Hatcher that the case is being appealed.  A criminal case can be appealed only by the defendant.  It would be double jeopardy for it to be appealed by the prosecution.   The web link Mr. Hatcher refers to in his missives takes the reader to the original filing of charges and to the original transfer to a jury trial.  This is proven by the date on each document link.  Both are prior to the court date where the charges were dismissed*.  A search of the Public Index under the defendants names show the more recent court date and that the charges were dismissed.
Hatcher’s Further Take-Over Attempts   
Mr. Hatcher continues to place himself in the limelight and push for publicity.  He has gone outside of SC to perform “traditional weddings.”   He is attempting to sign contracts*, in spite of a law suit being filed.  Until this suit is settled before a Judge, neither he nor Chief Webb can sign a valid contract.  
To Date:
   Mr. Hatcher has attempted to take over the Tribal Charter – attorneys for the State of SC Secretary of State have found that he cannot.  Joe Dozier is listed as the Registered Agent for the non-profit and Chief Webb for the Charity*. Mr. Hatcher’s group has attempted to take over the Post Office Box – the Consumer Affairs and the branch of the FBI that handles the Post Office has determined that Chief Webb is the official leader and Mr. Hatcher’s group is not entitled to the box.  
   Mr. Hatcher’s group attempted to take over the Conway National Bank Tribal account – the banks attorneys determined that Chief Webb is the official leader and Mr. Hatcher and his group was not allowed to take over the account*.  
      Mr. Hatcher claimed that he had contacted the IRS and he was in control of the 501 (c) (3) – letters from the IRS to the Tribe are addressed to Chief Webb.  Mr. Hatcher’s group grabbed the website, , but domain services for GoDaddy (the web host) reviewed proof that Hatcher’s group was not the official one.  They determined that Chief Webb was the official leader and returned the official Waccamaw Tribal website (See ) to the rightful tribe and webmaster.
 In every instance above, the attorney or official was working for someone else.  He/they were not influenced by either side.  In every instance Chief Webb was found to be the official leader of the Waccamaw Indian People.  It has been stated that “…if the US Post Office, the Secretary of State for South Carolina, and the IRS are recognizing James Webb as Chief, it is highly unlikely that a judge will tell them they are wrong…”  This statement was made by a member of Mr. Hatcher’s group....
Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: educatedindian on March 20, 2010, 08:05:10 pm
More docs from the Waccamaw site.


The Waccamaw Indian People
591 Bluewater Road • Aynor, SC 29511
P.O. Box 628                                                                                         Phone:
Conway, SC 29568                                                                          843-358-6877                     
December 8, 2008

The Honorable Ms. Janie A. Davis       
Executive Director
Commission of Minority Affairs
6904 North Main Street, Suite 107
Columbia, SC 29203

Dear Ms. Davis and Honorable Commissioners:

We, the Elders of the Waccamaw Indian People, are seeking understanding and relief for the many wronged members of our tribe.  By now, you are well acquainted with actions that resulted in tearing our tribe apart.  You are also acquainted with our Tribal Constitution, which outlines the constitutional duties of the Elders.  When circumstances our tribe was facing became so terrible, our Constitution demanded that the Elders step in, try to understand the problem, and bring our people back together.  As confusion grew to the point that our tribe could no longer function, the Tribal Constitution of the Waccamaw Indian People, and even agencies outside our tribe, said that the Elders were in charge.

Since it was our duty, and since there was such a necessity for us to fulfill that duty, we, the Waccamaw Elders, began an investigation.  In April, we convened to view documents and listen to testimony accompanied by proof, but we postponed that meeting until the end of May so that we could be sure we were doing everything right according to the constitution and giving members involved at least a thirty-day notice by certified mail.  We let everyone know we required documents to back up testimony.  Meanwhile, we sent a directive out to all members that until we could complete the hearings, no further meetings would be held at the tribal office, no one charged would act in any official capacity, and all hurtful and accusing emails would stop immediately.  We also stated that the group headed by Chief James Webb was to remain in place as the tribal government until the Elders had reached a decision, revealed it to the Tribal Council, and shared it with the members.

Chief Webb and the official tribal leaders complied, but retired Chief Harold Hatcher and his group did not.  Instead, they continued making allegations by email, by word of mouth, and even by an inciting online newsletter called WaccaWatch, which reported half-truths and made inflammatory statements designed to stir up people in anger.  Our investigation of documents eventually proved their statements to be false.  When the recognized tribal leaders under Chief Webb stayed silent as had been required of all involved, retired Chief Hatcher used their silence to imply their guilt.  Even though some of his supporters admitted that there were no missing funds, retired Chief Hatcher kept on causing mistrust and spreading the lies that the official government had stolen first over $2,000.  Then it grew to $20, 000 dollars.  Currently the so-called stolen money has grown to $30,000.

We held the next meeting in May, but we were unable to complete the investigation because of retired Chief Hatcher’s bullying and interrupting everyone not on his side.  We adjourned before 2:00 p.m.  We decided that people who were bullying and accusing others, but offering no proof at all, would not be allowed to come back because we feared for some members’ safety, as well as for our own.  With so much anger flaring, there was even a chance of weapons being brought the next time.  We learned after the meeting that while retired Chief Hatcher waited to speak for Susan Hayes, he had even joked that he didn’t know he had so many friends.  He stated that several chiefs had asked if he wanted them to come in with brass knuckles and “straighten those people out.”  As Elders, we did not find any such talk amusing in light of the tempers and hurt we were witnessing.

A lock has been routinely on the door ever since the office trailer has been set up on the tribal grounds, before past Chief Tubby West or the present Chief James Webb ever took office.  We have all heard retired Chief Hatcher state to you that Chief Webb and his tribal government changed the locks.  They did, after some of the Hatcher splinter members broke into the tribal office.  Chief Webb and the Tribal Council, in trying to keep our important tribal documents and papers safe, secured the door again.  Again retired Chief Hatcher had the locks broken and replaced with his own locks.  They even caused the glass in the door to become loose.  Again Chief Webb secured the door, but the next time the Hatcher group broke in, they removed many pieces of equipment, including the copier, ID maker, computers, and some filing cabinets with contents.  Now they are telling you that Chief Webb’s government removed several of these things.

Much of the damage that retired Chief Hatcher and his splinter group have caused was made possible by one of the tribal judges, Bernard Hamilton.  He had received charges from retired Chief Hatcher and Hank White against some members of the official tribal government as early as December of 2007, but he had dragged out the judicial process for many months.  Much of the anger and many of the splinter group’s lies became worse.  For these and other reasons, Bernard Hamilton was charged with causing the unrest to grow by failing to act.  Harassment began.  He was also charged with bias, disrespect for the Tribal Council, and taking actions beyond his role of office.  Tribal members charged, including retired Chief Harold Hatcher and past Tribal Judge Bernard Hamilton himself, had been notified by certified letters that they had charges filed against them and were to appear for the Elders’ tribal hearing.  Hamilton was held in contempt of the Elders because he did not appear or even send word why he could not be present.  Yet this same Hamilton notified members through email to appear before his tribal court, knowing fully well that some of them did not have computers and could not receive email.  Even if these people had been notified by certified letter, it is unlikely they would have appeared because at that time Hamilton was under charges himself and had no authority to hear anyone’s case.  These people were simply respecting the Elders and abiding by their decision, which is the Native American way.  About two weeks before the Elders held their final hearing, Hamilton held his tribal court, no matter what the Elders had said, and he convicted one member who had not even been charged.

Afterward, Hamilton acted as a magistrate, although he is not one.  He provided signed orders to agencies such as the United States Post Office and Conway Bank, which barred the official tribal government from having access and froze tribal funds.  These actions were beyond his jurisdiction, which lay only inside the tribe.  Hamilton also acted in defiance of two unanimous votes of Tribal Council even before the splintering occurred.  His actions caused the official government to be served warrants and to be banned temporarily from receiving bills or paying them, but at the same time, retired Chief Hatcher’s government was telling the general membership that Chief Webb’s people were not doing their jobs because the bills were not being paid. 

So many questions remain unanswered.  Why did retired Chief Hatcher slander members?  Why did a bullying supporter harass tribal members with phone calls, surveillance, and invasion of privacy to the point of even securing social security numbers?  Why did they spread malicious statements, even before this Commission in your last meeting, about a Tribal Council member being found guilty of a crime, although they knew that charges against her had been dismissed?   Why did retired Chief Hatcher support a family member in accepting a tribal office when he knew that she had been convicted of felonies and had served active prison time, but he still appointed her to a position as judge, which demands excellent character?    Doing so was against the Tribal Constitution, which at that time had a permanent ban on felons holding tribal office.

We, the tribal Elders, have spent many hours going over page after page of documents.  We did not find anything to support retired Chief Hatcher’s charges that even one member of the official tribal government was a crook or a thief.  These people did abide by the Tribal Constitution.  Retired Chief Hatcher and his supporters did not.  Yes, he did give us Elders a petition with a number of signatures for the removal of James Webb, Joe Dozier, Sandy Cox, and Kui Clearwater from their offices.  Yet many of the signatures had no telephone numbers given for verification.  We tried to call some of those that showed telephone numbers to make sure the signatures were valid, which was our duty, but we found that some phones were disconnected or were not even working numbers.  When we read the petition itself, we found that it contained many, many lies.  For these reasons, we as Elders refused to accept it.  Retired Chief Hatcher went forward with the petition anyway.  When we told him he was wrong, he formed a splinter group and kicked us out of the tribe.  He apparently did not want anyone around who seriously did not agree with his every word.  When we could not support him, he said we did not have the authority to make a ruling.  Isn’t it strange that earlier, we did have the authority in another case we had ruled on in his favor?  He claims we were manipulated.  We might be older, but there is not a one of us that is feeble minded or stupid. 

Honorable Members of the Commission of Minority Affairs, we have followed the letter of the Tribal Constitution.  Retired Chief Hatcher and his group have violated it at every chance and even used a different constitution from ours during the May hearing.  We have complied with every request the Commission of Minority Affairs, the sheriff’s department, and even the Secretary of State’s office have made in an effort to show we know who is in charge, and we have stood by our convictions even to the point of notarizing our signatures.  When retired Chief Hatcher caused the tribal website to be stolen away from the tribe, we were told that it looked as if we supported him and his cause because our names were still listed on the website as “his” Elders.  Again with notarized signatures, we let him know we could not support him in his wrongs against innocent people that he has slandered.  Our reward for doing the right thing is that we were booted out – the Elders – kicked out and disrespected. 

Ladies and gentlemen, it is not the way of our people to treat the Elders so.  The Elders are the wisdom of the tribe, but retired Chief Hatcher decides who is wise and who is not based on who agrees with him.  Please do not allow him and his supporters to continue to disrespect the tribe and the Elders.  He lives on power, manipulation, disrespect, and lies.  He tries to manipulate things himself, and then he accuses others of using manipulation the way he does.  Retired Chief Hatcher at one time seemed to have a true heart for our people.  He became well-known across the state, a man with political influence.  Still that does not make him right.  Former President Richard Nixon was well-known across the world, but was he right because of it?  Loudness, last names, and bullying do not make right.  Retired Chief Hatcher and his supporters are wrong and spiteful.  He sees being chief as power, and he is absolutely power hungry, so much so that he has nearly destroyed the tribe and has ruined honest people’s good names to get that power.

Please, we beg you for relief and justice for our tribe.  Chief Webb and his tribal government are still trying to run the tribe with decency and serve the people with a true heart for their good.  Retired Chief Hatcher’s attempt to remove post office box access and to regain control of tribal funds did not last.  The official Waccamaw tribal government is still paying the bills, paying for utilities, and taking care of the mail, even though retired Chief Hatcher and his supporters have caused them to be barred on the threat of being arrested for trespassing if they step foot on the very grounds they are charged to take care of as tribal stewards.  In an effort to mend the split, we have agreed to mediation twice, and it is twice that retired Chief Hatcher refused.

Because we, the Elders of the Waccamaw Indian People, have complied with all we were asked to do, we now ask you to keep the tribe with the rightful government of Chief James Webb and the true Waccamaws.  We also ask for a seat for the rightful Waccamaw representative to the CMA.  Finally, we feel that we should not have to wait for the decision of the judge of the case coming before the court at the end of this week. On the last meeting, we examined documents from 11:00 a.m. until nearly 2:00 the next morning.  One of us had to be assisted to go to the car because of the wear on her body.  The Elders have already had a thorough hearing, and the people have suffered enough.  We have spoken.  What more do you want us to do? 

Yours respectfully,

Alton “Pete” Bryant, Chief of Elders
The Waccamaw Indian People


One on delayed elections.

I also received an email from a supporter saying that Hatcher is causing quite a bit of problems in that his wife has control of the census for the Waccamaw membership and has cultivated quite a bit of support from local media and state govt. I'm not certain how the former would even work.

Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: Sparks on February 16, 2016, 09:35:23 pm
Received more information about the people surrounding Hatcher. Two people involved are "Rev Dr" Craig Talbot AKA One Who Talks to Doves and "Chief Steve Silverheels," who claims to be the son of the famous actor.
Steve's own account.

I also wonder why Steve likes to wear plains warbonnets if he's supposedly Mohawk and Seneca.

Today a new thread about Chief Steve Silverheels was started:
Title: Re: Harold Hatcher and Splinter Group of Waccamaw
Post by: milehighsalute on February 17, 2016, 04:07:11 pm
<div id="fb-root"></div><script>(function(d, s, id) {  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;  js = d.createElement(s); = id;  js.src = "//";  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script><div class="fb-post" data-href=";set=a.169381016436786.29497.100000946656199&amp;type=3" data-width="500"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite=";set=a.169381016436786.29497.100000946656199&amp;type=3"><p>Tribal Chiefs at Waccamaw Pau Wau. I was made a &quot;Peace Chief&quot; in October and was given the honor of being included with them.</p>Posted by <a href="">Lew Stamper</a> on&nbsp;<a href=";set=a.169381016436786.29497.100000946656199&amp;type=3">Saturday, November 5, 2011</a></blockquote></div></div>