Author Topic: Kim Bertsch AKA Bear Medicine Walker  (Read 4639 times)

Offline Jkewageshig

  • Posts: 23
Kim Bertsch AKA Bear Medicine Walker
« on: March 09, 2016, 05:05:32 am »
I did a few searches in the forum using the names in the subject line and didn't come up with any matches. I figured I'd post here and leave it up to a moderators to switch to "known frauds" if deemed a known fraud. Don't think this is too hard to figure out... This info came across my FB newsfeed, shared from the AIM Southern Califoria FB page by a friend. She operates in Tawas, Michigan:


Ok folks we got another one:

This lady by the name of Kim Bertsch uses the moniker "Bear Medicine Walker"

• She refuses to state any tribal affiliation
• Usurps Native American culture to sell her "spiritual services"
• Deceiving innocent people
• Demand she rescind use of all Native imagery
• Expose her intentional disrespect and fakery
• Currently operating in East Tawas, Michigan


Shut her channels down!

Let her and everyone know she is disrespecting and falsely representing Native Culture & Traditions

FB Like Page: Bear Medicine Walker
FB Personal Page: Kim Bertsch

Skype: medicinewalkerbear

Please inform us of any other useful information to shut down her blatant disrespect for our traditions.

[just changed thread title-Al]
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 11:35:39 pm by educatedindian »

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
Re: Bear Medicine Walker (Kim Bertsch)
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2016, 09:25:09 pm »
she been taking a beating on FB over last few weeks in james swan's group

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kim Bertsch AKA Bear Medicine Walker
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2016, 12:10:01 am »
Her site includes two other associates calling themselves Ken Quiet Hawk and Deb New Moon Rising.
There's also totem card readings online.

Apparently Bertsch did the cover art for their cd.
They both claim to be Abenaki.

"Totem hug readings" with someone calling himself Father Stan.

Also blog radio show appearances. A failed kickstarter campaign has this bio.
My name is Kim Bertsch, but most know me as bear Medicinewalker....I worked at Children’s Hospital at the Detroit Medical Center for many years.

...I have been artist and photographer since as long as I can remember, and have studied and worked with some amazing teachers and mentors along the way. In 2000 I had decisions to make due to my health issues.

....I was given my name by the Grandfather of a young boy who almost died. The family became part of my family. Each day this Grandfather taught me much, and we shared much more as I learned the old ways of Medicine. There came a time that the young boy was well enough to go hoe, this was the day I received my name “Medicinewalker”. I was told not only because of what I did at the hospital, but because I carried medicine deep within that was to be shared with the world.

....Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker
(aka Kim Bertsch)


Her linkedin lists her education as the scam site Phoenix University. She could well have been a victim herself of an exploiter who told her what she wanted to hear after her health problems. Statvoo estimates her site's income as a dollar a day.