Odds and Ends > Computer Issues
logging out
Hey All
I'm trying to send a message to someone but I get an error message stating that I "timed out" and to log out and log back in (and by now I'm just doing a cut and paste). I'm trying to logout but again, I'm getting an error message saying something about a verification problem.
Anyone else having this issue? ;D
Defend the Sacred:
Check this thread: http://www.newagefraud.org/smf/index.php?topic=3213.0
You will need to clear cookies, history and active log-ins. If this doesn't work, you might want to try a different browser, or open up the cookies folder and make certain all cookies from newagefraud.org are gone (the site has to use cookies to be able to keep you signed in). I think more people who are using IE are having the problem, but Chrome users are also having problems.
I keep getting the "timed out" message also. I am not computer literate, so guess that I cannot contribute.
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