Author Topic: John Crow Dog  (Read 34742 times)

Offline Johnnie

  • Posts: 34
Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2009, 03:00:56 am »
Sorry, to add.  That one night I witnessed what I would say is a lot of white folks and some Indians sweating with John Crow Dog who claims to be a blood son of Mary and Henry Crow Dog.  But he is not.  No one is too much the wiser here in a state named for Indians.  There was a procession with the pipe by three white men and more "sacred" blather than I care to mention.  Like Boy Scouts, but that is my opinion.  While I was in Wounded in Knee in 1973, I would not know Pedro if I passed him on the street.  I can only say what I saw that night and heard subsequently.  Around here a lot of white folks and Indians also call John Wexler "Chief John Crow Dog" or just Chief Crow Dog.  I have only been to his house once and in his sweat once and do not care to go back.  That night he invited me to a yuwipi but I had seen enough to form an opinion.   He keeps a pretty low profile but has enough support from the Crow Dogs and other Rosebud families that no one will be able to root him out.  I heard that he and another guy Steve McCullough had a falling out but I have seen them together since and if they are at odds they are hiding it.  Another Lakota here, Evan White Face, also is said to run sweats and support Wexler but I have not seen it with my own eyes.

In my opinion, as long as this guy has the support of the Lakota families he runs with, as long as Indians attend his "ceremonies" you are simply blowing smoke at him with little or no effect.  And these posts are exactly what I would pass on to anyone who asks me about it privately.  I am not Lakota.  If he claimed to be Potawatomi, I would raise hell to the highest officials, but he does not claim it. Thanks to the goddess, Potawatomi is too hard to pronounce and spell.

Offline Cetan

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2009, 06:20:42 pm »
Thank you Johnnie for posting and pretty much confirming what I knew. He used to call himself John Crazy Horse but that didnt go over too well with some of the members of the OST who threatened to sue him or more if he didnt stop using the name Crazy Horse so suddenly he became John Crow Dog. Leonard has been known to make plenty of Nons "chief" for the right donation. When he was calling himself John Crazy Horse his nickname among some was "John Silly Pony"

Offline Walks Proud

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2009, 10:16:30 am »
John and Mc Cullough are supporting each other these days. While they each maintain their own groups of followers and keep their own money separate from each others groups, they do try to get in and be a part of things to show a united front. That and the added fact they can both try to get the indiana following of the native community. So the following quote is way off base. Since neither is lakota they want very much to win as many over as they can.
Another Lakota here, Evan White Face, also is said to run sweats and support Wexler but I have not seen it with my own eyes.

Little John is not Pedro's son. Pedro is mixed. His mom is sicangu and mexican. His dad is unknown but Leonard claimed him as his.

I did not know if it is appropriate to post pics of John and his nuttiness but I have some photos that show him in a priests garb. His young grandson in his chiefs bonnet out in front of the public eye. things like that.

John Wexler is a fake and a fraud. His ceremonies are phoney. He does make money off of others in the name of using the Lakota traditions. Myself I blame Leonard Crowdog for allowing him to do so and giving his support for $$$$$.

I'll end it here. Pardon me if I overstepped any site rules or have spoken too much. I am against this white man and what he represents to the native community. You watch, this is not the end of John's story. If he is not stopped there will be big problems in the future out of this one. 

Offline Johnnie

  • Posts: 34
Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2009, 02:21:23 am »
Walks Proud,

Not sure what you mean by the statement that my quote about Evan is off base.  I have seen with my own eyes his support of both Wexler and McCullough.  I heard White Face recently had a falling out with McCullough and started his own sundance.  McCullough is not federally recognized and claims Remnant Band Shawnee which is also fake, run by Hawk Pope over in Ohio.  A few years ago a bunch of raised hell with the local PBS station for running a documentary on the Wabash River which featured McCullough.  When the northern leg of the Longest Walk came through her a couple of years ago, Wexler, McCullough and White Face were featured in publicity photos all standing together holding hands and wearing bonnets.  Wexler and McCullough have gotten real careful about wearing their eagle feather bonnets since I let it out that if I saw them I would turn them into Fish and Game.  If they cannot produce the documentation of enrollment, they should be busted big time. 

Offline Walks Proud

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2009, 02:18:58 pm »
What I meant by being off base is you had your facts wrong. Now I will change it to being an outright lie. Evans NOT "Evan" never "held hands" in public with Mc Cullough and Wexler when the walkers came through. I was there and know this for a fact. Evans is not in support of either of them. For you to say so is a joke. Not causing a conflict. Not creating a public scene is not supporting someone. If you have these publicity photos post em! I would love to see them. I in turn could post where the local news interviewed who? Wexler and little John NOT Evans.

I know Jerry Pope from way back and yes, he is a fraud. but this is not about him.

Offline Johnnie

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2009, 03:07:55 am »
Walks proud, I was there that day at the Eiteljorg.  Did you or did you not see him (Evan) standing in a line with those two all wearing eagle feather bonnets?  I had a student videotape the whole thing.  Calling me a liar from your anonymous perch is a pretty bold thing.  If you live here in Indianpolis I would be happy to show you the videotape.    I know what I saw that day with my own eyes and have the videotape to prove it.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 06:08:46 pm by Johnnie »

Offline Walks Proud

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2009, 06:22:59 am »
Since we are continuing this conversation in private e mails I would appreciate your deleting your last post about charging for sweats. Not unless you are going to put the peoples names saying these things in this conversation. thank you.

Offline Johnnie

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2009, 02:39:05 am »
Sorry, if Evans has changed, you can have him contact me and we can work out the details I sent you by email. Otherwise it stands.  Two things about all this, you know who I am, but I have no idea who you are.  An anonymous poster demanding a retraction of something I know to be true without evidence it is not, is a request from a ghost.  You have my email address, you can look me up through the university.  Or better yet, have evans contact me.

A demand from no one is no demand at all.


Offline Johnnie

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2009, 06:14:55 pm »
Folks, I edited a post above about Evan White Face.  Here is the deal.  I was asked to do so by someone who claims to know him and it is not so important an issue as to cause concern.  One thing I do know, John Crow Dog aka John Wexler, and Steve McCullough, would not be doing their business were it not for the support of native people.  I know a lot of people who attend their "ceremonies" and it irks me to no end.

For two reasons.

Both have never approached the local tribes, Potawatomi and Miami, about this business.  I am nearly sixty years old, have been going to Indian doings all my life and yet still ask permission to do things of my family in Oklahoma and the Miami and Potawatomi of Indiana.  I do that because that is how I was taught.

Second, what they are selling is just wrong and is based on the belief that by attending something a few times, they suddenly become an expert. 

As a scholar of religions, I am fascinated by how native traditions have percolated into the non-Indian community.  And that is my last comment on this.

Offline 04-2106-johanna

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2010, 08:28:49 pm »
leonard has twenty biological children and many adopted (hunka).

Offline 04-2106-johanna

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2010, 08:31:34 pm »
yuipi and the native american church are two different things. There are people who do both but not together.

Offline 04-2106-johanna

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2010, 10:25:32 pm »
to verify this you can call the rosebud sioux tribe in south dakota. This is where leonard is enrolled and some of his children.  You would have to contact somone in the native american church in allen, south dakota. If i remember correctly, this  is where a  charter was filed with the state of south dakota, for the native american church.
As far as adoption, hunka, it does not matter what color you are on the outside to be adopted lakota/dakota/nakota way.  But, the person adopting had to take the responsibility of teaching protocals to the adoptee.
Always,  check your sources.

Offline Walks Proud

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2010, 10:08:25 pm »
Not sure what you were meaning posting all that johanna. Mind explaining?

Offline OdawaNDN

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Re: John Crow Dog
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2010, 06:03:45 pm »
From what I have heard about this John Crow Dog dude, he requires the people around him to call him "Chief"!  And he has a handful of white women who are at his beckon call.  Everything I have heard about this dude leads me to believe his is a total fraud.  Peace out.