In the blog I cite the sources of the data. One can go to my blog and review those sourced data.
I did not cite sources here in my initial post because I just didn't want to create a long-winded post.
Here is the link to the Bruchac Time Line, compiled by me. The data is sourced. for the Y-DNA, I will put it simply:
Buchholz No. 1: M-253 and my markers 12-12-14-16-12-19-20-12-12
Buchholz No. 2: M-253 and my markers 13-12-14-17-10-19-27-13-18
See how the numbers do not match, this means that the two Buchholz are not related.
Now say for example
Buchholz No. 3: M-253 and my markers 12-12-14-16-12-19-20-12-12
Buchholz No. 4: M-253 and my markers 12-13-14-16-12-19-21-12-12
Tester 1 and 3 are perfect match. They are related through a distant male ancestor.
Tester 4 is related but is one marker mutation difference from 1 and 3.
Tester 2 is not related at all.
This is how we know that Lewis Henry Bowman Sr. and Louis Napoleon Obomsawin are not related.
Meaning that Obomsawin's and Bowman's are NOT related ancestrally with one another.
Lewis Henry Bowman's father was NOT an Obomsawin, which contradicts what Bruchac's have been saying and publishing in their books.
I can answer "what this is all about" quite easily.
March 07, 2002
Jack Lynch (brother-in-law to Joe Bruchac) There presently is a family group from this line that is circulating unfounded genealogical information for their personal economic benefit, so be careful.In 2007, there was a Message Board conversation, in which some posted messages were for and against Bowman being from the Obomsawin Abenaki family. Within these posted messages, was one response received by a
Ibgen1 who had some interesting details shared, but never really clarified genealogically speaking. We're working with what details were posted by this submitter, in our research now.
Also during this long thread of messages, Carollee Reynolds also attempted to claim that her Partlow ancestors were identified as Abenakis/Indians in the Civil War Era at the time of enlistment. This is also not true. Those four Indians of Alburg, were Akwesasne Mohawk men. Had they really done their research, they would have known this. But of course, they along with Professor Wiseman simply didn't show the original records because the truth didn't fit their manipulated narrative for the Colonizer State of Vermont of whom these fake Abenakis were proffering up unsubstantiated un-vetted "evidence" and "proof. Certainly the genealogical evidence of alleged "Abenaki" ancestor was NEVER evaluated transparently!
In the Message Board Postings,
migakawinno [
Jesse Bowman Bruchac … Joseph Bruchac’s son] wrote a response. It was then that I began to smell BS. Joe Bruchac's son was stating that "his father took a leap?" etc.
June 13, 2012 Message Board
From: jacklynch2833 [Jack Lynch]Subject: Re: Mary and Alice Vanantwerp, Bowman, Saratoga Co. NY
Louis Bowman was born in East Farnham, Quebec to Charles and Sophie Bowman. At this level there is no sure connection with Abenaki lineage. If it exists, it is further back. After Charles death in the 1840s, Sophie married a man with the last name Senecal. This link has caused some native ancestry suggestions to be raised, but it does not go to the Bowman line.June 24, 2015
From: "Irene" an Odanak Abenaki memberAlways, and I appreciate your efforts, a style different then mine, but we are on the same page. I have been away, but not hidden, never hidden, following from a safe distance. After these long years I am finally able to pursue my Vocation and embracing both my heritage and talent for the first time ever. I was able to register at Odanak after my grandmother passed, my mother wanting to retire to Odanak, someday soon maybe. Then seeing what has become of Cecile Wawanolett's legacy and Elie Joubert, makes me cry, not sick, but just cry. I walk a fine line between both worlds, trying to make sense of how things can be fixed, if at all.
My only pain has always been with Jesse Bruchac and his aunt Marge for making my relative upset, and for stealing our stories, downright making them up. Others are also watching /fighting the battle on our turf. So I watch my actions, I have to, but I am not naive. But it is hard to be Abenaki anywhere; when the first question is … Do you know that 'ole Joe'? Defenseless in numbers of those who agree, all I can respond with is "Who? Never heard of him"
It was at this time I began to investigate the relationship between Alexander Haley and Joseph Edward Bruchac III because "Irene" had made mention of that connection unbeknownst to me before.
I began soliciting through known Lewis Henry Bowman Sr. descendants to see about doing a Y-DNA test. Thereafter, Jesse Bowman Bruchac created a webpage were, for all intents and purposes, he was "fishing" genealogically for every Bowman who was identified as Native along the Eastern Coast and into the interior of the US. Even in this webpage, he stupidly attempts to 'attach' Bowman's to the Phillips family, who are also NOT Abenakis at all. Delina or Rosa Delima BENOIT dit Livernois who married Peter Philips Sr. (Antoine Phelps / Philps/ Philips / Phillips and his french wife, Catherine Emery dit Coderre) was not a Bowman at all. But Bruchac isn't doing genealogy, he's not trained as a genealogist, and he's just "fishing" for anything out of desperation.
From my Messages soliciting a possible Y-DNA tester of the Bowman descendants "below" Louis/Lewis Henry Bowman St. and Alice Van Antwerp(en), I heard nothing. I spoke directly with Jesse Bowman Bruchac in Dec. 2015 and he agreed, him and his father were interested in doing the Family Finder testing, so I sent them the two FTDNA kits. I heard nothing for 15 days. I inquired ... the reply was "I've been busy". It takes 2 minutes to do the test, and the postage back to me was already paid for. By late December, I suspected the Bruchac's were "playing me." But I got lucky in early January of 2016. A Bowman descendant emailed me back from my earlier July 2015 email through and we began to communicate. His father knew of a Mr. Bowman and ten minutes later I was on the phone with Mr. Bowman himself. We began the testing once the completed kit was returned to me. For both the Y-DNA and the atDNA (autosomal) or Family Finder testing. We waited. Meanwhile I tried to include Mr. Jesse B. Bruchac in discussion about my research into the Bowman's.
Suffice it to say, that Jesse Bowman Bruchac has been indoctrinated by the "I'm-an-Abenaki" from a very early age, by his father, and encouraged to 'attach' himself to that identity, even to the point of saying he was an Obomsawin descendant as well, UNTIL the late Odanak Chief, Gilles Obomsawin sought to validate those claims by the Bruchac's. Today, after years of claiming they are Obomsawin descendants through their Bowman line, Jesse Bowman Bruchac is now in a relationship with Angie-Pepper Obomsawin, daughter of the Odanak Chief Rick Obomsawin. (Yes, I also rolled my eyes). Especially when Jesse B. Bruchac stated to me that he was quote
being pulled back into Odanak for the creation of a new youth drum group.
People NEED to know that these people are NOT who they have claimed to be, nor what they have claimed and implied to be factual, is not actually facts, but rather their imaginings. All "for the sake of their own personal economic benefit" as Jack Lynch stated back in March 2002 (?)
I recommend a review of these particular three books as to the 'real' Mr. Joseph Edward Bruchac III, and the distortions he's published about his grandfather, and great-grandfather. He was infatuated with being an Indian. Abenaki was a 'nice fit' in 1977-1978.
"Seeing the Circle" by Joseph Bruchac (1999) Pages 12-13
"Growing Up Abenaki" by Joseph Bruchac as told by Pat Cusick (2008)
"March Toward The Thunder" by Joseph Bruchac (2008) Pages 292-293
"Joseph Bruchac: An Author Kids Love" (2010) Pages 12, 18, etc.
Why do I recommend these three children's books regarding Joseph Bruchac III (?)
Because with children, they do not question, they simply accept as truth what's written in a book.
And Mr. Joseph Bruchac III is more likely to have a 'grain of truth' as to what was really going on, when he is writing a children's book, because they are not adults, they won't confront him with the contradictory details therein.