Author Topic: Alisa Starkweather  (Read 16179 times)

Offline Smart Mule

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Alisa Starkweather
« on: January 20, 2013, 08:31:02 pm »
Since Alisa has been mentioned in several threads I think it is long over due for one of her own.
"ALisa Starkweather is the founder of many powerful women's initiatives; the Red Tent Temple Movement, Daughters of the Earth Gatherings, the Women's Belly and Womb Conferences, the women's mystery school, Priestess Path Apprenticeship and co-founder of the international women's initiation, Women in Power. She is a Shadow Work and breathwork facilitator as well as a keynote speaker and lifecoach.  Over twenty-eight years of dedication to women's empowerment gave her a reputation where she is known for her passionate archetypal work that focuses on transformation, healing, community, ritual and the rebalancing of the sacred feminine.  Read on for more information on how you can be involved."
9th Daughters of the Earth Gathering;
August 2-4, 2013
a Women's Tribal Event (my bold)

"Connection to our Diverse Sisterhood and Our Need to Know that it is Possible to Heal the Deep Cultural Divisions that have separated and hurt us:

Enter the Rainbow Turtle's Women's Temple:

Daring new paradigms together by diving into the unspoken, honesty and deep listening, Shadow Work, council, offering up of our heart stories, healing the Sacred Hoop, courageously facing racism, classism, homophobia as fractures that we the women of the earth are bravely seeking to repair and actively shift, remembrance of our ancestors, teachers, and children, naively asking for trust to form new buds in the hearts of our sisters who the dominant culture has hurt, forgiveness, radical shifts."

"Other places to gather in ceremony on the land are the Stone People's Lodge, the Firecircle and the Medicine Circle. We also designate the Maiden's Grove and the Crone's Hut. Also on the land is a 4000 year old ceremonial site  from a matriarchal tribe. Earthlands is off the grid and is an ecological community."


This event occurs at Earthlands

« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 05:16:28 pm by sky »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Alisa Starkweather
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2013, 09:24:44 pm »
Here is a video promoting one of her gatherings.  1:19 shows the lodge she uses

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Alisa Starkweather
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2013, 01:10:04 am »
Yes, she sells fake sweats. And other fake ceremonies. She charges local college girls and privileged middle-aged women thousands of dollars to learn these things from her. After they give her enough money and hang out with her for a while she proclaims them priestesses.

Not priestesses of any legitimate tradition; it's all newage, eclectic dabbling that vultures from diverse cultures and even from fiction. She's reduced the idea of ceremonial titles that should be earned in real community to "archetypes" - that if you imagine yourself to be a ceremonial leader, and do enough pay-to-pray, you can buy meaningless titles from her. It's sad to see so many women fall for it. I've met women who blew a lot of money at her place. They knew very little about any ceremonies or traditions, but felt they should be community leaders because they had paid for these empty titles. Starkweather also has ties to some of the  Neopagan groups that sell sweats and encourage non-Natives to declare themselves Indigenous. 

She has also taken rituals and terminology from some older Pagans who didn't charge for ceremony, and tried to copyright these things so as to better corner the market on commercializing and commodifying spiritual experience.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Alisa Starkweather
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2013, 01:44:15 am »
"Part conference, part summit, part celebration of women’s spirit and strength–Western Massachusetts’s-based women’s empowerment visionary ALisa Starkweather is gathering women from far and wide for the fifth annual summer gathering, Daughters of the Earth 2009, from August 7th to 9th at Earthlands Program and Retreat Center in Petersham, MA. Coming to vibrant life on the beautiful lush land of Earthlands, the Petersham-based gridless, solar-powered Retreat Center, the Daughters of the Earth weekend is a mosaic of activities.
Offering a wide range of workshops and events, including a women's firecircle, wisdom council, leadership skill building, circles and community building, delicious and nutritious vegetarian meals, ceremonies, and camping on the land, the weekend events are taught and presented by a wealth of wise teachers, drummers, singers, dancers and storytellers.
To register and learn more about the weekend’s events and schedule, please visit"

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Alisa Starkweather
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2013, 01:45:04 am »
She's raised her fees since last I looked:

"What will you Experience? [partial list] ˜ Firewalking ...˜ Prosperity Consciousness ...˜Stone People’s Lodge ˜ Drumming and Trance-dancing ...˜ Oracle and divining work  ˜ Journey to the dreamtime ˜ Recovery of the power in your heart, belly, body and sexuality"

"The cost of the training for 2013-2014 is $3900. Paypal is not available as a payment method for Priestess Path for either tuitions or deposits. It is expected that women will value themselves and the program as this is often less than one semester of college. You are worth it."


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Re: Alisa Starkweather
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2013, 02:42:24 am »
Whoa, this Red Tent Movement visually is a flashback to Bhagwan Rajneesh/Osho days.

Known for her passion for women’s empowerment, ALisa has spent twenty-four years focusing on transformation, healing, community, ritual and the rebalancing of the sacred feminine. Sylvia Brallier, author of Dancing in the Eye of Transformation says, "Alisa Starkweather is a catalyst. She has a gift for not only awakening people's minds, but also to awaken people's heart with her unique visions and methods for personal and cultural empowerment." The Red Tent Movement is now reaching to Canada, UK, and Australia. ALisa invites you to join the momentum of creating woman-honoring support structures. She holds a monthly free telecconference for starting Red Tent Temples.

Lots of other influences too, but suspect former sannyasin (followers of cult leader Rajneesh) women would be among those attracted to this.

ALisa Starkweather's Facebook page is "Women Rise Up with ALisa Starkweather"


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Re: Alisa Starkweather
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2013, 02:09:52 am »
"Shadow Work and breathwork facilitator" = Tons of seminars to spend $ on

"certified Transformational Breathwork facilitator" = More opportunities to spend $ on trainings/workshops/seminars (but hey, it is scientific )

"her mentor, Sandra Boston" = More trainings

ALisha's online course

ALisha Starkweather, Founder of She Loves Life, Baldwinville, Massachusetts

There is a Lisa A Starkweather listed in Baldwinville MA, in her 50s. connects some dots: " Lisa Starkweather (aka ALisa now -yes capital L is correct)"

« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 02:30:55 am by Epiphany »