you are very young,
you seems to me raring and a bit pathetic, you believe in your matter, you are worry about the fraudulant pratices - and this is good. This is good for yourselve because you are clear about by your experiences. But how do you declare this? As your own point of view? Or is there more force behind and you didn´t recognize it?
In this case I got the feeling you can force other to accept your point of you, ... than they support you, or they are ageinst you, and than they will fight your way you wish to go. Whatever your experiences you had, ...
If you agree with that and you decided to walk this way, ... ok. But on the other side you apologize so much, want to be kind, .... it doesn´t fit together at all.
Keep in mind, the way you present your wishes will let people endorse you or they are fighting against you. If you stand behind this, it is ok. Can you bear this?
This "fighting against ..." I think it will come, must not be a bad result. If someone feels anger about your way you want to encourage, there could be a chance, other people think about why they feel so, they come deeper to their issues and wishes, ... whatever the results will be at least. This could be a way they decided to go more consciously on their own. But this needs time ....
Well, on my own I stand for my opinion (sometimes) in a hard way. I stand behind this, by my experiences I come to this ... .