Author Topic: European travels  (Read 15863 times)

Offline kosowith

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European travels
« on: May 25, 2005, 03:39:54 pm »
First - Safe travels Al -
It looks like a busy summer in Europe - I'm on my way this weekend too - I leave for the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education- or NCORE (which sure is easier to say)  I'm on their advisory board and 8 of us are doing a "insititute" on cross-cultural/multi-cultural coalition building.  Some how that reminds me of a Paul Simon line... lets get together and call ourselves an institute.  Then the morning after I get back to Montana my auntie Henri and I fly off to Holland for her lecture tour there. (Also Phyllis Young and Tipizi)  I am looking forward to seeing you and Annika in Sweden.  Also will sure be good to see Trish again - Also in Germany at the same time will be a group of teachers and elders from Vancouvery Island who are part of a language renewal project - and Kenneth Deer who works with the Indigenous peoples congress at the United Nations - hopefully he will also be able to vist Holland during the June tour.  
I'm not sure of the schedules of all - but Leo could probably add to this.