Author Topic: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder  (Read 124395 times)


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #45 on: January 03, 2013, 11:35:23 pm »
One of Bennie's main students, Craig Addison Houston, based in Olympia WA,  has now formed his own group - The Antahkarana Foundation. He uses the name Addison Hokhmah.

From his LinkedIn:
President and Educational Facilitator
the Antahkarana Foundation
January 2012 – Present (1 year 1 month) Washington State
Chief Research Officer
Earth Wisdom Foundation
January 2011 – July 2012 (1 year 7 months) Washington & California

With the Earth Wisdom Foundation I worked preforming keynote research to bring a greater awareness and balance between the traditional spiritual practices of various indigenous cultures and modern and classical scientific endeavors and observations. Working to effectively unify the fields of Science and Spirituality.



Active Facebook presence too.

Corporation detail:

Craig Houston is one of the directors of Bennie Lebeau's Earth Wisdom Foundation

Bennie Lebeau recruited followers at The Evergreen State College. Craig was a student there. People who encountered Bennie and his followers described the followers as glazed eyed New Age cult groupies.

The group Olympia Respects Indigenous Spirituality ("This group has been set up to respond to the presence of new-age shamans in Olympia that openly advocate expropriating Native cultures through the "Pacific Northwest Medicine Wheel Ceremony," and other harmful practices") has a Facebook page, scroll back in time and you can see some conversation about their meeting with Bennie & followers.

As for Bennie Lebeau and Kristine Soliday themselves, haven't seen much public activity in last few months, wonder what spring time will bring.


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #46 on: March 18, 2013, 04:57:09 pm »
From their email newsletter:

Medicine Wheel Spring Equinox March 20

Here we are in the New Earth of 2013 and beyond. Our medicine wheel ceremonies with singing, dancing, and drumming helped to bring the Earth and all of creation through the 2012 portal at the galactic alignment in a softer, gentler way. Blue Thunder's work for the past 13 years to clean and clear sacred sites and the ley lines, Grandmother Spider's Web, within the Web of Life, united us all to be a part of getting to this new place of peace, love, joy and harmony in gentle shifts.

Please choose your special place, your sacred site near your home or far away and go to that special place during the Equinox. Look for sacred sites on the sacred geometrical medicine wheel images at our website and adopt a sacred site as an Ambassador, inviting others to join you there for ceremony, sunrise to sunset March 20, 2013. Or chose your own sacred site in your homelands wherever you live and would want to be during this equinox. For the Olympia, WA center point we will be at Tumwater Historical Park, exit 103 off I-5, sunrise to sunset.

We hope to have Ambassadors commit to a sacred site near them into the future so we have a network like Grandmother Spider's Web maintaining high vibrational energy flowing through the ley lines of our precious Mother Earth into the future. This very special Web of Life is here to help us manifest our intentions, decrees and prayers.

So apparently the reason we are all okay in 2013 is because of Bennie and his followers.

I believe it is very rude to claim to "adopt a sacred site" when the place isn't even up for adoption or in need of adoption.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #47 on: March 18, 2013, 05:21:20 pm »
I wonder if there is a way to get the traditional people of each place, to show up BEFORE Bennie's groupies get there and do something. Anything. Have a picnic, whatever. I am not sure how to go about doing this, but there needs to be some way to put a stop on it. Bennie has to come here ( Washington State) because his own people reject his lunacy. I know that the group at Evergreen State U has been working to stop this.


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #48 on: March 19, 2013, 02:55:35 pm »
I wonder if there is a way to get the traditional people of each place, to show up BEFORE Bennie's groupies get there and do something. Anything. Have a picnic, whatever. I am not sure how to go about doing this, but there needs to be some way to put a stop on it. Bennie has to come here ( Washington State) because his own people reject his lunacy. I know that the group at Evergreen State U has been working to stop this.

This is a wonderful idea, will pass on to student group. I don't have other contacts myself, but will help with research.

Bennie and Kristine look to have settled in Tumwater WA, there is talk on their site of starting a public workshop center and eventually an intentional community.

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #49 on: March 19, 2013, 05:02:24 pm »
There are some strong people in the Nisqually Nation that might stand up to this guy. I don't know any of them, but they fought many battles with the state, so if the students have contacts there, great. This guy needs to be stopped.


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #50 on: April 11, 2013, 06:23:27 pm »
Graphic Design Artist Needed for Children's Book by Blue Thunder
We are writing a children's book entitled Healing the Earth's Sacred Sites with the Medicine Wheel - How Energy Works. It has beautiful photos and simple format to share Blue Thunder';s teachings.

If you would like to help us get this book ready to go to the printer, please e-mail

Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity.

Pat Rasmussen

from the Earth Wisdom Foundation email list


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2013, 11:23:45 pm »
Now they are launching a "global medicine wheel". This from their email list, will paste in text and upload a few of the many images:

June Solstice Launch of Global Medicine Wheel for September Equinox

We are all connected through the Earth’s ley lines. When we go to our sacred sites to do ceremony, we can collectively clean and clear old programs from the environment and charge the Earth with peace, love, joy, harmony and abundance.

There are two large ley lines circling the Earth: the Rainbow Serpent (female) and the Plumed Serpent (male). With ceremonies at each of these sites and the Medicine Wheels connected to them through their sacred points, we connect through our hearts and send energy through the Earth’s sacred energy lines.


See how this works. When we do ceremony in Olympia, WA, USA, the center of the Pacific Northwest Medicine Wheel, Mt. Rainier is a point on both the Pacific Northwest Medicine Wheel and the Grand Teton Medicine Wheel, so as we activate our Medicine Wheel, the Grand Teton Medicine Wheel is activated and all of us on the sacred points are connected.


Mt. Shasta is a point on the global Plumed Serpent ley line and on the Grand Teton Medicine Wheel, connecting those energy lines to the global Plumed Serpent and Rainbow Serpent ley lines.

Big Bear Medicine Wheel in southern California can link with the Grand Teton Medicine Wheel


The Michael (male) and Mary (female) ley lines in southern England crisscross over the Rainbow Serpent line there – Glastonbury is the Earth’s 4th chakra - heart


The Costa Rica Medicine Wheel connects with Palenque on the Plumed Serpent global ley line


And the Eagle and Condor Medicine Wheel is also centered in San Jose, Costa Rica, linking the points on that medicine wheel in as well


The Teotihuacan Medicine Wheel connects to the Emerald Grid of sacred sites in Central America


Medicine Wheels are yet to be created for other sacred sites:
*** Australia (Uluru is the Earth’s 3rd chakra- solar plexus – and is on the Rainbow Serpent global ley line).
*** Europe.
*** The Mary Magdalene sacred sites in southwest France.
*** The Virgo constellation arrangement of Gothic cathedrals of northern France


And other sacred sites around the planet where people would like to join in the Global Medicine Wheel Ceremonies every solstice and equinox.

As we go to our sacred sites, we connect to all at the other points. The energy from our hearts will connect and the ley lines will be cleaned and cleared, then charged with peace, love, joy, harmony and abundance.

If you would like to be an Ambassador for a sacred site on any of the Medicine Wheel points or work with us to create new medicine wheels for your local region, e-mail Pat Rasmussen

Offline Shoshone74

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #52 on: July 09, 2013, 04:08:35 pm »
All of this is sort of amusing.  What does bother our people is how Benny is Disrespecting our culture and our sacred ceremonies, by mocking them with his phony sundance and sweat lodges.  It is sad to see and hear of people giving him money because he talks mumbojumbo.  Give me some money i could tell better BS stories than him.  Benny is enrolled here with the Eastern Shoshone tribe.  His mother is from Utah and has some native blood.  His father is from here and is mostly of Native blood.  Benny didn't grow up traditionally and spent most of his life drinking and smoking weed.  He did participate in sundances when he was an adult.  He was actually a normal guy back in the day.  He got caught up with another tribal member that took him on a wild ride with whisky mixed with Peyote.  I sweat with them a couple times and they had all sorts of mushrooms and believed they were medicine.  they mixed all this stuff together with Mescal Whisky and peyote tea.  calling it a spiritual drink.  Well needless to say Benny is now skitzo.  You are all wasting your time complaining about him and trying to get him to see reality.... he can't.  His mind is fried.  Our ceremonies are not for sale not for show not for play.  Our medicine is off limits, if they are abused this is what happens.  Your mind will be spun around and you end up like Benny.  You cannot make up religion and ceremonies.  All this newage crap is not helping anyone but the predators looking for money.  Too many of you are falling for it.  I will continue to pray for us all.  Whoo wi Who  (Thank You) 


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #53 on: December 11, 2013, 02:02:53 am »
Kristine Soliday now also uses the name Pluma Bavada Kosmi. Also Pluma Blanca. She has revived her Energy Lighthouse business and website. Her business is now "Energy of Life Church, Chartered by S.H.E.S. is a non-profit religious organization".

So her church is chartered by The International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards, which has an old website but continues to ordain ministers. For instance:

Spiritual Healers & Earth Stewards Ordination
Sunday, Sep 15 2:00p to 4:00p
Crystal Voyage Tacoma, WA

Ordained Ministers, Corinna Hartmann and Phyllis Hedge will be doing a sacred ceremony to ordain ministers and affirm their connection to Divine Source. SHES is the International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards. This ordination allows you to perform marriage ceremonies and other sacred ceremonies. The SHES assembly supports a new era in religions of sincere personal responsibility in spiritual growth while maintaining a universal spiritual and reverent communion between and among all sharing beings. If you are interested in having this ordination the cost will be $50 dollars plus the certificate fees of $10 dollars each. The certificate fees are separate, as they are sent in with the supporting documentation. There are 3 different certificates you can receive: Spiritual Healer, Diplomat of Earth Stewardship or Minister. So if you want all three certificates the cost to you would be $80 dollars. If you want only one the cost would be $60 dollars. This is by RSVP and pre-registration only. Please contact Crystal Voyage at 253-272-4367 to register. Please arrive at 1:45 p.m. to fill out the paperwork, the ceremony is scheduled to begin EXACTLY at 2:00 pm.

Bennie's site has also evolved: .

Earth Wisdom Foundation mailing address in their recent newsletter (which calls for a global medicine wheel ceremony for winter solstice 2013) is in Olympia, Washington. Bennie's sign off in the newsletter is:

Bennie "Blue Thunder" LeBeau, Eastern Shoshone - Earth Wisdom Foundation’s President  Wind River Indian Reservation, Fort Washakie, Wyoming

Almost sounds like he is back in Wyoming. His website says in the main image: "Blue Thunder: A Peace Keeper of the Shoshone Nations".


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #54 on: May 01, 2014, 08:38:51 pm »
Bennie is now using the name Bavado.

BlueThunder’s name has now change for his next works ahead in the teachings of how to bless the Rainbow Bridge within humanities Heart’s of the Rose, known as Peace with the Heart’s of Humanity – Enhancing the Rainbow’s Light within the Crystalline Energy we are all made of, the particles of light that are crystal within our beings comes from our Mother the Earth.
Know Known As:
Rainbow Thunder Heart
(Bavado Tatun Corazon)

Someone new is listed on his site:

Now, in partnership with Rainbow Thunder Heart, Samara has incorporated the Ancient Medicine Wheel Teachings and Ceremonies into her work.

Samara Shaw

He will be presenting at a "shamanic summit" May 24th, Spokane WA

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #55 on: June 16, 2016, 05:26:36 pm »
I just recieved word from a relative of my husband's that Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder, has passed away.

Offline ska

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #56 on: June 17, 2016, 01:10:59 am »
Bennie E. LeBeau, Sr., 65, of Riverton passed away Sunday, June 12, 2016 at his home after a lengthy illness. A Wake and Memorial services will be 7:00 p.m., Friday, June 17, 2016 at his sister Jola LeBeau’s home, 208 Ethete Road, Fort Washakie. All are welcome to attend.

Offline Jdgmnt21

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #57 on: June 17, 2016, 03:57:01 am »
Bennie Earl LeBeau has moved on to be with our ancestors. He is my mother's brother and he is enrolled SHOSHONE. I know he believed in what he was doing and had good intentions. For those of you who think he was a fraud can rest easy now and you no longer have to talk about him. For those of you who believed in him can be assured he is with our elders and family that have already made the journey...

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #58 on: June 19, 2016, 12:28:00 pm »
Thank you for finally giving us an introduction, even if late. It's not much of an endorsement when you promote a fraud like Lebeau after making unlikely and unproven charges on another thread.

If Lebeau's Nuage groups had given up promoting him, I'd say move this thread. But it seems like his death won't stop them from continued false versions or ceremony selling, so this thread must remain.

I wish Lebeau and his family peace that he never gave others with the harm done by his exploitation.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #59 on: January 18, 2019, 11:55:03 pm »
Thank you for finally giving us an introduction, even if late. It's not much of an endorsement when you promote a fraud like Lebeau after making unlikely and unproven charges on another thread.

Jdgmnt21 also wrote about his uncle in that other thread which is referred to above:

I did not endorse Bennie. He is my uncle, he has passed on, and he believed that what he was doing was right. I cannot argue with his belief in himself. So, that us a dead horse...