Claims about the late Eli Gatoga."OUR LEGENDS TELL OF A TIME some 1500 years ago when the medicine councils united the tribes on the American continents into one great hoop of nations. The medicine men and women were the healers, teachers, spiritual advisors, and priesthood to their people. Even when the tribes were at war with each other, the medicine people of all nations maintained a peaceful unity among themselves.
The teachings of the Good Medicine Society relate to that ancient tradition. They were compiled and organized into a progressive series of lessons by our late teacher, Eli Gatoga, part Cherokee, born and raised in the Ozark Mountains.
In 1970 Eli experienced a vision showing him that it was time to disseminate teachings of Good Medicine for the new age beginning....It has been prophesied that the spiritual truths of the Indian will be restored during the present Time — the astrological “Age of Aquarius,??? which we call the “Time of the Coyote.

Grandfather Eli taught that being an Indian — a Real Person — was not so much a matter of ancestry."
The "teachings" seem like a knockoff of Sun Bear"
"Our Medicine Animals
Astrology's Wisdom
by Grandmother Alloday
printed in The Flowering Tree, Fall 1997
In the Good Medicine teachings, Astrology determines one's "Medicine Animal." Some of the Medicines are not animals at all. The Tree (Gemini) and Corn (Virgo) represent the plant kingdoms, and these are every bit as important as those of the fish, the crayfish, the birds, and the different family groups of the animals.
Each of us carries the magnetic imprint of the sky influences present at the moment we inhaled our first breath. The major factor comes from the influence of Father Sun, modified by the constellation He is travelling with at the time of our birth. This determines one's Medicine Path for this lifetime. Since all things are related and connected, the Sun/Medicine-Teacher influence is further modified by the relative positions of the planets and the moon at the time and place of birth, giving each person a unique "Medicine."
....As the Sun travels through the zodiac, we experience the changing seasons of the year, and we naturally respond to the influences of the different times. In the springtime, for example, when the Sun "travels with" the Sheep (Aries), we feel the impulsive push to get things started - begin a new project, plant a garden. In the fall, when the length of the day and night are the same, and the Sun travels with the Fox and Mouse (Libra), we feel the balance, a different energy. But we still experience each of these from the place of our own individual Medicine. We are not changing our Medicine that was given at birth.
To fully use the gifts of your Medicine, you must strive to be the best Leo, Aquarian, Gemini, Capricorn, or whatever your Medicine is, that you can be."
Eli wasn't exactly a traditional."A WORD TO THE WISE is an Astrological Newsletter reflecting on the influence of the current position of the Sun, based on the teachings of Father Eli Gatoga (1916-1983) Cherokee Medicine Man and Grand Master of The Druidic Craft of the Wise in America."
The site is filled with astrology.
One of the Free Cherokee leaders:"James David Audlin....
In 1985 I took my precepts as a monk in the Chogye Zen Buddhist tradition, of which Seung Sahn is the Zen Master. Continuing my studies of the Native American tradition with Lakota-trained Cherokees such as Running Deer, Grandmother Alloday Gatoga, and Grandfather Chief Sings Alone, I was initiated into the Good Medicine Society in 1989 and have been appointed the New England Area Chief of the tribe in which I am enrolled, the Free Cherokees. All this time I have continued to serve as a pastor of local
Another "Free Cherokee". I swear, you can't make this stuff up. If you tried to pass this off as comedy, everyone would say this is too outrageous and over the top."Mei Lan White Wolf Star
Bio: An ordained Madonna Minister and Priest since 1989, and current Bishop of the Madonna Ministry, an Initiate of the Eli Gatoga Good Medicine Society, Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor, member of the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy, editor of the Madonna Newsletter and past Health Editor of Face Magazine, teacher/writer/lecturer and Master Healer, Mei Lan White Wolf Star brings to her work and teachings a wide range of knowledge and experience with depth, compassion, and humor.
An incarnated Pleidian, Mei Lan White Wolf Star has spent the last 1000 years on the planet Earth in order to participate and contribute to the healing and raising of the frequencies on this plane at this time. In this current lifetime, she was born into her plan B family (plan A failed) - and is 4th generation healer in a family rich with clairvoyants, psychics, teachers, ministers, healers, artists, writers and creative people. At the age of six, she began to have visions and contact with her spirit guides - especially the Madonna and Archangel Michael, at eight began to receive precognitive dreams, at 15, began training in Chinese acupuncture with an aunt who was a mid- wife/ dentist/ acupuncturist. Under the direct guidance of The White Brotherhood, she was taught the many dimensions of healing through the use of sounds, colors, crystals, essences, Rays, Mandalas, universal grid work, and alternate-universe reality-integration. She began to channel Omna, a member of the White Brotherhood in 1985 as well as other member of the White Brotherhood including Mary, El Morya, St. Germaine and many of the Angelic Realm. Working with Thoth and the Eye of Horus, Mei Lan’s personal practices includes working for the Madonna and the Angelic Realm within her ministry, Tibetan Buddhism practices and meditations, shamanic journey work for Soul Retrievals, Depossession and Exorcisms; counseling therapies that includes Idenics, Metaphorical Healing of the Inner Child, Archetypal Meditations and Integration, drug & alcohol counseling; her healing work includes Pleidian Grid Work (Axiatonal) and anchoring the Light Frequencies of the 12th Dimension in our multi-dimensional universal grid work; and the most fun of all: conducting weddings in the Native American traditions. She is also working with hospitals as a consultant to integrate holistic and alternative healing modalities into their alopathic regimens. As well, through the guidance of Pleidian guides, she has created a series of 12th Dimension sprays that combine essential oils, flower essences and gemstone essences anchored to sacred numbers, mandalas special spirit guides. The use of these sprays help the healer to anchor Light in the higher frequencies and access other dimensions and alternate realities."