Author Topic: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores  (Read 17951 times)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2010, 09:01:45 pm »
of course not were indian people the United state would rather we disappeared >:(
In Spirit

Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2010, 12:02:09 am »
Are there any updates?  Did funds come in?  Did those who were listed get/keep their heat on? Get food? 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Unegv Waya

  • Posts: 86
Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2010, 02:35:58 pm »
I just got my receipt for the propane donation from Lakota Plains Propane.  As they promised, fuel was delivered to two families.  I told them it was OK to forward my address and land line to those families so that they can let me know what else they need. 

I wish I could send more now but being on a fixed income I have to wait for my check deposits.  I also still have three dependent children to provide for and one adult child who has lost his job in this economy so my resources are spread a bit tight.  At any rate, I'll send something more up there come the last week of this month.

Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2010, 08:22:03 pm »
That's good.  I was wondering how I could help as I don't have much myself.. and then lo and behold.. I just received an email with WORK and more work coming..  :D :D :D :D Now I will be able to help. (after I get paid)  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

In the meantime though, I did forward the message to as many people I thought would be able to help.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Unegv Waya

  • Posts: 86
Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2010, 01:56:47 am »
I just got a call and was told MSNBC just did something of a story on this.  It is supposed to be repeated at 10 PM EST.

Let us hope there will be some followup by MSNBC and that others will now pick up the story and run with it.

Offline Rattlebone

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Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2010, 05:08:38 pm »
MSNBC declares Indian Affairs committee worst persons in the world for their failure to act

Look down to the left on this and find where it says features, and then click on where it says worst persons

Offline flyaway

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Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2010, 08:02:55 pm »
 some money has been raised but not nearly enough. Oberman is the only one speaking of this.

David Lawrence
The need for assistance on the Cheyenne River Reservation grows each day as the temperature continues to drop well below freezing. After suffering devastating ice-related storms over the weekend of January 22, 2010, electricity and water have been non-existent or scarce. Over 2,500 utility poles are currently on the ground in this remote, rural area. Power has been out in several communities and for thousands of residents for several days. Below zero temperatures and no electricity, heat, water or gasoline has created devastating results. The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe is working to porivde emergency services and meet the needs of area residents. Through the establishment of shelters with emergency power generators, the most vunerable have options, but there are thousands of residents suffering through the cold and scarcity in substandard housing. The South Dakota Community Foundation, with a generous 35,000 dollar-for-dollar match from the Bush Foundation and the Northwest Area Foundation, is accepting donations on behalf of the Cheyenne Rive Sioux Tribe. Now is the time to step up and help South Dakotans in need. We encourage you to consider a contribution while these matching funds are available to us.
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001

Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2010, 09:22:59 pm »
It is making me sick every time I see CNN broadcast about the blizzard in the east coast and not once have they mentioned these people here, who are struggling with the winter storms for some, over a month now. It's utterly disturbing and I have no good words to say of them.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline flyaway

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Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2010, 03:47:25 am »
Received this update today:
Today at 3:03pm
After being here a few short days and seeing the conditions at Pine Ridge and it's neighboring communities, it is obvious to me the tribal government has completely lost it's ability to be effective. I have taken countless calls from mothers, fathers, and the elderly that have been turned away from the tribe. I have talked to people and heard their stories of tribal embezzlement and lack of accountability. I have hard the radio shows where the tribal leaders admit they lost the confidence of the people. I talked to Eli Baldeagle in White Clay NB. as he worked at a feed store. He told me about how tribal leaders ride around in their fancy cars and take what they want from donations and leave the scraps for the rest of the people. He is afraid that if his elders are left to freeze and die off that his culture will also. It was very hard to hear this from him and so many others. I have heard the spirit of the Lakota people cry out and seen the pain in their eyes. i have had to hold back the tears as i seen a forgotten people being taken advantage of by the very people they have elected to serve them. serve them. represent them.
There has been a few to step up and try to help their people and i have been lucky enough to witness that in Autumn TwoBulls. I have watched her answer phones tirelessly, and i have seen the propane trucks delivering propane around the rez and I can tell you it is not because of the tribal government. I have listened to the tribal government try to hinder her efforts to help her people as they do nothing but fall apart in their tribal meetings. I watched as they threatened the propane companies to not work with her and her donors, yet they are doing nothing. I have seen Autumns living conditions and know her struggle and emotions that run through her as it seems everyone tries to hinder her efforts to get warmth to the people in need. i have answered phones with her and listened to people in tears telling me they need help and all i could say is we'll get you on the list. all the while the tribe is trying to stop this. this is not the actions of elected officials putting the people first. this looks like people afraid to be held accountable and looking for a scapegoat.
The pride in these people that are going through this is so amazing and heartwrenching at the same time. i have never felt more pain and love for a people in the same moment. i see the pain in their eyes but their hearts are strong and there are warriors out here. there is a culture out here that Autumn TwoBulls refuses to let die.
you will never understand the level of everyday poverty and pain that is amongst the lakota people. if the situation remains the way it is, i fear a great people and their beautiful culture will be lost. i see major motion picture companies getting rich off these people and us as everyday city people flock to the theatres to support these ventures in capitolizing off a dying culture. yet these same entertainment companies give back nothing and like our government are no where to be seen during this time of disaster.
i want to thank Autumn and all the wonderful people that have welcomed me and allowed me to be educated if just for a moment on what it is really like here. there is no economy, this is an active area of genocide, and we need to do something about it. when a council or government turn its back on its people it is the peoples time to come together and take a stand.

ray martin

Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001

Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2010, 04:41:34 am »
I wish with all my heart and soul..  as lame as that sounds..  I just wish I could do something more.  At least, know some people in this world, (like me) , hear these words and care. Actually, honestly and truly care.  :(  If only caring was enough.. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2010, 04:45:34 pm »
Unfortunately that is something I have heard about from more than one Sioux from their rezs, Flyaway.  That some tribal leaders are not taking care of their people but instead are living relatively well while the rest of the tribe, save for a select few, suffer with diminished resources.

That's why I'm sending the $$ that I can directly to either the utility companies or the families themselves.  Next week I'll be able to send something more.  I just wish I could send much more.

Critter, I'll send a little extra on your behalf.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 04:47:14 pm by Unegv Waya »

Offline flyaway

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Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2010, 05:00:45 pm »
Yes many of my Sioux friends and relatives have told me this for years, I was wondering why the Council did not call for emergency assistance, not from the Federal Gov or the State Gov. If I am correct THEY have to be the one's to ask?  The PEOPLE need to hold thier council accountable. This is just not the right WAY!!!!
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001

Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2010, 05:12:12 pm »
No, it's not the right way.  But I also consider that the US Gov has stepped in other nations and helped their people when their gov's have not or are so steeped in corruption.  And here, this nation is within the USA.  So why hasn't the media taken this story and shown the corruptions as they do with other nations in crisis?  Remember Myanmar? That country's officials refused aid, and it was in all the news.

It only reinforces my belief that the US media is not free press, and the US gov does censor news broadcasts, especially if it makes the US look bad. Because this story has all the earmarks that would make a good press story, they should be feeding on it like vultures. Instead, they say not one thing about it.

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2010, 05:13:51 pm »

Critter, I'll send a little extra on your behalf.

Thank you.  I get paid next week and will send something too, not much, but something is better than nothing.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Unegv Waya

  • Posts: 86
Re: Disaster In America, United Staes Ignores
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2010, 05:26:10 pm »
Any and all help.  No doubt about that.

I'm hoping, despite the usual trends in media coverage, that MSNBC or someone else will start to follow up at least one more time.  What was covered wasn't in a news format as it was.  More in a commentary form that did not direct the urgency the situation has. 