Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 2057874 times)

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #165 on: December 05, 2010, 12:24:40 am »
2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 5/10

"...There are many more things that are going to happen in year 2010...

...All of the secrets will be exposed...

...Government cover-ups will be exposed...

...Knowledge of ufo's and higher intelligence, will be exposed...

...Healing possibilities are gonna skyrocket!...

...Psychic phenomena will be proven as a fact and accepted by science worldwide...

...Filthy waters will be cleaned...

...Child labor willl be completely exposed, and destroyed..."

Important, please read:

Official Statement from Salish Elders Regarding Kiesha Crowther
(click on link above this quote box to read in full) 

I'm sorry Kiesha. I grew up on the Flathead reserve. All of my family are scattered every where there. I have them from Arlee all the way to Polson, going east to west, and no one knows of you. I have spoken with tribal elders who have no idea who you are. At pow wow, I asked around to see if you were made a shaman over our reserve and our people. I had people laugh in my face...............(click link above this quote box read in full)

« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 09:41:23 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #166 on: December 05, 2010, 01:01:38 am »
My prediction: When the year ends, she will say it was because of all the negative people and also that her followers weren't loving enough. Gotta be someone's fault.  ;)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #167 on: December 05, 2010, 04:21:11 am »
Yup. She'll tell all the suffering people they just didn't pray hard enough.

Then she'll blame us.


Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #168 on: December 05, 2010, 09:22:23 am »
Funny Spandex  ;D

I am most of all looking forward to child labor being completely destroyed before the 31st.
Better stock up on the champagne for the New Year celebration.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #169 on: December 05, 2010, 01:32:58 pm »
Healing Path Expo:
"Approximately two hundred years ago, North American Indigenous tribes prophesized a fair-haired girl would become a great Wisdom Keeper/Teacher in our time. That time has arrived according to the Sioux-Salish elders recognizing their predicted Wisdom Keeper as the little fair-haired child Kiesha Crowther........"

Which prophecy is this?
Is there such a prophecy?
Where is the proof that such a prophecy isn't just conveniently made up?

The burden of providing proof lies with the claimant. Anyone can make stuff up and say it's true, but how can this be proven in a way that is satisfactory to genuine Indiginous Native American tribal elders?
« Last Edit: December 05, 2010, 01:51:01 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #170 on: December 05, 2010, 02:42:14 pm »
Which prophecy is this?
Is there such a prophecy?
Where is the proof that such a prophecy isn't just conveniently made up?

The proof that this prophecy was indeed conveniently made up is already given in the phrases you quote, @Spandex:
the Sioux-Salish elders

There is NO nation called 'Sioux-Salish'.

A person who claims to belong to an ndn nation will rather not use the term 'Sioux' but the correct Lakota, Dakota or Nakoda, depending on which nation they belong to.

So if Crowther was ndn in the very first place, she would know who her ancestors are and what the correct terms for the ethnic groups are - and which nations exist and which don't. Which means that there is no way, absolutely no effin way to prove her BS "in a way that is satisfactory to genuine indiginous Native American tribal elders". Crowther is only able to deceive a US/European audience who know Jack Sh*t about ndns, like e.g. there is no 'Sioux-Salish' nation, and therefore no 'Sioux-Salish' elders. The rest of us is laughing so hard at Crowther's BS we're in danger of embarassing ourselves.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #171 on: December 05, 2010, 03:06:58 pm »

LOL ::)

What I'm wondering is, apart from her abysmal terminology, is there any  prophecy at all (recognised by North American Indigenous tribes) that talks about "a fair-haired girl would become a great Wisdom Keeper/Teacher in our time"?


Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #172 on: December 05, 2010, 04:46:43 pm »

LOL ::)

What I'm wondering is, apart from her abysmal terminology, is there any  prophecy at all (recognised by North American Indigenous tribes) that talks about "a fair-haired girl would become a great Wisdom Keeper/Teacher in our time"?

I'm thinking it may have to do something with this:

There is yet again something else i want to post here ;D. I'm in contact with some other people who used to be active on the tribe site and i heard a very interesting theory.

In this 'Response to misinformation on the web', the anonymous writer (perhaps Betsey Lewis?) talks about how their group thinks Kiesha Crowther is the incarnation of something very important. Also, i've heard this story some time before about how she would be the fair-haired child from some alleged prophecy. A friend of mine suggested the possibility that they might actually be talking about "White Buffalo Calf Woman". I do know that the site admin Veetkam has recently put a video about White Buffalo Calf Woman, on the Tribe of Many Colors Facebook page (which only has 6 select videos), and also on his own Facebook page for his own 'Crystal Sun' spiritual therapy thingy (which has a lot of different videos). Perhaps he hears more about what goes on behind the scenes, so there may be a connection.

I must clearly state that i have never heard Crowther or anyone else involved with her, talk about this or read anything about it, so don't bother to search for it in her previous messages, videos, websites or whatever. If it turns out that they believe this, they are apparently not that foolish. But it may be possible that this is what they're aiming for, as it does seem to fit this whole construct that they've created around her. Crowther does seem to talk about albino animals quite often, how they are special and sacred, have such a super high "vibration" (Argh! I've become allergic to that word). She's talked about albino buffalo's, whales and some others if i remember correctly... and from what i know, the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman is associated with... white buffalo's  ::) then again, Crowther's speeches and messages are a mishmash of a whole lot of things derived from other sources so don't take my word for it.

Anyway, this is the same video as the one Veetkam uploaded on Facebook.

Edit: There's another video someone has once posted on the Tribe forums, about the Lakota, White Buffalo Calf Woman and 2012. Yes, an interesting combination. :'(
I haven't watched it, i don't think this kind of stuff is healthy for me right now, but here it is:
While i believe this was posted by just a regular forum member, it does show (from my point of view) that there is a subliminal tendency towards this stuff in Crowther's messages.

Again, i could be completely wrong on this, it's just a theory. I'm gonna leave this to people who know more about Lakota spirituality. For those of you who will keep an eye on Crowther and her activities; please, also keep an eye out for any talk about this. I've got the feeling that this might cause a lot of uproar if this is what they truly believe.

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #173 on: December 05, 2010, 05:40:43 pm »
Can someone give me insight on this?

It's pretty easy for people who know Native ways to reach a conclusion that LG is not quite authentic to the point of being categorized as plastic, wannabe 'shaman', etc.   Her claims of Salish-Lakota background, being authorized by 'Continental Council', the prophecy about the 'fair-haired girl', claiming she knows all these native elders, living in the woods for two years with animals bringing her food, the story of the owl dying in her arms with it's claw in her heart that she always wears (Lakota will not go near owl medicine), being made this spokesperson after a single four day fast (paleeze), are far enough outside of the ordinary and of the Native ways that they cannot be accepted as truth without some proof from her and witnesses.  

What I really don't get is how so many people react when you try to bring up pointed concerns about LG with them on the Internet.  

Common responses you can get include:

- Her history does not matter, that's just her story
- You must not be acting from your heart if you question her
- You need to use the eyes of love

If you question what LG is doing you get these responses and it's mind-boggling to me.  Are people really that desperate for words of comfort regardless of whether they are true?  Are people really that gullible to accept anything that someone who claims to be a kind of messiah will say?  When you accept 'spiritual' messages are you supposed to check you discernment at the door?  

Really, what most of these folks who follow LG do not understand is that it is not my pleasure to bring up that LG seems to not be authentic.   I would much rather she had not made any of these claims or used medicine shields in her talks, nor buckskin during ceremony, or used tee-pees, and let her have her busine$$ and her followers, and let things play out as they would.  

Any input is greatly appreciated.  I cannot fathom that creator would want us to only follow our hearts and not use all of our faculties including our minds.  Mind and heart need each other to live in balance.  We need our entire being to be integrated.  And we need to look inside ourselves and to creator for guidance, not to follow someone who sounds nice and makes us feel good.

As a two-legged who sees that parts of LG's message are not quite right my challenge is to respond to the imbalance but to do so in Love.  Love does not mean you can BS me.  It means I Love you but that if you are not being your own authentic being of love and truth that I would say something to you as brother or sister rather then let you hurt yourself or others.  As LG is a human being, with my concerns I also wish her blessings of right mind, sincerity of heart, and sound health and happiness.

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #174 on: December 05, 2010, 06:56:04 pm »
Can someone give me insight on this?

 Are people really that desperate for words of comfort regardless of whether they are true?  Are people really that gullible to accept anything that someone who claims to be a kind of messiah will say?  When you accept 'spiritual' messages are you supposed to check you discernment at the door?  

As LG is a human being, with my concerns I also wish her blessings of right mind, sincerity of heart, and sound health and happiness.

Unfortunately, yes. People are that needy to reach for anything that makes them feel wanted, loved, and special.
To me, there is a huge hole in the people of this world. And many will ignore their mind in order to feel the least
bit loved. It is very sad that love is so scarce in their respective worlds that the only place they feel they can find
it is in the words of charlatans. The whole picture of this, of people clamoring to the con, is completely reflective,
in my view, of the total lack of care, support, and love in this world. Very sad, but true. They have to make it up
to keep it going. Many frauds don't even know they are frauds because by now, it is generational. One generation
of people taking courses at some shaman on-line school and believing it all true. It is a deepening mess and I hope
it is coming to a head with the 2012 epidemic. Hopefully, as that passes people will begin to question the validity
of ALL this nonsense based on the fact that this event was falsely foretold and sold. But, I am sure many will
cater to the idea that is being sold now.. of there not being enough people intending it, or humankind was simply
not 'ready' and so the 'transcendence' of humanity is postponed. We will see these excuses become more
apparent as the year draws near, and also, after the passing of it.

People need. And if they cannot find what they need in the families and friends around them, then they will
seek it in others.. and unfortunately, this is what the con artist preys upon.

As for wishing people like LG the blessing of a right mind, sincerity of heart and sound health/happiness.. I
too wish that this would occur for the many who seriously are being hood winked. I am not sure if Kiesha is
knowingly, consciously aware that she is lying, or if she suffers some psychosis and actually believes all
this of herself.  If she is suffering a mental illness, unfortunately, I don't see where she will have sound
mind unless she concurs and goes to seek mental health help.

For others, the followers of such people, I too can only hope for some degree of insight to lead them to
critical thinking. Perhaps that is the 'awakening' they need.  

EDIT:  I should have posted this in the ETC section, as it is off the topic in some sense.

« Last Edit: December 05, 2010, 06:59:16 pm by critter »
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Anonymous 2012

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #175 on: December 05, 2010, 10:28:36 pm »
FYI - LG on Swedish National Radio - This is a nuance I'm not sure I heard before.  The host kinda guides Kiesha into the topic and Kiesha agrees/implies that Kiesha is a channel for 'Little Grandmother'.   ???

Direct URL to audio on this page:

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #176 on: December 06, 2010, 01:12:10 am »
Unfortunately, it isn't difficult to get people to believe something by implying it. All you have to do is lay the breadcrumbs and leave people to 'put it all together'.
I've been duped by the same methods myself.

We are told Kiesha is from the Lakota, or as she puts it 'Sioux'.

She says that she was told her coming was prophecied hundreds of years ago.

We are asked to believe that she is here to be a spiritual leader, a Shaman* during 'the end times' of this world, and the start of a New World.

We 'know of' the story of White Buffalo Calf Woman coming from the Lakota,

We are told she would return in the generation signified by white Buffalo calfs (some say 'at the end of time').
At least that's how it is understood by many white folk.

White Buffalo Calf Woman is a teacher who comes when the world is in darkness. At least this is how many white folk understand.

Some are going to see these comparisons and 'follow their hearts'. It will lead them to the wrong conclusions.
There are many people who are spiritually inclined and want to do the right thing for our Earth, who feel drawn to the whole rainbow people idea because it signifies a 'coming together' or gathering together of peoples all around the world.  It's a shame that there is fake stuff claiming to be of Native American origin that is being incorporated into this field of consciousness, and that the idea of 'Rainbow Warriors', 'Warriors of the Rainbow', 'Rainbow Family' etc, have dubious origins, as shown in this post:
Philip Deloria in the last chapter of Playing Indian traced the whole Rainbow Warriors claim back to a play written by a Southern Baptist missionary looking to covert NDNs back in the early 60s. It quickly got picked up by hippies, esp the Rainbow Family. Today you often see the quote used for what it was intended for, to bring converts.

The whole rainbow warriors bit get attributed most often to unnamed Hopi or unnamed Cree. Two of the Greenpeace founders claimed to have distant NDN ancestry, and so the quote appealed to them, even naming the Greenpeace ship after it.

As for Chief Seattle, what hasn't been atributed to him? Tons of nonsense sources all over the net and much further back. The Nat'l Archives has this to say.
.... Despite its popularity, this affirmation of Indian eloquence may not be founded in historical reality........................

This is why I'm so concerned:
For generations of westersers who have become disenchanted and opposed to 'the establishment', in which they include 'the church', and are seeking a return to their roots and a more harmonious relationship to Earth, many feel a great attachment to the idea of a rainbow warrior or rainbow family with all it's implied oneness and light and 'peace after the storm' symbology (also reminiscent of the promise that was signified by the rainbow in Genesis). When they hear from friends or on some internet sites that their 'rainbow people' identity was also prophesied by a people who they know are spiritual and care for the Earth, the idea becomes crystallised in their consciousness as 'a truth' that is validated by Indigenous prophecy.
Now comes along the prophesied Shaman of the Tribe of Many Colours, which is just another way of saying Rainbow Warriors really, and they hear all the messages of how the world is being destroyed. She also claims to have backing by the very people who prophecied their role as a group of people here to do some important work to save the planet.
Her following is in the thousands at the least (facebook = 4,981 friends, and she isn't accepting friend requests). A fraction of people watching her videos. Kiesha 2010 = 127,705 views (not taking into account repeat customers) . This is only going to snowball as 2012 approaches.
Kiesha has been set up to be a teacher/leader, and hijack this whole group of people from all countries which is a figure I can't guess at but imagine is more in the millions than tens of thousands.
I just hope they see through the illusions spun by her and her dodgy elders.



Kiesha would probably be talking alot about white animals because of
[edit: the things said by some spiritual leaders about white animals]

World English Dictionary
shaman  (??æm?n) 
— n   
1.  a priest of shamanism 
2.  a medicine man of a similar religion, esp among certain tribes of North American Indians 
[C17: from Russian shaman,  from Tungusian ?saman,  from Pali samana  Buddhist monk, ultimately from Sanskrit ?rama  religious exercise] 
( needs some education, it seems)

(who put the 'sham' in Shaman?)

[edited to remove a quote that was a newager's inaccurate paraphrasing of another's message. - kpn]
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:23:12 pm by Kathryn »

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #177 on: December 06, 2010, 02:50:52 am »
Rainbows have no substance and only last a few moments.

Is that what people are basing their 'new world' on?
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Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #178 on: December 06, 2010, 03:42:27 am »
Spandex, I appreciate the information you've compiled, and your sense of humour. But please be careful when posting non-NDNs' misinterpretations or misrepresentations of history, of prophecies, or any of their attempts to paraphrase NDN Elders.

As has been checked by multiple people on the forum, Crowther has no connection to Arvol Lookinghorse. We are pretty certain she has no connection to any Indigenous Elders. I know you didn't imply this, but some of the quotes were unclear.

Crowther's fantasies of White Buffalo Calf Woman are based on misinterpretations, and the gross misunderstandings of an outsider to the L/D/N lifeways.

As for the white animals, I think that's a tangent. I have deleted the newager's paraphrasing of what he thinks Arvol has said about the white animals and the story of White Buffalo Calf Woman, as the newager's words were inaccurate and potentially misleading. Arvol can speak for himself on these issues, and does. He speaks English just fine and does not need interpreters. As it's been asked and answered that he has nothing to do with this fraud, I'd rather leave his name out of this entirely.

ETA: For the record, here is a video of Arvol telling the story of White Buffalo Calf Woman, and discussing the appearance of white animals in recent years. White Buffalo Calf Woman is a black-haired woman, and the prophecy is that she will return as a white buffalo calf.

You may notice that there is no mention of blonde, white women anywhere in the prophecies.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:24:13 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #179 on: December 06, 2010, 11:33:19 am »
Thanks Kathryn for making the correction and putting the topic straight. I hope that anyone reading this will see how much the stories we are told on various new-age sites misrepresent the truth and how easy it is to be misled. On the internet it's a matter of 'chinese whispers', and 'new-age frauds' make alot of use of this, knowing how trusting people who just 'follow their heart' without much critical thought can be.

- Spandex