Author Topic: Claims About Masons  (Read 29219 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Claims About Masons
« on: June 15, 2009, 02:59:25 am »
Found this site run by a Mason doing incredibly detailed and exhaustive research. A good way to sort thru all the bizarre and confusing claims made about or behalf of the group.

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Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2009, 11:34:11 am »
I am very far from knowledgeable about masons but would like to share something that is important about America's oldest masonic institution, The Improved Order of Red Men website here:

wiki page here

Basically, when colonising powers were committing genocide against 1st Nations peoples, a group of white men decided to set up a fraternal organisation using 1st Nations rituals (or more accurately white male perceptions of such) as the foundation for their fraternal identity.

I actually learned about this masonic order while reading what I think is a very important book, Deeply into the Bone -Re-Inventing Rites of Passage by Ronald L. Grimes

A theme throughout the book is the hijacking if Rites of Passage rituals by the nuage movement who market them them as experiences to facilitate "self development", whereas Grimes claims that ROP rituals always have been about celebrating and validating a person's place and responsibilities within their culture. I am going to re-read the book soon but I would be interested if anyone else has read it as I would like to exchange thoughts and ideas re the concepts in the book

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2009, 09:36:04 pm »
what i can not believe that they are still to this day in exsentence
so if the bill passes in the pa house would these people be declared natives as well, based on
the way the bill is layed out, house bill 338

tribe: a seperate and distinct community of native americans generally related by blood, marriage or adoption, with  common cultural ties and interests which differentate member from nonmembers

Offline nemesis

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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2009, 11:02:13 am »
what i can not believe that they are still to this day in exsentence

It's incredible isn't it?

If a group of white men had founded a similar group where they "blacked up" and based their rituals on their perception of African rituals, I very much doubt that such a group would have survived, for obvious reasons.

Did you see the Q&A section on their site?

Q. Will I be required to wear Native American dress to the meetings?
A. No — The only time the Native American regalia is worn is during the Adoption Degree. Occasionally, the tribal officers may wear Native American costuming at various public affairs, but this is done with discretion.

Q. Do you have to be a Native American to belong?
A. No.

Q. How is The Improved Order of Red Men associated with Native Americans?
A. Only through our customs, terminology, and rituals, which are patterned after early Native Americans.

Words fail me

Offline Superdog

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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2009, 03:05:14 pm »
The IORM have membership clubs all over the US.  Many of them use the symbolism of their club when donating items or on headstones after they pass.  The original bylaws of the group actually excluded American Indians from the club, but that changed.  From what I read about them the idea behind that was to make sure they'd never be mistaken for actual Indian people.  The intent behind it is good, but the message of these fraternal organizations is garbled in the various symbolisms they adopt (i.e. Masons et al and the conspiracy theories that they run the world).

There used to be a chapter of Lumbee IORM in North Carolina.  Not sure if they are still in existence, but it's still interesting to learn about.  The original Tea Partiers were from the preceding group The Order of Red Men who dressed up as Mohawks and dumped shiploads of English tea into Boston Harbor as a protest against taxes being levied by England on Americans.  The Order of Red Men disbanded after the adoption of the US Constitution and the Improved Order of Red Men popped up in its place in the very early 1800's.

I'm not a big fan of them of the IORM in general though just because of the stereotypes they perpetuate, no matter how well intended they are. They could still serve the same purpose (patriotism, national values, etc) without it.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 03:10:22 pm by Superdog »


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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2010, 05:38:23 am »
Hmmm, this section seems to be collecting dust. I have to say that I find it extremely strange that on an American Indian message board that the FreeMasons are actually listed in the "non-fraud" section. The ironies in this world just get weirder and weirder.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2010, 07:23:27 am »
@ dualbuster

While I'm critical of the IORM for obvious reasons, and while freemasonry in some countries is associated with organised crime, there are a lot of masonic groups who do very good charitable work and who are not involved in organised crime or cultural appropriation.

There are probably lots of frauds in the "research needed" section, my understanding of it being that the mods here take very great care to be 100% sure before putting anyone in the frauds section.

Also there are so many dodgy plastic shamans around that the mods are very, very busy.  Nobody pays them to do this and the nature of the work means they have to deal with very disturbing material, death threats and worse.

You won't like me saying this, but you do come across as being a tad arrogant in your postings.

You are a new poster, a guest here, and yet you are trying to tell the mods how to run the site.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think you should consider  listening / reading more and saying / posting less for a while.

I say this as a deeply flawed person who has to give myself the same advice from time to time.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 07:27:19 am by nemesis »


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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2010, 08:28:03 am »
Nemesis, you just criticized me in that post. And ya know what? You did it the CORRECT way and I appreciate it because it was constructive and it wasn't hostile. I've come across as arrogant I admit, but in reality it's not arrogance, it's frustration! The 2 can look alike sometimes, I admit. I swear though I'm not arrogant, I'm just a seeker of truth in a twisted world (well, twisted society anyway) and I have plenty of anger issues.

I know that most FreeMasons are just "regular" people doing good works. What I question though are those at the TOP of the Masonic "pyramid" who just happen to be in all kinds of powerful political positions in this world. There are plenty of ex-masons who have said some pretty frightening things about them though...always the same things too. To tell you the truth, I find them to be extremely scary. But whatever. The point is that I don't get why this "educated indian" who calls people "conspiracy nuts" would place this here. It just seems way out of place and a bit spooky.

Anyway, I'm done here on this board. I know there are plenty of great people here (like you Nemesis) but I find the fact that a white woman (on a huge ego-trip) is given the title "global moderator" on a site that's supposed to be run by American Indians.

This is gonna be a controversial thing to say, but I need to get it off my chest. Why is an "educated indian" (indoctrinated human) publicly supporting/endorsing an organization that is at least partly responsible for the American Indian holocaust? Food for thought.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 08:32:31 am by dualbuster »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2010, 03:00:42 pm »
Nemesis, you just criticized me in that post. And ya know what? You did it the CORRECT way and I appreciate it because it was constructive and it wasn't hostile. I've come across as arrogant I admit, but in reality it's not arrogance, it's frustration! The 2 can look alike sometimes, I admit. I swear though I'm not arrogant, I'm just a seeker of truth in a twisted world (well, twisted society anyway) and I have plenty of anger issues.

I know that most FreeMasons are just "regular" people doing good works. What I question though are those at the TOP of the Masonic "pyramid" who just happen to be in all kinds of powerful political positions in this world. There are plenty of ex-masons who have said some pretty frightening things about them though...always the same things too. To tell you the truth, I find them to be extremely scary. But whatever. The point is that I don't get why this "educated indian" who calls people "conspiracy nuts" would place this here. It just seems way out of place and a bit spooky.

Anyway, I'm done here on this board. I know there are plenty of great people here (like you Nemesis) but I find the fact that a white woman (on a huge ego-trip) is given the title "global moderator" on a site that's supposed to be run by American Indians.

This is gonna be a controversial thing to say, but I need to get it off my chest. Why is an "educated indian" (indoctrinated human) publicly supporting/endorsing an organization that is at least partly responsible for the American Indian holocaust? Food for thought.


Now it's my turn to say "WOW!" Or just...WTH?

What can you say when someone says something so bizarre and lunatic?

And just to state the obvious, the only endorsement I gave for the site was on the research debunking all the nonsensical claims made about Masons, which you apparently believe in.

The crazy is strong in this one...


  • Posts: 17
Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2010, 08:54:26 pm »
I have come across reports of legends in which the Masons arrive in Nova Scotia and taught the locals their traditions.

I have come across books which detail Masonic ceremonies which parallel Midewewin ceremonies.

At this point it is too early to link the two historically or demonize either for deeds on either of their journeys. I am from a family which conducts certain ceremonies which are today considered Mide; I think for personal reasons (which I won't elaborate on) my family does not attend Mide ceremonies of the annual cycle. I have attended a Thanksgiving Ceremony in St. Charles, ON, but that does not make me Mide, which is making a strong and welcome comeback on my Rez'. There are one or two Mide here who have given me grief for not learning through the channels they have, and one of them has, told me point-blank that I do not have the right to research, learn stories, or apply them how I see fit because I am not Intiated. My belief is that if I were Intiated, I would learn and endeavour to live up to Mide teachings in the spirit of the protocols which the Mide would expect of tehir students. Both Societies have degrees, Initiation Ceremonies in which the Initiate is killed and brought back to life, and both have complimentary teachings surrounding this act of being reborn. Since I am not an Initiate I am NOT bound by protocols which deprive its membership from individual search for knowledge. Another connection between the two Societies are that the two have a base in Apprentice and Craft structures, much in the same way universities and colleges. When you pay a master to teach you something as an apprentice, you are bound by the structure and abilities of the master. One of the ways this website uses to root out frauds indicts the Midewewin in that back-in-the-day potential initiates would pay for the right to learn from the teachers. Sometimes familes would work for long periods of time in order to pay the 'tuition' required by the teacher. Also, keep in mind that many Mide with their own songs and scrolls in the last 100+ years have sold the interpretations to their Scrolls to Museums and sundry anthropologists. One final connection between the Masonic and Midewewin Societies: TECUMSEH was both; I know this for a FACT!... True students of history will know that Tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa conducted a short-lived 'crusade' against paganism, idolatry, christianity, and false teachings among others. Tecumseh and tenskwatawa also fulfilled the same roles that Jesus and his brother James fulfilled in the lore of the Masonic history-One brother was the Head of Church, the other the Head of State.


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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2010, 07:18:48 pm »
This is just a general question, I make no claim to be an expert on anything and please forgive me for my ignorance if it comes across as offensive, I apologize in advance:

I don't know very much about Masons, only that there are lots of conspiracy theories about them, that while there are some lodges and affiliated groups that do very good charitable work, like the Shriner's, the Kiwanis Club, The Rotary Club and The Lion's Club, there seems to be lots of information (not sure how much of it is real or not) about the upper hierarchy of Masons and their general intentions and their possibly Druidic/Templar history?

So I'm just putting my question out there since it was brought to my attention recently that a Mohawk Grandmother originally from Kanawake, now based in Maniwaki is doing sweat lodges for frenchcanadian Masons and imparting teachings to them. I don't know the details or anything, but in traditional Native teachings, is something like this legit?

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2010, 01:42:33 am »
I know quite a few Masons and they're all sort of...well...boring.  I also had the unfortunate experience of being a 'rainbow girl' when I was a teenager was boring.  No conspiratorial stuff that I could see.

As far as this grandmother up at Maniwaki, would you feel comfortable pming me her name?  I have a very good friend who is also a Grandmother up at Maniwaki and I think she should be made aware of the situation.  I don't think they'd be very happy about this happening up there.  My fiance is a very large man of the caucasian persuasion and he was given a hard time just for camping on the lake, even though he had permission from a well respected individual.  Given that I dont think the scenario you mention would be very much appreciated.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2010, 09:46:22 pm »
Nasari I can't pm you back because you are a guest.  
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 11:00:53 pm by sky »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2010, 03:02:30 pm »
So I'm just putting my question out there since it was brought to my attention recently that a Mohawk Grandmother originally from Kanawake, now based in Maniwaki is doing sweat lodges for frenchcanadian Masons and imparting teachings to them. I don't know the details or anything, but in traditional Native teachings, is something like this legit?

After speaking to Elders and elders at Maniwaki as well as the individual you referred to I was told repeatedly that this is not a concern and is not quite how the scenario was presented.


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Re: Claims About Masons
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2010, 04:01:43 pm »
hi nasari, just to let you know its customary for new members to post an introduction of themselves in the New Members section, many include Tribal affiliation, if any, in this introduction. As well, your type of posting would warrant a New Thread in the Research Section, if you truly want to follow-up on it. As Sky's later posting indicated, some here at NAFPS have friends and loved ones in Maniwaki, and can easily check any claims being made about the Elders living there. Sky has done so, and it seems that this is a non-issue for them.