Author Topic: Montauk Project posted on "A Haunting" Forum  (Read 10352 times)

Offline Stenocat

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Montauk Project posted on "A Haunting" Forum
« on: July 23, 2009, 08:09:56 pm »
Haven't been here for quite awhile, but came across a posting on another forum advertising "Montauk Project".  Peter Moon and Artie Crippen are in charge.  Just seems not right to me but wanted to see if they're ligit or frauds.  Of course, there's money involved.

Thanks for any replies.
Terri & the Pugs of Joy

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Montauk Project posted on "A Haunting" Forum
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2009, 04:00:56 pm »
I'm not sure what to make of them. They claim to be starting a welllness projecgt based on serious attempts at healing, yet they also do things like this that sound like a mix of an X Files episode and exploiter "spiritual tourism".


Join international author Peter Moon and noted Montauk Medicine Man Artie Crippen through a sacred journery into the ancient mysteries of the Montauk Project Investigation and the ancient legacy of the Montauk Indians.

Steeped in a veil of history and myth, "The Montauk Project" has stirred many minds as to what really went on at "Camp Hero", the decommissioned base on Montauk, Long Island, New York. For the first time ever, author and lecturer Peter Moon has agreed to unlock the mysteries of the Montauk Investigation and share the ancient history of this sacred land.

Mr. Moon will take you through an in depth “walking tour” covering the lore of the Montauk Investigation, and sharing never before revealed insider information about "The Montauk Project".  Much of this information has been kept from the public up to now.

Joining Mr. Moon on this incredible journey through the antiquities of time is Co-Speaker and Montauk Medicine Man, Artie "Red Medicine" Crippen. Come hear and learn the sacred history and experience the sacred culture of the Montauk Indians; through this direct descendent of the Royal line of Pharaohs.

Now is your chance to learn the true history of both "The Montauk Project" and "The Montauk Indians". With a united common mission to develop a "healing center" for all humanity. Immerse yourself in the hidden history and culture of this sacred land. Experience the never before revealed secrets of the Montauk lore. Get your 2009 Brochure NOW. Limited space is available on this private tour. 
Sign up today for a free brochure & receive a $100 coupon off this upcoming tour!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Montauk Project posted on "A Haunting" Forum
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2009, 04:08:28 pm »
And it gets weirder. This was sold alongside materials by David Icke and someone claiming to time travel. Sorry if it's a confused mess. Did my best to break it into paragraphs and delete other works notr related. Basically it ties together claims thre Montauk are actually Egyptian, Atlantis, Moors, UFOs, Mormons, Nazis, and who knows what else.


SPECIAL EDITION THE MONTAUK PULSE A Chronicle of Time A newsletter of events and circumstances concerning “The Montauk Project” New Year’s 2007 Montauk Medicine Man Surfaces and Reveals Secrets behind Montauk Pyramids by Peter Moon O ne of the most breathtaking moments in my investigation of the Montauk Project was the discovery that Montauk, New York was once the home of ancient pyramids. For those of you unfamiliar, the Montauk Project was one of the most fantastic and unbelievable schemes ever devised. It was a massive and secretive research project (beginning after WW II) which included an empirical analysis of all human functions (including physiology, psychology, and spirituality) in an attempt to integrate such with computers and radio frequencies. Amplification of radio frequencies that mimic or duplicate human perception resulted in massive behavior modification and manipulation of the way people view space and time.

The discovery of pyramids at Montauk was further compounded by two very important facts, the import of which has been completely missed by historians. First, the land used for these experiments is sacred ground to the Montauk Indians and was obtained by declaring this native tribe “extinct” in a court case that legal experts con- sider to be one of the gravest injustices in the history of American jurisprudence. Second, the Montauks were the royal tribe of Long Island and their rulers were designated as Pharoahs. Investigating a space-time project of dubious repute, I had stumbled upon one of the most pivotal ancient mysteries of North America: a historical connection to ancient Egypt.

Despite exposing all of this information in a successful book (Pyramids of Montauk) and soliciting help, government officials and the public in general have turned a blind eye to the Montauks and offer no help at all. I have been an advocate of the Montauk tribe for some thirteen years and have tried to help them in rescinding the so-called “Writ of Extinction.” My first friend in the Montauk Nation was Robert Cooper who introduced me to Reverend Sharon Jackson, a native shaman. Unlike others in my travels, she recognized who I was and what I was doing the very first time we spoke on the phone. Although she is an ordinary human like all of us, she has an ability to see “beyond the veil.” At the end of 2005, she proclaimed a great year for the Montauks in which I would be working closely with them in a way that I had never done before. Her prophecy was not only accurate, it has changed my life dramatically as well as many of the Montauks.

At an ancestral ceremony in March of 2006, Sharon introduced me to a medicine man by the name of Artie Crippen. Also known by his native name of “Red Medicine,” Artie is a keeper of the oral history of the Montauks. Well aware of the ancient pyramids, Artie explained to me that they were very much connected to ancient Egypt. Per oral tradition, Montauk was once a part of ancient Egypt prior to the breaking up of the continents. That the two lands share the same flora and sand is a testimony to this tradition. The pyramids, Artie said, were located in Sag Harbor, once the largest port on the East Coast. They were submerged in the famous hurricane of 1938 along with caves that can still be accessed under water. He explained that there were other ancient pyramids in the area as well and that the entire island is riddled (continued on page 2) Rudolph Hess, General Patton & Flying Saucers The story behind my new book, THE Spandau Mystery, begins with Magdalena, a Chinese doctor who did a medical reading on me and told me things about myself she could not have known by normal means. She then advised me to write a book of fiction. I resisted her idea but soon found something that intrigued me: Aleister Crowley, Rudolph Hess and Noble Drew Ali all lived in Egypt at the same time.

Was there a link? The Montauk legend is already a panoply of colorful facts and legends, the common denominator of which is that they are linked together sympathetically by magick or occult synchronicities. As all three of the above men were involved in the occult, I began a historical search that was very rewarding. While there is no mundane evidence that the three men personally interacted with each other, they all had common associations. The parents of Drew Ali are reported to have had the same teacher as Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society. Like this teacher, Karl Haushofer was a player in the currents underlying the Theosophical and similar movement of that time period. Haushofer was a mentor of Hess (and Hitler to a lesser degree) but was also close to Aleister Crowley. Like Blavatsky, Haushofer had links to Tibet and was the gateway to the Orient for the Nazis. This includes the mysterious Man With Green Gloves, a Tibetan monk who visited Hitler (reported on in the press) but committed ritual suicide at war’s end. Hess’s connections to secret societies has long been underestimated by historians. This role, plus his leadership with the Vril Saucer program, made him a prime target of the British who subjected him to more psychiatric treatment than anyone in history. It is no wonder he could not remember Haushofer or much else at Nuremburg. The British have always cleverly endorsed the theory that Hess was not the real Hess — to hide the brainwashing. As Patton discovered the secrets Hess knew, he potentially became the most powerful man in the Allied Command. His elimination from the post-war theater was therefore a no-brainer. At the very least, this book will give you a new perspective on history. s language originally spoken by the Montauks (Algonquin was a trading language for them).

Further digging revealed that Joseph Smith attended Moors Charity School in Connecticut, a school for indigenous people that many Montauks attended. Smith’s rendering of Indian history, unique to mainstream sources, is based upon the oral tradition of the Montauks and it is quite likely that he learned it from them at Moors Charity School. The migration from Egypt is also supported by the discovery of extensive tombs in Utah which feature artificats of the Egyptian, Hebrew and Knights Templar culture. The Mormon hierarchy has been accused of bulldozing an entire ancient city near Manti, Utah in an attempt to steal and obfuscate key artifcacts. All of this ties into Montauk and will be featured in (continued on page 4) Medicine Man (continued from page 1) with tunnels that are now submerged. Long Island was once an ancient mesa that was surrounded by a canyon, not unlike the Grand Canyon. This featured tunnels with cliff dwellers, not unlike the Anastazi in Arizona. According to their oral tradition, this Montauk civilization included some 30,000 people that goes back some 10,000 years or so. It is said to include underground cities that have still not been penetrated. These include giant statues of cats, not unlike the sphinx.

All of this alludes to the ancient legends of Atlantis and suggests that the island of Montauk was once a key part of that time period. Further, Montauk is not only Egyptian by reason of the land but by reason of the people. There has always been a migration of people from the mideast (there is no shortage of historical proof) which was highlighted in Montauk history by the arrival of Montauk Pharoah. Montauk (a name which designates the “highest expression of the divinity”) Pharoah was an actual Pharoah of Egypt who came to America many centuries or even a millenium ago. He left due to political pressure. Montauk Pharoah had a son who married at least thirteen native women, the names of which became the thirteen tribes of Long Island. I have since learned that there is a great correlation between the history of the Montauks and that of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormons.

Medicine Man... (continued from page 2) my new book Spandau Mystery. Such information is a sign of the times for what Artie refers to as the Second Coming of the Pharoahs. In ancient times, the Pharaoh represented the way-station between the divine and the material world we live in. Besides being a member of the Montauk Pharoah family, Artie has been recognized as a functional Pharoah by many different people, but there is an interesting story about his life which most of his brethren do not even know. When Artie was a teenager on the Shinnecock Reservation, his family was approached by two Lakota medicine men who had travelled all the way from South Dakota to meet Artie. They claimed their tribe had been waiting some 33,000 years for his arrival, and they wanted to see him. Artie’s family was taken aback by this but when he came of age, he went to South Dakota to meet these medicine men and underwent a five year initiation which included the exruciating Sun Dance ritual which included forty days and forty nights without food or water. In the near future, I will be writing more about Artie’s personal experiences in an upcoming book (Medicine of Montauk, to be written in 2007).

As a result of what you have just read, I am working with Artie and helping him bring his native medicine to Montauk and the world. The resurgence of Montauk is what his oral tradition refers to as the Second Coming of the Pharoahs. This not only means getting the natives their land back but includes a spiritual, emotional and physical healing of everyone concerned. It is for this reason that this particular catalog not only includes topical books but also a new emphasis on spiritual and physical wellness. We call it a wellness program and have accordingly established a wellness center on Long Island. The purpose is to promote wellness to all through use of native medicine roots, smudges, and diet that is designed to facilitate cell replacement and rejuvanation of the vital organs. Artie also includes Chi Gong and Tai Chi in his programs and has studied Asian disciplines for over a decade. Many fantastic results of been reported thus far, and I have also introduced other effective methods as well. In particular is an article on stem cell research which appears on page 22 of this catalogue. See pages 18-21 for further information on the Montauk Wellness Center. This center will serve as a springboard to heal the tribal recognition and other environmental issues concerning Montauk. I have therefore dedicated myself to building upon this theme as it will heal Montauk. s From the Editor his Special Edition of the Montauk Pulse and the accompanying catalog is a slight but important shift of direction from past issues. As the lead article indicates, the healing of Montauk includes the healing of individuals. The new book is also a shift in that it is fiction yet it opens up new paradigms of actual history that have been previously unsuspected. For those of you who have subscribed to the Montauk Pulse in the past, these recent developments have been fairly well chronicled in the Pulse. We encourage you to renew your subscription as it helps very much the continuation of the research. No matter how many subscribers, it is always pretty much a break-even proposition or just a bit better to write it and produce it as well as being a chore, but it has always resulted in a continuity of astounding revelations.

Also, some people get confused when they receive a Special Edition more than once. Please note that we that we do multiple mailings. Most people appreciate it and it gets the word out. Keep this in mind and thanks for your support. T Peter Moon Subscribe to “The Montauk Pulse” and receive a $5.00 coupon To subscribe to The Pulse, send $15.00 (plus $4.00 s/h for U.S. and $9.00 for foreign countries) to “Sky Books” and receive a $5.00 coupon for future book orders over $50.00. Existing subscribers may submit this form when they renew. Credit cards are also accepted. Send to: Sky Books, PO Box 769, Westbury, New York, 11590-0104 or call (516) 681-0273 or email: Credit Card Type: Name: Street: City: Exp. # 4 TITLES PUBLISHED BY The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time – This is the book that shocked the world and changed the minds of physicists across the world.The Montauk Project unveils the most secretive project in recorded history. Beginning with the Philadelphia Experiment in 1943, the Navy conducted invisibility experiments aboard the USS Eldridge resulting in full scale teleportation. Massive research ensued for forty years culminating in bizarre experiments at Montauk Point, New York, that actually tapped the powers of creation and manipulated time. This is the account of Preston Nichols, one of the foremost experts on electromagnetics in the world..................................ISBN 0-9631889-0-9, $15.95

Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity – The astonishing sequel to The Montauk Project that unmasks the occult forces behind the science and technology used in the Montauk Project. An ornate tapestry is revealed which interweaves the mysterious associations of the Cameron Clan with the genesis of American rocketry, the bizarre history of the electronic transistor and the magick of Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard and Aleister Crowley. An incredible cast of characters depicts a startling scenario that reaches far beyond the scope of the Montauk Project itself. The Montauk Project opened up the mystery of all mysteries. This sequel accelerates the pursuit. ISBN 0-9631889-1-7, $19.95 Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness unveils the mysteries of Montauk Point and why that specific location was selected for time travel experimentation. This chapter of the Montauk investigation awakens the consciousness of humanity to its ancient history and origins through the pictorial discovery of pyramids at Montauk and the fact that their keepers were known as Pharaohs just as in ancient Egypt. The placement of these pyramids on sacred Native American ground opens the door to an unprecedented investigation of the mystery schools of Earth and their connection to Egypt, Atlantis and Mars......ISBN 0-9631889-2-5 $19.95

The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection Peter Moon digs deeper than ever before into the mysterious synchronicities of the Montauk Project which explodes into an adventure in consciousness that leads to the most insightful look ever into the Third Reich and their ultimate quest: the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. This includes the German flying saucer program, the secret SS mission into Tibet, and the secret meaning behind the Egyptian and Tibetan “Books of the Dead” which reveals the historical role of alchemical white powdered gold as an elixir of immortality. This book condenses immense metaphysical knowledge into a compact and understandable format...........ISBN 0-9631889-4-1, $19.95

Montauk: The Alien Connection reveals the most amazing story yet to surface in the area of alien abduction. This is an autobiographical and factual account from Stewart Swerdlow, a gifted mentalist who was born clairvoyant but suffered from alien abductions and government manipulations before discovering his role in the Montauk Project whereafter he was jailed for refusing to sever his association with Preston Nichols. A riveting personal drama eventually gives way to Stewart’s greatest gift: the discovery of an alien/ interdimensional language which communicates to all conscious beings..ISBN 0-9631889-8-4, $19.95 The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey Into Hyperface by Stewart Swerdlow reveals the interdimensional Language of Hyperspace, a simple system of geometric and archetypal glyphs enabling us to comprehend universal mysteries. This book penetrates the secrets of creation through DNA and includes a vast panorama of healing and meditation techniques including: Color healing, dream analysis, numeric values and symbols, auric fields, astral and hyperspace travel, prayer, and radionics as well as offering exercises designed to unlock DNA sequences programmed within you since the beginning of your existence. 150 pgs, 8 1/2 x 11, diagrams, illustrations, symbols, color chart, glossary , dream dictionary, word index and symbol index...........ISBN 0-9631889-9-2,.$22.00 The Philadelphia Experiment Murder by Alexandra Bruce Alexandra Bruce exposes a massive cover-up of Phil Schneider’s murder leading back to the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943 and tells the story of Phil’s father, a Nazi U-boat captain recruited as a medical officer to of the U.S.S. Eldridge. Includes a fascinating description of Parallel Universes and the real life discovery of Preston Nichol’s boss from the Montauk Project

....involvement in the Montauk investigation and incredible synchronicities, none have been more riveting than the legends of Ong’s Hat, an enigmatic location in south central New Jersey once used as a return address for dissident physicists who wrote anonymous papers that broke the scientific barriers of the day. This is the first book in hard copy format to explore Ong’s Hat, the home of a mysterious ashram with both scientific and natural features that included a hodgepodge of Tantra, Sufism, Ismaili esotericism, alchemy, psychopharmacology, biofeedback and brain machine meditation techniques that was said to involve time travel by the participants. Compiled by Joseph Matheny, this work is based upon the popular e-book known as “The Incunabula Papers,” but also contains new material revealed for the first time that includes interviews with actual survivors from the ashram and the revealing of an “egg” used for attracting synchronicity induced time travel. The truth has been vague, but the legends, technology and quantum theory surrounding the cult have been more than tangible.
THE MONTAUK PULSE — BACK ISSUES For fourteen years, the Montauk Pulse has been available to fans to keep up-to-date on the various and always exciting permutations of the Montauk Project investigation. You can now get two volumes worth of Montauk investigation history (4 issues per year - 6 years per volume) in a comb-bound format and have everything in one place. The Montauk Pulse - Volume I (1993-1998)......................................$29.95 The Montauk Pulse - Volume 2 (1999-2004

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Montauk Project posted on "A Haunting" Forum
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2009, 03:35:08 am »
I used to buy into a lot of this crap but i found out that real conspiracies are far more interesting than the made up ones :-\

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Montauk Project posted on "A Haunting" Forum
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2009, 05:36:53 pm »
Just received a report that there are invitations being sent out for a Sept 30th special ceromony to "welcome the new earth kundalini rising serpent of life" being conducted by Artie "Red Medicine" Crippen of the Montauk tribe. It's being held on Long Island for $90 for each.

The invitations says this is a special event happening every 26,000 years.

It's being conducted by Vickie Lagoudis of Jefferson Heights, NY.
There are also vision quest weekends held at Stick and Stones in Conneticut for $200 and numerous sweat lodges held in Jefferson Heights for $40 per person.

Found the website for Lagoudis. It also peddles the Indigo Children nonsense.

Sweat Lodge's
....I was given the opportunity to create a sweat lodge on my property and taught how to build and run this lodge by my guides. I spent almost a year channeling the information and creating my lodge with the love and help of my wonderful husband. After erecting a 30 person tee pee and watching my guides get a good laugh my first lodge was erected and 7 years later I am so thankful for this wonderful gift. It is one of the most powerful healing tools I have ever used and experienced. I hope you too may feel the gift of the White Buffalo Calf Women.
$30 for students of Teaching Spirit
(Future schedule to come)
If you would like to be notified of the next sweatlodge please email


Another site. What doesn't she claim to be trained in? Altantian Temple? Bio Energetic Confusions, uh Infusion...what the heck is Divine Matrix? The photo doesn't inspire confidence either.
an ordained minister, Vicki Lagoudis earned her Masters Degree in Metaphysics from the International University of Metaphysics in 1999. She became a Reiki Master shortly after graduation and....trained in Ancient Egyptian Healing and became a Reiki Master in 2000.

Vicki completed her Tel Shei Atlantian Temple Training and Divine Matrix Connection training in 2002. She then went on to finish her studies in Pastoral Psychology at the Pastoral Psychology Institute in 2003. She became a disciple of Master Teoh and trained in Tibetan Bio Energetic Infusion, completing her training as an instructor in Northern Iron Monkey QiGong in 2004.