General > Frauds

James "Flaming Eagle" Mooney

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cosmic jellyfish:
Mooney posted his family tree on his Native American Church web site as if to give his pedigree credibility and so rightly able to bless anybody and their mother's "church"-- his "family tree" is at this link but readers will need to have magnifying vision since the font is in extreme fine print:

Mooney also took a 'Native American DNA test' through Genetree and posted results on same site at this link:  <-- test result states "35% Native American"

His ancestry is not very relevant. There's no sign or Mooney ever growing up in or known to any NDN community, or accepted today as NDN. Even more important, he is not NAC and neither is his phony church. His group has been repeatedly denounced by the actual NAC.

Even his attempt to prove his ancestry has holes you can drive a truck thru. DNA tests can't prove a specific tribe. And the printed evidence he has claims he is Cherokee and Creek, not Seminole.

Posting his application to a fraudulent group, the "Southeastern Cherokee and Creek", sure doesn't help his case.

Here's the "Chief Little Dove" character Mooney claims told him he was descended from Osceola. She seriously claims to be a Cherokee princess. ::)
And to have domain over the Bahamas!,2306135

Apparently the "tribe" changed its name a few times.

Indian Reservation Plans Fall Powwow
November 15, 1987
The Cox-Osceola Cherokee-Creek Indian Reservation in Orange Springs will present its fifth annual Fall Powwow and Festival Friday through next Sunday. Activities will include such Indian traditions as knife and spear throwing contests, canning and baking contests, Indian dress competitions, food and dancing. Hours of the powwow will be 10 a.m.-midnight each day.

The reservation land is north of Silver Springs and was owned by Indians until their relocation in the last century. Principal Chief Little Dove Buford and her husband, Reservation Chief Running Buck, have been able to purchase most of the lost land.


THis is another of the "tribe's" members.
Raining Deer Harjo is a free-lance writer....A member of the Seminole Tribe of Florida, Oglawaha Band of the Cox-Osceola Seminole Reservation at Orange Springs, Florida, Raining Deer was wed to the tribe's medicine man, Thunder Horse Nokus Harjo (a/k/a Wayne Bowen) in 1990 by the late Chief Little Dove Buford.

Another offshoot, a "colony" and church active in Alabama and Wisconsin

Here's Mooney "blessing" the fraud leader of Nemenhah, convicted con man Phillip Landis. And he even had it notarized. Reel spirchul.
The same letter he claims to be a Huichol spirchul leader and to be endorsed by a Lakota, Leslie Fool Bull.

Leslie Fool Bull died in 1998 at age 77, five years before that notarized letter was written.

The new definition for ONAC? , Quaint eh?

Comments at site:
ONAC of Indiana Apache & Cherokee Nations:>
ONAC of Indiana has been up and operating for 1 Yr. This has been a Great Year, Hope the Years to Come could be just as rewarding and blessed  , etc ....

Black Feathers · Chief Executive Officer at ONAC of Indiana Apache & Cherokee Nations:>
Been Great Helping the First Nation Chickamauga Obtain ONAC Branch. Great Job BD.
Reply · 6 · Like · Follow Post · December 31, 2013 at 12:31am

 .... B.d. Miller:>
Many thanks and blessings dear brother....
Reply · 2 · Like · December 31, 2013 at 4:56pm

 .... Bishop Daniel Clay:>
Thank you Black Feathers for a lot of hard work and a job very well done!
Reply · 3 · Like · January 3 at 7:37am

 .... etc:>

in ref to the vile acts of appropriation, i cease to be amazed at  how some people can be so ugly , a good read relative to ordained ministers, fee's for becoming a member to set_up a dog and pony show (it is a set up for those who are "prey'd" upon) , etc ....

by: Rezinate

Quanah Parker is generally recognized as the “founder” of what has become the Native American Church – a belief system that incorporates the use of peyote as a healing agent and a vehicle that enables the user to experience visions, empower themselves,and seek guidance.

As peyote contains hallucinogenic properties it was a given that over time it would attract those seeking merely to get “high”, also a given that the ceremonies themselves would become corrupted and the trappings of the new agers such as crystals would insinuate themselves, accompanied by a cobbled together provenance of being the real deal.

It isn’t a uncommon now to find new agers frequenting such ceremonies and terms like “minister” being applied to those who conduct them, the transition from an indigenous healing and spiritual ritual into a commercial venture is in  full swing as the schism between tradition and pretense increases.

I’ve seen adds on the net where a person need only to send twenty five dollars to be “ordained” a minister in some bogus church, I suspect a great many of  the practicing NAC “ministers” and “medicine persons” are little different.

Another toll of the bell sounding an alarm about the corruption of indigenous ceremonies from the southern most tip of this hemisphere to the northern most.

There may come a time when such “ministers” will seek to broadcast their “services” either on the net or via cable much the same as televangelists do, perhaps they will ask for “love donations” and preach in lieu of a “prosperity doctrine” a peyote doctrine that advises one need only lay their hands on the screen or monitor to be healed-send your prayer requests, distance being a non hindrance.

Sounds too outlandish to consider? What is occurring today would have been deemed likewise a few decades ago.

source Rezinate:



“Cultural appropriation is a by-product of imperialism, capitalism, oppression, and assimilation. Imperialism is the creation and maintenance of an unequal cultural, economic and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination. Imperialism functions by subordinating groups of people and territories and extracting everything of value from the 1st Nations people and territories. In the case of cultural appropriation, culture is treated as a “natural resource” to extract from People’s beliefs, values and traditions.

Cultural appropriation is profitable. Objects and traditions (but not the people) of marginalized cultures are seen by the dominant culture as exotic, edgy, and desirable, which translates into profits. Capitalism works best when people are not individual people with celebrated differences, but identical workers, cogs in the machine. Once diverse cultural identities are stripped away, the only culture left to identify with is capitalism culture.

This is one aspect of assimilation, in which marginalized communities lose their cultural markers and are folded into the dominant culture.” ~anonymous~

oops! ,

Merged with the older thread. This is Mooney's fraud outfit posing as the NAC again. I wonder why they relocated to Indiana from Utah. There are actual tribes in the state like the Miami, plus people with family stories of distance ancestry like the Wea Band.

But "Apache and Cherokee of Indiana"? Who would fall for that?

Another of their websites.

For $200 they will give you a membership card they claim entitles you to carry and use peyote. They even claim a cop can go to jail for trying to detain you. This sounds like a nonsense militia/sovereign citizen claim and is a disaster waiting to happen. I'll bet we will hear about some ONAC member getting into a violent confrontation with cops sometime soon.

JWM lists his children here , one is named Raging Bear.

Michael Rex Mooney, aka Raging Bear, is continuing the family business, in this case for OKLEVUEHA NATIVE AMERICAN CHURCH OF HAWAII, INC. , and concerning marijuana.

--- Quote ---Plaintiffs explain that marijuana use is a crucial part of NAC tradition and that members consume marijuana as a sacrament and eucharist in their religious ceremonies and rites, in addition to or as a substitute for peyote, which is their "primary sacrament/great-medicine of choice." All 250 Oklevueha members consume marijuana in religious ceremonies. Members use marijuana to enhance spiritual awareness and facilitate direct experience of the divine. Mooney uses marijuana daily, and other Oklevueha members use marijuana in "sweat" ceremonies, which occur twice a month at various private locations in Oahu and are only open to NAC members.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Plaintiff Michael Rex "Raging Bear" Mooney is the founder, president, and medicine custodian of the Oklevueha chapter. He is of Seminole Native American ancestry, and is an "authorized Spiritual Leader," or "medicine man
--- End quote ---


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