Author Topic: Madeleina Bolduc  (Read 4347 times)

Offline Babeloner

  • Posts: 18
Madeleina Bolduc
« on: June 29, 2019, 03:23:02 am »
from her website, bolds are mine:

Madeleina Bolduc, a certified Clinical Medical Herbalist, has been cultivating the art of herbalism and ritual for twenty years. She leads groups in transformative, therapeutic sessions and has held a private practice for the past eighteen years.

Madeleina is a counselor and coach, a teacher of natural medicine and mindfulness and meditation practices, a workshop facilitator, ceremony officiant, ritualist and artist.

Fundamentally, Madeleina is a Holistic Practitioner, using an expert container of Life Counseling and Coaching to hold and guide clients and students through experiences of personalized Vibrant Aliveness by integrating Clinical Medical Herbalism, embodiment practices, nutrition, Traditional Chinese and Tibetan Medicine, Energy Medicine, communication skills, spiritual counseling and indigenous wisdom.

As an only child growing up in the Colorado mountains, she spent most of her time talking with and relating to the natural world. Raised in the eclectic diversity of the Naropa University, she was trained by Tibetan meditation masters, artists and indigenous elders in the practices of everyday magic, consciousness and world wisdom traditions. She had the great blessing to be a first-generation Western Buddhist in the Sangha (spiritual community) of the meditation master, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Madeleina chose to develop the path of medicine by completing a three-year clinical program at the Rocky Mountain Center of Botanical Studies, and completing her clinical studies with Paul Bergner in 1999. Since then, she has traveled throughout South and Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean and China studying with shamans, curanderas, master healers, doctors and medicine people– among them the beloved Beatrice Waight, Hortense Robinson, Rosita Arvigo. Dr Nida Chenagtsang, Donna Eden, Daria Halpren, Shelly Torgove and Will Morris also hold revered places as beloved and influential teachers in Madeleina’s medicine mandala.

With the encouragement of her teachers, Madeleina has developed a holistic understanding by integrating many healing modalities. She is certified as a massage therapist, radical counselor, Reiki practitioner, Eden Energy Medicine practitioner, and Clinical Medical Herbalist. As well, she is deeply trained in the practices of nonviolent communication, expressive arts therapy, and somatic movement and performance arts. She finds that these bring freshness and diversity to her students and clients. She was both a visiting teacher and core faculty at various herbal schools, including the Ohlone Herbal Center, as well as a Clinical Supervisor.

Currently, Madeleina teaches an 8 month Elemental Herbal Wisdom Immersion, virtual training programs, maintains her private practice, and co-leads Grief Rituals in the lineage of the beloved, late, Sobonfu Somé. She is a long-time, devoted student of the illustrious maestro Martin Prechtel, is training with master teacher Adam Gainsburg in Open Human Heart work, and painting a new body of work.

As a re-Weaver of Culture, Madeleina is passionately dedicated to the preservation and cross-pollination of intact wisdom and healing  traditions, while infusing them with fresh color, flavor, and perspective. She loves teaching people about the Vitality of plants, our Relationships to the Elements and the incredibly diverse ways in which we can kneel and kiss the ground, while encouraging Life to thrive!

On Martin Prechtel: and
On Sobonfu Somé:

One of her recent offerings:

The PachaMama ceremony is done by farmers in the Andes Mountains of South America to give thanks to the Earth for the bounties we receive every day, and to make sure they will have a good crop and/or a good harvest. So, the ceremony is done before planting and again after harvesting, a simple and profound, sincere offering to the Great Mother.

In our PachaMama ceremony, we will give thanks to the Land, the home of SpiritWeavers and offer gratitude for the abundance we’ve already received, along with requests for help for that which we are “planting” in our lives. The sacred medicine of Maca root, indigenous to the Andes, will be our Sacrament, offered to everyone participating, bringing health and joyful communion with Nature and each other. Tobacco, Sage and Palo Santo will be used to clean the space and participants prior to the ceremony.

Join our Peruvian Elder, Milagritos, and Madeleina Bolduc as we celebrate Life in this ancient reverential way.

Participants: bring an offering for the Pachamama: a poem, flowers, a special object to be buried in the ground

Pachamama Maca Ceremony will be shared by Madeleina Bolduc and Milagritos Lazo.

And another:

Limpieza (cleansing) is a deeply healing, sacred ritual enfolding plant work with prayer. Participate in the ancient and noble lineage of elemental purification that has been kept alive throughout the world’s spiritual traditions. Connect with the energies and spirits held in the land and waters of Oregon, dispelling dis-ease, revealing and refreshing your true self. You will be guided through a traditional herbal bathing ritual preserved by the Mayan Curanderas (healers) of Belize, while integrating newly emerging remembrances of our own ancestral lineages. In working with how to approach the plants, each woman will create her own healing bath, using both wild-harvested and traditional Mayan bathing herbs. Once the baths are soaking in the Sun, we will celebrate Oshun, the River, by singing together Afro-Cuban and traditional spirituals as an offering of Vitality and Praise! Create a blossoming of your healing intentions, self-love and beauty, emanating them into the world as a gift of praise for the Holies in Nature.

Mayan Ritual Herbal Bathing will be shared by Madeleina Bolduc.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1413
Re: Madeleina Bolduc
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2019, 11:57:03 pm »
On Martin Prechtel: []

(Two identical links condensed into that topic's URL.)

Martin Prechtel mentioned about seven more places, especially in these threads:
[Frauds (Deer Tribe, Bear Tribe) in Germany]
[Martin Prechtel "Bolad’s Kitchen"]