Author Topic: Lady Suncrow  (Read 6857 times)

Offline Ardal

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Lady Suncrow
« on: July 16, 2014, 03:06:59 pm »

Lady SunCrow is a third degree High Priestess of Three Oaks Church in Columbia, TN. She is a Pipe Carrier through Grandmother Singing Tree and the Lakota Tribe. She is also an adoptee of the Southern Cheyenne Tribe in Oklahoma. A professor at Woolsten-Steen Wiccan Seminary in Native Studies, and vetted to mentor any of their world-wide students. She is internationally  known for her readings and for teaching the Power Animal Connections through the Woolsten-Steen Wiccan Seminary.

She has been trained in core shamanism through the Foundation of Shamanism in power animals, healing extraction, readings, psychopomp, death and beyond. She has taught students from around the world such as  India, Brazil, England, Spain, and others. She also has dedicants from across the United States in Florida, Texas, Tennessee and Arizona. She has practiced shamanism all her life and has been a witch about 25 years. Please drop by her vending tent Magick Happens and visit.

Class: How To Find Your Power Animal
This will be accomplished through shamanic journey. Bring something to lie on and be comfortable. This is a two hour class.

Class: Dream Catchers
Come and make your very own dream catcher to keep the bad dreams out of your sleeping space. The cost is $10 for materials.


HI, I am Rev. Lady SunCrow. I am a third degree priestess in Wiccan Clergy and a pipe carrier through an adoptee of the Crow Dog family in the Lakota tribe on the Rosebud reservation.

I was honored a few years ago by being invited to go to Bear Butte in South Dakota with the Senior Arrow Priest and two SunDance Priests of the Southern Cheyenne tribe. This is the sacred mountain of several tribes - mainly the Cheyenne and Souix. I was honored because I am white and a woman. They hardly take their own women there much less a white person.

I have taught professionally in a college and also in the magical ways. I love teaching traditional and non-traditional (Native) magick, shamanic journeying, and learning from my students.

I have had wonderful teachers in my life - Lady Rowena and Lord Ember of the Dragonstone Coven, Medicine Bear who taught me the Cherokee sweat lodges, herbalism, and the medicine wheel. The Lakota taught me the women's lodges and pipe ceremonies, Lou White Eagle who taught me the Cheyenne healing ceremony, James Black Bear who taught me other ceremonies of the Cheyenne and both took me to their sacred mountain Bear Butte in South Dakota for sacred ceremonies...

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Lady Suncrow
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 05:11:34 pm »
There are several things here which also produce loud rings from a fraud detecting device:

Lady SunCrow is a third degree High Priestess of Three Oaks Church in Columbia, TN. She is a Pipe Carrier through Grandmother Singing Tree and the Lakota Tribe.

Adoptions by entire nations are not done. This would require a consensus decision of all members of the nation. We have got persons from the Lakota nation in this forum who tell us no person has been adopted by their nation.

She is also an adoptee of the Southern Cheyenne Tribe in Oklahoma.
Same as above.

A professor at Woolsten-Steen Wiccan Seminary in Native Studies, and vetted to mentor any of their world-wide students.
While I can find a Woolsten-Steen Theological Seminary (without checking whether they're legit or not), the only results for the WS Wiccan Seminary Google produces are sites introducing 'Lady Suncrow'....

She is internationally  known for her readings and for teaching the Power Animal Connections through the Woolsten-Steen Wiccan Seminary.
Errrm - some three or four Google results do not make someone 'internationally known', I'm afraid.
Plus one important question: under which name has the lady become known internationally?

She has been trained in core shamanism through the Foundation of Shamanism in power animals, healing extraction, readings, psychopomp, death and beyond. She has taught students from around the world such as  India, Brazil, England, Spain, and others. She also has dedicants from across the United States in Florida, Texas, Tennessee and Arizona. She has practiced shamanism all her life and has been a witch about 25 years.
Ah so. This, I presume, is the Foundation of Shamanic Studies, founded by Michael Harner. There are threads in this forum on him. Some info is also to be found here:

Please drop by her vending tent Magick Happens and visit.
... and pu-leeeeeze bring your checkbook!!!  ::)

Class: How To Find Your Power Animal
This will be accomplished through shamanic journey. Bring something to lie on and be comfortable. This is a two hour class.

Class: Dream Catchers
Come and make your very own dream catcher to keep the bad dreams out of your sleeping space. The cost is $10 for materials.

This sounds pretty much like someone who paid lots of money to obtain phoney 'degrees' from Harner's FSS.

HI, I am Rev. Lady SunCrow. I am a third degree priestess in Wiccan Clergy
Third degree or third class?  ;D

and a pipe carrier through an adoptee of the Crow Dog family in the Lakota tribe on the Rosebud reservation.

An adoptee made her WTF? ? ? ?
We also got threads about adoption into indigenous families. Adoption gives the adoptee lots of duties (like taking care of their adoptive relatives, supporting them in old age and times of need etc) ---- and NO rights. In particular *no rights* to participate in or conduct or teach ceremony, *no rights* to make third people whatever.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Lady Suncrow
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2014, 08:31:39 pm »
Nope she is not a part of my nation
In Spirit

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Lady Suncrow
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2014, 06:08:21 pm »
The white people who go to these things (and it's rare to see someone that's not white) ... I think they really only care about themselves and maybe *some* other white people. Years ago I went to a similar thing in Maryland; of course there were no NDNs there, not a one, but there were white people running fake sweats, fake pipe ceremony... and obviously, despite there now being plenty of information available about how wrong this is... they are STILL DOING IT.

Thirty years ago, these gatherings were much smaller and I thought they just assumed Natives would never find out what they get up to. But now it's obvious they just don't care. Either that or, like the racists they are, they assume NDNs don't have internet. *shakes head sadly*

If anyone ever let her come to a ceremony, she has betrayed them by doing this. And even if she *witnessed* a ceremony, I don't believe for a minute that she had the training or authorization to even try to lead any of these things.

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Re: Lady Suncrow
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2014, 06:21:15 pm »
For those new to the topic: Real ceremonial people stay with the tribe and help their people; they don't go out and sell ceremony to non-Natives. Most of the "Native teachers" out there aren't even Native. If a real Native is out selling to white people, often they are someone who was never given ceremonies in the first place. People aren't born knowing ceremonies. Worse, they may be a violent criminal who was banished from their community for unacceptable behaviour. Those kinds are purely con artists, and they take advantage of everyone they meet. Often, the clueless white people who think they were the great exception to the "no white people" rule were just taken in by a con artist to get their money, or to get sex. Con artists love to prey on non-Natives who believe they have distant NDN heritage and "want to find their way home," or non-Natives who believe they have NDN spirits talking to them and are "NDN in their hearts."

We went into how people with newly-discovered ancestry are often targets for exploiters and other predators here:
For Those Who Recently Discovered Indian Ancestry

This thread is also very relevant for women who believe a man wants to single them out for "special" training or attention that others allegedly don't get, especially if the alleged "teacher" asks them to keep their identity and relationship secret:
Identifying the Predator: Spiritual, Financial, and Sexual Abusers
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 11:40:32 pm by Kathryn »

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Re: Lady Suncrow
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2014, 11:32:38 pm »
LS's site is just her google page. That gives me hope, that seemingly she doesn't have funds to set up a pay website.

Her claimed teachers are someone unnamed who was in turn taught by Crow Dog. For our newcomers, he is Lakota but cannot make outsiders into medicine people and has angered many Lakota and others by falsely claiming he can. She mentions a Grandma Singing Tree. I did find a Jane Singing Tree, but not much on her. LS mentions "Cherokee sweat lodges." No such thing.

She also lists Lou White Eagle. He is Cheyenne, but one account says he has been denounced as a fraud for ceremony selling and his conduct towards women. The accusation was on, and it brought an angry response by someone who made a single post and left.
If you go to the entire thread, you find this post that started it.
"But the big thing is last year at a certain location in Tn. at the powwow this individual was approached about why her princess sash read Ojibwe/ Pawnee princess, the young lady replied we ( the two in mention) just made it a few days ago. Then asked how she came about the title, she replied that the lady she's with gave her the title."

That seems to be a reference to this same group in Tennessee that LS is part of, white pagans in the city of Columbia who claim rights or expertise in Native ways.

There are quite a few references to Lou White Eagle living in that part of Tennessee at least back to 2001. It seems he hasn't been part of the Cheyenne community for some time. Sometimes the local pagans ask him to do things that are mystifying. There were some Native remains found in 2009 and they asked him to do a reburial ceremony. He never showed up and they went ahead and did it on their own. My guess is, whether he's guilty of the ethical charges vs him or not, he knew for a Cheyenne to do such a ceremony when Tennessee was never the Cheyenne homeland was very wrong.

I also took at look at that Wiccan seminary. I don't know how accepted their credentials and degrees are among Wiccans or other European pagans. This is the first I've heard of an institute trying to have degrees for pagan clergy. She's one of the faculty, and it's small enough that they list them all, all six of 'em. (My school has over 500 full time faculty, plus at least that many adjuncts.) None of them seem to be making a living teaching, since they all list outside professions such as teaching belly dancing or running a coffee house. My guess is the students probably number in the dozens, including for online classes. In some of the photos at the school website, they actually use 3D depictions of students. There's also a school website ending in .us, likely from before they could get a .edu site.

But I'm pretty sure these degrees wouldn't be accepted or transfer elsewhere. It only takes 15 hours to become a sophomore. It only takes 48 hours to get a master's. Compare that to Catholic priests or Buddhist monks who get the equivalent of a PhD. Then again, some Protestant or non denominational Christian churches, the minister can have as little as a single year at not very good Bible colleges.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Lady Suncrow
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2014, 11:49:27 pm »
I've never heard of "the Woolsten-Steen Wiccan Seminary" either.

There are a few Wiccan, or Wiccan-oriented NeoPagan "Seminaries." Most of them, like this one, offer a bare minimum of training, not even what one would get in an older, informal BritTrad Wiccan group, and nowhere near the amount of study required in a real Divinity School program at a respected University. The ones that offer more substantial training in things like psychology may be useful, but I don't think any of them are accredited. They are mostly fronts so Wiccans who want clergy credentials can meet the minimum level of requirement in their states. Some states will let anyone who declares themselves clergy marry and bury people. Other states require some sort of seminary training, even if it's just mail-order ministry like that sort of thing, or "click the button and you're ordained" outfits like the Universal Life Church.

The "Lord Whats-his-face" and "Lady-whatever" titles are a peculiarly American affectation. It used to just be American Wiccans who'd had a few years of training and intitiations who did that. Then some members of modern eclectic groups that are even newer than Wicca started giving themselves those titles as well. Now, with the Internet, it's really common for there to be teenagers calling themselves, with a straight face, things akin to "Lady Sorceress High Priestess Morgaine MoonWind StarChild Fartblossom the All Mighty and Powerful."  :o
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 11:57:41 pm by Kathryn »