She's all over genealogy websites still trying to figure out her heritage. The obvious clue is calling her mother Iroquois, but never which of the Six Nations. Grew up in Indiana and the most she can cling to is a relative taking her to a rez in N Michigan, probably Sault St Marie. She mentions meeting Crow Dog and being very impressed, but I don't think that's who the supposed elders were. The fact that she's using phony medicine cards and vague claims about med wheels and shamanic teachings suggests Sun Bear or David Carson.
In that interview she mentions she's gotten a lot of Native criticism and that's why she's mostly around white upper and middle class women. Often she tries to have it both ways, using her claim of ancestry to say she's traditional but then admitting her masks have more in common with Mardi Gras. The sad thing is she's had kids by Native men but they've been raised in Nuage nonsense.