Author Topic: Lessert Moore  (Read 28073 times)

Offline Jasmine

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2011, 08:14:42 pm »
It is clear that the person putting him down here only knew Norbert, not Lessert.
And honestly, I don't know Lessert either, am not a student, but I know of him.
Lessert Moore is a True Heart. He is a Shaman, a healer and has been a teacher for some
time. His references are IMPECCABLE.  How do I know this?
Thru Spirit.
Years ago I had a dream that I was camping out with others doing ceremony, and I was
invited into a tent and came face to face with Grandfather. I woke up, thought
it was an interesting dream, told others and thought no more of it. 1 year later (in June)
I had the exact same dream. The following week I was invited by friends to a Sundance that
was to take place in the Black Hills, the first to be allowed in the Ancesterial Ceremonial
Grounds by the U.S.Forest Service.  As I prepared to go, I felt presence around me and
began hearing excited voices in my right ear saying "Crazy Horse! Crazy Horse!" over and
over again. This was unusual for me to say the least. So I took with me an emblem which
was a white horse with flying wings. I didn't know why I took it, just decided to.
When I got to my friends house (the man, an Indian, was Lessert's student and was piercing
at the Sundance) I was shown a picture of Lessert and told that he was a direct decendant
of Crazy Horse!  Whooaah! That was weird! I went to the Sundance with my friends and
have to say, it was the single most significant experience of my life. Lessert's wife was giving
birth during the Sundance, and I gave the flying horse emblem to someone in the family to give
them. That Sundance totally changed my life, turned it around. I am much more connected to
the earth than ever. He is doing good work, and everyone should know by now that if we are
to have any good future here on mother earth, all races, yellow, black, white and red must
learn to get over their issues and become one family.

The man IS a Shaman, a healer, and a True Heart that follows his inner vision.
Any student of his is lucky to have found him. :)

I came on this site looking to find out if Lessert was organizing any more Sundances as I
committed to going to 4 in my lifetime, and have done only 2. I found this thread and decided
to comment. As I was driving my car this morning I saw a hawk flying so looked up to follow
its flight, and then a beautiful bald eagle, its white head and tailfeathers so clear, crossed its
path and flew over my car maybe 15 feet over me! I was so thrilled, and took it as I sign that
I should respond to this thread. ;D Good Luck to Lessert in any of his endeavors! And may none
have any doubt he is doing the work of Grandfather!

Offline ComesWithFire

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2011, 08:23:46 pm »
 ??? ??? ??? ???
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 08:45:56 pm by ComesWithFire »
If you cannot run with the big dogs then stay under the porch with the puppies

Offline piya

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2011, 08:38:21 pm »
Was gone to say something, but I will not
To Old To Die Young

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2011, 08:50:26 pm »
Sooooo Jasmine, when did shamanism become part of Lakota culture?  I'm not familiar with that having happened and I think our Lakota members here are going to be equally surprised.

Offline Jasmine

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2011, 09:36:04 pm »
The questioner asked about Lessert Moore. I simply responded my viewpoint, and my response was from my heart. I consider Lessert a cut above the usual Medicine Man, because from what I know about him,
he ministers to ALL people. From what I understand about him, his focus seems to be the dream
of Crazy Horse, that all races would come together. That is why I said Shaman rather than Medicine Man.

I am sorry, I did not realize that only Lakota could write here.
Maybe you better remove me from the list.
But thank you anyway.

Offline ComesWithFire

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2011, 09:53:19 pm »
I am sorry, I did not realize that only Lakota could write here.
This forum is not only for the Lakota. I do not know where you @ Jasmine got that from.
Smart Mule was only trying to correct/educate you in your usage of the word Shaman and how the Lakota people do not use this word.
I am a little puzzle myself from your words. There are many things that should not be spoken about in public.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 01:04:18 pm by Smart Mule »
If you cannot run with the big dogs then stay under the porch with the puppies

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2011, 10:34:17 pm »
Hi Jasmine, how about you go to the Member Introductions thread and tell us a bit about yourself. It's something we ask all new posters here to do. Thanks.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2011, 10:46:17 pm »
The questioner asked about Lessert Moore. I simply responded my viewpoint, and my response was from my heart. I consider Lessert a cut above the usual Medicine Man, because from what I know about him,
he ministers to ALL people. From what I understand about him, his focus seems to be the dream
of Crazy Horse, that all races would come together. That is why I said Shaman rather than Medicine Man.

I am sorry, I did not realize that only Lakota could write here.
Maybe you better remove me from the list.
But thank you anyway.

Could you please show me where I said that only Lakota could post here?

As comeswithfire stated correctly I was simply trying to educate.  Comeswithfire was also correct in saying that there are many things that should not be spoken about in public. 

Offline Cetan

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2011, 01:40:28 am »
"It is clear that the person putting him down here only knew Norbert, not Lessert.
And honestly, I don't know Lessert either, am not a student, but I know of him."
No one was putting Lessert down, just asking a question as there are questionable people who sell ceremonies using his name as a teacher.  One thing you said that makes me wonder is that he is a direct descendant of Crazy Horse as several families are descendants (Big Crow, Goings)  but I have never heard the name Moore as a descendant. 
The problem has occurred over and over when someone shares the ceremonies that then those who were allowed to participate feel they have the right to perform the ceremony and will use the name of a Lakota teacher to justify what they are doing - perhaps this is the case with Lessert Moore and perhaps he should try to stop those using his name to make a buck.

Offline Hair lady

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2011, 11:00:42 pm »
hi@ everyone. I  feel I need to repley. I am a memeber of the lenape Unami people. I have know Lessert Moore for a long time.

I will write a true story here about him. When I was in collage at UNM, I attended Lesserts inpi. Being far away from my home on the east coast, it was a comfort for me to be with other Native peoples. My mother went on during that time, and I became ill. I starting having seizures, and was pretty much walking around in a fog. I continued to go to the inpi. One evening I was inside the lodge and I started to have the feeling that a seziur was coming on, I poked my sister just before it started and told her that I had to get out. Lessert had the door man open the door and I can remember everything getting out of focus. I was laying in the door of the lodge half way outside. I could hear Lessert saying she´s haveing a seizur, give me that...I woke up later outside of the lodge feeling clear as a bell. A frined of mine was sitting with me, she said LEssert had chewed up some herbs and spit them into my mouth, which stopped the seizur. If any of you know what its like to have a seizur you know that usualy you are all foggy afterwards for a long time. I was clear minded. Days afterward I felt better and better, Lessert encourged me to talk about my horriable past with the others, he sat by me and put his hand on my back, kept me upright when I felt like I would fall.  I have great respect for this man and am honored to call him Uncle.  He is a real healer, one that knows the lakota ways and knows about healing herbs. I feel that we should respect him here. I have gotten to a point in my life where I can give back what I have recieved from this good man. I asked him how will I pay you back for what you did, he said give to the poor People out on the rez. So That´s what I am doing. I collect money from people and donate it to buy propane for the Peoples out there that are cold.  I will be giving thanks my whole life long, because Lessert Moore helped me out in my life when I was going through a hard time.

We are all related,

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2011, 03:52:00 pm »
Hi Hair lady

I can understand why you respect Lessert.  My question is, why is he involved with individuals who use his name to sell ceremony as well as individuals who know so little about the culture that they claim he is a shaman while defending him?  If he is a good teacher he would have corrected that.

Also, could you please address what Cetan brought up about his claim to be descendant from Crazy Horse?

Offline Hair lady

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2011, 11:21:20 pm »
OKay I will just ask him. Then we will know for sure. There is some very personal infos about him that I don´t feel like I should write here about him. I will however say that there are a lot of very good medicine men and women out there that get sick themselves. They use all thier energy helping others and can not always control what others do with what they have taught them. I think that we should all maybe think about that. This is a forum for New age frauds..not for real medicine peoples that really have no need to try and can not possiably please everyone.. I think it´s wrong to not be respectful. Checking things out is okay, but as Lessert said himself..if you have questions you guys can just ask him ya know. He doesn´t bite! 8)  hehe.

Offline Hair lady

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2011, 01:33:42 am »
Hi so diorect from the source of this dicussion. Lessert says he never claimed he is a direct dendant from Crazy horse. Jasime simply says that she thinks that he focuses on the dream of Crazy Horse. Which is her opinion. 

I would ask you all if you have futhur questions contact Lessert yourselves. He is a Lakota Medicine man, a father, a husband, a grandfather, a uncle, and a humanbeing. 

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Lessert Moore
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2018, 01:12:53 pm »

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Lessert Moore, an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota Sioux, grew up on the Rosebud and Pine Ridge reservations in South Dakota. He is a Sundance Chief, dedicated to sundance ceremony ways for 45 years. He also holds an degree in drug and alcohol counseling and has extensive teaching experience. Decades of healing work combined with his activism for Native American rights, including at Wounded Knee 2 and Standing Rock, enable Lessert to bring deep insight into sacred activism. His lifetime of service across the U.S. has been dedicated to the mending of the Sacred Hoop, helping individuals and communities to heal, and the protection of Mother Earth.

Grandmother Nancy Ardry is a traditional native healer and storyteller, a Sundancer and a Sacred Pipe carrier, and an acknowledged elder and grandmother in her Canadian communities. She speaks and shares legends from many different Nations across the U.S. and Canada and beyond. Grandmother Nancy is of Algonquin and French heritage and has followed the Red Road since childhood. Her mentors include a Lakota author and a
Lakota medicine man, and she was adopted by an Ojibwa medicine woman and a Mi’kmaq grandmother. She received permission to pour lodges in 1991 and facilitated a Native Women’s Circle at federal prison for 17 years.

Nancy Ardry is a fraud who has been involved in pay-to-pray in New England for about 20 years.