Author Topic: "Solas Sa Dorchadas," Shamanism-NI, shameon in Northern Ireland  (Read 20475 times)

Offline ShadowDancer

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Re: A Thank you
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2014, 07:28:36 pm »
The only people in his position who would be scared of a basic background check by Natives (or native Irish) is if they are trying to hide the fact they work for the oppressors. He's not scared of the oppressors knowing who he is, he's scared that oppressed groups he tries to infiltrate might look into his background. That tells me all I need to know about where his loyalties lie, what sort of "journey" he is on, and what his purpose is in trying to join our groups.

I note in looking at his profile he has left the group and can no longer post.

Offline JeelyPiece

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Re: A Thank you
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2014, 08:07:52 pm »
Although the OP left the forum, I think it might be worth posting some links I found on FB that's clearly him, that are pretty damning.

Like this one for the page he advertises his services on.

And his profile that's linked to the Shamanism-NI page.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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"Solas Sa Dorchadas," Shamanism-NI, shameon in Northern Ireland
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2014, 08:57:21 pm »
I wish I could say I'm surprised. Just like he attempted here, he's joining shamanism, newage and pagan groups on Facebook, trying to find students for his fraudulent Celtique Shameon classes. So far he's not charging money. I expect that will change. Even if he doesn't make any money off this, he is damaging North American Native as well as traditional Irish spiritual ways. It is also clear from the way he behaved here that no one should place their trust in him as a spiritual leader. He is self-taught and self-proclaimed. I believe he may well be dangerous. I call fraud. 

Here, he claims to offer Medicine Wheel teachings: 

The Irish did not, and do not, have "Medicine Wheels." Fraud Frank Owen wrote a pretendian/celtique book that used that fake construct, but it was, well, fake.

He's reserved this domain for his business:

Screen caps of some of his "teachings" attached. The Irish don't have snakes, either. Never did.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: "Solas Sa Dorchadas," Shamanism-NI, shameon in Northern Ireland
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2014, 09:03:52 pm »
Correction. He is selling ceremony and "healing." He claims in the screen cap above that he "keeps his costs low." He's learned from the other frauds to make people contact him before he tells them exactly how much it costs.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: "Solas Sa Dorchadas," Shamanism-NI, shameon in Northern Ireland
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2014, 10:55:16 pm »
Here is the list of what he teaches in his course. Nothing here is Irish. The only things that are not straight out of Harner and Ingerman are *maybe* the "song" references, which look to be take from Frank Owen's pretendian/celtique/psuedo-buddhist fabrications:

_________________________ begin quote __________________________________

 Course Contents:

The Development of Self & Spirit
Hearing & Learning from the Tree
Hearing the Song
Hearing only the Song
Being Part of the Song
Being of a Speaker of the Song
The Drum & Rattle
The Speaker of the Stories
Shamanic rituals across the world
Personal Power & Protections
Breath of Life
The Sacred space
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Soul & Past Life Healing
Shamanic Trance & Dance
Shamanic Journey
Soul Retrieval
Shamanic Cleansing
The Song and the Circle
Altars & Rituals
Herbs & Offerings
Dream Analysis
Word Analysis
Power Words
Visualization, Imagination, Will & Intention
Shamanic Senses
Shamanic Dreaming
Shamanic Reality.
Shifting of Form & Awareness
Finding your guides
Shamanic Spirit Teachers,
Power Animals,
Power animal retrieval
Spirit Boat
Loss, Extraction & taking Repossession
Shamanic Spirits, Worlds
Building your relationship with your spirit Guides
Being one with the Great Spirit
The Ancestors
Guidance & Divination
The Way of the Warrior
The Way of the Healer
Summoning, Conjuring & Crafting
Honor & Ethics

Honor & Blessing to You

____________________ end quote ___________________

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: "Solas Sa Dorchadas," Shamanism-NI, shameon in Northern Ireland
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2014, 01:42:48 am »
In this post he announces that he works with a Native American spirit as his "teacher" (Thunderbirds are not Irish) and that he intends to turn this into a business and make a living at it. In this post he explains that he only intends to offer his services for free "from time to time." As in, most of the time, he's selling ceremony.

_________________________ begin quote ______________________

31 October 2013

Welcome & thank you for visiting my page, its important to say that

I wont bore you with my qualifications & where I got them, suffice to say that for many years I have been a lecturer & psychotherapist, qualified in & practicing a blend of Cognitve, person centered and psycho-dynamic counseling & other therapeutic techniques, including hypnotherapy, Emdr & Image Reprocessing Therapy.

I also train students in & use Neuro linguistic programing, dream, handwriting & word analysis to name a few. I have treated everything from depression to post traumatic stress disorder, working both with individuals & those from our front line services. Now that's CV out of the way. Lets get to the good stuff

The more important side for me, the dynamic & intuitive side, is that I am a Shaman.

I have an unlikely background in christian ministry, preaching & teaching in various churches throughout UK. I have always been spiritually driven even to the point of studying the bible not only in English but in its original Greek & Hebrew. But without meaning to give offense to anyone, eventually I saw the light & embraced the Shamanistic path.

As is the case with most shamans I have many spirit/entities & animal guides that guard, teach, and protect me. They also aid me as I help my clients through Shamanic counselling, journeying & healing techniques as well as energy & altered state work.

Outside of that I have regularly been called on to clear/cleanse & bless homes. During these times I have dealt with all manner of abusive spirits & entities. Having my own guides with me has made this a much easier job. I am truly blessed to number among my guides a Thunderbird as teacher/mentor & guide, and as with my other spirits/entities & animal guides, he too is awesome in his perception and powers. Truth be told he is even more so as most Shaman would know.

And while this is a new venture/direction for me in regards to a is my intention to begin as I mean to go on, and so I will offer free training/workshops & counseling from time to time and from case to case to those who "truly" cannot afford it.

There is much pain and heartache in this country of ours & I believe to walk the path that we (collectively known as pagans) walk that we must strike a balance between making a living and helping others to experience what living is all about. And while I wish to make a living it will never be at the expense of another's pain & need.

So once my website is up and running, please watch this space... as I will, every wee while, setup training sessions some of which will be free.

Your support, prayer & energy would be much appreciated.

Blessed Be

_____________________ end quote (bolding added) ______________________

Additionally, in this post he claims to work with "the Great Spirit." Again, not even a tiny bit Irish. 100% pretendian:
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 02:25:34 am by Kathryn »

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: "Solas Sa Dorchadas," Shamanism-NI, shameon in Northern Ireland
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2014, 12:13:47 pm »

_________________________ begin quote ______________________


I wont bore you with my qualifications & where I got them, suffice to say that for many years I have been a lecturer & psychotherapist, qualified in & practicing a blend of Cognitve, person centered and psycho-dynamic counseling & other therapeutic techniques, including hypnotherapy, Emdr & Image Reprocessing Therapy.

 I have treated everything from depression to post traumatic stress disorder,

About what he writes: What is true, what are lies? Is he really qualified? If he is really a psychotherapist and practicing Emdr & Image Reprocessing Therapy among others, I suspect nothing well for other people ... he will work with these therapies with his own combination of "shamanic working"?
Psychotherapie and Shamanic in combination seems to be fashionable, not just this: the psychotherapy should legalize and authenticate their shamanic work?

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: "Solas Sa Dorchadas," Shamanism-NI, shameon in Northern Ireland
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2014, 10:02:46 pm »

In the first screenshot, SSD says he lives in "Belfast, United Kingdom". This does say something regarding his background, same as his remark about "our front line services" in the quote below.

Another aspect is: as he seems to identify as British, not Irish - then WTF is he going on about being a Celtic whatsover in the first place?

_________________________ begin quote ______________________

31 October 2013

Welcome & thank you for visiting my page, its important to say that

I wont bore you with my qualifications & where I got them, suffice to say that for many years I have been a lecturer & psychotherapist, qualified in & practicing a blend of Cognitve, person centered and psycho-dynamic counseling & other therapeutic techniques, including hypnotherapy, Emdr & Image Reprocessing Therapy.

When you google EMDR, it becomes apparent that there is also criticism raised regarding this therapy - cf

"Image Reprocessing Therapy" is even more interesting. Google presents you with just one result - and that is SSD's facebook page. Ah so....

I also train students in & use Neuro linguistic programing, dream, handwriting & word analysis to name a few. I have treated everything from depression to post traumatic stress disorder, working both with individuals & those from our front line services.

NLP - another "Ah so...". NLP receives much criticism, its effetiveness has not been scientifically established as of yet, and it is criticised as unscientific and as a Newage form of therapy.

Handwriting analysis aka graphology is likewise unscientific. The German WP article says it is regarded as pseudo-science and as an invalid method. Studies have established that it does not allow any exploration of personality and also is not able to give a valid prognosis of professional achievement of the person tested. - I think it's also interesting SSD does not use the term 'graphology' and says "handwriting analysis" instead. 

Apparently he has been mingling psychotherapeutic methods with pseudoscientific and Nuage garbage for some time already, and he seems to prefer methods giving him some control of his clients (e.g. NLP, hypnotherapy).

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: "Solas Sa Dorchadas," Shamanism-NI, shameon in Northern Ireland
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2014, 08:09:21 am »

EMDR (developed by Francis Shapiro) is in traumatherapy a very good and succesful method to bring out traumatic events, process and integrate them. But: It is work in little steps, and EMDR is just one component of a trauma therapy, and it is not used as a sole therapy.
And EMDR is not suitable for all trauma patients.
Those who are treated with EMDR, must be educated, what will happen to them, they have to agree with the goals of treatment and it must be developed their emotional stress limit, when the patient wants to quit.

So far I could not find out if there are state terms who is allowed to learn EMDR and who not. Probably everyone can learn this (such as EFT ='Emotional Freedom Techniques'). In this case the abuse is inevitable. There are some educational institutions that require evidence in psychological training, some require advanced education in trauma therapy and also practice in their job for 5 years at least and regular supervisions. I think only psychotherapists and psychologists should work with EMDR when they are well educated and having regular supervisions.