Author Topic: Bear Medicinewalker and Raventalker  (Read 8683 times)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Bear Medicinewalker and Raventalker
« on: October 10, 2010, 09:40:56 am »
Bear Medicinewalker and Raventalker have their own internet radio show "The Wolf and the Bear" on blogatalkradio here

Here they promote newage and other music and storytelling, some of which they claim is by native artists / storytellers.  I do not know enough about native music to determine the authenticity of their guests, but the show looks very newage to me.

From the website:

One of the things we like to bring to the to not to bring to life old wrongs to breath new life into them...we may discuss them , but then we try to help find solutions to move forward...It is good to remember past mistakes on the paths we walk...but it is not a good thing to relive them by keeping the negative alive... Bringing the walls down...Reminding us all of One Race...One People...One Path....Come and join us ...and become part of the family...

To some I am known as others I am bear Medicinewalker. I am many things to many people. There are many changes coming to the world...some that many don't understand...we all need to be a positive part of those changes...and love unconditionally with no judgment... We all need to reconnect with what once was and is to be again. And my path is to be one that helps show how we can do that very thing. The walls need to be taken down so the healing can begin. To live in the past is not a good thing, to learn from the past another. We must all learn to walk in harmony with the Great Mother as was meant to be...I do not care of what color your skin is, for all our blood runs the same...I only care of what is placed within your hearts. And I ask that it be the seed of humanity that I will help to nurture and grow.
bear Medicinewalker

I am Raventalker.. keeper of the ways of old and ancient times.. hear my call as it echos through the distant chimes I am Raventalker ... blending with the night .. carrying with me a sacred kind of light I am Raventalker .. perched upon a limb .. forever watching and recording life’s mysteries… come sit and listen as I tell my stories I am Raventalker .. guardian of the mystic void.. I am Raventalker.... with words of rhyme I send to thee.. magick filled with love .. flying through the air or perched in a tree. I am Raventalker.. with eyes of green I see beyond the veil.. into the many worlds that are and are not seen. I am Raventalker ... silent as the night when need be.. but often speaking of the ancient ways to anyone who wishes to learn and hear me. I am Raventalker .. here my call.. I'll speak of truth and knowledge ... a wisdom from times gone by... listen.. for I am Raventalker now and forever til the day I die. Many Blessings, Raventalker

Bear Medicinewalker's website (oh dear)

she sells "sessions" on this page as follows:

Medicine Wheel Read

Find out where you fall in the Great Circle.
Lets take a journey and follow the Great Circle and
find out what influences you , where strengths and weaknesses are...
to help you reach your full potential on your path
A guide to who you were born...
and where you are meant to walk.
This can be done verbally or written.
The choice is left to you.

Finding Our Animal Guides

Power animals most often come to us in dreams, meditations, initiations, and visions. It is possible to have more than one power animal.  Throughout our life power animals can change in regards to what point you are on your life walk at any given time. Power animals are often attracted by one's emotional needs of the person - viewed as protectors that will help us to overcome fears and empower us.

Power Animals are universal within all cultures.  Among tribal cultures they are recognized by a Totem for the tribe, one for the clan one belongs to, and one for the family that one is born into. In many places Tribal and Clan Totems still exist, although sometimes it is thought of in a slightly different manner.

Power Animals/ Totems are personal for each person. They are protective spirits which help us in our everyday life. Everyone has such a Totem, sometimes we just don’t recognize them. 

Other types of Sessions I do are a personal painting (8”x10”), create a Spiritwalker with a reading for you at the end of the session, or a Medicine Bundle. 

All created while I connect with Spirit and Your energy.

The choice is Yours.

Together lets explore how to connect with your Power Animal…to learn the lessons they are here to teach us.

To listen to what the Grandmothers, Grandfathers have to whisper in our ears and share.

there is a drop down box on the page giving he prices of the various sessions ($25 - $100)

also on this page we learn how Raventalker got her name
How did I get my name?

My name comes from the Creator by way of a Cherokee/Lakota Medicine Man. I received my Cherokee name through sacred Cherokee ceremony on an Autumn evening. A moment I shall never forget.

I'll tell you the story I was given of how the Creator gave the medicine man my name.

One Autumn evening the Medicine Man went into sweatlodge to ask the Creator for my name. A pack of wolves entered the lodge and lined against the wall. One wolf just would not stop talking... it went on and on about anything and everything. My friend said to the wolf "will you be quiet, I can't focus!". Frustrated, my friend says to the Creator .. I don't understand what you are telling me, I need a name for Holly. He heard a voice say, I have already given you the name. In the background that wolf was still jabbering away and my friend says "wolftalker?" and at that point a raven flew up onto his shoulder and says,
"no, it's Raventalker and don't forget it!"

And so that's the story of how I came to be Raventalker. I was later introduced to my name through sacred ceremony and announced to the world as Raventalker.

Bear Medicinewalker's youtube channel, that features a truly horrible video entitled "A Shamans Prayer by bear Medicinewalker"

Bear Medicinewalker's facebook page

Raventalker's website, where she sells dreamcatchers and bad art

Offline taraverti

  • Posts: 82
Re: Bear Medicinewalker and Raventalker
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 12:24:56 pm »
I got curious about that Strong Grizzly link.

I have to admit when I first opened the page, I couldn't help laughing. It's absurd.

However, he's selling what he is calling native american stuff and regalia at another site, which isn't so funny:

edited to add: Looks like he is a reseller of some NDN made stuff, which is ok, but those shirts, which he is making himself and calling regalia, if he's not NDN, doesn't that violate law? Just asking.

Of course maybe he really IS Cherokee, in which case I humbly appologize.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 12:44:21 pm by taraverti »

Re: Bear Medicinewalker and Raventalker
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 04:59:02 pm »
yeh well, if we are to believe the story of how raventalker got her name.. then i guess we are to also to believe that she is sitting around talking nonsense non-stop.  not a name i would think anyone would be proud of?  more like..embarrassing. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet