Another "unofficial" page admin'd by a guy named Steven O' Riordan in support of Kiesha and ironically is being attacked by Veetkam Rensch (the tribe of many colors admin...control freak, depends on your point of view) as being illegal...interesting set of comments on it including a very edited discussion of her being a fraud.
Oh, you wouldn't know how many times Veetkam Rentsch has done this before with other FB pages. He's also published my name and the city where i live in the official Tribe of Many Colors forums, branding me a collaborator and information stringer who is out to get accolades from the administrators here, and Rentsch will not delete my personal information despite of a friendly request to do so. He's also suggested taking legal action against me and the people here at NAFPS, and that some day i may "find out that all this isn't a game". If Kiesha was a responsible person with extraordinary abilities, she would know not to leave the maintenance of her official website in the hands of such a man.
There are other forums out of the tribe of many colors control that also are discussing this topic. The Rick Ross forum has a well written post (by Cresecent, nice job) using info from the board here and other sources and putting a timeline onto some of her claims and how they've changed over time (i.e. The referencing of Alejandro Cirilo Perez to authenticate her 2012 claims, then when finding out that he actually denounces the 2012 theories changing the focus of authentication to Bernard Perona (aka. Drunvalo Melchizedek).,95049,95049
Thanks, i was hoping for some comments there about the perspective NAFPS holds about the situation. Guess it's perhaps not necessary yet, though who knows what kinda things Crowther will try to get her followers to do in a year... start living in communities, move out from countries sensitive to sea water levels rising, idk. I think the videos of her recent talks are scary... this is dying, that is dying, the oceans are dead, fish are dead, polar bears are dead, insects are killing everything, people are dying, we only have two years to change ourselves, but start living in the heart and might i suggest *hint* you join my Tribe and use my Messages and Techniques of Living in the Sacred Heart and you will survive the Great Cleanse and everything will become beautiful when there are only nice people left on our planet *hint*... who knows what she might say in the coming 2 years.