Author Topic: Kerry Davis & African Americans Ain't African (was Is this another fraud group)  (Read 41637 times)

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 398
their numbers are growing too.....trying to re-write called me a halfbreed descendant of "honkys and gooks"

this idiocy has taken a life of its own through social media........and if you tell them any different they react by yelling, insulting and gathering numbers to yell louder than you

or sometimes they just spew bullshit and the only argument they have is "do your research"

Offline educatedindian

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Another in this group goes by Johnnie Aborigine. Need to find his legal name. Sells home schooling textbooks and children's coloring books pushing this racism.

...he has become exceptionally influential within his community & throughout social media where he has shared the answers to the questions he once had.

Currently Johnnie Aborigine has tasked himself with creating the first Indigenous American Homeschool Curriculum.
For more of Johnnie Aborigine’s experience, we invite you to listen to his first live interview & discussion with AFRICAN AMERICANS AIN’T AFRICANS.


And dozens of videos, mostly getting a couple thousand views.

Claims to be adjunct in the IT of this university.

Another figure is Dane Calloway. Ironically the only video of his getting over a few thousand is one on Pretendians.

Here the claim is Blacks are Jews.

And this is where his ideas get even crazier.
"Dane Calloway: Whites Are The Real Africans"


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Johnnie Aborigine is allied somehow with Elwin Gillum "Chief Queen Warhorse". (thread on her )

He uses hashtags #TchefunctaNation and #ProtectChiefWarhorse along with photos of her.

Offline MelMir82

  • Posts: 7
The African Americans ain't African movement and the Moorish Sovereigns team up to stalk and harrass Native Americans and  Indigenous Hawaiians online! I have reported them to Instagram and Instagram doesn't take action. I recently deleted my account for the second time. I don't feel safe. These people want to commit violence against Native Americans to the point I contacted an LAPD Chief to report the group: The Yashaharla Moors. The Yashaharla Moors claim to be Cheyenne Tribe. They dont pay taxes, run a private school from grades K5-12. They ask for donations online for their Teepee classrooms and for their legal fees from the city of Los Angeles. The leader of the group runs the Instagram pages of @chiefgad777 @yahishi777 as n 3 others. He teaches pseudo history on his pages and connects viewers to his ca$h app so they can make donations. Within his group are IT professionals, Private Investigators, CNAS and  LPNS. I know this mans real name but dont want to get kicked off of the forum so I won't day. I will say Chief Police Moore has been contacted of criminal enterprises my colleagues have information on. I am frightened for the Native American communities physical  safety throughout California.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1476
Hello. I am New to this forum. There is a movement called the African Ain't Africans movement and  another known as the Moorish Sovereign citizens movement. A lot of them claim 98% of African Americans are  indigenous Americans and that Native Americans are Russian and Mongolian  denizens. This year they have begun to claim Hawaiian and Melanesian ancestry. If they are reported on Instagram or if you ask them to stop their claims they send trolls to your page. They call Hawaiian islanders horrific and dehumanizing slurs as they do the Native Americans. Sometimes 5-7 troll accounts without a profile pop up! One reall bad thing is they bad mouth Dr.Kittles and African American geneticist and Mr. Henry Louis Gates. Don't engage them.

There is already a thread named "Kerry Davis & African Americans Ain't African (was Is this another fraud group)":

I suppose they are the same people that is mentioned in the previous and the quoted post?

Offline educatedindian

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The African Americans ain't African movement and the Moorish Sovereigns team up to stalk and harrass Native Americans and  Indigenous Hawaiians online! I have reported them to Instagram and Instagram doesn't take action. I recently deleted my account for the second time. I don't feel safe. These people want to commit violence against Native Americans to the point I contacted an LAPD Chief to report the group: The Yashaharla Moors. The Yashaharla Moors claim to be Cheyenne Tribe. They dont pay taxes, run a private school from grades K5-12. They ask for donations online for their Teepee classrooms and for their legal fees from the city of Los Angeles. The leader of the group runs the Instagram pages of @chiefgad777 @yahishi777 as n 3 others. He teaches pseudo history on his pages and connects viewers to his ca$h app so they can make donations. Within his group are IT professionals, Private Investigators, CNAS and  LPNS. I know this mans real name but dont want to get kicked off of the forum so I won't day. I will say Chief Police Moore has been contacted of criminal enterprises my colleagues have information on. I am frightened for the Native American communities physical  safety throughout California.

I couldn't find anything on the Yashaharla group. "Chiefgad" only seems to show up on Twitter feeds. Could you point us towards anything of theirs online? His pages? The private school's name?

You also should look around and get to know how to post. Do a search before starting a thread. Go to Intros and tell us as much about yourself as you feel comfortable being public about.

Offline MelMir82

  • Posts: 7
Absolutely hold on.

Offline MelMir82

  • Posts: 7
Go to to find out information on the private school the Yashaharla Moors run. It is located in the Alameda county school district.

Offline MelMir82

  • Posts: 7
Its imperative that this group be listed as a group to be added to the Pretendian phony groups list. They are growing in numbers.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1476
Go to to find out information on the private school the Yashaharla Moors run. It is located in the Alameda county school district.

All five browsers I tried warn me that is potentially a dangerous phishing site, so no dice!

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1476
I couldn't find anything on the Yashaharla group.

Neither could I. Seems to be a misspelling for "Yasharahla Moors", which gives about 50 hits in my Google. Very many of them are videos, both on YouTube and several other sites. They all seem to be posted by one "kadashkushaiah7". The videos are so meaningless and incomprehensible to me that I will not link to any of them.

Several hits go to this site: — contents there also incomprehensible to me.

Offline educatedindian

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Many of them are posted by Brotha Haneef.

There's some historical photos that might confuse the unwary. But it's the same "Blacks are Israelites" expanded to "Natives and Latinos" are Israelites. They even claim the Danish and Dutch are.

Carlos Montez

Natasia Smeegal

Kadush Kushaiah

How many of them are central members and how many just naive and taken in and reposting is hard to say.


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"my-ob" stands for "mind your own business" on their site.

Here is a California school associated with :

yahishi777 Lost Tribes of Americas

Facebook Ahkayaha Ahayahaza links to both yahishi777 and

Is this group just one person and a few friends? They use Moorish sovereign citizen movement rhetoric but don't seem to be all that active. For instance I've not found a web site dedicated to their school. Their main web site is reported as possibly dangerous by various browsers and they've not fixed that.