"Why would you assume anyone in these photos is "clueless?"
You mean, more than you're being? ? :-?
Take a look at the photos. RS is clearly pretty uncomfortable doing a knockoff of Lakota ceremony, glowering at the candles.
"Why would you assume they are "yuppies?"
You're right, Ken. Clearly they are migrant farmworkers or West Virginia coal miners. ?

"Perhaps your use of such terms to catagorize people without knowing them is bigotry?"
Perhaps you've never known bigotry in your life. Then you wouldn't make such a foolish statement that shows you don't even know what it means.
"Is using the term "yuppie" any different than calling someone "Indian?"

Excuse me?
Once again, ?

I have no idea what you mean, and I doubt you do either.
You are, however, being very unintentionally funny. That's why your trying to sidetrack (yet again) another thread was moved to comedy.
"Do you feel calling people names advances your position that calling people names (shaman, Indian, etc.) is wrong?"
OK, clearly you need help with your writing skills. That looks like two sentences that you tried to turn into one.
One, calling them clueless is not a "name", it's an accurate description. Clueless is an adjective, not a noun.
Two, there are several threads already about the word shaman.
Three, where you get the idea that the word Indian is "name calling"?
"Is the person in the photos doing anything to degrade any culture?"

Once again, are you kidding us? Just how clueless are you? She's listed under Fraud for a reason.
"Why would you attempt to attack their beliefs and practices"
This is getting old. Look for our Nuage to Plain English Dictionary and see how you are mangling the language. Criticism does not equal "attack".
Ken, this makes at least four threads you've sidetracked with your inane cluelessness and offensive ad hominem attacks. Each time you've been warned. If it weren't for the entertainment value of your unintentional comedy, you'd be out of here.
This is your last chance, no more warnings.