Author Topic: Who is Janis Schmidt?  (Read 6762 times)

Offline Tsisqua

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Who is Janis Schmidt?
« on: January 29, 2008, 10:13:03 pm »
I was alerted to this via American Indians just wondering who this woman is and what gives her the right...please read below.

With respect,


Ignorance sure rears it's ugly head to those risking their lives for ours. I have been reading this womans site and I am totally amazed at her suing our Lakota brothers and sisters because they did not want HER teaching their young (that is for their OWN Elders to do), she sued the Lakota for not "allowing" her to live just anywhere she chose ON Pine Ridge. What gives??? She is to me the very worst of those non -native people who think they know our cultures better than we know them ourselves, and thinks herself an expert on all things. If a non-native wishes to help our people...there is no issue with that...but a non-native trying to force our people to be taught by her? Trying to force our people to allow her to live on our land??

It seems this woman thinks she have right to disrespect a Lakota Warrior, when she could not possibly understand that the Warriors codes of our Peoples are older than her people ARE a People. She wrote these things to Lakota Warrior, chastizing him for what she thinks she knows about our kind, thinking once again because she does a little handful,she has the right to tell the Lakota how to be "real" Lakota!

The following is just a little bit of what was sent to an active duty US ARMY LAKOTA SOLDIER who was injured in Iraq March of 2007. This soldier is very proud of his Oglala Lakota heritage, he helps the people in many ways and sets a positive example for young Lakota men. This person has sent many ignorant and negative emails to various Indian soldiers and lashes out ignorantly just stateing what she reads in the newspapers or in books. She, personally took her amendment rights too far for my liking when she lashed out at me, a Lakota Saudi Vet, this Lakota Army Soldier and others in which shes attacked all of us as WHOLE. in my opinion. L.Selwyn

Below are a few emails sent to the soldiers

Thanks. That's another one to add to our growing pile. First Russ with his amazing proclamation, now Banks with his amazing walk. Why wait 30 years for another attention-getting activity? Could this be related to John Graham's upcoming trial? Can we connect the dots? Or have we too, become the sheeple people, cowed into submission by the Tribe/BIA/FIA/ Public Safety/tribal court/federal gov syndrome? Is this the same old thing, played to a new tune? i.e., "How can we continue to screw over the real Indian, and go undetected? Aha! Let's pay the Indian, the sell-outs, the hangs-around- the-fort to set up their Indian brothers, and the hell with the Oyate. And let's cut off their voice, so no one knows what is going on." I wonder why I haven't heard from any of you, considering I am the only one in a position to expose all these bastards. And I paid a huge price. I sacrificed my life to bring you the truth. Is this the way a real Indian behaves? Otherwise I might have ended up like Anna Mae. But I didn't hear a peep or cluck out of the rest of you. You say you want justice. Do you think it's going to be handed to you? I was your last chance, and you stood silently by while, I was screaming for help and Harold Brewer and 10 of his armed police pushed me out of the Billy Mills Hall, pushed me into a police car, and took me to jail. And Fire Thunder closed down Black Hills P. News, and ran Robert Clifford off the reservation. And I was next. And I didn't hear a peep or cluck out of you. You stood silently by while Arlo was railroaded to prison. Not a peep or a cluck. What kind of Indian are you? Maybe you deserve what you got.

Second email......

I am sorry if I offended you. At least you did respond, that's a start. Where do you live? Were you a regular reader of Black Hills Peoples News? What do you know about AIM and the killing of Anna Mae? What did youdo for Arlo, to help prevent an innocent man from being sent off? What do you know about AIM's involvement in the killing of Anna Mae? What do you know about Anna Mae? Don't you know I was the only one fighting for Arlo? Oh, yes. None of you wanted to see him sent off. But what did you do about it?What about the civil rights organization I formed to help Indians..... ........yes, me a white woman did that. and I worked with Indians to teach them what their rights were, what to do, and not do when they get thrown in jail. I was asked by very grateful Indians to go to court with them, and I did. I went toe to toe and nose to nose with U.S. Attorneys and court appointed attorneys. I wrote letters to judges and governors on behalf of Indian inmates. What did you do? You just took orders to kill brown-skinned tribal people over in Iraq because the gov was paying you to do that. No offence, but just who are you and what did you do? I was so effective that I had an Indian call me just last week to help him with a charge against him. Now, that's what this white woman can do To read a little more, go to www.lakotaperspecti Thanks for the reply.
Janis Schmidt
418 Griffin St.
Warwick, ND 58381
jlschmidt@gondtc. com
(this is the person who wrote this) this is her site
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Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Who is Janis Schmidt?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2008, 12:18:19 am »
If I recall correctly, Janis Schmidt is a white woman who was involved with a Lakota man. He was a married man too. Anyway, she moved onto his property and now he  is gone and she refuses to move off the rez and has some whiny blogs about how nasty his wife id. Well, go figure, she was sleeping with a married man and she thinks his wife should like it??

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Who is Janis Schmidt?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2008, 09:53:50 am »
I've read everything I can find on this woman....and there seems to be alot out there.

This woman is seems to be nothing more than someone with way too many opinions regarding our people and how we should behave, no respect for the marriage union of two people and a large mouthpiece! How is this kind of thing permitted? This woman should be deeply ashamed of herself for addressing our people in such a way, yet we all can see there is no evidence of shame here. High horse and blowing ones own trumpet springs to my mind.

This woman clearly feels she knows better than all 'real' native people. She can live on the rez for 50 years...she will ALWAYS be a white woman, a white woman who seems to lack respect for our people unless it suits her.

People like this make my stomach churn and make me forget that I am a lady. She may claim to have done many good things for our people, and perhaps in her own way, she has, if so I commend her for that, yet anyone suing a nation for the right to live on their land and to teach our children, (which is the sole right of our people alone) is like something from many, many years ago when our lands were taken and our children were forced into white schools. She apparently fights for native/civil rights? Contradiction of terms perhaps?

I have alot more to say on this matter, unfortunately, not much of it is suitable to be printed here without heavy sensoring, so I will keep it to myself.

With respect and thanks,

There are no leaders in Unity