Author Topic: Yamassee Mt Ararat Embassy Clan AKA Mund Barafee Clan Guale  (Read 73758 times)

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2012, 08:41:16 pm »
In Hinduism, Yama or Yamar?ja (?????) is the god of death, belonging to an early stratum of Vedic mythology. In the Vedas,
and where is mt ararat

The Iran-Turkey boundary skirts east of Lesser Ararat, the lower peak of the Ararat massif. It was in this area that, by the Tehran Convention of 1932, a border change was made in Turkey's favour, allowing it to occupy the eastern flank of Lesser Ararat.[5]
Mount Ararat in Judeo-Christian tradition is associated with the "Mountains of Ararat" where, according to the book of Genesis, Noah's ark came to rest. It also plays a significant role in Armenian culture and irredentism.
THE YAMASEE WAR. By the turn of the eighteenth century many of the southeastern Indian tribes had become an integral part of the Carolina deerskin trade

variations in spelling but sounding the same

so the question is are the islam faith or other faiths hiding in usa as natives
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 08:44:39 pm by dabosijigwokush »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2012, 10:35:20 pm »
Not Muslims, just the Moorish science/Nation of Islam type nosense that has about as much in common with Islam as DeVinci Code has with the Catholoc church.

Found this Yamassee application for membership, is this the right Yamassee group?

There are no blood quantum requirement for obtaining Tribal Membership. A Sworn Affidavit that you have a descendant(s) of the Core Tribal Families :Yamassee, Mechica,Hopi, Mayan, Cherokee, Blackfoot, Seminole, Choctaw (Chata), Apalachee, Chickasaw,Washitaw, Creek, Any and All Freedman Rolls, Maroon,Tuscarora, Miccosuki, Hitchiti, Shoshoni, Californian,Gullah, Geechee, Lumbdeeand or the “ Dawes Roll”...

And or can Find a families members name on the Yamassee Roll:
Gentle,Rivers, Wright, Williams, Jones, Browns, Hicks, Sneeds, Mitchell, Wilson, Heath, Rayam , Turner, Washington, York, Robinson ,Underwood, Johnson,Simmons,Mays, Liston, Tucker, Jackson, Fletcher, Bellamy, Scott, Ross , Peck,Randolph, Daniels, Hayes, Smith. Morris, Farmer,Gibson,Butler, McGurn, Yahola,Fixico,Davis, Thompson, Harris, Green, Hall, Tillman, Epps, & More

Seminole, Miccosukee, and maybe Apalachee are the only peoples there once related to the Yamassee. Californian and Dawes Rolls aren't tribes. Neither are Freedmen, Maroons, Gullahs, or Geechees. Those were all groups of runaway or former slaves. Now there might be some of them that had NDN ancestry among those groups.

Hoping also they're not going by just last names. How many Browns, Smiths, and Williams are there in the US?
Your average high school freshman knows more about NDNs than this bunch.

Offline panther66

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2012, 02:53:22 am »
it really sounds as if hunting the Yamasee people is your full time job. i have stated over and over that there is a fraudulent group useing the Yamasee name. i guess its just not sinking in seems as if this group has a real problem with natives being dark skin. seriously. my enrollment info was excepted in gguess where.  a title 7 program. go figure

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2012, 12:31:19 pm »
It really is not sinking in for you:

You should be going to your actual relatives, Cherokee and Comanche, not "Yamasee." Just about anyone would prefer to learn from people who know the actual traditions. I'll take a family member over someone charging bucks to join a phony tribe anyday.

These phony charges of racism are silly. Plenty of actual Indian tribes have Black members, and plenty of actual Indians have Blacks as family members, such as myself and my Black Cuban wife.

Your "Yamassee" "tribe" is neither. It is a heritage club of people who don't know any better, and don't know the first thing about Indian history or culture.

The only difference between it and the York or Ararat groups is that they don't abuse their members. They mislead and lie just the same.

And guess what? Title 7, like most govt programs, accepts self identification as proof of being a minority. You would get Title 7 anyway, both for being Black and for being female. I'd guess the officials looked at the "enrollment" and said to themselves, "Whatever...If they feel like putting that down..."

I will bet you my last dollar that your "enrollment" will never get you a BIA scholarship or job.

Offline panther66

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2012, 08:59:33 pm »
it really seems like MY nation the Yamassee are continueing to be pushed into this bogus fraud catagory. even when we are acknowlaged over and over again. when its been stated time and again. that we are not connected to Dr. York and also that the only fee is for medical insurance for those who need care above and beyond IHS.But you continue to post nonsense about the Yamassee which is hearsay.  >:( its getting kind of old now. If the NATION charges for medical insurance cards and coverage for its citizens then thats our right to do so

Offline earthw7

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2012, 09:08:29 pm »
You are not a nation! you are a people a social group.
I am saying that your group is living a lie,
it has nothing to do with the Black descendant that
come from our tribal nation
it has to do with a makebelieve tribe who steal other people
culture and try to cookie cut it to fit some sort of belief
when all it is new age stuff.
a lie is a lie that is the bottom line
In Spirit

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2012, 09:58:22 pm »
The heritage/social club seems to fool people by confusing them that a historical people, long absorbed into other nations, is the same as this newly-created club. So people can yell about the Yamasee, without saying whether they are talking about the historical nation or the modern club, and it just confuses people more.

We are not confused here. We know the difference. The history is clear.

panther66, I'm wondering, how long have you been involved in this Yamassee group you are defending?

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2012, 04:34:18 am »
if you do not belive us check on 500 nations sight for state or fed tribes
or go to the
only thing i find is
208 The Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek Nation
c\o Mr. Malachi York (Last Known Address)
P.O. Box 707 (706) 484-0098
Milledgeville, GA 31061 FAX (706) 484-1923
Letter of Intent to Petition 4/27/1999

now letter of intent to petition, is only a notice of getting papers to send to the bia to petition for determination
there is no petition filed, there is no Declined Acknowledgment, there is no Referred to SOL for determination, there is no Legislative Recognition
so mr york has done nothing since 1999, so he must have nothing
and as to the other group there is nothing on file with any one but only on the internet
so what does that make them???
also that the only fee is for medical insurance for those who need care above and beyond IHS
the group must have  Legislative Recognition first and be on the rolls

Read more:

read it your self, then question them, dont be surprised it they get all angry at you for questioning them about authensity, most frauds get violent when questioned
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 05:14:52 am by dabosijigwokush »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2012, 10:32:39 pm »
I'm also wondering how many people are actually in this heritage club. The person who tried to put misinformation into the Yamassee article on Wikipedia claimed the group has 333 members. But it always seems to be the same two or three people who show up to discuss it online. While it's possible they have members in the group who aren't online, or don't like discussing it online, I'm getting the impression this is actually a rather small group.

On another site, one of the vocal defenders of this group created multiple user accounts (sockpuppets) in order to agree with himself. The impression I got was he was trying to make it look like there were more members in the group than there are (and he apparently didn't know admins can see his IP).

Offline scdog

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2014, 11:47:59 am »
I've met them the Yamassee , really humble people, just dealt a bad hand I think (the real ones aye shown in my grandsons 8th grade history book ) anyways the Sanders group Mt.ararat as educate indian calls them (lol) is still at it from what I have read in the previous post. Selling immgration to Mexican people to get into the United States ! How can this even be possible ? Why isn't law enforcement busting these guys doors down. Here is the link :

And it seems like the Citizens of Mexico are catching on to this scam, $2500 dollars a person! $50 a month, and Derrick Sanders , still walking around creating more organizations under different names to keep the fraud going! INDEED???? Can you say they are INDEED CRAZY! If they think about coming to Allendale with Lonzado Langley , we will be waiting, with handcuffs!
Loving native culture, and the true history of the original people!

Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2014, 11:38:03 pm »
SCDOG  You sound like are ill inform or you are align with Donald Franklin or you just maybe the Hidden Eagle that law enforcement is looking for.  I have live in Allendale all my life  the only people who have issues with law here is the Yamassee muskogee nation.  and there so called Chief.  There appears to alot of fraud with them and much information I have found on the web of court records.    do not even mention the bogus land deal of 2000 and the transfer of 60 acreas of land.  I am smelling alot of dog and chicken crap here.   How do one explain a tribal supreme court with  DOT trucking registration number.  That is amazing.

I also found information that subjects that  the so called yamassee muskogee is a spliter group of mount arafat.   It also looks like to me the Yamassee muskogee nation are nuwabians because they hosted a cermony for the nuwabians.   wow!!  I am just in aww  I am also told the so called chief who name is Donald franklin that calls himself Sekhu gentle   I walking around giving out masonic sign and hand shakes and he is not a traveling man. He even approach the local sheriff  with a sign and hand shake.  We  Masons do not take kindness to this.  Let's be clear on that. So whoever taugh time that is in dear trouble with the local lodge here.  However  he is known to be a moor as well. so that makes since to me.

Q: What about the Yamassee Nation in Florida claiming that you are a bogus Nation with charges being brought against you?

A: There is also another body politic that evolved originally from the/our Yamassee Nation, and is currently running its administration in the Florida/South Carolina areas; they are not a part of YNAAN. Their website is similar in name to ours,

This split occurred due to a family member dispute which exists to this day, and resulted in treason; as a result of rebelling against his father-in-law (Grand Chief Black-Hawk Thunderbird,) and against his own brother (Chief Golden Eagle Thunderbird), demanding to be the heir of the Grand Chief, (as opposed to Grand Chief’s son), we politely wished [Chief] Sekhu Gentle the best in his future endeavors, but unfortunately he chooses to be an embarrassment to us all as his accusations are emphatically easy to disprove, and he shows a total lack of verbal control, emotional control, and, above all, a loyalty to all indigenous people.

 When two persons, families, etc have a disagreement it’s just a disagreement, not a media campaign designed to make both parties look foolish. We apologize for even having to bring up our inner family dispute to the public, yet someone has to set the record straight and provide transparency. This matter is also being brought to court; this is how serious we are taking this matter. No one among us is in hiding, nor on the run, nor have the “feds” looking for us, nor anything like that. Competition should only be in a ball game, not nation building.  Unfortunately, and not to our surprise, there WAS yet another group of people misdirected by another former Yamassee Nation national who also committed treason, who tried to draft a check against the U.S. Postal Service due to a personal (not Yamassee), matter. Yet, the public and media maliciously associate him with our people in general.


A: No. With all the efforts against him, the allegations of criminal actions have all been proven false. We have contacted the U.S. Department of State and filed an agreement of authentication with them; why would we be committing crimes and going back to the same parties that can lock us up? If our “blue back” is so bogus, and contains fraudulent governmental officials signatures, why hasn’t Grand Chief Black-Hawk Thunderbird been arrested by the State of Georgia and/or the United States? Let’s use common sense to determine why not: nothing criminal has taken place.

A: Yes, he did; it’s a matter of public record. The Attorney General’s office made a bogus case alleging he was involved and responsible in a 22 counts of illegally making legal ducuments, of which was found to have no standing in court. So, to save face, the court ordered a permanent injunction that he should not teach the proper use of the IRS Form W-8BEN, which the IRS publicly makes available online. This injunction is currently being handled by our legal office, as the merits of the filing are based on the government’s desire to shut up a person exercising the right to free speech. To this day, since no one was in fact engaged in any illegal activity, no information has been given to the court as requested. Were there any persons back then claiming to be Yamassee who have had personal issues with the “authorities”? Yes, just as many U.S. citizens, and citizens of many other indigenous peoples’ do. In fact, there are a number of organizations currently headed by people with criminal backgrounds and the likes; while we acknowledge no one is perfect, and that past is “past”, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions on a person true ability to perform and carry out their task. With that being said, it’s truly immature to support the pot calling the kettle black.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2014, 12:10:37 pm »
The former "tribal judge" kicked out of their "tribal court" with a long list of alleged crimes, mostly a lot of smoke blown by delusional people.

But it does give a list of all the leaders of this scam outfit and their incredibly overblown titles. It must be a pain at meetings. Nobody can be called Bob or Mary. Everyone sounds like they pulled their titles from a mix of 1930s Hollywood racist movies, racist westerns combined with racist movies about Arabs.

Honorable Al-Bey Revocation of Court Position
Published by YamasseeTribe

Al-Bey (Honorable) Al Bey, esq, misnomer Legal Birth name GERREN ANTHONY MABON-KANE & Any derivative there of: Revocation of Position & Dis- Enrollment from Tribe, for dishonorable & unethical acts as a Official acting on behalf of the Tribal Court Position.
Tribal Executive order executed, By All members of the Executive Board. Signature not included but Voted telephonic: Lucinda Wright-Watson appointed Chair Person.


Grand Chief Se'khu Holam Hatchitulamiy Hadjo Gentle
Vice Chief Joseph Black Wing Falcon Curtis
Chairman Lucinda Morning Rain Wright- Watson Treasurer / GM Brenda Red Crow Webb S.O.S Darin Baker Dr. Derrick Watts
(Member)(Clan Mother)  Margret Maner
(Member) Clan Mother) Yolande Glusica (Member) Nanya Saliym Waller
(Member) Secretary -(Matron) Marquitta Gentle

Be it resolved, that on this date of August 20, 2013, the Yamassee Muskogee Nation / Yamassee Indian Tribe, has came together to forever dissolve and forever dismiss the Authority invested in Gerren Anthony Mabon-Kane, aka, [Honorable] AlBey Muhammed [Honorable Al Bey & Associates, Honorable Al Bey: J. L. Esq. &Affiliates], or any derivative thereof, or by any other name as he may use [i.e., AlMecca] [as on file], as the Tribal Chief Justice as well as the Position of ActingChairman of the Yamassee Muskogee Nation / Yamassee Indian Tribe.The reasons for this dissolution are listed as follows:

1.Conspiracy against the Tribe
2.Conspiracy against Tribal Members
3.Conspiracy through electronic devices
4.Threats against the Principal Chief
5.Threats against the Grand Matriarch
6.Fraudulent activities against the Tribe
7.Defamation of the Tribal name and standing
8.Issuance of false documents
9.Misuse of Tribal Position and Authority
10.Misuse of Tribal Funds
11.Violation of Oath of Office
12.Violation of Non Disclosure Agreement

Be it also resolved that if it is found that Gerren Anthony Mabon-Kane, aka,[Honorable] Al Bey Muhammed [Honorable Al Bey & Associates, Honorable Al Bey: J.L. Esq. & Affiliates], or any derivative thereof, or by any other name as he may use [i.e., Al Mecca] [as on file] has acquired a bank account in the Tribal name or any of its departments, issuance of any documents in regards to or for the Tribe, or act in any position of Tribal Justice, including mail, Automobile tags, issuance of “Unapproved” Tribal Law Enforcement Badges, ascertaining affiliation with the Yamassee Muskogee Nation / Yamassee Indian Tribe, will therefore require the Yamassee Muskogee Nation /Yamassee Indian Tribe to bring forth a Federal Order for Prosecution against him. Upon receipt of this Executive Order, all Tribal Seals shall be removed from any vehicle in the possession of Gerren Anthony Mabon-Kane, aka, [Honorable] Al Bey Muhammed[Honorable Al Bey & Associates, Honorable Al Bey: J. L. Esq. & Affiliates], or any derivative thereof, or by any other name as he may use [i.e., Al Mecca] [as on file], aswell as “Titles” to same to be removed as belonging to the Yamassee Tribal Court.Gerren Anthony Mabon-Kane, aka, [Honorable] Al Bey Muhammed [Honorable Al Bey& Associates, Honorable Al Bey: J. L. Esq. & Affiliates], or any derivative thereof, or  by any other name as he may use [i.e., Al Mecca] [as on file], and family are to be off of the Yamassee Indian Reservation within 72 hours of the date as first listed above. All Yamassee Tribal Identification card(s), as well as ALL files and receipts, are to be returned to the tribe before departure. By the signatures of the Executive Board Members [Members] below, be it forever resolved.

Principal Chief Sekhu Gentle
Grand Matriarch Chief Brenda Red Crow Webb
Clan Mother Margaret Maner
Prime Minister Nanya Waller
Chief Clifford Quiet Owl Webb
Chairman Lucinda Wright-

Yamassee Indian Tribe P.O. Box 693 Allendale, SC 29810: Office (803)702-9012

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2014, 10:00:30 pm »
also educatedindian. i am comanche on my DADS side but because he isnt on my birth certificate i cannot claim that. the same with the cherokee.both on my dads side. so i have every right to reasearch both. but i am not claiming anything. the yamassee came up via my mom and grandmother. there surnames were on the core family list. therefore i was able to enroll.
ahhhhhh.....TRIA ROBINSON.....the former cherokee, and choctaw, and seminole and relative to lakotas ......and hahaha lest we forget many tribes have you been over last 3 years?.......and lets see that cdib you claimed to possess just started claiming yamasee about a year ago.........self hating chicago waitress......funny you should pop up here......why dont you tell us how real indians are black and how you descended from olmecs?.........we have many laughs at your expense along now tria, go shave your moustache because you look like carlton from fresh prince of bel aire

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Yamassee "tribe" in trouble with IRS/Mt Ararat Embassy Clan
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2016, 03:49:20 am »
Hopefully this is in the right thread, since there are so many rival splinter Yamassee fraud groups.
WESLACO- Two people deceived many who are in the country illegally by selling them fake American Indian tribe certificates. They’re expected to go before a judge to learn their fate.

Humberto Reveles and Maria Isabel Lerma pleaded guilty in the case. The office where they conducted business was raided by federal authorities in 2014. It looked like a flower shop on the outside.

The office is where the Reveles and Lerma would conduct business, taking advantage of people in the country illegally. They sold documents to them for thousands of dollars, promising them citizenship.

Victim Francisco Preciado-Camacho came to the United States for opportunity, 20 years ago.

“I want to stay here, because I found chances to work and get money,” he said. “That’s the idea to come to this country.

Preciado-Camacho came to the U.S. on a tourist visa from Mexico. He said he ended up crossing paths with the man claiming to be with the Yamassee Indian tribe.

"I found the chance with this guy to be Native American,” he said. “Native Americans have more rights than the citizens and residents."

Preciado-Camacho paid $2,000 for fake documents and an ID. He thought they were real.

"This guy stole everywhere,” Immigration attorney Francisco Tipton said. “Poor people sold for everything to get the papers. Imagine a waitress, single mother with four kids. $6,000.”

Tipton said people coming to him were deceived by Humberto Reveles and Maria Isabel Lerma.

“They charge 2,000, 3,000, up to $6,000 at a time,” Tipton said. “They are saying once you belong to this Indian tribe, you’ll technically be in the United States. You'll be able to travel and work. That's not true."

CHANNEL 5 NEWS reached out to the Yamassee Indian tribe to see if they’re aware of the phony membership fraud. We are waiting to hear back from them.

Francisco Tipton recommends people who are in the country illegal to seek professional help.

Francisco Preciado-Camacho is currently staying with family, waiting to see what can happen next for him. He and his attorney are working to get him and the other victims U visas. Those are visas for people who fall victim to crime. The visa allows them to live and work in the U.S. for no longer than four years.

Humberto Reveles and Maria Isabel Lerma will be sentenced in April. Their case is ongoing.

Anyone who was a victim of these types of schemes should call 956-621-0413.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Yamassee Mt Ararat Embassy Clan AKA Mund Barafee Clan Guale
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2016, 04:03:59 am »
This group changed their name again, thus the retitling of the thread. Lots of bluster in their latest pronouncements.
rom the Desk of the SGC Black-Hawk H. Thunderbird Mund Bareefan Clan
Indigenous Native American Association of Nations, (MBCGY-INAAN)
Guale,Yamassee, Mechica, Creek, Seminole, Shushuni, Washitaw, Comanche et,al;
Date 4/15/2015
To: the Guale National Security Agency Mund Bareefan Clan Guale/Yamassee
GYNSA FRAUD ALLERT!!! Guale/Yamassee National Security Agency
To whom it may concern,
If there is a Yamassee Chief AND/OR TRIBE, CLAN OR NATIONAL who can produce a Superior
Claim “in fact” to our authority than in these presents, let him step forth in like fashion or “by
Order” of the “Supreme Grand Chief of The “Mund Bareefan Clan” Guale Yamassee et al, I/we
make “legal demand” that you stand down or face legal action.
If there are Entities using any form of our name, that name being, “Mund Bareefan Clan
(formerly called MT. Arafat Embassy Clan) Yamassee Native Americans Original Guale, Yamassee,
Cherokee, Mechica, Creek, Seminole, Washitaw, Comanche, et al” or the like there of”; and
entities using names such as “The Official Government of Yamassee Native Americans” while
using our names and/or logos; or the At-Sit-Hatka clan; or The Yamassee Nation and/or any
other misleading wordings and/or any of our legal instruments or templates do so without the
endorsement of the Supreme Grand Chief of The Mund Bareefan Clan Guale/Yamassee. You
are hereby directed to stand down or face legal action.
Your question may be who is the U.S. Authenticated and Officially acknowledged Yamassee
Indigenous Government of Yamassee people of Mund Bareefan.
Federal acknowledgement of: Mund Bareefan Clan (formerly called MT. Arafat Embassy Clan)
On February 11, 2004, the Authentication office for The U. S. Department of State annexed on
behalf of The United States, authenticated documents, instruments and text drafted by
Supreme Grand Chief of MBCGY-INAAN. This action is in accord with…

[Six pages of empty claims about UN documents and treaties follow.]

Chiefs of tribes/clans currently affiliated with MBCGY-INAAN:
There are to date no other Yamassee Clans/tribes
directly associated with our Association if not listed below.
Supreme Grand Chief Black-Hawk Thunderbird – Mund Bareefan Clan Guale
Supreme Grand Matron Red Silver Fox Thunderbird – Mund Bareefan Clan Guale
Principal Grand Chief Golden Eagle Thunderbird – Mund Bareefan Clan Guale
West Coast
Principal Grand Chief Redtail Hawk Thunderbird – Mund Bareefan Clan Guale
East Coast
Big Chief Big Oak Thunderbird (Nebenl) – Basa Tribe Yamassee Native
Chief Strongbone Thunderbird (Moshe) – Black Eagle Clan Yamassee (New York)
Chief Justice Navin C. Silver Cloud Naidu, Mund Bareefan Clan

Principal Chieftess Farrah Muhammad – Basa Tribe Yamassee Native Americans
Shaman Sacred Feather (Surgeon General- Clan Mother) – Mund Bareefan
Guale (Georgia)
Yvonne Johnson – Mund Bareefan Council Clan Mother
Nabiyla Muhammad – Mund Bareefan Council Clan Mother
Sarah Muhammad – Mund Bareefan Council Clan Mother
Asia Muhammad – Mund Bareefan Council Clan Mother
Nataki Thunderbird – Mund Bareefan Clan Guale Council Clan Mother
Isis Amona Ma’at – Mund Bareefan Yamassee Council Clan Mother
Chief Angel Ruiz Taino/Yamassee, Chief of Security, Southwest Region
Wanda Cepeda Taino/Yamassee, Director of Tribal Affairs-Clan Mother,
Southwest Region
Chief Daniel Casas – Comanche Clan (Nevada,)
From the Desk of the SGC Black-Hawk H. Thunderbird Mund Bareefan Clan
Indigenous Native American Association of Nations, (MBCGY-INAAN)
Guale,Yamassee, Mechica, Creek, Seminole, Shushuni, Washitaw, Comanche et,al;
Chief Silverwolf (Warren Morse) – Mund Bareefan Clan (San Francisco tribe)
Shaman Shantam Nityama – Mund Bareefan Clan (San Francisco tribe)
Principal Chieftess Rosalva Castillo – Mechica Yamassee (Arizona, Utah)
Principal Chief Tehuti – Mund Bareefan Clan Yamassee (Kentucky tribe)
Clifford Soaring Eagle Williams - Mund Bareefan Yamassee (Tichibane – Silver
Lion Clan)
Principal Chieftess Norma Maximo “Thunderbird” – Mechica Yamassee (Passaic,
Shariyf – Chief of Security Black Eagle Clan Yamassee

Bolded Naidu's name. He has a long history of being a fake judge for militia groups. Before he was part of the Little Shell Pembina militia. The guy's EAST Indian, and started off as a legal advisor for coup leaders in Fiji.