Author Topic: Robert Franzone, dead.  (Read 17038 times)

Offline debbieredbear

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Robert Franzone, dead.
« on: January 27, 2006, 05:37:19 pm »
1947- Dec. 21, 2005)

December 23, 2005

Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf made his transition into his beloved spirit-world in the early morning hours of Solstice, December 21, 2005, while visiting his daughter in Oakland, California.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Or is he...?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2006, 06:03:20 pm »
Ufo nuts are notoriously paranoid but I thought I'd post this for completeness' sake: maybe he's right.

Dead Wolf in the Middle of the Road
(and it still stinks to high heaven)

For a laugh, check out the same site's Message to the Indian Nations. Even though he nailed Franzone (I suspect thanks to Mike Two Horses) he's still barking mad.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Robert Franzone, dead.
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2006, 06:54:36 pm »
A couple things strike me. This photo doesn't look much like the other ones of Franzone. Seems his health was amazingly poor, judging by photos taken over time.
The one he used repeatedly on most websites:
And a more truthful one showing him looking incredibly wasted from who knows what.

52 is amazingly young for a would be "elder" to die, esp one who claimed to have the cure to so many of ailments as Franzone did.

The conspiracy nuts are going into overdrive over his death.

And some other strange things. At the bottom:
"Ghost Wolf's name has appeared on websites for the World Health Organization Washington State without his permission....was involved with the original conception...with Dr. James Dussault who passed over under still very questionable circumstances."

Could be that the chickens came home to roost.

Also from the site Barnaby posted:
"died while visiting his daughter".
Wonder if this was the same one he beat, along with the mother the Nuage author. I can't even imagine what it must be like to have such a man as father.

"We have established a memorial fund to assist the family with these unexpected expenses."
If that's his "spiritual" family, seems they can't resist the chance to make a buck off their beloved leader's death.
If that's his actual family, seems he went through the money he made on one scam after another.

"His vast works will remain available on the internet for years to come."
Yep, his "spiritual family" needs the money no doubt.
If he'd passed on and left well enough alone, as Wallace Black Elk did, then it might be time to take down the warnings. Unfortunately since his inner circle seems determined to continue the hustle, these warnings have to stay up.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Robert Franzone, dead.
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2006, 07:18:48 pm »
The buddy of Franzone alleged to have died mysteriously.

And here comes the craziness.
By Dr. P. Bradley Carey....
From the time of the death of Dr. James Dussault, the founder of the World Natural Health Organization, our organization has been the target of a very small group of disinformationists. First they attacked the work of Dr. James Dussault and then his reputation with nothing backing up their false claims and with full knowledge that the facts and truth showed them to be in error. Their latest attack was to try to discredit some of our members and the organization which Dr. James Dussault himself founded. Again, they base their claims on nothing more than falsehoods that they themselves have created."

A court case involving "Bishop Doctor" P Bradley Carey claiming child molestation.

Bio & photo.

Just when you thought things surrounding Franzone could not get weirder or sicker....