Author Topic: Calling All nations: Water and belonging conference in Sonoma State CA  (Read 10101 times)

Offline Shasta RB

  • Posts: 11
Anyone heard of this event taking place on October 12? It seems to have some authentic native folks involved but very heavily has New Age like appearance.

Anyone plan to attend this event? There are some known persons on their agenda that i would claim are frauds and exploiters of native culture.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Calling All nations: Water and belonging conference in Sonoma State CA
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2013, 08:43:32 pm »
I am horrified that some reporters who really should know better have posted this. There are all sorts of pay to pray exploiters involved, a number of whom have threads here.

This event is free, but the exploiters use these events to bolster their own images as people who sometimes don't charge, then they use these large events to recruit followers for their pay to pray scams.

I need more evidence to be certain, but a couple of the frauds involved in this may be running background checks on people who sign up for their events, finding out who has cash to burn, and then pulling them aside to flatter them with the great spiritual potential they see in them, urging them to pay for more and more seminars and private sessions. Until their money runs out and they turn to the next batch who "have great spiritual potential" (ka-ching!).


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Re: Calling All nations: Water and belonging conference in Sonoma State CA
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2013, 03:51:10 pm »
This organization seems to be behind it:

Stargate Mystery School.  Yikes!  Only $2,700 for the program.

Offline Shasta RB

  • Posts: 11
Re: Calling All nations: Water and belonging conference in Sonoma State CA
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2013, 08:53:34 pm »
Thanks for that Autumn, im also trying to figure out if there is support from the University. Either they are renting the space if its on campus or someone might be providing the space for free?


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Re: Calling All nations: Water and belonging conference in Sonoma State CA
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2013, 05:12:49 am »
Thanks for that Autumn, im also trying to figure out if there is support from the University. Either they are renting the space if its on campus or someone might be providing the space for free?

The flyer states the location as "Commencement Lawn, Rohnert Park, California, Sonoma State University" so I imagine they would have to get some sort of approval from the university.

The person who is behind the Center for Sacred Studies and the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers is Jyoti (Jeneane Prevatt) mentioned several times on this forum but largely on this thread: