We've said it before and I'm going to say it again: Many of these frauds, exploiters, and other sorts of scammers and ceremony-sellers are very clever at this grift. If they weren't skilled at conning people, they wouldn't still be at it. Of course they know what they are, and they are skilled liars. Of course they are going to put up disclaimers and even essays claiming that they are not "shamans" or ceremony-sellers or whatever else it is they don't want to be called out on being.
And then they go right ahead and sell fake healings, Harner-style "shamanic" journeys, misappropriated, dangerous fake ceremonies, spiritual tourism where these things are available for a fee, and whatever else the marks will pay for.
And when busted, they point to these things on their websites and attempt to gaslight people, saying, "Oh, no! I'm totally against that! You must have heard wrong! That person is out to get me! etc etc etc etc."
It's a bunch of bullshit. Don't promote their lies here.