General > Frauds
Robin Powell AKA Robin Youngblood
Robin Powell
her parents Bryon Powell and Charlotte Irene Van Volkenburg
her maternal grandparents Neil S Van Volkenburg and Cuba Otence Youngblood
She claims her Youngblood line has distant Cherokee.
As for her Okanagan heritage claim, I think she simply has lived in Okanagan county.
--- Quote from: debbieredbear on September 17, 2006, 12:29:04 am ---
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Do not click on any of all the links going to this domain! They now redirect to phishing sites. (Warning from "Microsoft Defender SmartScreen" when using the Microsoft Edge browser.)
She is still quite active, in a number of venues, and this seems to be her newest attempt at a Native American biography (no more any Cherokee connection, though):
--- Quote ---Robin Youngblood
December 8, 2022 ·
By blood, I'm primarily Sylix from the Okanagan nations, and adopted Ojibway, Lakota, Cree by Hunka ceremony. But I wasn't raised on the rez, and my training came from Elders from all those nations. I agree with you about cultural appropriation of language, and homogenization of cultures. Yet, AIM did this a lot in the early years. Our peoples shared their traditional ways. For instance, I pour water for Quil'sten, our traditional lodge. I've also been passed the bundle for Inipi. I only do Inipi with other Sundancers because it belongs to my Lakota relatives. I was taught to honor each way, and not to mix Medicines.
At the same time, my heart is heavy with some of our own misunderstanding about cultural appropriation. We've culturally appropriated from the settlers since they arrived. All those beautiful beads on our modern regalia? They came from Chzekoslovakia, India, Africa. We originally mixed rocks and minerals, used bones and teeth from the animals we hunted, or bored shells and porcupine quills. The pots, pans, mirrors, sewing tools we use? They come from wyt traders, and we appreciated them, so we use them. I found my Great Grandmother's old bone needle and horsehair thread in a medicine bag beaded with #6 Chzeck beads on black there's a cultural mix.
Our languages are important. I come from a stolen generation that never learned my language. Oh, I know a few words and phrases, but now in my 70s, I'm not going to get to be a fluent speaker. However, in my homelands, we had Chinook, a trade language composed of Columbia River tribal words and phrases, including words from English, French, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Hawaiian, Spanish, and several non local tribes like Paiute, Nez Perce, Kurok, etc, etc. It was used to trade up and down the west coast and inland to beyond the Kootenais. We also used Indian Sign Languages, both Siouxian and Coastal.
And because I learned from so many different nations, I've learned words like Winkté, Heyoka, etc, and their true meanings. Each tribe has their own words and definitions of certain roles and identities. Pueblo tribes have Koshares, similar in a few ways, yet different from Heyokas. Each needs to be respected for their true meaning. None need to be homogenized as 'pan-indian'. There is no such thing.
The story I was told is that long ago each tribe was given a piece of wisdom, and certain ceremonies to carry and protect, until the time when we could all come together to share and honor each, in order to mend the Sacred Hoop. The wisdom and Ceremonies are unique, not to be blended, but to be understood for the teachings each contains.
I see these days as that time...not to argue, but to celebrate our uniqueness, and honor each tradition, no matter what culture or color it comes through. I pray we all learn to live in respect for what each path offers.
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Another self-presentation at
--- Quote ---Rev. Robin Youngblood
Reverend Robin Tekwelus Youngblood is the founder and director of Church of the Earth, established in 2006 to address the current needs of the Children of Mother Earth. Since then, Rev. Robin has helped to establish Church of the Earth communities in several locations.
Of Okanagon/Tsalagi lineage, Robin is a minister, teacher, author, artist, and a shamanic practitioner/healer. She has been a student of her heritage for many years. She has learned the sacred teachings of Indigenous elders from her own Native American tribes, along with Siberian, Polynesian and Aboriginal elders.
As a Shamanic Minister and healing practitioner, Robin offers Soul Retrieval, Aura Cleansing, Cord-Cutting, Crystal Healing, and Soul Readings. Rev. Robin travels the world, offering Workshops, Medicine Wheel Constellations, and Dance to Heal the Earth, as well as facilitating ceremonies such as Sweat Lodge and Vision Quest.
Rev. Robin is a Wisdom Keeper, who is invited to share and offer ceremonies in several countries. She is also Traveling Ambassador for Grandmothers Circle the Earth, and helps establish Grandmother Circles and Councils wherever she travels.
Since 2012, Robin has circumnavigated the earth four times, sharing teachings and ceremonies. As a graduate of Barbara Marx Hubbard’s “Agents of Conscious Evolution” training, Robin is a Guide for the Wheel of Co-Creation, a method of working with others to co-create sustainable lifestyles that honor Mother Earth and All Our Relations.
You can find Robin on Facebook, at Dance to Heal the Earth and Shamanation , where Robin and other Wisdom Keepers from around the world offer teachings. Robin is author of “Path of the White Wolf, An Introduction to Shamanism” with Sandra D’Entremont, as well as several music CDs.
Ministers of Church of the Earth are located in Hawaii, the U.S., South Africa, and Europe. All our ministerial work is through Church of the Earth. No one is turned away due to economic hardship. If you are interested in a workshop, course, retreat, or any of Church of the Earth’s gatherings and ceremonies, and have a financial hardship, please contact Church of the Earth. We’ll see how we can help.
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Links from there: >
Thanks for posting this Sparks. I remember Piff and I trying to figure out her genealogy back in 2015...? I went back to our PMs from 2015 and decided to take another look at Robin Powell. has come a long way since 2015. They now include a lot of marriage certificates and state censuses. Also historical information about who's who in the pacific northwest.
Now, I did find a relative of Robin Powell from around 1800 who was an Okanagan Indian in Oregon state territory census. It only had a first name for her which is normal for that time. Her daughter who was born in 1824 has 1/2 Indian Okanagan in the ethnicity column. I did the math and this would make Robin Powell 1/64..? Keep in mind this is a preliminary search, but I'm pretty sure these people are her relatives. Her family has a very long history in Oregon as well as Robin Powell. Her family lineage very impressive. I don't know why she doesn't acknowledge this. Sad.
This is a work in progress, so it may take a while.
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