Author Topic: Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga  (Read 30326 times)

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Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« on: November 14, 2008, 03:17:03 am »
This man is a "student" of Red Elk. Yes I know all about Red Elk but I need to know if anyone knows of this man, He goes by the name "Nâxiksewahiga - hEyOkA Elder" at this website, He also goes by the name Coy Dog. I am, as are other's having a problem with this man, because he has stolen personal Photo's that have been made into backgrounds, and has been reported for them but there are other people who have been taken in, used and abused by this man and I just needed to know if there was anything anyone could tell me about him. He claims Sokaogon Ojibwe or The Mole Lake Anishinabe (Chippewa), but is supposed to be "Heyoka"??? I'm sorry but his name is Marcus Werner and has used Cherokee Terms yet when he was on Yahoo 360, not once did he ever claim to be Native, and he is a wrinkled old white man, who is involved deeply with Red Elk and refers to him as his "Elder"

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

"Member of the Sokaogon Ojibwe or The Mole Lake Anishinabe (Chippewa).level three juggler of the Binenhshiinh clan and Intertribal Heyoka Elder. Hold a masters in Theology from Southeastern Theological seminary and Master's in Environmental Education from UW-Stevens Point. In short a Environmental Evangelist.
Been a Professional Wildlife Photographer since 1984. Three books and thousands of national magazine covers. Life member of NANPA and OWAA. Rated the top nature and wildlife photographer in America for publication work in 2002,03 and 2004. My uncle and Grandfather taught me to track wildlife and trap at a early age. Those lessons I use today in tracking the natural order. My files are filed with over one million marketable wildlife images from every state. My experiences capturing those images used in balance with the natural world. Besides writing and marketing I Combine environmental issues with theological and Native American practices. This site a reflection. Walk, then talk your game......... I garden 90% of my food crop and raise the meat we eat. We raise medical herbs and maintain prairie gardens. We practice daily the things taught. Please leave the hot air and bullshit elsewhere...... Just another Ecological Indian..dogmatic. If you fear the Thunder- leave in peace. ................................................................................."

[Al's note, just retitled the thread.]
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 11:47:28 am by educatedindian »

Offline GhostBear

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Re: Need Help
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2008, 03:31:05 am »
He has used Mark, Mark S and Markus Werner.  He had, supposedly. a wildlife photography website that has been shut down due to nonpayment according to the designer.  Very little comes up when you Google his name, most of it being related to Red Elk's group.  He likes using veiled threats and intimidation towards those who question or challenge him.

Offline JimYoungbird

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Re: Need Help
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2008, 04:40:11 am »
If he is quoting "Red Elk" and calling him a mentor and a friend (his words on his site) he can only be a twinkie at best and an abusive fraud at worst.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2008, 09:16:38 am »
He seems pretty dim. That's not even counting the nonsense of claiming to be a "Heyoka elder". Contraries tended to be the young warriors. And Heyokas are Lakota, not Anishnaabe. Also claims to be something else nonexistent, "intertribal elder."

If you go to his blog, you'll see photos of what look like an overweight white man dressed in a superman and camouflage t shirt. I swear I'm not making that up. This seems to be Werner, surrounded with others whose NDN ancestry, if they have it, is obviously very mixed.

There's also quite a lot of apocalyptic Christian ideas that he probably got from "Red Elk."  He even quotes Pat Robertson at his most bigoted  (a book where he blamed Jews for the New World Order) and the even greater bigot, the infamous John Hagee.

One site says his name means, "He Who Scares Someone." He shows up on some borderline survivalist or back to the land sites.

And a site where they claim to be Cherokees.

Perhaps it's Red Elk's bunch. A drum circle on youtube. One comment said they are all whites except one.

By and large they seem to be mostly lost people, PODIAs or wannabes who hang out on Multiply and get petty and vicious if NDNs dare criticize them, and go to their silly drum circles and "powwows" with very few people.

If he's Sokaogon, it'd be fairly easy to check.

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2008, 02:37:58 pm »
Thank You EI and Jim, I appreciate your take on all of this and rest assured that I will do everything in my power to rectify this. He has personally threatened family members of mine when they finally woke up and smelled his "moccosins" so to speak and yes, he is very abusive now because he has been in question and challenged.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2008, 06:32:55 pm »
Kathryn he has me blocked because I did confront him on his being a Fraud and a Fake and the background that he is using is the personal background that I made and COPYRIGHTED from 2 photo's I had personally taken. So I cannot even see his photo albums but I already know that the majority of the photos he has in there that he claims to have taken ARE NOT His, He stole them and some of them just happen to be belonging to my Photography Mentor Sumio Harada, who is well aware of what has happened and is pursuing it on his end.

Offline JimYoungbird

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2008, 06:43:25 pm »
I confronted him in his comments area and he responded by calling me an "A@@Clown". Told him if he wasnt lakota, then he cant be a heyoka, so hes obviously a fake. You can see that he surrounds himself with psycofants and hangers-on. Another twinkie with a dream.

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2008, 06:45:16 pm »
Thank You Jim......I do hope you know I appreciate it and I am very glad that you made your presence known.

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2008, 06:53:57 pm »
EI This link,

 is one of the persons that was abused by Coy Dog as were her children. He lives not too far from her and has threatened the family. She has just learned of all of his doings however having the gut feeling just ignoring it. Until recently, she, like a lot of other's were blinded. She is handling the legal aspect of it in her home town, and I honestly believe and realizes the grave mistakes made not only by this man, but the ones she made also.

Offline bonestyx

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2008, 10:26:06 pm »
Here's an interesting quote from one of comments sections on his site:

hEyOkA means clown. Or a backwards way of approaching life. I started out in theological seminary and then spend 25 years across America relearning as I listened to wildlife speak to me. I captured there photos and used the money to support myself. But the messages where getting burned into my spirit. Then I lost my wife to a drowning. It was a personal awakening. But not once did I forget I'm a voice for wildlife. Now its time to use those lessons to educate.
Pennywise reminds me not all clowns are funny. My message isn't so funny , nor the price I paid to receive it. I believe , It's the energy that gets me out of bed each morning.

And what's with the Cavalry cap ( Does he think Custer died for his sins or something?  :D

Offline bonestyx

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2008, 10:30:57 pm »
And here's another telling shot:

Is it me, or are they praying to that bottle of Wild Turkey?

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2008, 11:13:45 pm »
I am so laughing at you bones.....Thank You I like your style! :D

Offline GhostBear

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2008, 09:27:14 pm »
Any more info found out on this individual?  He's really giving us crap for posting his copyright violations.  I have written to the Mole Lake band to see if they can provide any information.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Need Help- Markus Werner AKA Naxiksewahiga
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2008, 01:26:33 am »
His buddy "Red Elk" was harassing a NAFPS member. So she got his account deleted. If he's sending harassing emails, you could do the same. If he's just being foulmouthed and abusive on his own site, there's less that can be done unless it violates the site owner's TOS. But copyright violations almost certainly violate the TOS of just aobut every server.

It certainly proves he's no elder, just an older man with the mouth and mind of a young kid who thinks four letter words make him sound adult.