Author Topic: 2012 Spiritual Planetary Summit Yukatan Mexico - Nah Kin  (Read 5504 times)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
2012 Spiritual Planetary Summit Yukatan Mexico - Nah Kin
« on: April 02, 2012, 08:32:01 am »
I discovered this site whilst checking out information about one of the special guests, a woman called Jan Dael, who runs some highly dubious looking "Goddess" trainings for women and young girls in Mexico.

a video of Dael's Goddess school here (I think that the youtube channel may also be hers)

her dodgy looking (IMO) website is here

the bio for her on the 2012 Spiritual Planetary Summit site reads as follows:
Jan Dael, was born a day in May, under the sign of Gemini, in Mérida Yucatán. She was a girl that showed different behaviors and attitudes during her first months. At age 4, she said, she was in Atlantis, and Egypt, as in example, she appointed data of years and real personalities in the history of Egypt. She told that a change was coming, and that she came to help and heal people.

She put together her hands generating energy, and applied it on people, saying that this way it is possible to heal. She felt and saw the death of a close relative, that nobody knew he was dead. She said, she saw him and he asked for forgiveness and tried to approach, later, the family verified that indeed that relative had died.

She sees and speaks with angels and energetic beings, and predicts many of the things that happen later. Moreover, she seems to read the mind of the adults around her, to whom she tested to see if they said the truth, a seeming childish game that spoke of her mental power, but for adults that surrounded her, reflected a rebel and threatening girl... In addition, she was able to use telekinesis powers occasionally, something that scared people so she avoided the practice.

At the age of ten she requested her mother to contact with Tibetan monks, who she feels that they telepathically called her and wish to contact them, she felt where they were and finally they contacted them.

Jan Dael reads books like sucking them, she seems to be a true sponge that sucks knowledge and assimilates it quickly, and with great clairvoyance powers.

School used to bore her, she understood quickly everything, and she was distracted. The way of studying she had when she was in 4th grade in primary school, was to record in a cassette the questionnaire for her exam a day earlier and to sleep listening to it, the next day she passed the exam and never studied again.

She quickly realized that the majority of people did not believe in superior and spiritual things and that they feared even if she told them that they saw their aura, or past lives or their Angel, so she stopped talking of this with everyone, and kept it for herself, her teacher and her mother, and with the others she seemed to be a more or less normal girl, but she was never a simple girl.

She was a girl surrounded by adults, only daughter, in a rather traditionalist family, but with a mystical and advanced, intuitive, sensitive mother who believed her and tried to communicate with her daughter, achieving a relationship of friends, as well as mother and daughter.

During her childhood and adolescence, there were several occasions where she saw and felt presences that were not always so harmonious. Without the corresponding help, she only tries to protect herself on her own way.

She was a mature girl and had an adult attitude, many people in her family called her “Dwarf”, because they said that she seemed as a small adult.

She was a little strange and quite different girl, who liked to be alone, in her own world, but at the same time she loved to be with adults, who she always surprised by giving them even tips for their life. An extremely sensitive girl who sought to be heard and respected equally, and not as a minor, which was not always possible, causing a little bit of frustration, but she always felt protected and understood by her mother.

Jan Dael, likes to help people, and always felt the desire to give to those who were in need, she was able to give away, without permission, her mother’s or family’s things to the maids of her house, and felt bad when she used new clothes or shoes if the maid’s daughter or her best friend at school, daughter of divorced parents, did not have new clothes or shoes just like her, so she asked her parents, to buy clothes for her and her friends.

She had a strange combination of character, a native leader, charismatic, sociable, with ease of speech and belief, strong, sometimes confrontational, and at the same time mature, sensitive, altruistic, connected with her interior and with the nature, willingly for lonely spaces and contact with the water for long periods of time.

A teacher recognized her in her childhood as the embodiment of someone in the past that shared a great message and until today had not been recognized. He began to teach her how to handle her mind. At that time it was a relief for her family because Jan, already had a stronger mind and could do different things with it. Psychological tests showed that she was a developed being with an above normal coefficient, calling the attention of psychologists of the United States who wanted to take her to be trained in special places, to which her mother did not accept.

Her mother led Jan with love and understanding, only guided by her intuition and little training. It was until the age of 15 that they explained that her daughter was an Indigo being.

Jan Dael, continued with her teacher until she was 15 years old. The separation came, and she had to continue her way of learning on her own.  She was asked to join different lodges, but her mother did not accept. When she was 15 she already handled perfectly meditation, mind control, auto hypnosis, programming, mental screening, the pendulum, and the knowledge of the mind and the spirit as well as spiritual historical secrets.

She had a permanent internal dialogue with God and never wanted to have contact with other angels, teachers or guides, explaining that God is everything and we don’t need any other contact, if everything is possible with him.

At the age of 13 she contacted with mother Earth with all sense, the power of the feminine, dances to femininity, and connection and power of the mother or goddess.
She gave the first circles of femininity in Mexico as a priestess of Ixchel goddess.

Jan Dael knows perfectly who she is and why she has come, but at around 19 or 20 years old she tried to open more to people outside, and leave a little aside the spirituality, thinking that she would give classes and conferences one day when she got older. But the synchronicity of the universe caused her to be again in this and to reconnect herself in a stronger and definitive way when she was around 23 years old... emerging from nowhere the possibility to teach people outside.

Then she finished his college career in Graphic Designing and Advertising, she began to write her first metaphysical novel, “Bethany” that was about soul mates, and how to find out who we really are. She became recognized with this on the spiritual media, causing great success and emotion with a course entitled “You're energy, learn how to use it”, with incredible revelations explained so easily. This caused a revolution and she had course after course in different places of the Republic of Mexico, teaching that there is no hierarchy, we are one, we all have the same power, and also incredible things like telepathy, healing without rituals, dimensional gates, etc.

Then, she formed an organization called Mayan Zone; she called it like this because when she was born her mother channeled a poem that seems to say what she came for, and where they called her Mayan Princess. Years later her teacher recognizes her as the Blue Rose.
She named her organization like this acknowledging the message that the Mayans have left and her relationship with them, using as well the word Zone, which represents a non specific sector of people who get in and wake up. She convinced her mother to finally awaken the hidden gifts as an old priestess, making her part of the Mayan zone organization.

By that time she wrote her second book, “Mantis, the Sacred Union” where she already projected herself as an active and awaken spiritual teacher, teaching about sacred sex, Angels of the Earth, Chakra healing, telepathy, Indigos, new age and more... At the same time at a seminary, she met the one, who later, would become her husband. He is a sensitive being, a spiritual teacher and current therapist, and in less than three months they married, recognizing each other as soul mates, having a spiritual, loving, and harmonious relationship, and working together to awaken humanity from the dream. Right on the balance of the two pillars, father and mother, up and down, positive and negative....

Writer, lecturer, Indigo, guide, teacher, friend, sister, women and wife... Her articles were published in various magazines, such as BCM, and The Finder among others, as well as magazines from Spain and conferences at National Exposures, radio and television.

Jan Dael, is still giving courses on spiritual master,, writing articles, giving lectures,  circles of women, workshops, initiatory journeys, meditation with the Moon, weddings and christenings as well as courses of the awakening of the consciousness, along with her husband who works with channeled therapies by him. Both of them spread the message that we are all one.

source: Dael.html

I do not have time to C&P all the names of the other guests but they fall into 3 categories, the first seem to be newagers, the 2nd are called "Traditional Leaders" (plastic shamans?) and the 3rd are *cough* "Representatives of the Solar Mayan Wisdom".

source: Guests.html

I have to say that this event is ringing all kinds of alarm bells for me.  

ah just discovered a link to this site Kinich Ahau, dedicated to "expanding the Maya Sacred Knowledge , as a transcendental tool to stimulate the development and expansion of the consciousness of human beings"

It seems that Nah Kin is the founder of the 2012 Spiritual Planetary Summit

the about Nah Kin page has the following text: (translation from Spanish via google)
Mother Nah Kin
In Maya :: means ::
Nah: Mother, home, home Kin: Sun
Its translation is "Mother Sun ", the One who receives Solar Wisdom. Which contains the Sun
She represents to the lineage of the Ahaukines (Solar Priests) , the loving mother that surrounds your vibration and happily shares what he has received from the direct source of wisdom, is a living symbol of total dedication in fulfilling the PURPOSE DIVINE. Is a disciple of Master Kinich Ahau and duality sacred because it shares ONE HEART with EL.

Mother NAH KIN - Eugenia Casarin
He was born on September 6, 1961 in the port city of Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, the site where he was last seen Quetzalcoatl.
He graduated as BA in Social Psychology at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa unit. Make a Masters in Social Psychology in the unity of Graduate Studies of the University of México.Cursos Specialization "Brief Psychotherapy and Systemic Therapies" at the UNAM.

Born with "waking vision" and developed extrasensory perception, widely supported by his grandmother Camilla (midwife-healer) who explained, from an early age, dealing with the subtle forces and gave him, at age 7, the transmission shamanic .

At 14 contacts the Universal Great Brotherhood, founded Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere, which delves into the practice of yoga, meditation, vegetarianism and spiritual in nature studies. His whole life has been absolutely dedicated to raise their spirit through different systems or techniques, now she has reached the highest recognition among be a VENERABLE SAT ARHAT, or 6th grade of Sacred Tradition Initiatic, consecrated on 1 May 2010 Uxmal Ceremonial Center by the Venerable Sat Arhat Felipe Guevara Moran and the Venerable Sat Arhat Leonardo Mendez Estrada.

Since adolescence is devoted entirely to the spiritual life and says: "In all the days of my life, my main motivation is to commune with God and every action that I undertake is imbued with a strong spiritual longing, knowing that I came to Earth to fulfill a divine mission. "

In order to enrich their practice with a broader view of human beings, and practiced has taken courses , among which are:
. Psicoastrología.
. Psychocybernetics Essene Healing.
. Healing the Inner Child.
. Universal Energy Healing.
. Shamanic Use of Quartz.
. Renaissance (Rebirthing).
. Neuro.
. Creative Visualization.
. The Power of Positive Mind (Claims and decrees).
. Healing the Holy Spirit.
. Travel and Shamanic Power Animals.
. Past Life Regression.
. A Course in Miracles.
She has also been in contact with multiple teachers from various spiritual traditions, including:
. Swami Tilak.
. Tibetan Monks.
. Zen Masters
. Osho (neosanyasa).
. Native American Master.
. X Men or Mayan Priests.
. Masters of Sacred Initiatory Tradition.
In 1987 he introduced into his Metaphysics and makes contact with the Teachings of the Ascended Masters is a passionate teacher knowledge.

In 1989 channels for the first time his Spiritual Guide to the Planes of Light, the Beloved Master Aeolus , which has the function to be the " Cosmic Spirit ", which produces a profound transformation in your life, becoming a servant of the Spirit Ghost, which gives it an extraordinary healing power that has served to provide a true healing to thousands of people around the world.
Has been fully committed to the dissemination of knowledge that the Holy Spirit gives in " A Course in Miracles . " Between 1992 and 1997 as in Yucatan, the " Circle of Students in Miracles "and travels to other countries taking the Introduction to the course, being an enthusiastic practitioner and lecturer of the lessons from it.
For five years he led the Vegetarian Restaurant " The Tree "from his property, giving a large number of Vegetarian Cooking courses. Likewise is the author of " Vegetarian Food Recipes Yucatecan ", Mexican and International Life in Food "and as naturopathic practitioner, deeply dominates natural medicine.

In his great desire to achieve greater spiritual insights, has practiced Prolonged fasting , including six with a duration exceeding 41 days, and 2 extra long fasts, a 4 and an eight-month, which have deepened in communion with the subtle worlds and contact with real live teachers that are superior in other dimensions throbbing of Existence, which he extracted huge amounts of Wisdom, Light and Love

From teen has regular contact with Merida, Yucatan and the Mayan world, visiting several times a year. Since 1987 lives in Merida, allowing you to make frequent visits to archaeological sites. Always with a meditative attitude of deep respect, total responsiveness and openness, which has produced a new and better understanding of the legacy of Maya Wisdom.
In 1993, gets its hands on the book " The Sun Temple at Uxmal's Holy Mountain ", where the figure of Kinich Ahau Solar Priest gives him a huge impact. On 1 May of that year, when this Master opens his etheric retreat, where it contacts the first time in this incarnation with his Supreme Master, in the Pyramid of Uxmal, who received it as a member raised its High Kindred Priestly, incarnated in this time of humanity to reactivate the codes of Maya Wisdom.

On December 22, 1996 Kinich Ahau Master launches a call for a grand meeting of activation of the Golden Ray, circulated literally throughout the world.

In January 2008 Holistic Center opens Maya Wisdom and THE HOUSE OF THE SUN , in the city of Merida, as a place where different disciplines are offered self-improvement and spiritual growth. Different weekly courses of Yoga Training 2012, Training in the path of initiation, A Course in MIiagros, Angelic Healing Groups and various healing techniques. Contributors to this wonderful center and professional therapists ahaukines (Maya solar priests). email: mail address is being protected centrocasadelsol@gmail.comEsta spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The Mother Nah Kin wrote his first book in the sacred legacy, called: Kinich Ahau , the Sun Priest , Maya Sacred Knowledge . As a collection of early experience and lessons emanating from the Great Spirit of the Master Solar. New editions are held in March 2001 and August 2002. The fourth edition, June 2006 is remodeled and expanded, integrating new information with the original message reactualizarlo.
On 1 May 1998 conducted by the Great Event of Activation of the Golden Ray , gathering in the holy city of Uxmal more than 1,400 people from around the world, fulfilling the role of anchoring the Ray Golden Christ on Earth and reactivate the awesome power of the sacred pyramid of AK-HE-NAH-TUN and thus, the advent of the Maya Sacred Knowledge, key in the activation of the New Planetary Consciousness.
The Master Kinich Ahau is a living presence that is sending transcendental knowledge. Nah Kin Mother receives his divine wisdom, teaching assimilates and makes for greater understanding of all. transmitting this knowledge with the purity of his heart, intense maternal love and the simplicity of the word. In November 2000 he edited the book " The Maya Vision Solar Ascension . " With two editions: February 2002 and June 2005. This book teaches the expansion of consciousness through the multi-dimensions and healing of Harmonic Alignment Ascension, besides its beautiful teachings.
In January 2004, see the book " The Legacy Supreme WISDOM CONFERENCE MAYA "a compendium of the knowledge stored within this great mandala of wisdom. In October 2006 the second edition comes enlarged and corrected. In June 2009, appears the most recent editions, where the material is divided into two parts: 1) Where establishing Knowledge concept of the essential elements that make up the great Wheel Maya 2) implies multiple applications that offers supreme Maya legacy all beings, now.
In June 2004, Mother Nah Kin along with Alberto Arribalzaga present the book " The Angelic Groups in the awakening of the Divine Archetype . " And in June 2006 is the second edition revised and enlarged. This book is about the role Angelic groups are willing to make in us for the emergence of our being primal, our divine archetype.
In May 2005 he published the book " The Art of Spiritual Communion couple "sexual magic lighting together, where couples can enter into a knowledge that raises the level of their relationship, and together attain the lofty goal spiritual elevation. In January 2010 there is a new edition, completely revised and full of beautiful images.
In February 2006 there is the book dedicated to the enhancement of Women and help you understand the high level divine and glorious role in this hour of Humanity. Title: " Living Goddess " Medicine Woman-Woman Wisdom : WOMAN SHAMAN. Knowledge about Women and their awakening and divine essence is now wonderfully extensive, so it takes a new edition much more extensive than the first.
In May 2007, get the book " The Sacred Geometry of Hunab-Ku "Co-creating multifunctional Holograms. The Sacred Geometries are mathematical spaces where the divine intelligence of the Creator is expressed and where our will is multiplied in shaping health, life, perfection: the hologram of the divine archetype. To Obtubre of 2011 appears the new edition of this wonderful book that teaches the different applications of these sacred spaces, now appear three-dimensional geometries.
In October 2008 it became a circulation of 2,000 copies of the long-awaited book, " The Real Message Maya 2012 , "Solar Consciousness and Activation of Aminoglifos. This book makes you feel the Spirit of the Maya experienced unit with the Great Whole and deeply attuned to the Spiritual Sun, activations are presented that allow us to join the Solar Consciousness and revive the body of light through the assimilation of the aminoglifos.

Collects vegetarian recipes that has developed throughout his life, especially during the time it was his restaurant in Mérida. Just published in September 2009, the Vegetarian Food Recipes Yucatecan, Mexican and International, called " Life in Food ". With delicious recipes salads, dressings, soups, vegetables and meat cooked with different vegetables, rich and healthy desserts and how to make homemade yogurt.
Events KINICH AHAU. - Each year, around May 1, in Merida, Yucatan and the Maya region made ??world where major events provides the latest knowledge from this wise culture and the fruit of his profound meditations. Attendees will experience deep states of spiritual elevation as well as being partakers of the intense evolution of consciousness that are offering the Spiritual Hierarchies to potentiate the awakening of consciousness.
Spiritual Training SHAMAN WOMAN. - It takes around 12 December, to be in tune with the celebration of Mother Tonanzin, this is an event aimed at women, who are called to be the Medicine of the Earth and key pieces in the activation of global change. It is an intensive initiations where women are in the 4 elements, activations to acquire the connection to the center of the Galaxy and the new codes take solar to become Mothers of the New Age.

Multidimensional Therapist Training the New Age. - To train a generation of professional therapists, can improve health conditions have lives of their patients and taking a holistic, integrative and spiritual. This training is for people dedicated to the area of health, therapists and healers, and anyone who wants to make a spiritual mission to help your neighbor.

In the event there are ancient teachings and innovative at a time, rescuing the sacred and codes of the New Age. Offered activations, meditations, initiations in the elements. Participants experience the Mayan-style ceremonies of powerful spiritual radiance.

It's Mother of four children:
Shantal (BA in Psychology)
Vimukti (medical student)
Itauqui (student of International Business)
Kinti (student).
And Mother-of Krishanti Tia (Architect). is married to Alberto Arribalzaga , ahaukan Zaayab Kan, born in Vizcaya, Spain. Professional kinesiologist and a man of exquisite spiritual sensibility.

NAH Mother Eugenia Casarin Dr. Kin-expanding worldwide Maya knowledge through conferences, workshops and seminars. Sacred Keys that have been revealed and who knows sublime convey authenticity.

It has been a tireless disseminator of Sacred Maya knowledge emanating from the Master Solar Kinich Ahau, has shared the Solar Ascension, Harmonic Alignment, the legacy of the Wheel of Wisdom with efficient applications, Sacred Geometries of Hunab-Ku, assistance in Groups Solar Consciousness Angelic and synchronizes us with the New Age teachings and reaching for Women.

Has deposited the seed of wisdom in hundreds and hundreds of people in different countries like Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Peru, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Cuba and the United States among others. And with infinite that it also spreads throughout Mexico.


also see this FB page for "venerable Mother Nah Kin"

her youtube channel is here

plenty of weird videos in Spanish

I would very much appreciate any thoughts and insights from others
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 08:50:14 am by nemesis »