Author Topic: Manataka Endorses David Yeagley  (Read 12463 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Manataka Endorses David Yeagley
« on: January 22, 2007, 06:50:05 pm »
Forwarded to me.

They reposted Yeagley's Nuagey attempt at Comanche traditional stories, "children of the wind." Manataka (do they even have any Comanche members?) endorsed it.

Kinda funny, the contrast between the flowery blessing at the start and the angry hostile tone and insults throughout the rest.

On Jan 17, 2007, at 4:09 PM, Manataka American Indian Council wrote:

> Hello ---,
> Blessings on this wonderful day the Creator made for you.
> Yes, we have read most of Dr. David Yeagley's website.
> No, we do not find him to be "vile" or have anti-feminist views.  If
> we did and regardless of his other views, the article we feature by
> him is an excellent rendition of the story of the people of the wind
> and deserves to be published.
> We take a dim view of people who hold themselves out to be 'thougth
> police' and attempt to negate, impune or otherwise discriminate
> against the right of others to speak.   It is our right, his right and
> your right to speak whatever you wish, so long as it is not intended
> to harm others.  Your attack is intended to harm an individual -- not
> to offer  alternative views for the benefit of others.
> We support and uphold the dissemination of information that upholds
> American Indian culture and values.  The article, "Children of the
> Wind" by Dr. Yeagley republished on our website fulfills this
>  Attempts to lump us into a particular class of poliltical philosophy
> by reason of your negative personal views is not only unfair, it is a
> crass attempt to threaten us into your way of thinking.
> Get a life.
> Sincerely,
> Bonnie Whitecloud
> Manataka American Indian Council
> P.O. Box 476
> Hot Springs, AR 71902-0476
> 501-627-0555

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Manataka Endorses David Yeagley
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2007, 06:52:41 pm »
And Yeagley's story, which to me is unintentionally funny in its silly stereotypes.

"Comanche people didn’t come out of the earth, like the other people. We were born from the wind. We were simple, without masks, and we rode the Wind, in wild, fearless freedom, and in the joy of savage innocence….We had no clothes, no religion, and no shining thing. We were naked of culture….
Today, only my mind can freely wander….I hunt ideas, and there are many of them. I kill, and eat, and ride again."