Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 573425 times)

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #210 on: May 28, 2014, 03:48:10 am »
Hi Piff. Just today this was posted on Internet in German:

Google English translation:

Book Recommendation: Chuck Spezzano - awaken the inner healing powers

May 27, 2014 Leave a comment

Behind our illnesses, relationship and life problems very often stuck unconscious and subconscious life patterns. This can be seen in all its depth and resolve to lead a healthy and fulfilling life, to which loads the new book by Chuck Spezzano a. The special feature of this new masterpiece is here that the reader insights, methods and techniques find that originate from Spezzanos immediate, over 35 years of therapeutic work. This book provides vivid knowledge and vital wisdom with very practical methods and exercises. A wholesome counselor and wise companion on the journey to the self, to better health, happiness and joy of life.

SBN: 978-3-86616-259-4 256 pages
1st Edition
Price: 19,95 EUR

Filed under News Tagged with Chuck Spezzano , healing powers

To say POV is not part of the Inner Healing Movement, one would expect Lenora means in a narrow sense the organisation based on the philosophy of Agnes Sanford. So they can be involved in the field of inner healing without being part of the Inner Healing Movement, see? Just like they can call their corporation "Psychology of Vision" without being psychologists. Or constantly use the terms "Oneness Blessing," "Deeksha," and "Oneness" after condemning Oneness University, where they attended and gained much of their current theological terminology, one of their "two greatest inspirations" in fact.

The Spezzanos are real masters at lifting terms and repackaging the ideas of others that don't really belong to them and then become offended when the original connections are pointed out.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 12:20:00 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #211 on: May 29, 2014, 07:31:38 am »

Quote: "That Chuck and I have falsified our educational background information; ...; that we damage vulnerable people in our seminars in assorted terrible ways; "

Well Chuck Spezzona is a psychologist, he got the right to carry this title with his name. Why he does not do this in the most of his books, I don´t know. Does he fear the reactions of his colleague? His books are no medical books, they are guidebooks, medical guidbooks - but guidebooks. And also psychlogists can work not in a correct way, a graduation is not a guarantee for a good educated work.

People can be damaged in seminars, this is always possible. Maybe Spezzona can regignize this, maybe not.

Quote "So, to return to the videos, which focus on one form of joining, the reason I ask for that assistance is because I, like most people, am “right eyed” in the same way that I, like most people, am right handed. So, if the person looks into my left eye, which is not my dominant eye, we aren’t really looking straight at each other."
Do we need a dominant eye to starre effectley at someone? Just the presence of a person in a room can make you feel growing stiff. There are other aspects too: To be freezed for your inner heavy wish to reach something, if you don´t reach it, you are disappointed, ... don´t know, if you can stand this by anylonger, ...

Quote: "With both of the other person’s eyes looking into my right eye, I can look back into their left eye, the “window of the soul, to see their pain; this is physically evident in the pupil of the eye, which takes a different aperture according to what the person is feeling."
The reaction of a pupil depends on many factors, to reduce this to a simple feeling of the soul is bullshit, this is not  physically evident. To feel what another person feels is possible, but you must be clearly on youself, that this feeling is maybe your own feeling, maybe it is this, what someone really feels. You can work with this, but this is a tightrope walk to accept the limit / boundery of the other person and not to cross. POV cross the limit, this is that what I see in their videos, for me on my own this is not acceptable.

Quote: "As the pain surfaces, it opens up the issue to be healed, washing out the pain and suffering, until only the joy of the experience of Oneness with God remains. It is a universal experience."
Not every pain which is coming up is ready for heal. This is false, for some people dangerous if they decompensate.

Quote: "With a little practice, as each person is relating to the other, it’s possible to read his or her painful life process like a book, recognizing we are the same and we are all connected."
It is really ok, to read in someone like in an open book? To person who are vulnerable, not protected? To look straight in someones eyes could let a person freezing and he is not more able to react autonomically, unable to change on his own the situation he wants to flight off. And it is not a little practice to understand a person in a psychologically way.

Quote "Life’s pain and suffering just waits until the conscious mind is willing to register and acknowledge its existence."
Bullshit, not every person can say on his own, if he is strong and stabilized enough to stand by his inner feeling of the life - experiences he had in his life. Sometimes it is better, somone tells this vulnerable person, not to go further to his conscious or subconscious. Not everybody can controll what is coming up. It is not ok to be in this way dependent from Spezzona.

Quote "Chuck has never claimed that he can cure any illness, and would never discourage anyone from seeking medical treatment."
Well, but Chuck S. said in his video, all deseases can be healed, also Aids, cancer, etc.
This is false.

Quote: "The bloggers claim that us looking at the metaphors of illness with people (similar to Louise Hay’s work) is actually us blaming them for having their symptoms. This, of course, would have no value for the client – blaming a person for their illness is completely counterproductive to their healing and wellbeing. Taking accountability, on the other hand, gives the client power in their life."
Blaming is one way POV uses, in their keys of healing they are written. Well, I know some of them as old tradition sentences. There are phases people with deseases, like cancer look for their guilt, "because  an innocent person couldn´t get this illness, ..." and POV ditch in this cavity. And POV use a transforming from physical issues into psychological issues. You cannot transform it, but they are a way to look  for something forgotten or lokk for different ways to understand people with mental issues better, but they never claimed up to a diagnosis.

Spezzona fend off that they harm people, if they had done this, they have would known this by response.
As educated in psychology they should know very well, that harmed people maybe don ´t tell them, what POV have done. If this people were asked, if something is wrong, they smile at you, tell you brightly "Oh no, it is all ok. You are great." What should they tell, when they don´t find in their inner the words about what is going on in their inner? And maybe ist is better to keep silence. Or maybe they are fading out, there is something going wrong, because this could not be, .... And some reactions are coming late, so late, that these people have no more a connection to POV in their mind.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #212 on: May 30, 2014, 01:22:03 am »
In the 2010 Can AIDS Be Healed Youtube, as Sturmboe says, Charles Lee Spezzano does indeed give the impression he can cure and/or heal cancer, AIDS, and Myasthenia gravis. The victims are to blame, of course.

Here are some selected quotes:

I've worked with a number of things where there was supposedly incurable cancers, I've worked twice with AIDS where it went down to HIV and in one case completely disappeared, where the people became naturally healthy again. I've worked with Myasthenia gravis where it is supposedly incurable and that was cured.

Basically an illness is a conflict in the mind, conflict in relationships that has been displaced on to the body ... We take out on our bodies what is subconscious in our minds.

Some of the research around cancer at six to eighteen months before the onset of cancer there's been a significant trauma with someone close to them.

Just recently worked with someone, I did the last session this morning where we had thirteen sessions together, and their AIDS went to HIV and completely disappeared.

I got started with this because a good friend of mine who was in her late sixties when I was a young man, she had this inoperable cancer. She had a tumour as big as a rugby ball. And in one healing exercise in a workshop it went from the size of a rugby to the size of a softball.

There's no problem, physically or any kind of problem that doesn't come from some form of guilt.

On the APTN Investigates exposé of SALPOV last November, Charles in a phone interview made the following somewhat disingenuous statement to journalist Rob Smith--

I don't make the statement that I heal cancer, people heal themselves or they don't heal themselves.

We also see Spezzano's old Catholic guilt trip coming to the surface again, which is also a major component of the blame-the-victim Healing Metaphors, by Spezzano with co-author Janie Patrick/Ticehurst.

Here is their take on AIDS--

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

This disease means our body has lost its ability to fight off infection. Infection by the HIV virus has caused serious damage to our immune system.

Normally our immune systems produce antibodies to fight off foreign agents but, because we have a poorly functioning immune system, ‘opportunistic infections’ take advantage and infect the body.

The development of this syndrome is the result of immense self-attack and self-judgment. We have judgment on society, which we feel is judging or attacking us in return. We feel that we have no defenses against attack.

At some level, we experience an inability to receive or give help. We are caught in a trap of indulgence, martyrdom or rebellion, rather than leadership.

The martyrdom takes the form of not receiving help and at the same time criticizing parents, family and society’s ability to give.

Yet, we are ignoring our vocation, refusing to heed the call to giving, to leadership, purpose, vision and not allowing ourselves to have all the help and comfort we crave.

Suggested Exercises:

And here is their take on cancer--


Cancer involves the transformation of healthy functioning cells into malignant, or harmful, cells. The altered cells transfer faulty information to their offspring, and the cancerous cells grow in an abnormal and destructive way.

Cancer is the embodiment of self-directed anger. It reflects a place of guilt and self-attack.

A traumatic situation with a significant other will have taken place between six and eighteen months before the onset of the cancer.

At some level, it is an attack on another through self-harm. It highlights that we have a need to give that has gone wild, or is completely misplaced, in addition to a fear of our purpose.

Cancer reflects a fear of the next chapter in our life and a fear of major or radical change for the better.

Tumors encapsulate our repressed anger, malice and conflicting, hidden belief systems.

We are trying to shelter our pain or disappointment and are attempting to hold back negative self-beliefs and evil self-concepts. These mistaken beliefs and self-concepts stem from unresolved emotional fractures and broken hearts.

We can get more information about our particular cancer by cross-referencing the information in this section with the body part affected.

For example, if we have cancer of the stomach then we know that our anger is also about our ability to accept, integrate, receive and be nurtured. It may also reflect aspects of introjection, (swallowing others emotional pain).

Suggested Healing Keys:

As pointed out earlier on this forum, the American Cancer Society weighed in on the Spezzano/Ticehurst view of cancer, and I am sure they would say the same thing about the above Youtube.

Here is part of what the ACS said--

As you may know, researchers have done many studies to see if there is a link between personality, stress, and cancer. No scientific evidence has shown that a person’s personality or outlook can affect their cancer risk. This information can be found at the link below:

> Questions People Ask About Cancer:

The Society often reaches out to organizations when we see something we think is not right, not fair, or not productive to the fight against cancer; however, we cannot do this in every case. That's why we rely on people like you, our supporters, to help us.

Your words can mean more than you might think. As a volunteer organization, we know well the power of the public to change the course of cancer. Therefore, we encourage you to personally contact those who give platforms to Chuck Spezzano and others when you want to express your opinion. Together, we can make a difference.

If physical healing is among the products being marketed by the retail spirituality corporation of SALPOV, I think they need to hire a professional public relations person, because they are sending out mixed messages. As it is their merchandise is filled with flaws.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 01:28:20 am by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #213 on: May 31, 2014, 06:26:47 pm »
Today I found another bit of Oneness University evidence the Spezzanos neglected to erase online when they tried to rewrite their own history a few months ago and pretend the place was never one of their two greatest inspirations. This small data tidbit acted as a lever to enable me to go on a ramble afield through the mire of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV). So here goes.

You'll notice in Lenora Kay Spezzano's The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision she is very vague about the SALPOV broken love affair with OU. No dates are given, no particulars, no specifics on what the "number of reasons" were--

What Is The Nature of The Relationship Between Psychology of Vision And Oneness University?

There is no relationship between the two organizations. Some of us attended healing programs there years ago, but for a number of reasons it felt true to me to distance Psychology of Vision from Oneness U. For about a year after making that decision, I stated in my seminars that I did not recommend that people attend their programs.

"Felt true to me." What does that mean? To say there is no relationship between SALPOV and OU is simply not true. This is yet another Lenora whitewash, to put it politely. Until early this year, Oneness University was still touted on SALPOV websites as one their two greatest inspirations and listed on Charles Lee Spezzano's LinkedIn profile. After 2007 OU terminology and philosophy became woven forever into SALPOV dogma. There will always be a relationship between the two. To correct it, SALPOV will have to offer a rebate to former clients who were vulnerable or gullible enough to sign up post-2007 and then Charles and Lenora will have to rewrite their whole gospel, finding some other intellectual property to rob. From what I can see, OU is alive and well inside the core of SALPOV. Let's hear it for "Oneness" and "deeksha" and "blessing giver"!

Concerning SALPOV's integration of Oneness University into their product, a corporation with integrity would've said, yes, we made a mistake, we are sorry, we learned. Please accept this rebate. But SALPOV attempted to cover it up. And now, only after being exposed do they begin to admit any sort of problem. And, as the pattern goes, the first response is pretty glossed over and unacceptable. The second step will be to blame underlings and others, as they have already done with other issues such as the UK POV website continuing to maintain that Charles is actually a psychologist.

I mention this because OU dogma is being passed as part of the bogus SALPOV healing to the people of Haida Gwaii thanks to the missionary work of the Spezzanos and their cult followers. SALPOV personnel on Haida Gwaii who advertise themselves as "blessing givers" and toss around "Oneness" like some sort of wonderful goal are really promoting OU covered with a thin SALPOV veneer. If SALPOV really thinks OU is bad, then they need to stop operations in BC since the OU philosophy remains intact in the SALPOV curriculum. The Spezzanos robbed the philosophy of one culture, repackaged it, and are now imposing it on another culture.

During the whole 2012 Mayan calendar scare, which was the New Age equivalent of the Y2K panic, the Spezzanos did their best to cash in that trend. Part of that included a rare visit to the mainland United States in a joint workshop with Guru Singh. It was held in the Los Angeles area in 2009--

Guru Singh and his complicated connections with the Spezzanos have been mentioned by Piff a couple times in this forum. Apparently, unlike the Spezzanos, Guru Singh has no problem being associated with Oneness University and his connection with the place is all over Internet. As an aside he also appears to have a more coherent and well-managed organisation than SALPOV.

The Next Evolution promotional material included some Youtubes from Guru Singh, Lenora Spezzano, and Charles Lee Spezzano. The emphasis is on their partnership and how they fit well together--

My favorite video is from Charles, please note the image at 1:55--

Pictures speak louder than words, so they say.

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #214 on: June 01, 2014, 06:58:18 am »
Chuck S. does not claim that it can cure diseases, neither cancer nor AIDS. He tells that in the period in which the meetings or treatments took place, there was a cure. He claimes that every desease can be healed. When and how the healing process took place can not be specified on certain events or periods for sure. But indirectly it suggests to people that his treatments are involved in the healing processes without verifying this. Although he claims that the patient / client is to be healed from his own .... but it is up to the patient in his suggestion how CS has opened the path for healing and how he has an effect on the healing process by the treatments, whatever this could mean, whatever the patient / client want to interpret or can.
This is quite diffuse, because the way of a cure for the client may not be tangible, and then not even comprehensible. If something goes wrong, maybe he can not trace back the date from the way ran in the wrong direction.
Spezzona suggest he helps people by explaining the facts, but this is no healing, it is superficial, it dissociates, ... some facts are false, ...

Spirituality is a very important aspect in healing for Spezzano . I agree with that . But spirituality develops individual, it may develop in the course of treatment at the end, maybe not. But not at he beginning of a treatment. Spezzano forces this process by taking place from the outside. Here is the danger that clients will not have a authentic relationship to itself and a spirituality, they will asking for more external help and way of life, for more spirituality, to those form of lifes they have no real connection. This can be a prepared ground for an abuse of Native American ceremonies and healing practices, especially in this case, Spezzona has connection to Haida Gwai, the contact can mislead people to misunderstand Spezzona got authentic relationship to Native Americans.

In the bookshop Lehmann 's can be read in books under " look inside the book ." Some are in English

I have read into some , with the good will to find there positives. But, heavens , is there a bullshit inside, and that of a psychologist. Unbelievable . Creepy .... This is not a professional help, he wants to bring with his books to the people. This can be dangerous ...

Well, since Spezzona claims that cancer is curable, that any disease can be cured, the following book surely he knows, a good basis on Oncology:
In the various diseases of cancer, the treatment results should be uncountable under his guidance .....

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #215 on: June 01, 2014, 01:22:42 pm »
Found this on the Down 2 Earth Psychic Centre webpage. It does help when one tries to categorise where Psychology of Vision belongs in the world of science (bold emphasis is mine)--

Practitioners are GO!
By Anni3 On May 27, 2014

It’s been a very busy couple of months at the Down 2 Earth Psychic Centre to say the least! Annie Conboy has been joined by some very talented practitioners to offer something for the body, mind, emotions & spirit for everyone. As well as treatments, workshops, counselling and meditation groups there is a lovely library space to sit & enjoy a cuppa with cake. In June the Centre is also expanding it’s activities with Reiki share sessions & a ‘Time Out With Baby’ group.

The passion to collaborate & offer services in a holistic way has brought everyone together. Each practitioner understands that we are energy beings & that when our energies get out of balance we may need a range of supportive services to help us make sense of & rebalance our energy. Along the way we also tackle the ‘big’ questions like why am I here, why is this happening to me, what can I do about my life & is there still guidance & support from loved ones who are no longer with us. Whatever question, circumstance or challenge, the practitioners have techniques & services that can help. So if you are interested in your spiritual development or the afterlife, would like some Reiki, Crystal or Spirit healing, a hands on therapy like reflexology or Indidan Head massage please call in & see us.

Working in the Centre we have:

Annie Conboy, Intuitive Medium & Psychic offers Spirit, Aura, Past Life & Card readings; Awakening & Down2Earth Workshops on a variety of topics; Reiki or Spirit Healing; Development, Trance & Open Circles. Find out more at

Kay Austerberry, Reiki Master, EFT & Emotion Code Practioner. Spiritual Medium.Find out more on her FaceBook page.

Sue Brooks, Aromatherapy, Equine Touch & Natural Horsemanship

Helen Lasham, Counselling, Bach Flower Remedies
Maxine McKeown, Shamanic Wayshower & Animal Communicator

Catherine Ritchie, Crystal Healer & Angelic Reiki Practitioner. For more info about her therapies please visit her web site.

Helen Speak, Psychology of Vision Trainer

Caroline Tiler-Ansell, Reflexologist, Massage (including Indian Head massage & Sports massage), Aromatherapy. There is more info on her FaceBook page.

To be fair, Speak is apparently not a current SALPOV trainer (she is not listed on the UK present website), and, if true, according to the Trainers Manual should not be be advertising herself as such. What I find interesting is that Psychology of Vision fits right in there with practices associated more with the paranormal than with hard sciences and it is accepted as a good fit.

As Grifters Hotel always said, our problem with SALPOV is about behavior, not belief. If SALPOV wants to embrace a New Age clientele that is fine, but the very name of their corporation is misleading. They are not licensed professionals in the field of psychology or mental health. Their "research" is not subject to scrutiny in academic journals. They are accountable to no one. And as we have learned, everything they say needs to be fact-checked.

Perhaps the time has come for APTN to broadcast a second, follow-up investigation, starting with the First Nations Fund chapter from the 2013 German POV Trainers Manual , because the one thing SALPOV does seem scientific about is how they target the FN audience.


Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #216 on: June 03, 2014, 03:26:49 am »
Lenora Kay Spezzano's coverage of the dark 2004 Tipaldi episode in her recent online defense of SALPOV is very interesting--

What Happened in 2004 with The State of Hawaii Regarding Chuck’s Status As A Psychologist?

Nothing at all. We were marginally involved with a custody battle many years before, in that we wrote letters of support for a woman in relation to the child custody case with her ex-husband. The ex-husband’s lawyer claimed that, because our Psychology of Vision logo was on our stationary, that the logo meant we were both claiming to be licensed psychologists; so the judge ruled our letters were inadmissible, even though Chuck signed his letter “Chuck Spezzano, Ph.D., M.F.C.C.” and I signed “Lency Spezzano, M.Sc.” As it turned out, our letters did not figure into the final outcome, because the judge ruled in favor of the wife anyway.

The woman in question now lives in Hawaii and remains a SALPOV devotee. And whoever that judge was who ruled the Spezzano letters were not allowed  knew a fake when he or she saw one.

Notice Lenora did not address the APTN data presented both in their broadcast and in text--

The other group being discussed in Haida Gwaii is Psychology of Vision. Despite its name, the two founders Lency and Chuck Spezzano are not psychologists.

In fact, Charles Spezzano was fined in 2004 for acting like a psychologist while not being licensed by the state of Hawaii.

Chuck Spezzano told APTN Investigates that because he works internationally he doesn’t need to be licensed. He said he is not a psychologist and calls himself “a coach.”

But he says the work he does is indeed psychology.

And she also did not address this charge from the unfortunate Mr. Tipaldi himself--

I declare that all allegations of abuse are incorrect and false. Almost without exception all alleged allegations that have been made against me are a result of the children’s mother using fraudulent documents that are contained in the record of this case by Chuck Spezzano, Lency Spezzano, Katherine Snow Davis, Christine Snow, and Cindy Yanover. All of these individuals supplied written documents that were entered into the record by Sarah Carpini. All these individuals claimed in their individual documents they were licensed professional to practice in the area of Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapists or Social Workers. All of these individuals were personal friends of Sarah Carpini. The attached documents are from the State of Hawaii Licensing division for said alleged professionals showing these individuals were in fact not licensed. See exhibits C, pages 1 through 9. The licensing division in Hawaii did in fact take action against these individuals. Also see order from Judge Watanabe, Fifth Circuit, State of Hawaii. I had never been or was not abusive or a threat, Exhibit C, pages 10 through 13, Guardian Ad Litem report, Exhibit C, pages 14 through 20, and Affidavit by Alena Tyler, Exhibit C, pages 21 through 24.

I declare that there is a document in the record by Chuck Spezzano, claiming to have seen me as a patient in a professional capacity. I declare that at no time have I or had I been a patient of Mr. Spezzano. Mr. Spezzano’s document paints a very negitive [sic] picture of me.


November 1995

Mother introduces additional documents into record by individuals, one claiming to be a licensed psychologist who claims to have seen the father in a professional manner, which is disputed.

Note:  There are letters from the state of Hawaii DCCA that all of the individuals were not licensed and action has been taken against them for these letters. On 4/26/2004, I personally spoke with, the attorney for the state of Hawaii who is taking action against, RE: PSY 2003-5-U - Chuck Spezzano who claimed to be a licensed psychologist in a letter that is in the record of this case that had been produced into the record by the mother. Ms. Balanay stated to me that because this is an on going case there was not much she could do at this point to further help the father without jeopardizing her case against Mr. Spezzano. She informed me that she would talk with her supervisor to see what more she could do to help the father.

Tipaldi accused Charles Lee Spezzano of lying. So we have a professional journalist and dead man presenting an alternative view of Lenora's version of events.

Given Lenora's track record so far on sticking to reality ("This world is actually a dream, it is an illusion. The same thing is said by quantum physicists."--Lenora Kay Spezzano in "Healing the Great Wars Download"), I'm siding with a professional journalist from APTN and Tipaldi himself.

Steve Tipaldi 1954-2004.

He died. That was not a dream or illusion. 

« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 01:07:21 pm by Sandy S »


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #217 on: June 04, 2014, 08:33:29 pm »
Lency Spezzano says she has never heard any complaints about POV seminars. Either she is not listening, or is lying, or both. Serious concerns and complaints are available, including in the APTN episode "Plastic Healers", here on this forum, and elsewhere.

If Chuck and Lency truly cared about people, once they heard that some participants feel suicidal, they would stop what they are doing. Because safety should come first. POV is not safe.

Lency claims:

The PoV First Nations Fund has brought $1.5 million USD of resources to British Columbia to support First Nations in their healing over the past 20 years.

I'd like to see a detailed list of those "resources". Is she referring to seminars?

The First Nations Fund

The First Nations Fund was created to support the healing of First Nations so they can teach & inspire their own communities. Financial contributions have been generously donated from each country where Psychology of Vision is taught around the world. Since its inception the First Nations Fund has successfully graduated 19 First Nations people from the 100 day program, and 9 of these graduates have become FN Trainers around BC.

Success From The Inside Out – For First Nations Customized Coaching and Training

Lency characterizes critics as malicious, lying attackers. Her supporters are being rallied to step up and provide glowing testimonials. Lency continues to act as a high demand group leader. She and Chuck continue to not pay heed to serious safety concerns.

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #218 on: June 05, 2014, 05:29:51 pm »
Lency Spezzano says she has never heard any complaints about POV seminars. Either she is not listening, or is lying, or both. Serious concerns and complaints are available, including in the APTN episode "Plastic Healers", here on this forum, and elsewhere.

If Chuck and Lency truly cared about people, once they heard that some participants feel suicidal, they would stop what they are doing. Because safety should come first. POV is not safe.

They can never claim on there were never problems. Certainley there were problems, even problems they were not able to find a solution. To care about people with suicide issues is not easy, it is not ever claer if this person is vulnerable to attemped suicide or not .... maybe it is better Spezzonas close thier eyes and be deapth on their ears not to come clother to this difficult problem .... better they put themselve in a situiation never to be respnosible for what they are doing, for what will happen?????

If Chuck Spezzona has finished his study in psychology with a accredited Ph.d., he got a right to carry this title. There are rights to change the title from Ph.d to "doctor" or other way round, this is in different countries managed by state. The question is: Has Chuck Spezzona a right to treat as a Ph.d, as a psychologist in Hawaii? Is his profession in Hawaii accepted by Hawaian state? If it is accepted, he can work as a psychologist in Hawaii. And than he will be responsible for all what he is doing in his treatment with his clients. But maybe his profession is not accepted, maybe he needs some education or special examination to get his profession recognized, maybe he needed to study again? I don´t know, how is the law in Hawaii. If Spezzona finished with Ph.d he is a psychologist, he is allowed to carry this title, definitley. Ana also he can lost his accredition by state, if he makes fatale mistakes.
Whatever happened, this part is dubious. I don´t know what really happened, that this thema "psychologist or not" raised up to a problem which won´t be clearified by Spezzona at least.

But this sentence: "Chuck Spezzano told APTN Investigates that because he works internationally he doesn’t need to be licensed. He said he is not a psychologist and calls himself “a coach.” is false. It doesn´t matter if you work internationally, if you work in a country as a psychlogist you need to be accepted by state in this country where you work.
As a coach, if this is not a recognized profession Chuck Spezzona could be in the position not to be responsible by state for his ttreatments  and for its results. If a client is harmed by Spezzona and he tries to file charges on Spezzona, maybe the law say: If he doesn´t work as a psychologist there is nothing we can do against him. In this way Spezzona has assured himself not to be jugded by state. But I don´t know if my thought is correct.
This way would not be ethically and it is not an psychologically accepted in my opinion.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #219 on: June 06, 2014, 02:23:35 am »
At the time Charles Lee Spezzano graduated with his Ph. D., which was not even in clinical psychology, his school was not accredited by the APA. In many cases in the USA having an unaccredited degree is worthless in the job market. So, he is not licensed in Hawaii to practice psychology and might not be granted this privilege even if he applied for a license, given his flawed degree. In probably all of the United States, he could be fined, like he was in 2004, for presenting himself as a psychologist.

Charles, Lenora Kay Spezzano, and cult-follower Julian Ticehurst have all gone on record admitting Charles is not a psychologist. It seems to me that the very name of their "Psychology of Vision" organisation is very misleading. If your water pipes were bad and you saw a corporation called "Plumbing with Vision" you would expect the staff to be qualified plumbers, right? And if it turned out  they were not, you would feel scammed. The Spezzanos are not professionals in the mainstream sense of the word. And neither are the diminishing number of SALPOV trainers. This is a cult, not a true medical healing enterprise.

But yes, he can use the title "Dr." as any Ph. D. in the USA can, no matter what the degree was in, like theatre, education, agriculture, etc. His use of the title cannot be considered a medical one.

In using the "coach" description he has found a very convenient way to circumvent the law in order to be accountable to no one while creating havoc in the lives of vulnerable people and accumulating vast sums of money (e.g. charging over $1000 an hour for personal consultations).

Notice that SALPOV has hardly any presence in the USA, their home country. Why is that, do you suppose?

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #220 on: June 07, 2014, 08:32:34 pm »
Is Chuck Spezzano A Psychologist?

If you read Chuck’s resume section on this website, you will know that he holds a Ph.D. in psychology. I have never heard him refer to himself as a psychologist, and we have never advertised him as one, because that would require a psychologist’s license. We don’t edit the promotional material that PoV promoters and Trainers around the world create, as it is primarily in foreign languages. If some have been calling Chuck a psychologist instead of saying that he holds a Ph.D. in psychology, I’m sure it has been brought to their attention now.

--Lenora Kay Spezzano, The Truth About Chuck and Lency Spezzano and the Psychology of Vision

... I've worked as a psychologist for the U.S. Navy ...

--Charles Lee Spezzano at 0:37 in the YouTube Change Your Heart, Change the World

CHUCK SPEZZANO is one of the world’s leading psychologists and experts on relationships and personal growth therapy.

--Psychology of Vision UK website, which seemed to have no problem participating in the Oneness University data purge that took place all across various POV and related websites a few months ago, so one can assume Hawaii has influence over this mention as well.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 08:44:41 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #221 on: June 07, 2014, 09:46:51 pm »
What Is The Nature of The Relationship Between Psychology of Vision And Oneness University?

There is no relationship between the two organizations. Some of us attended healing programs there years ago, but for a number of reasons it felt true to me to distance Psychology of Vision from Oneness U. For about a year after making that decision, I stated in my seminars that I did not recommend that people attend their programs.

--Lenora Kay Spezzano, The Truth About Chuck and Lency Spezzano and the Psychology of Vision

Okay, so we're going to be having a joining session. In Psychology of Vision we're starting to call them "Oneness Sessions" now.

--Lenora Kay Spezzano, Psychology of Vision trailer, at about 6:36

A wave of thanks to the individual who found and modestly shared this. This person has requested anonymity.

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #222 on: June 08, 2014, 04:15:17 pm »
He (Spezzona) graduated Cum Laude from Duquesne University (the best school in the U.S. for Existential Phenomenology, Which is where Humanistic Philosophy and Psychology come from) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1970, getting his Bachelor of Arts degree, with a double major in Philosophy and Psychology.
He received his Master of Arts degree in Sociology from Duquesne as well, in 1971. Hey what hired as a counselor and director of outreach at the Brashear Association, there in Pittsburgh in 1972. Later in 1972, Chuck moved to San Diego, California, to begin his Ph.D. into Counseling Psychology from the United States International University.
Chuck chose USIU Because They had the strongest Humanistic Psychology program he Could find in the U.S. at the time. (USIU and the California School of Professional Psychology joined in 2001 to form Alliant International University.) He graduated with his Ph.D. in 1977.

Whether Spezzano is a psychologist or not, the university, where he studied, could confirm or deny at least in which subjects he has his summa cum laude. I think the evidence could be provided to the public.

I think it is problematically to set a focus on the issue if he is probably not a psychologist, it could lead away from this matter what he is doing and why.

Even if he has a non-APA accredited degree, he can work with this university degree with a right to treat as a psychologist and he is allowed to call himself psychologist?
I guess, a lack of accredition does not mean that the diploma is not valid. Is the diploma valid and Spezzano has summa cum laude completed in psychology and philosophy, he has a Ph.D in these two subjects.
In which countries he get the right to work as a psychlogist is from country to country different.

But possibly C. Spezzona never wants to work as a psychologist just to avoid the responsibility?
L. Spezzona canvass clients with the fact, C. Spezzona is a psychologists. This makes confidence. But as a psychologist C. Spezzona is committed to be actually up - to - date informated, maybe proofed. I think, as a "coach" he does not. One fact, e. g. : Psycho - analysis by Freud is very often contraindicated for patients with traumatic stress. If Spezzona forces his patient to go more and more back in his own biography, he can commited a retraumatisation. As a psychologist he will be responsible. But as a "coach"? C. Spezzona never calls himself a psychologist, he always declare himself as a "coach". I suggest this is not conservativness.

One important question here is, in what extent Spezzano can be pressed charges and punished for a result of mistreatment and does he need to fear consequences or not?

For example, a patient accuses the "therapist" of a  failed treatment. What can happen, depending  in the function of the "therapist"? Does the "therapist" treat as a psychologist the patient with psychologically technics, the "therapist" needs to court accountable his treatments and he can be pressed charges and be punished.
Declare the "therapist" himself just as "Coach", maybe fixed in a treaty, and he treated in this function the patient, maybe he can be pressed charges in case of a false treatment, possible he needs
to a court order and has render an account of his treatment.
But does a "therapist" just acting as a "coach" needs to fear this? Could it be, that due to the legal situation he cannot be judicially pressed charges and punished as a "coach", due to the legal situation than the charges had to been dropped and he will not be responsible for his treatment, and thus he goes unpunished. Is this factual and legal position correct or wrong? I don´t know.

Here in Germany it is said - bitter: "The treatment indeed is gone wrong, but if you're so stupid, entrust yourself to a layman, it's you own fault, to trust in the so-called " Therapist ", he does not have a qualified knowledge to be able to treat you adequately and you will embark with a good faith on your own responsibility in his hands" The offender will not be able to be pressed charges. Shit happens.

How can a "therapist" use the result of the court in the public or in his organization? Just telling a bit of the truth to the public he can use the result (leading to false conclusions) as pressurizing medium (the business with fear, guilt and shame is profitable), as advertising, as a false acquittal or as a proof that his treatments were correct. The "Therapist" just needs to ignore some false comments / thoughts and doesn´t need to correct other one´s statements - and the "real true story" runs its way. Responsible for false conclusions? No.
His supporters don´t attack the "therapist´s" hand which feeds their wishes - and maybe an attack could strike back one day. Then in the same position as this patient?
Maybe it is said: There was no proof of  a guilt, the therapist could not be proven for a wrong treatment, therefore its treatment has been correctly "... and the blame lies with the patient. The "therapist" can manifest the guilt of the patient in the public just by keeping silence about the truth.

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #223 on: June 08, 2014, 06:12:03 pm »
here ia a link describing money making schemes, from reading about the great research about hoe PoV is set up and run in this forum, it looks like the spezzanos are great at deception and misleading the public from who and what they really are.
 when they say they help first nations in the rebirth of their culture, i can't help but think how insulting this is for any indian nation to see and read,here is another white man recreating indian culture and traditions to his diluted beliefs, people in their right minds say this spezzano and PoV is even a worse form of colonization of indian peoples than what was already done to them. people have come forward and tried to get help from one of the spezzanos, they do not want to hear anyones problems, i'm beginning to think the spezzanos at least know that they cannot help people that are having problems from their :workshops", not answering the call for help is one way of avoiding reality,remember they say nothing is real, it's all an illusion, when a person ends up in the emergency room from attempted suicide is not an illusion and is very real, when it's from problems from a pov workshop, that is very real too, yet the spezzanos would rather believe like in this actual case of someone asking an advanced trainer for help was told ... there is only one of us here, you're just telling a story and clised the door on her, yeh, these are the type of people we have to deal with when question or speak up about this high demand group,
when the spezzanos say they hold pro bono "workshops " for indian cultural Renaissance,they're full of shit about them being free, they bum money from people in other countries to pay for first nations PoV "teachings".they even have a first nations blanket dance video showing them bumming money..
 one of the things they say is indians have the answer to help world problems and we have to help them so people can learn from them, in essence..give us money and we'll go in and help save them. we all know that the spezzanos positioned some devotees in villages , some under the title of"advanced trainers"and 100 plus day grads that recruit for PoV.. some have important job positions and have used them to push PoV onto village citizens, indoctrinating them so they will be driven to teach PoV teachings so everyone will get along. this is why PoV is so dangerous to first nations, if PoV had they're way then the whole village would be PoV, this is absolutely nothing with any first nations culture. it amounts to nothing more than power, dominance and control of first nations people.
here is an interesting article that will help you make your own decisions whetere or not PoV fits into this scheme, personally i see the PoV "advanced trainers" set up described almost to a perfect fit here

 any one can call themselves a psychologist, but to be licensed is another story, the psychology licensing board of B.C. said chuck spezzano was nec=ver licensed in B.C. or Canada ... ever,. he can duck under the psychology licensing board laws if not registered. the spezzanos deny knowing about all the advertising about them where they're promoted and deceiving people that they're indeed licensed psychologists, if this is the cs=ase ,then they sure don't know how their business is run, but then these people seem to be masters of denial and another case of it's someone Else's fault yet again they are not accountable or responsible, how can they think there is only one of us here and we don't have to be accountable..
 the fact that is coming out about these spezzanos ...                                 
     some have spoken up asking for help, none was offered,
        the one fact the spezzanos neglect is
                 WE ALL HAVE A VOICE
              AND WE"RE SPEAKING UP.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 06:22:54 pm by moreinfo »

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #224 on: June 08, 2014, 06:37:02 pm »
" any one can call themselves a psychologist"

In Germany you can call yourself a "psychologist" only when youre finished your study with a diploma. Without having a diploma and you call yourself a "psychologist" is betray. It is different in other countries?