Author Topic: Juan Jose Reyna Jr. AKA Sonne Reyna  (Read 82378 times)


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2007, 11:13:39 pm »
HUh! Thanks for the update..he better not DARE to set foot again in the UK!  Seems there is a double of his in Germany who also claims to be the Great Grandson of Geronimo(claims he had a DNA test done..what you reckon..he desecrated Geronimo's grave and dug him up to get the DNA?)..this guy has the same surname! Oh..and happens to come from the same area and happens to be able to do Sundance AND happens to be on first names with all great Chiefs who ever lived!


Offline crazyeagle

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2008, 03:57:27 pm »
Barnaby..can you move this under frauds please...I cant find the original thread under archives.

However, he is back up to his old tricks again and despite having been warned off British 3 years ago by Barnaby(who he was very very rude to) and myself is back now as "Chief"

Sighs...he needs to learn a harsh lesson in life!

Linda Lou

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2008, 07:08:11 pm »
Couldn't have gone this weekend unfortunately. I think you did the warning: I just asked him some questions he didn't like, so he called me a 'wannabe' for the benefit of his supporters. Isn't that ironic?

Anyway, here's video of Reyna in action. Prime ham, I think:

This is the website of the organisation running the event on Glastonbury.

If you think Reyna's funny, get a load of 'Lionfire' aka David R. Leonard, one of the other 'wisdomkeepers' at this strange event.

With makeup:

Look, he's got his own t-shirts. Cute.

Without makeup:

That haircut's known in the UK as a skullet. Here's David with his mentor Hunbatz Men:

« Last Edit: May 03, 2008, 07:10:52 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »


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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2008, 08:00:06 pm »
Geeze, That Lionfire looks like one of those science fiction aliens you see on television shows.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #34 on: May 04, 2008, 12:39:01 am »
Though claiming to be an artist, he's pretty much an exploiter in his own right.
"...recently been appointed to teach art at the Pueblo Community College extensions in Cortez and Durango. Currently completing his doctorate in Native Cosmologies..."

Come on, he expects people to buy that there is such a degree program?

"Two-Spirit" White Shaman of Norse and Celtic heritage"

So he's claiming being gay means he's a shaman? Or is that a recent trend among pagans?

"In recognition of his supportive participation in the First International Gathering of Indigenous Cultures (September 2000), in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, David was made an honorary member of the World Natural Health Organization."

In spite of the pretentious title, that gathering doesn't show up anywhere online except his website.

And only the worst kinds of quacks would be proud to be part of that "WNHO".
Lots of crackpot theories about:

"The Global Warming Hoax

Plus the WNHO is part of many deeply conservative Christian groups. Why does Leonard think it has anything to do with NDNs?

"In 2003, David was honored to facilitate the Standing Elk/Golden Eagle Star Knowledge Solstice Prayer Circle, held at LionFire in June 2003. In August 2002, he assisted Drunvalo Melchizedek and the members of the Four Corners Southwest Pilgrimage, helping them to build a Taos medicine wheel at Hovenweep, and later provided his Mayan knowledge and shamanic support to members of Drunvalo's Mayan Chakra Temple tour and his own tours to the Mayan coasts and jungles in April 2002 and 2003."

A Taos med wheel? Mayan knowledge from a Norse/Celtic two spirit? And a chakra temple? The guy's very confused.

"LionFire offers spiritual programs including Mayan studies and tours, drumming, dance, shamanic shieldmaking, and trance workshops. Prints of David's paintings, Reiki training, and private Reiki treatments may be arranged by contacting him at 1423 E. Main Street, #134, Cortez, Co 81321, or by email to"

Doing exploiter workshops out of his apartment, looks like.

And also claiming to be a lightworker working with a mix of exploiters, eccentric artist types, and a few claiming to be curanderas.

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #35 on: May 04, 2008, 04:50:08 pm »
Sorry,missed that,help who do what?,you don't need my help to catch this guy you've already done that.You do need some legal direction as to how you stop him now you caught him though.Catching and stopping are two different things.

Offline crazyeagle

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2008, 09:09:54 am »
More Reynas appearing!

Thanks Barnaby for moving my post.

Zoi..will talk later to you on this one for the way forward, seems spring is in the air and the Reyna's are multiplying.

Offline crazyeagle

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2008, 09:11:57 am »
the link didnt work out as I expected to..just type in the /sonny.htm bit at the end

Linda Lou

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #38 on: May 05, 2008, 11:03:41 am »
Okey dokey here we go then,first while I respect one of you has gone to the trouble of phoning Arvol and other speaking to folks in Aims Texas chapter,did any of you ask if those people would be willing to commit that to statement?Legally speaking phone chats are hearsay.All the Nations and persons he claims to have studied under(the sundance has no place in europe full stop,our peoples return to their home territiories for these things) we need the written comments from those peoples.
Rayna has been a silly boy,in that he's playing with Indian identities,yet mixing it and hanging out with nuage mediums at a time when the law is changing and the patience of the ex pat community is wearing thin.What do you want to do guys,do you want to continue freaking out and talking up a storm every time he pops(or poops,your choice)in Europe or do you want to explore ways to get this sorry excuse for humanity into a court and shut his activities down permanent?.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #39 on: May 05, 2008, 12:53:06 pm »
Sonne Reyna apparently is also active in more European countries. I found entries on sites from Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark.

"Yaqui / Yahemme
Chief Sonne Reyna, Peace- & Sundance Chief of the Yaqui Indians (Yahemme) is the first official member of the 'Message Embassy' and has taken on the task of helping to bring the ancient cultures together and to carry their hearts' messages into the world in a multi-medial way.

Since the Chief has already participated in such gatherings of Indian tribes, he will of course especially gather these.[translator's note: the German original choses a wording which must be seen as racist in this context. When persons are called for a gatherings, the phrase of 'drumming them together' can be used in colloquial language.]

Here [link to the film at the site] is a short film done during a visit in Berlin (90 MB). After his last Vision Quest in Denmark, we were allowed to interview him and will soon present a thrilling film at our station.

In this interview, not only surprising information about Carlos Castaneda did come up, but also an ancient prophecy of the Indians [sic]: 'Spider Woman'. I would like to say something about her in advance of our film...

During a time in which the world completely comes apart and the people in a way have completely lost their heart, the Indians [sic] expect help from the spirit of the spider who will weave a large net of mass communication around the world in order to support it in unity and communication of what is really important. The Indians see the internet as 'Spider Women's' net!!

But it isn't simply this. In Northern Texas (where the Chief comes from), millions of small spiders have woven an enormous net which has the size of several football fields. The Indians see this as a sign from Spider Woman announcing she is here! When I returned, I started to research and I'm really shocked: (Slideshow) (film)

In accordance with the Chief, we will develop the website and the project "spiderwomen productions" [sic]) and assist in realizing his (website) products. From the beginning of October, Chief Sonne Reyna will be touring Germany and with some help offer concerts/jams as well as healing circles in Frankfort, Munich, and Berlin. We are looking for places, musicians, and organizers for this (please mail!)

The seers of the Yaquis assume that in 2008 changes for the transition to a New Age (which the Yaquis call the 6th world) will begin. The Chief shall concentrate on 2008 in everything he does, as no real influence on the events is possible and what is going to be realized in 2008 will happen anyway.

In 2008, he wants to do music, films, concerts, and events which will teach the spirit of the Heart People (a translation of the own name of his tribe "Yaheme", the name "Yaqui" was given to them). We are looking for more professional studios, but also persons who are simply enthusiastc and concerned.

From 2011 at the latest, the 5th world will die through nature's violence, which does not mean the end of the world, but an end to wars, to hunger, fear, and greed. All who haven't become "Heart People" (Yaheme) will be practically 'blown away'.

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This is a Swiss site:
The Rainbow School - A Project

In short they say their project still in its initial stages is meant for children, adolescents, and grown-ups, a non-profit allowing persons from all age groups, nationalities, and religious denominations to learn and live together.

"The natural order of society

The Rainbow School will orientate towards a natural order of society like with the Indian native population of North America. The natural order of society was described by Yaqui Chief Sonne Reyna in his Talking Circles in the Studio for Dance and Transformation at the island of Ibiza in Winter 2001/2002 as follows:
- first are the women who can give life
- second are the children, because future belongs to them
- third is the community, because we cannot survive without it
- fourth are the men, because they are meant to protect and keep everything."

And a site from Denmark:

"Chief Sonne Reyna is a descendant of the Yaqui-Coahuilteka Nations, Sun Dance Society Peace Chief, an Ambassador for the Natural World who shares ceremonies that re-bond global humanity with Nature, advisor to the San Juan Indian Council, Vietnam War veteran, artist-writer, owner: American Indian Gallery, cofounder: World Cultures Market and California Indian Market (San Juan Bautista, CA), and cofounder: Healing Our World Conference.

He is a graduate in Theology and Communication Arts, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas, and co-founder of Earth's Children Cultural Organization (ECCO), a global association that unifies cultural wisdom to facilitate human consciousness and personal growth. We are the generation of hope that heals our presence in this world for all the children! If not now, when? If not us, who?

He is working on a book: The Global Revolution--Women and Men in Balance with Nature."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2008, 01:45:51 am »
Yeah, well...old Sonny is getting mighty confused. No such thing as a "Yaqui Coahuilteka nation." The Yaqui live in Sonora and Arizona, the Coahuilteca (with the right spelling) are here in south Texas. I doubt there was much in the way of ties between the two peoples pre conquest. Coahuilteca is a very broad term for a language group with dozens of small tribes in the area. San Antonio was founded as a group of missions out to convert them.

There used to be a group calling itself the Coahuilteca Nation here in San Antonio, since calling themselves Tap Bilam, with many in the American Indians of Texas-Spanish Colonial Missions.

The fifth world is from Aztec belief.

Offline crazyeagle

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #41 on: May 06, 2008, 08:12:58 am »
Hey Zoi...close him down for good, what's the process in doing this..he is appearing today not 10 mins drive away from me..I am taking my camera.

I have as you know already sent a formal letter to the organisers of Glastonbury where he has appeared over the weekend. No reply back of course.

Linda Lou   

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #42 on: May 06, 2008, 01:49:00 pm »
Cameras and footage of this guy in action including the man himself making his claims,all
of you where this guy is at contact your local authorities not the private venue holders,if they are unresponsive then they are treating YOU like you are a joke not this fake.Make them aware this individual is prevoking and inciting racial tension between the ex pat community and gullible British citizens.Start with the authority that has a race relations policy in place.Always finish with a question they have to respond

Offline crazyeagle

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #43 on: May 06, 2008, 08:19:20 pm »
sakes guys! I was stood up and by a fake chief! HUH! Does my rep no good at all! Had my camera at the ready and my shades on,ready to do the biz at Avebury where his followers were standing at the ready with their gaily colored hand drums,wierd horns,bare feet and strong smelling incense(choked on it!)  and he didnt have the courtesy to show up! Well, I suppose there is a first time for anything but that is the first time in nearly 50 years I have ever been stood up! hehehehehehehe

Offline NdnnXile

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Re: Sonne Reyna
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2008, 11:02:58 am »

Maybe he should consider selling himself as a Klingon Shaman.