I just found out that I'm the owner of this whole forum and I have to say that I feel truly honored.

So, thank you, thank you very much, William Jervis.

@Ingeborg, I'm your true identity, did you know that? And that's why you are chairwoman of NAAoG e.V. now. Yep.
Now we all know,right? Or is somebody still confused?

Carmen Kwasny owner of new age frauds
Posted about 3 hours ago, on 07/04/2016 at 11:46 AM
section: rant / religion
views: 5
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feed: rss
Ingeborg NAFPS Forum Member True Identity is Carmen Kwasny Chairwoman of The Native American Association of German
Carmen Kwasny is the owner of the web page new age fraud is works at native American Indian association in Germany
Uncle Google knows everything, well - almost everything - and if he says so, then it must be true, right?